The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

ilfyyyyyy Tf rfV rr UTT WILMINGTON MORNING NEWS, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1953 TWENTY-SIX Today's Radio Programs Television for Today Standings and Schedules Of Local Bowling Leagues Jamaica Entries (By Associated Press 1 Post Time: Hni Rare: P. (Wilmington Time) FIRST RACE Purse 11500, claiming Three Title Bouts Listed On Week's Ring Program 3- PRdGRAM Sl'BIKCT TO CIIANOH WITHOUT NOTICR vpar-oids. a lurlons' ALL To The Front WDKL Channel 13 Wllmineton ALL PROGRAMS Sl'BJKCT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WJWL 80. H'ILM US W.IWL-FM 101.

KTAtJ H'DIX 11.30 VtU'X V'MO WIP .10 WriL IVDLL-I'M 03.1 WAMS 18 MLJOV 141 PARKWAT Al.LKYS National Amateur League W. L. Pet. I t. Pet.

l.ild-Arlhur IMarraf NEW YORK, Nov. 8 (n-ThreeiiljXVt'lJcorii 'xvna'ld ph a ninrtshin hniltc Inn the Trotc 112 Miss Comeback I'll xWar Lass 112 Black Currant 11.1 a-Arralj Cubs 24 13 it 17 Gen- 118 Hootlet v. a. Vila Sue boxing program this week at such Blue Dandy widely scattered points as Montreal Chicago and Sydney, Australia. warNimbi! IB a hi mmn lit ittHttli'MD 111; Rundavs schedule: Cuba Plr.tea, 109 XYainmaK i.n; vs.

Bravea. pnillles v. Red. Kitchen .1 fill Kate Smith I (III-Welcome Travelers 4 10-l)n Your Account nil-Atom li.uad 8 l5 lla.ea 5 ItO-llowdr Doodr 8 nil-New (aslle Alrforre 8 18-1 he I.e. Have It 8 Newsroom d'45.

Sporting Sreno 7 no-Down Yea (la I on-Today lOlin-DIng Dong School Falls II 15. The Bennetts ILHO-Three Steps to Heaven II 45-Follow Your Heart ltll-liuide Right l)a News hat's Your Trouble Best Bin 77 SPORTS GRILL By PAT BOBINSOX NEW YORK, Nov. 8 (INS). Here Lightweight Champ Jimmy Carteri Christopher entry 1:48 -News Caravaa 8:08. Name That Tan.

I of Firestone nil llennla Dav Show illll-Kobt. IMonlgomrrr presents "Week-end Pass" 1(1 Kl-Vour II 118 Headline K.ionHtip II n.Vlele-New. Dall.l II 15-lhe Show I Nin. Heather American Amateur League claiming I W.

L. Pct. Pet starts it off Wednesdav at the Mont-i skcond race Purse $3,800. Broadcast Highlights 1(l A. M.HTVX Singing Strings.

P. AMS Women Wilh A Career. 8:110 P. Hlill Railroad Hour. P.

HAMS Al Barrl.v'a tlanreland. P. M. DLL Voice of Firestone, Patrice Mun.el, guest. 9:110 P.

HULL Telephone Hour, Michael Robin. lUrsl. P. M.W 11. Newsroom Chatter, 11:00 P.

M.W DLL, WILM News. tlemea WllOV-Chapel by Th Road WAMS-Merry (. Boun WIl.M-llick Holmes (loeki Weather WUOV-Newsi Market Re- oris 8 U-VIJWL Bollfr Report 7 A. M. TO 8 A.

M. WIIKL-Newsi Musical lock z-vear-oltis. 6 lurlongs: real Forum against Armand Savoie; p0Dllrtaris ri Ducat cf Montreal in a 15-round defense.1 J'J AlD TlB'ra 26 10 Athletics 1 20.444 Yankee 21 .719 Red Sox 13 23 .361 Orioles IS 20 .444 Indiana 10 22 .313 Sunday' schedule: Orioles vs. Tigers. Indians A s.

Red Son vs. Yankees. Parkwav Minor League 11! lis 111 101 111 3- nd there we hear Dodgers have Ts i coiiVets Glow i Montreal since 1931. Carter Is 5 to 1 TUlnn pr tl son Bcores of applicants for that rrl. Nn e.hallcnirer in the vfar-olris and ud.

milfs; WPTZ ChaBtie Philadelphia W. L. Pet. I W. L.

Pet. 8 Iin-llome, Garden a. I I'" I'la. house, "Rose of TV Reporter O'nes 25 11 .4 Stanley's 17 .473 managerial post Names reported ratings. "il-S n'rf under consideration include Fresco! Kid Gavilan risks his welter title W'AMS-W'lld Bill lllrkob WCAt World On Farad.

Farm 1:01, Todav skinner Bo It 114 108 1'7 110 Crjlvmbus 107 Charro 114 TerUari! 111 Crnsslork 101 Rally 11! Ciriimnttn '20 Peace 120 Chicago Stadium Friday xiteuh's Dnubie All-Curt Masses Is The Hoar Thompson, Frankie Frisch, 1 lOilHI-lling Dong School III. Operation Rlarkboard airaiTiir innv ra 1 fii i.ri i -unit, A 23 13 A. A P. 1(1 20 .444 A. A "B'' 21 1J nel.

