New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)

Birnie, Ordnance Department, tobe Captnln i Firs tjentOBBBt ito McNuit. Orduaaoa Depaitinent, lo bs Captain First Lleuienant Charles C. Morrison, Ord? inance Department, to be Captain; Pint I.teoieuant Prank linker, Ordnance Department, to bc Captain. FKIKNPS Of WEE HI Tl 1 BaUBD, BOfsl-CDLOKED SlAlKMl-NI- Off Oil ((M ALUA It! Nf. DBBlBBk.

Washincion, June frit'tidsof nlori tusnrarlne concluded ide preacntation af their side of thc argument before the Senate Coinmlttee ou Agricult? ure with a statement fro.n a representative of Ham? mond A o'Chicago, and an exhlbUinn of Hie prod ueis of Armour Co. Tue statement made waa much lu line with of Mr. Webster yesterday. OeJMIaar BJ ('baiitn. of Holton, Ihen nddrcaaed Hie committee in beliulf of iture butt r.

He said Hie Plate lsw was not well enforced, aa bsd been ripe by Professor Habooek. He bad been lold by tnanufaeturen tbat Lit! were collected onoe a week In tbe rural towns aud once a day tn Huston. Tbe dressed beef Hupped by Armour A from Chicago, waa largely ao.d iu Holton, and the fan therefrom were co Ici'led from tbe prnyision dealers. The beef usually retch, a week or ten days after tile animal was ted. He aired lo put this in evidence lu con? travention of tbe statements mado by experts tbat the fat innat he not mme thau twenty-four boura old.

g. P. Hubbard, ot Hoalou, corroborated the statement of Mr. Chapm. Colonel L.

M. LilUer, secretary of the Cbloago l'roduce said that ihe statement ot Ibo "two or three acleiiiltloa who were paid to traduce aud vii.lfy agrlcu.tore" were untrue. He r. ai from a Herman wm to show that parasite! did exiat lu the fat of animals. There was no uiaiiuctlau be? tween Hie si of bogus butter and us uiouey.

'Jue law of Iowa baa been found Huff, olive, 'ibe s.vcr*?;e va.ue ni e.t. i. -ii lu the Lad ec rr.i ae, i gio anice ibis business begun ami be put thia statement In evidence against the assertion tbat each anima, wai wm BS more because of tbe value nf the used lu oleum.iiifarme manufacture. Ibe value of ihe baiter aad cheese product uad aiao beeu diiniii Is-hed by since tbat time. Du one shun of railroad lu lotta nineteen dlsmanileit cr.

amer es bees to the rum lutlicie.l un honest d.tiiyiueii Ute sae of ii.iifue iiuiter. He baUeved Oft par oana of ad waa sold fraudulently. Mr., of and Mr. Beyaioar, of atewOferk.

bbvb evtdence of tko laaamataocy of Mate law- itnd asked tba enactment ot a law. Tue letter gem lemon put lo evidence itatameata made by the of tbe New-YorK Pradaeo ri of bbb el Waller, of tbe Columbia Behool ofMlaoa ami eui-1 scientists before the New-York Dairy Oaamieslon ie iboeffeel that wbeleeomeaesi of saargarlao could noi be proved by chemical Baniyala bet musi be eaprtaiaed Bbrsiologleallr. Mr. Beymoar Saul thar fiinictiy lue Lulled held Hie lallea trade ot Karapa Bl nea tho naaufaetnra of oleomar? garine beaaa only Hie poor were used lo tallow lnan.i.'.ti lure and the WOO Miattlie 1 ulled nott amp no tallow. The i tlecl lu Amen, a has alstl disastrous.

Troredell, ot gt. ixiuis. reprrientmg Ihe Mtssls sipi'i Usury Association; lawrence J. Callanan, a aracel ol irk Hy, and YV. P.

of li m. else leeUmoay support of ibo views of lin dall men. i tn- lowe Repobllcaa Bepreaeatatlvea and some Republican- fr.un otter Western Mai, Hare by no means jdettai-d al th ibo prospect ol the Oleomargarine bill in inc Senate. I hey believe it ia in danger of defeat by the Anita ol l.epuii.iciii flow New-Kngimid, and (tome of 1 that lt BUOb neall ia btOUgbl about tbey aili sot" with Morrison on ike Tani! bill. Colonel Henderaon, of Iowa.

sal I.bode and oilier New I .,1. 1 bave r. eei ve I fair sv.trir.u-'. li help ta def eal Oleomargarine bill we wu; help Morrison, amt up nud paas tua 1 ii nt ll." Col.die! Heil, spoke earnestly. Ile lb lt Ame, nan dairy interests are as iu ne entitled io protea lion flinn tlc competition aa Ann ilc.iti woo lu le rest ls eu Ut.eil to protection tgalist unfair foreign competition, SENATE '1MK IX BRIEF.