Ins. 14 23 .389 A A 17 472 Workhouse 11 25 .306 Wednesdav schedula: Union O.rdena vs. A A All American Engineering is Sianlry Tavern Stanley's Tavern "A' vs Workhouse. Delaware Insulation vs All Aoierlcan Engineering "A A A. League (Section F) Terry, Lefty O'Doul, and Jimmy No conender It be the Brown D.itoa Tralee mi-Skinner's Spollight 4 Pane 3 im-Kale Smith 4 nal-Helcnme Travelers 4 Your Account Sauad 5:1.5 Cabby Hal.a i Hnwdv Doodv ob-Frpnller Plavhoaaa "Arliona Round" 1.14 Sport Pag.

i nn-Arthur Murray 1 I. -News Caravan I on-Name That Tan. of fire. ton. fill.

Dennis pay Show 8 Montgomery I. 8. Hho Said Thai? II llll-Nrwsl Sporta II U-Healher Wrestling 1 hough! Dykes FOURTH RACF --Purse 1 SOO -vrar-olris. 6 t'lllnnzx: Bright Nldt WAMS-Newsi Merry Go Roond WIIM-Newsi nick Holme. Vrl Wake I.

Wl)OV-Nei Tim. A. Temi 1:1 AMS-Wealheri Merrr Go Round WTt X-Newal Willie WIWL-Newsi Rrighl Sid. WDOV-Sportai Tim. Temp.

WAMsj-Newai Merrr G. Round Will I Musical lock I third meeting of the two fighters claiming, its 6 P. M. TO 7 P. M.

HDII -News; Sports IMS-News; Snorts HII.M-Nrw.i Town Crier HI Stenart HIP-News H( 41 Allen Srotl Reinstatement, nf nlH tapriflra flviu'ith fsavilnn winninir one and the Tank Battalion 116 Fiisri II 00-llawklns Falls I ILIS-The Rennrtt't 1 ICilo-Thrre Steps to Heaveaj II 4.1 Follow Your Heart I1.M-HI Noon I 11 1.5-1 am wllh Code Paste; I M.5-( lose I Uuit I in i Horn. WDf World News WDOV-Sagrbush Serenade W( Al'-Aunt Jennr WIP tddie Fisher Show I 110 arm and Home II M-N'ew. I armer Jones HIIOV-Neaas; Weather WAMS-Newsi Serenade WJWL-Count; News; Bln trosbv H( 41-Helen Trent IP-Noon Idltlon Capital Commentarv AMS-Middav Serenade WTl'X-Newark Luekr xxBnrder bon Sa' I 1. s- ot 11! Turf Pie ruie win not. oniy noosi Datting sccona enning in a ura.

avereages it also will boost The Gavilan-Bratton bout is the salary demands because of those only one of the three championship Lo L. Pet W. Pet Rock 21 15 K8D 20 16 Power 21 1J SB3 Old Timers 19 17 H28 I Pnlvchem 21 IS .583 Bunglers 11 2S .308 1M Control 20 1. 558 All Stars 10 28 .278 FIFTH RACF -Purse HOOO, Hle-4'hanne' 6 Philadeljihia I alt Potior A Second A nil -Mallnee, "Slightly 8 48 lloll.w.i.d Varlrllrs del.8-H DFL-Dinner Oo is WII M-Time (lut lor Sports HIP-Frsok Rrookhoaser HAMS lombarde H(A(-Wliard of Odd. 8 rtd-W IP-Sport Shot.

rarlotu: Piavoleza Fmmvdee Athena 1:6 Bonnie (Icrn sxlillil Black 'M Mlchlkee Snare 118 Snnosiruro Danuhin Rtar 118 Prince Col. Alon 118 Crmmu Wednesday schedule: Control vs. Power, Rockets Eft). All Stars vs. Old Timers, Bunglers vs Polyrhem.

00-Allen Pre.roll Show lil t.1-f ralures for Hamen II lill-f It As A llddle I ranks WOOV-Newa 8 A M. TO 9 A. M. lid Parkway National League averages fights to be seen on television (NBC) We always thought the sacrifice with the Chicago area blacked out, fly rule was a joke We still think it also will be heard on radio lABCi so And if a player gets charged at 10 p. m.

(EST), with no time at bat for a long fly Bantamweight champ Jimmy Car-scoring a runner why shouldn't the of Australia makes his first same rule apply to a hitter who defense betore the home fans at drives in a run with an infield out? Sydney Friday against Henry Pet WI)OV-( lass; Time Temp. Honorable'' 1:88 Ramar of the Jangle MM George Wrl.h Weather lillO The Jamie Slory 8 110711 Questions IIO-Tbls Is The Life Press (anferenra 10 no Boxing, Parker va. Romero (5 Spuria Corner 11 08 New. reel, He.lhel 11:1.5 Rnlo-Maglclen Dll Presenla II Inema, "Sundowa" Persons Shopper 4 WI)LL-Nes Keporll lal- WJHL-Weathen Roller Re nlver.llf Of The Air tlinn Midday Headline. t'Mo-titop.

look and Listen i T.lx. Woman's Pago 2 45 R.ndsland I 14 IS 4.18! 'ndar 11 46 WAMsa-Newsi Merry-lio- 11 21 Round pj WJVtL-News Workman, HI Al'-Sporta Review SIXTH RACE Purse 14.500. allowan.s and un. 8 furlones: May Mist Next fr00 Prim l'l Nullilv 1" xPre-s lo. Inliuence 118 This Sioe S1VKNTH Are -Purse It.M.

claiming T-ver-oids and un 8 turlons: Hspiiinn: 121 Lonileai 1'8 What Care I 121 FUina J.I xsechi' Follr Pel Rrtirilrrs. 21 .7:9 Pi a i 11 5114 Cites A-nnco 18 381 Haveg HTi in 18 500 I T'day schediile- Cue; Vi-alo Brothers vs .1 toe; Gi'ps No. 2 Corpora tlnri; American Oil Co. Engineering No, 1. port HlilI In Musi.

H(M -(ial Sundas. HILM-Modern Komanres HIIOV Kent lounlr Feratlv uont Deiieve all you hear about Oatilt of Spartanburg. S. WCAI' ChaBnrl 10 Philadelphia til old ring champs being broke.1 Armor Nnrth American llfUnnund 8 10 Here'. Th.t McMahon 7 18-Perrv Com.

00. Double Or Nothing ive? Gates i punchy or both Saw a dozen ruiPr HDFL-Democraevi Dance HUM Dick Holmes IL-singlng Nam H( Al'-Sporls; Big Slorr HAMS-Sporls Trail Star lilra WFIL-Tom Moorehead IP-Comment. Bv Sullivan WCAV-Lowell Thoaias HAMS-Mars Sins 7 P. M. TO 8 P.

M. WDFL-AIri Drier HU Bill Stern I orcoran sneaking WAMS, BIP-Fultoa Lewis, Jr. H( AC-Famllv Skeleton lil.VHILM-Blll Iranb. lOur Don. 110 Thorn 112 unveiling Although the Car cr-Savoie bout Amotion 11J 11.500.

claiming. e. ep Men i RArr-purw scheduled for TV, Veteran's Administration nrmiiiai.y suicuuiru un a and uo was uiejoe Louis story tne other day These certainly aren't broke difficulties chanced the t. P-t v.M.rm an in; Fluh isiif Mod 12 xHalrnn Bird 1 or, akciisllet'g I shin.

HUM -Dirk Holmra WIP-Start liar Right WTtX-Newai Hlllla IP-New WIIFL-Muiiral (lock WJHL-Brlght Side Uillt-Wll'X-Wllllt HAMS-News Fvents WIIFL-Newsi Musical Clock WiP-Slart liar Right 4.VW ILM-News FIL-Morning I itra WAMS-Gabrlel Header Again" i hlrly Mliiau Theatre no Mister and Ml.sua 10 Home Highlights Id 0(1 Arthur (indlrey Time .1:10 s.rike ll Rich I nil Valiant Ladv litis love of Life I'MO Search for Tomorrow 45 The Guiding Light I un. shop Sing 1 Moore Pet 11 ,391 Red Devi! 11 11 5t 18 14 381 IUpos 14 .583 l.llciiv 7 5 .10 Art Llnklrtter .1 80 Big Pa. off Cinderella We.k.nd 4 ihi-Action In The Afternoon 4 lll-Advenlure Theatre Junior Ill-Jins Autre ue Parly Show 1 00 Superman New. 88 Rurne A Allen I 10 Godfrey's Talent Srouls 00-1 Love Lacy Rudons 10 nil-Ktudlo One. "Camille" II no New.i Weather 11:1,1 I.e.

Panl. Mary Ford 11 Spnrla final ea, ore, "Jamboree" Jim Bracmoclc owns prosperous ne TV fans (CBS, marine supply business Abe At- rematch from plans, me TV lans tuus) win 'see middleweight rematch from Strikers Marks Allev Sick- ht UI.Art knhtnnn DinHu Wild I O-A I it'u owns Diir ana gnu 18 Sm 17 452 11 18 4'. 9 11 19 408 4o Sven vs on Marks, vs. Bine mil Mre Bones ill xsKcno 1 V'O Peralnlivde Andrastus 1 1 10 Arabmn llirl 1 St Michael'" Ills, aonrpnlire allowan Hue 18 5(11) ,,7. 1 Sandy of New York and Willie Troy xsl a Crlm.

Zoo s-5 his nnnrrow's scheJule- I uckv rik-ers: NVdicns vs. Q. Sandy has lost, only i a, uu u'MS,-,,ii, i i a of Washington WAMS-Bing Crnsbr rose WCAI' Reulah IP-Travel h'. Sacks; starlit. Devils, Al Cits vs.

R'd Dev Wea'lier. Clmidv; Track1 once when he was stopped by Troyi TJ i'ao l.i r- i i VMP-Nroa I 9 A. M. TO 10 A. M.

in their first, meeting, Troy's only BALTIMORE STATION'S or. fak'nkee1 tr ike el Ht la Se.lllere Oat.o.ra eod (tel. ware League I. Pr Lincoln Downs Entries he lelf.en.f rr.fem. Ik.

altera 5k.ra. Pc I I (Rv Pre' Pol I line: ir.t Rare: I IS 23 8 778 A' "1 Conner's 22 14 8t! Wnrkhou-e 20 18 558 schedule-Conner's F'; mere 5 one Ml ph ng Fi ilniinilon lime) 472 5 2i in! 2 24 1.13 7 Krittii- WIIFL-Words of Musie HII.M, Will. si Club W.IWL Seafnrd alia WTIX-Newsi Tonl Amei WAMS-Robl. Horlrlgk UIHIV-Kiib Fherlv Wt'Al'-t ailing (In Yn. WIP-Nrw.

I5-W 1IU I T. M. TO 3 P. M. Wt HIIOV-News; R.

C. I.mll? HrtX-Newsi Luekf Shopper HII M-Marlorie al Charlie tMS-Lurky Ladv lub last Doea It Hlill News, Work of Art HIP-Kesa To Happiness HIAl-BIg Sister 1 IH HIAC-Ma Perklnt WIHL Tel Benek. HIP-Marv Riddle HD( Claasltlrd Ada lao.HDOV-Hestera Swing Jonea Club Hi 41 -llr Malono Roundup ItX-WCAl-tiUldiin Light IMP lire Alarmi News 3 M. TO 3 P. M.

HJHL-Puullrv Auction IHI -Poultrv An. Ilea Hill hi. al lhal HII M-Warrrn A Carl I 1 I "afl Club HIP- Muoc Shoo I II. Ihn.uih Th. Years HI 41 -Mrs Burlon 2 15 Wl II.

What a News Ht 41 I'err. Ma.on 1 .10. III L-serond Chanre AXIS. Women ilh A Career HHI. Bell, (corker; FIRUT RATI- 12 0' lahnrns WMR Channel Baltimore Vbigstaurant lU.

bV Wash" motta, wealthy landlord Paul mt Berlenbach is with a brewery The Saturday night show (ABC-; Pete Scalzo sells beer between ref- TVi opens up a new city to boxine! eree Jobs Barney Ross is with when Albany, N. gets back Into an ad agency Joe Lynch is the action with Pat Manw of Syracuse, postmaster at New City, N.Y. N. Y. and Gerald Dryer of South And Phil Terranova may be doing, Africa, the British Empire welter as well as any he's a bellhop champion, in a lO-rounrier.

in a big New York hotel. New York gets its first look at 2nd Anertcy DAN Mo'nr: (' 1-16 i1 FiMep 4 ll r8 Cons'ruct. on. vear-oids and uo nn U'ow PrrA Pr Hl sHur.e La A 1 1 1 1 1 1 siVnNn RACK Co vs Ron no irhiiuse id WFIL-News, Lena Ranger HIill.Morian Realtv 4MS-Gabriel Header W( AC-Julius La Roa Show 1 1.5 -Hill I.HneMan I. mil.

I HIP. HAMS Perry Come HI Al'-ldward Murrew i P. M. TO 9 P. M.

HDIL-Rallroad Hoar HI HII.M Henry J. Ta.lor H( tt Needle In The 1 Ha. slack. William II olden DOV-Reeord Room HIP. WAMs-Ihe falcon IS HII Sammy Rave 8 lo-HlP-Proudlv He Hall HDII.

-Voice of firestnna S2 O'h). liainvns 14 News i Arthur f.odfrev Time. II ill A Strike It Rich I valiant Ladv. 12:18 P. lilei search: Double ai Nothing 7 1(1 House Paris; Rl 4 no P.

Angle: Western Trails: Root. aV laddlei 1 It Big Uurslion: New.i Perry Inu ll. P. Burns 4 Allen: Godfrey Talent. I Love ur.i Red Billions; Late i A.

Todav; Ding Dong School; Rrnnelll. II III 4 llrav. ni II. art: Plarhou.e. SO Kale Smith: Travelers! Account.

la, vt Atom Saaad: Howdv Dnndv. ihi sai.hruh; I aravsni tirestnn. in Help Live i Robt. Monliomerv; 10 10 A News; ooklni Hlamborr.i loop Paul Dlsom lure to A frl.nd.

8 ft. Fannies Shopping. to Jamie Stars. Srroed tre.dom.

9 no P. M. Progr.s.i Roilog; Movies HBL Channel 11 Baltimore IK I tA lie -Devotion. i 4MS-Bandstand It IP-Kitchen ha per. i io W( At -Arose Rings ,4 ILX-Slnging 4 8 String.

A lM Ha-loll Harmonies Independent League L. 21 8 750 20 12 825 Un.on (a IS 20 8'i Mir-et'i i 14 x4 S' ir 8 28 In A AMllie C'-oice i'4 sXl pfm lie 1'8 Vnue H- "tMifl! A Tin Fiv xx i-v1 Faoe- Cm i A vs ft the Kilo, vs e.cle. a. VMH. -Women la 'its -De a Pars M-s'-srs.

A Beer, fla-hi'i-e A AM Chanel 13 Baltimore Earl Sandc is 55 this week says Edgardo Romero, a new Argentine he'll resume come-baok attempt in heavyweight who is unbeaten in 25 Florida but friends fear weUht lights, in a match with James J. reduction 138 to 113 will. Tarter. Pater-ion. J.

sludger, at ftop him he sholud take one1 Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway. The of several non-riding jobs offered' lO-round scrap is seen in some sec-him. tions of the country on TV (Du- Army will be ready to meet Notre' monti. Dame on even terms when they- Bobby Glcasnn's Cuban heavy- -r ir--e 1. 2ti i c.a.niuu Ull lit BrnrlKk 4 Be' ie xrjre-i Tt I ad i- Witch llttv urn Monaahan (olumbus League '0- 2 a FOt'i.

RACF Ptir.e 2 W4MS Al Rarelav land mil's. and 'scr-n ullrivf Bi-n Too B-a-s syllfev-. '2 iine resume iootoan rivalry mree years weight champ. Nino Vauie-. an 'ip- I.

Pi' 18 18 son I 1 19 4' 8 II 21 344 4 27 Ro.e, Blue vs Id vs lllaik Pet 21 8 750 Ro.e 21 11 8s6 While 20 12 625 Red 17 IS 5.1! llrav schedule Red vs re.n vs Orav Pitlf lllark White. Ci nence. winner over Ezzard Charles. You may safely bet that Bill boxes Sunday (Nov. IS, at Dort Bny Tt-ois M.i.n m-TII RACF Se 1' SlTiS s.

1,1 g-i'st 'ii Trv Corum who overlooks few bets mund, '-rm any. against IhxM L.aso. Tarknav viixed will try to Induce Sir Gordon Neiihiius, tlie Ci'Tman hoavy. Wll M-Rrrarda With Carl HI 41 -Godfrey a talent Seoul. Ii HILM ei There Be Light 9 V.

M. TO 10 P. M. Will L-Telephone Hour HI Me Audilicns sports HUM Rerord. Hlth arl Hi 41 On The (laud.

II. olberl Wild Rill Hi. bob Conductor Who Wooed, Won Passenger Admits Bigamy MINEOLA. N. Nov.

'UP1. A railroad rendu; 'or who xvnenr! nnd won a ptetty passenger while he punehed her ticket each morning in court today he already has a wile and children st the other end of the line. i Police said John von Millden. 3S. had a soil r.f conductor paradise between two women for tellinc ruli one hr VH A('-( mdrrella Weekend IIIIV-H ing.

Ving 9 4-l-WIIIL-Mr. tA( At'-lddf Arnold IP-Trip To o. ri Ouarler WI)(IV -( lasslfi.d Ad. 10 A. M.

IO 11 A. M. Will Travelers HIUL-Newt, Rullrtin Roard Mil New. Rahvlaod AMS-Housewtte. Jackpot HU M.

WHL-Mv Irua Jlarr WIMIV-liomemaker Harmonie. Wl Al'-Women Oral. lo Happio.s. 10 IS-Wl Al'-Acme Rings Presenllon HtMS Tuna Time HUX-Pira Numh.r rtlXIV-Morning special 10 10-H 1)1 Bb Show Fichards only jockey ever I. I 12 500 12 12 5..0 7 17 202 New Orleans has a good a'trac- 1.

Pet ler ers 18 8 7 Pala I Oh ard 15 tle.le Dor, foe A -s 15 9 825 Hu-kles knlgnted to accept a mount in Fan $1000. a.i'iwan, 'siiiictt Ftre K-l tooer XR'T'rt f'-'r-' $2 cia.ltlinj 1'lons: fa re Mart Fid 1' Warren il-a. Hill's Kentucky Derby next May 1X1 fCF fion Mindav in a Ralph Kim lightweight match. Among the better Monday is a Fort if Sir Gordon merely wants to visit not rkic Bill will ind, paling of Jed Black, Introduce him to meri's of a certain Davev's unbeaten s'ablema'e, IX H4MS Al Barrier's av 11 11 .542 Mar 'inn 8 18 313 Tooinrrrm schedule Delle Donne vs v. Clier tla.

iiers Macs Bervl.e Statinn v. Park-av star. Pala ('ale v. lt'h Ward lleriule. Fxperlmenl Station Xlrn's League Pet P-' VI Si's 2B 11 125 Cell P-nd It 415 Ana tn.

i I 27 1.1 815 llith Pres I 21 457 f.ixir oi nie Drewed Kentucnv former hsht- 1 lav immer 1 F'llX 1 V. Ira: 1 "i S1V1MH RACF and Manov cmd 1 i ai irulinsr the rails while he was a iDaneeland iil-Ulltl. Band of America II M-Nrwsraom hatter -e SCO I'r Va nr.d I'e Williams, ht rliairp. The schedule; MONDAY At Prok'v -s Pa: aer i Kir it 10 A 10. a' Orleans.

'Fl-'arti Pari- 80 Na i St es I 21 14 J. lY cm leers said von Minnen married wife No. 2. Baleen Albryrht, on Oct. 9.

in Oyster Bay, N. well out on Long Island. Wife No 1. 'Arjnes Von Minden. was livlnu quietly in Richmond Hill, a New Ksoiooca Misers Dfllre 18 22 21 5J5 1'iiot Plant 17 23 PMC raVf K'm.

Kit, Hill 415 450 450 425 400 250 -i Noih ns fon rtltl! UO 1 l-'. A oiro. xfiiiiy He.ear-h 17 21 5O0 Ana II 18 24 r't-e'tra rf 20 20 PH'. .11 20 2H lii.a New ne, Ind Ike Witi: is. Ie 1 ark la 'u s.

Tren- Oi ilal.ev ro Evaluation 10 .10 hedn.e- Svnthei les Tr.11r.daf OI- High Presure ManOer'aMce Mlxe IP-Keporters Roundup 10 P. M. TO 11 P. M. Fibber and Moll.

WIP. HAMS-frank Fdw.rd. I HUM New. i Hrad- I line Hilton Hi Al'-surlitr Salute 10 HIP News Wll il's Year Nieb.l III s.ndmaa AMS Al Barrlav I en-eland Wt Harbor I 10 (ll-H 111 HIP Master. I'la.

house HI 41 s.loia Mcinkind's todijits. Naval Store. II Pr rowing Bandstand America HIHIN-Muslr Misters H( 41 -Nora Drake 15-H III I. Band of Dar HI 41 Brighter liar I I X-AI I he Ke. board HAMS-kddle fisher p.

ro 4 p. M. BUI ile (an Po Rraetlfal HIHL-News; Masle rrnle HII Mitrb I boma. Show Tt Sports A XI -Open House DOV-llouse of Stars H( 41 IIOll. a House 3 Willi Road of Life Ml ll.ase Partf HIHI-Samme Km Hit -l "HI (Tab .1 .10 III I.

Pepper I Young's ramit. lis Yoars .4 4'. DI I -Right to H.pplnes. H'( 41 -shopping un Pre.enlion 4 TO 5 P. M.

Wife IW I -News. (Iff Record IlllV-Spiirt. Spotlight sports Revaa HIIM-Ptno Record Show 1 1 Sporta Hill. Bell. Croaker; Bandstand H( 4t -Hi Neighbor li-HDII -Stella (lallaa HIIIIV-A.

I e. It WIP-Paul Sullivan 4 KO-MIP-Newa HI I Widder Browa HII sport. Dll apitnl Comments W( Al'-Jobn Trent I 4 45 Willi. Woman la I Ronse W1I X-Sigo on i I ane HJHI-sign Off HIMlV.Sitn Off 5 TO P. M.

Wlin. Ja.l Plain Rill is, 10. in Fran, is I.r Anseif- an -i Ca.i! wr. le vs 1 1,1. If I 12 200 a Ittci a 10 NIMH A'-f vai.i Chamn sN-'Ia PMC I'm mi vs Analytical 11 Ana-is'iral I vs Fxnioove.

Evaioa'ion Pilot Plan', llesearih vs. Naval Store. 1 DuPonl r.ap.rlmental Station Irague I. II' I I't B'own Vie Ma Fnoie Canp. II irrv L.a-ane.

Boom Nearly Over, Says Two Scientists Drin. In. x1: Plane hills. (Mr. Boxing Norri.s whose wealth has been estimated at from 200 millions to twice that, Was in his office the other ayem when Gen.

John Kilpa trick M-idi -on sauare Garden prexy phoned to remind Jim Garden directors were monthly meeting for which each director gets $10 Jim told bunch in his ofTu'e "Sorry, I've got to leave you fellow but I need that 4(1 and off he went, Broadway bookies are wary about making book on basketball pames this winter they will aixept no bets by phone and none at any time from bettors thev know well Jokey Eddie Aiv.iro probably Is highfj-t paid American H'hletp earnings well over $100,000 bu. famous Spanish bullfighter who died a few years air) used to get $25,000 f-ir anpearatve in a bull ring (34 14 8 1 R.m. I 'H'KsmV' A' I.hi V.mili lie Cri. vs nu: Reses. I r.

An I WKDNFSOAY- At writ iv IAII.V1 llulanyi WJHL-Datt in iloll.wood famous tones 1 hi.per ing Slr.rta ltl)(IV-You Win AMI. Tune Time Ht U'-Arlhur Ill I'. -WJvAI -llesollont 111 Break The Rank 11 A. M. TO 13 NOON hufl-sinks Ii Rirh Allen Rotb HIIDt-loan Talk IMS', HIP-l adle. WflSI Newsi Nama ll Sbnw II 15 Vt HI. Ken. r.rk. niiot-lean Ra.k listen II Ibal Pax Corner HUM. HHL-lioibla Or Nothing WlP-Oaeea lor lav Melodies 1 1 VI in.

lot lien. H( 41 for Wom.n dnlr II f-HIIH I Inner Parrih -show WJHI-Wiikin and Whitllln' 11,11 18 45 Tot Want WC4l.s,r Winston (hur.h. York City suburb, wi'h two rluldren and her husband was a'av on his job. Wile No. 2 told officers she met Von Minden whm she was riding to her job.

Every day he punched her ticket, she said, he told her what a beautiful dav it. was grid what a beautiful nrl she was Al her friends attended the wedding she added. They went lo Wasrhinnton on on their honeymoon and while thev were none, an ati'-nt. for a loan collection anenry apiwaied at, the home of Albm Ill's nioiher. claimuiK the conductor owed Io0 to the axenev.

Mrs Albtyeht. said she told the anient Von Minden was on his honeymoon, and the man replied adv. you be'ter check, in'o th You've got a uprise Wi understand Unit he has been 11 years and has two children Von M.nden was arrestee! last miht, appropriately ennuch, Giand Central Station i An tuied in First Distri' Court here today, he first denied the h.s-amv charge and then admitted that I guess Fm marr.ed to two of them all right He was held in O'rO bail. 121 58 't: s- a Srmati I si Mt.t.trrai. lUlos 1 I'r I W.

t) Wl 7-nv -tc ss Randv New e. 'o Laurel Entries i 14 P-. Tns( Tteo. first Race I HO llloin.ln Timet 8 ra 1 1 I e'a s. rs rjtr-r rt sr If Pi a 11 art .1.

Da: as n. J. rt. 8 tf: xatae i. vs 1'j 9 v.

Vi- I ft and 1 hi ra, a N- e.s :0 i a.t.'uti. at F.I 11.1 i'Md HWI Iletaoar. Power 4 I ibl Men I eagne 1 11 P. M. TO Midnight Will L.

HII New. IP-I mon Dance W( At -News. R. ine b. Green W4MS Al B.rrla.

Dior, land land II 15-HDI I Wealber, Npo'l. final H( At -Hoar of star. HUM ll. Yoar Nickel II in Barclay Daoreland Morgan Reads II Hill sanrlman 5 is 5 2' the bull fuh'er is invariably a SeUh 1 a si) iia SsH le ,8 tr. 518 01 un'- a' V.

ir.v u- Wsi Piil'a- i 10 i. i A i HI Al Kosemar. 13 NOON TO 1 P. 4M.

WIP- art III KM I. R. announced im.oi kolees Open Hoa.e I I t. so 4M New. I II.

Ha tel. 8 FhlPxY C'O 'r (Oia-r tm Ki-. i. an i i a v. i llra '-'ti i.

15 a- rierc.ati! V- Frur to a- s- tries fa u'Cer. A a emus I'M) sikeak MILW VL'KEE, Nov. 8 i-J't-The Mi.w inker Cl.ief.s dipped the Fort W.ivre me's. 4-1. todiv before 2.3'i0 to snap their five-game losing s'reak in the International Hockey Lrasiue.

Randsland Wll il's Yoar Nickel Mark.t. Hill. -Turn To A fri.nd HTI N.wa JULN.wa HI Warrrn ll M. aottal am me I a a ao Wll atuare 0 READ THE CLASSIFIED AD" W1IM Nrws; Rerord Show HI .1 dodfrr. 15 Willi Pago arrell WIP Mo.te Mo.

I. A 1 Wl II. Skipper Daw.a WDt L-l or.nro Jon.e 4 Ms-sun lief HUH. Midnight folamoi Ssndman ll 15 Wll 51 bow H( 41 I Belies. It In-HDIL-Sisn Off It II show H( 41 411 Night Wslrb FELTOM Gl IS NAMED and 10 'i i i.

a r- a a is 1 i I '1 i a a i Otl 3 I ii- 1 i' i I I 1 I 1- -3 i aa 4- a. 1' F''i II -t 1 a a I IT- i fmi i i i i i-l r- r- 1 i' ng S. P-- "1 5 r. M- a -5 'i "'t. Pu's.

i l'l a- i.i, OJ. I'r 2 iiaenv (i ') 11 A'T Oio i -'t a es i i es. a -w a a a HI1M-(hape: J.rk Rir.h TOP SOLDIER AT CAMP -x 'aw. w. K.rsl Homer son of Mr and Mis.

GniK M.n'. of Jell on. lias been named Battalion Soldier of lie Week; at the Communities May Merge To Form 'Jim Thorpe, Pa' At v. p' v. jpV' Havana.

Richmond Seek v(ArX Borths in lnt' Lenguc lifaV Ye jhh HAVAN Nv h''' NEW YORK. Nov. 3 i-P -Mankind's bi ktrowing boom is nearly over and the earth's population should eventually stabilize at about two scientista said today. W.

Wnytinsky and his wife, E. S. Woytinsky, reported to the Twentieth Century fund that, although Ihe world's population has quadrupled to about 0O0 in the past 300 years and there should be about a billion more bv the s'art of ihe next century, the "limit may be 4.000 000 or somewhat more." They said this i v. Northwestern and Cen'ral F.u-roie. Australia and New Zealand already have fertility rates "S'llxstantially below the level required for the permanent maintenance of a stationary population at existing mortality rates, and growth continues only because of the favorable P'e distribution of the population, which time will alter." Other nations are approach-ins the same status, said Ihe Woytinskys.

but "many countries have scarcely bequn the transition. Mortality is and variable and is the chief determinant of mouth, while fertility is hwh and so far has shown no downward trend In this last group the scientists listed Ecypi. Central Africa, portions of Asia. th Near East and South America. Eventually, they Indicated, all will taffer oil and stabilize.

"It would not be unduly difficult to increase the world's total food supply," the report said. But It added that "to solve these problems, considerable progress must be achieved in agriculture and other industries" The couple reached their conclusions after a larne-seale population study financed joint lv by the Twentieth Crn-tury Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation, which made public part of the report. is-'" ik1 'w r.y''' i TliUmr'a 'f'S-'T'ii'i I 1 T-o a'r 2' xA-s, '8 sx '01 '5 F-e A 8 ro V- IJX a lie 'y'4ft id- aTIT5LaV. 'o Ti-ple-A bill e.r- 3 In pair r'J -are and '2 4-" 'l' '2 Franrne ano'entiie al enient 1 1 ri i Center it Pickett. Va.

PrivT'p Kirst Class Minus was pickel l.ivio men on the basis' of h.s peisuiial appearance, fotwliict. and medical and military, knowledge afquued the previous werlt At the MRTC. the Armv's only basic tr.r.iv.iii; (enter for medical soldieis. he is learnuiR the funda-i mentals of medical support of fiel.1 troop- mid re nf hospital The i'J-year-old entered 'the Army July of this year. In' '19)3.

lie ciaduated from llelaware' Il.h School and received a BS. decree in Medical Tech.nolocy from the of Delaware in He wrts last eniplnvei as a medical teihnolojist for the L'ni-ver-ity of Delaware. PRESBYTERIAN LEADER SPEAKER IN BRIDGETON Tt a. Blont)' Ri lea as impressed hv the seenerv aro'ind he towns. The name Mau.h Chunk i.s Indian-derived, incidentally.

It mean "Bear Miun'ain." Mis. Thorpe made a siviht. er in? trip here Jix Bovle one of tier Later, he got rhir.klns about Thorpp and his contribution to the sports The Oklahoma-born Indian had been named in an' Associated Pre poll as the srea'eSt of 'he half of this ren-'urv Boyle and a number of toaether and talked about how-Mrs. Thorpe ui troubles about burial for Jim's ockIv. They it would be a iood idea to hive Maurh Chunk oecome a national honorin; Thorpe.

A committee was formed and no it's up to Mn. Thorpe. to o.o MALTH CHUNK. Pa, Nov 3 p. Two Peiinsyhania towns, with a reputation for their Indian lore would like to and rhane name to honor one of the be-t known and he-t loved Indians of all -the la'e Jim Approval of Mis, Thorpe to have the legendary a'hle'e's rxiy brousht here for burial is all that's needed tfl set the nurli.ncry motion that may make Maurh Ch'in'ic and i's -i-'er borouch, Fast Mauch Chunk, become Jitn Thorpe.

Pa If Thorpe's widow approve-, then a petition signed by 10 per cent of the town's voters mu.t be submitted to a court, whl'h then woiil.I set up spe.ial election Joe Boyle, editor of the Mauch, Chunk Tunes News and for a jroup of cit.zens speji-headitiR the drive, is sure the low people w.l', stipjxitt 'he idea. it the twin plan some-thiii; more thm ju-t a Tonight on TV ii. owner of 'he ei'jo K.c DREW SCHOOL TO MARK U. S. EDUCATION WEEK Drew School, temporarily lo a -d at 13' and Poplar Street, icic bra'e American td'icatinn with itiaiivulual class Nponsore 1 r.

Amon- tiie procrmi for the week aie pro 'earn, n'ed nio'. to handle if 'eim the international Baseball Your TV con'l xvork. oi well with OH ifiejoor (or onlenno at with Bft outdoor onlenno! Th 'I of radio it more than 50 yrois Id and 'adioi still work hotter with an outdoor antenna. TV till a baby by companion. "Aik Youf Friendi About Our Service" i 1207 MARKET ST.

NAME THAT TUNE Red Banon 'Havana has tie tili'ii'lo'i- t) Miduri Nov. 10 Tlie second Gr ide in- 011, s-'tne o'l'i the Cuban Mei'ie povntiall'v I The town aven a in; ter season il'r the of Mr sponsor a piivi tm rf ii" 3 00 P. IIANNU. WDEL-TV 12 MOKE LEISURE; MRS thwunh a Srvx-Jnumcl AVE a hepe- tor Grade. ll te- BR I DO ETON.

J. Nov g-'Spe-rial -The Rev Dr. Louis Evaiu. former pas'nr of the Firt C'ivirch of Hollywood, Calif, 'lie l.ii'jest Pre-byenan ion in the world, was the featmed -peaker today "he annual ni.s.-ion held at the Cen- Ai hi to EASY Hrlp Wanted Phont i-SHl. TONIGHT on the p.ner.!-: Nov 13, the See n-uiiairr the o( will have pro.

of stories thev e.i'.e Nov. 13. The Fust Gride. of Mrs. ret' v.

tribtre to the prea' Ind. an who played for the Ind. an S'hool at Pa some 70 miles west of here -around sQ year. "We thought In tenns of a and rxr 'lie I. -pon- tia! M-'hodist Church.

Dr the first minister-at- memorial." Bovie expla.ns That sor a show. Invi'ationai and ar.nn 'nrervi for the National Board of the vmr; memorial would be the Slid re-riyit'i mum in ine vinieu are by the cl sent home to the par-m's Don't make a mountain out of a MOLEHILL wxs r-t'ea hy a as one of the i Miv'ive pre.ti hers of all na'ional 12 most in soprano Church's lea- HOLY NAME SOCIETY OFFICIALS INSTALLED his ro in'ry, Mis Kvarelme M. Dav; with the Central I Nov i Soe- rhoir. was the mu fire RKinOETON. Dr Charles pal of the Bank S' moriiins was liista of the Nam awe "wox I Dyer.

hoo, 'his ltd as pres. dent is.xlety of 'he f- 'J SEE HOW TO fJgPJ Thorpe Memorial Ho-pi'al for trea'-j ment nf ranrer and heart pat. en's Thorpe was suJlenr; from eancerl and a hear! condition when he died this year. Tlie plan are indiree'ly fi'ten an-' o'lier piojert by the citizens of enerietir communities, each boast. hit about 3.000 petiole.

The boroughs are in Pennsylv.tnia on the oi it hern nf the anthracite rod licit Coal and the railroads were once the mam Industries here, but the anthracite industry Ins rome upon hard times nnd the railroads the Valley aril the Central of Jersey -have dr reduced their op-rat 'on here. Tlie citizens started a "niekel-a-werk" rampaun to ra over a five-vear period for new to come here The plan was publicize on a tele-vision show s-versl werk.s Mrs Tl'iorpe one of fas. cilia'cej televieweis Yvhar7 If you're looking for the YELLOW PAGES of your Telephone Directory will tell you where to find it. r.i us oft of ci i i. PROVIDENCE.

t. Nov. Providence Reds moved out of 'he Xmerran Hodcnv Ia2up cellar 'v drfp.itini tlie ir Home's, 3-1. toniiht at the A pa.r of second-peri-xd goals gave the Reds ihcir vv inning marg.n co*kES lNrKISTAV KARACHI. Pakistan.

Nov. 8 ri" -The r.rst Corn Cola bottling plant ri Pakistan stnr'ed tunrtinnlng producing about 5.000 bottles ao hour READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Iuimaciila'e Conception Church a' a inion brrak'as in the Dver succeed former Councilman Frank O'Neil. Norman Wc aod James Curie were installed vice presidents; Samuel Pino, Charles Hitusertv, treasurer; Ralph Bmri, Guv Uaspa.da. and John Mvers, mar- Sil Is The Rev Ravmond A. Ryder, a 'professor a' St Charles Seinm irv Overbrcvk.

Pa, wa the gue, uipeakrr. THE DIAMOND STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY WDEL-TV Channel 12 9:00 P. M. 1.

The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.