A "l.l'l isl nK THI Ml A80BM l'A-m Washingtox, alone the Senate sap Ma Sawyer offered i roaolaUeo raqaeetlag tbo Pool meeter Oensrsl te tai nish toth'- Beaate information as Ut additional compensations allowed to postmast? ers under Um Marah 3,1843, fer uo pro Vtoion bo i in ida, Mr. fi, Bibi sud nut it wai uot customary lor the Beaatale "roqeeet su'iordluato otlicrsof the Oov ennui nt to furnish luloi ui.itloti. Ho bop 1 lue iiviai ward weald be Uisorted. Tue usu il form directs tbs tr 'o finnish the information Balled for. la ooBBootloa wltb Ibo sn Djoni mallar of the resolu? tion Mr.

logalla remarked that tie bad already offered a siimi.i; resolouoa The Poetsaaa Pone ral had ia l. stated la tba Beaate teal it would take a foi ce of alert! four it-en mouths to furnish the lu forma? tion. Mr. Ingella ked reason dove ikai Iks response of the not eorroet Tnat aka mildest Kum be would employ in criticism. Tbe 1'osl Olhcc Department was determined Hint these auiouiits nit ba tt.ii If any coull il Ibero bad beea baa ataay concurrent expres? sion! on the BB Ot to leave any doubt of that.

Mr. Baayei ibea alt ins resolution. Mr. li ails uttered a leaoluiiou requeuing tho Tresi Beat, iu his opinion uni Incompatible wuh the public Interest, to furnish to th" Senate in'urination as to tint sn p. 'in un an-', removals of clerks embraced within tko prevtaiooa of the Civil Berrico act of January 16, nf clilef dei ki and chiefs Of Ul villon.

Thc wein over one day. faa Sonata ikea a large of bills on ihe calendar. Amana I ne measures passed lue foutiW Bsa: A MU ta pay gl5.5tMJ> lo Hie representative tba Govi i iineiit oi bretti Britain to enable tbat Oovern lue ni io indemnify lbs ownara nf the Hr, ti sh bark chance toi ii- royaaelo tba Arette Oceau in 1--71 American aealii" li from Shipwreck la ina ice. Mr. I'rye explained that tue action or mi- nail, wai imi-i i.uiii.iue and creditable.

HaYlug li, atti a rnan vesseli so placed to Involve Ike dael niel too wt all baoealf not apaadily relieved, tue kara promptly aband med its dwi Ii isn.e-s ior um son sseni io in, rescue ol Ibe Ametleana -Mr. Prye tbongbl ii a sh a in ibal cijim Bad foi sj years been before L'uugreee wltbaul paaalng. A nil, piovi i nz lol tba niiii rut of an add Aaaielant eacreiary of the treasury to hold ollice for Olie yr ar. A bili io promote the political progress and eoin proeperli) of ike American aatleua rbis ia Mr. 1 ra's bill authorizing the President of tbe United 10 invite on of tbe people of tbe Uoited HiBtei geiaaalas fron Mi co ami Outre! ami South ta meet lo Vt'aablugtou, October 1.

1b87, to meet d' le? gates on ibe part of the Uuiied Slates, lu consider mob ii recommend such meaauroe us shall ba lo tue m.i aal in'i'ieat andeomaton welfare of the Ameri? ca, Mute-. 1 Le rti.o tut Bppi UBI lated for Hie I oapenees of the conference ii fHKI.OOQ, Tbe delegate! of tko United btntea are to be twenty-four la number Bad sra te serve toot eompeueatlaa. The Laglelalivo, Executive and Jnulcial Appropriation bid aaa received irani tra-- Honaeol ll preeoalaliveo, referred to tbe Oommtttae on Appropriations. ABDSg OP TUE PUBLIC DOC TM KN l's SYSTEM. AV ash ino i on, June Lamar Lui kraaabsllted to Beaata in reply to a of that, a statement of tbe Bomber of people em? ployed IB the Interior Department In receiving, foldn.K and glatrtkailag paBBe docaiaeata Irgrthir with tkeir rates of shotsiug au of twenly employes ai a ol between 915,000 and 916,000 a jeir.

Tka Beeratary anya taara eight lo be setabllahed some system of dtatributlOB of the publications of ihe Geveraaaeat, Were ihe work a sav? ing of B200.000 might be effected annually without im? pairing the resu.t*. Trom B800.000 to are OJtpeaded annually In priming sud binding documents for gratuitous distribution by niembura of Confress. sVatlftka past policy ls to Ito aud lion, to three volumes published to be glVOO away, some piau shouid be der.aed to pr. tem the givniK of two or more coplea to the lame patty while otbeis sgeellg aaaarvtag ard thereby left aaaappUoa The cost ot a do uuieut does uot enter as au Sb incut thc consideration of the inauner In which kad.atribir.ed. Lvtiuples mity ba cued In tbe of very large and rateable works reecnliy issued on '-Veiienrata ot Hie Tertiary POtasatleaooftko West," by Cojie, a copy, and on Creia aaaaa nag tertiary Kioras of Hie Western Lseguteraai, pooling BO a copy, wkick are aiatnbated tram thoBeaale folding looma," ihe House fol og rooina, tba Department ol tbe Interior and the t.i'(.iogn survey, ea thal it is jiosaioie for the lame Barty taseenre foaroeplea in a abort time it still be Impossible for one to obtain a single copy exe pl OB payment of a large price Daplleatloo does nat, haw ncr, rosall sonly irom the fact! that documents attributed from twa ar atora akseea li is oecaaioiiott aiao by the fact in many fuses Same document la laaued in two or more IBeraat edlllene WkWk are I by dillercut lilies.

11 is recommended that Tht CungrteHonol il Btee at large aad booad rolaasea ol ORtcui be added by special resolution of Congress io inc docu li.en-i now by law regularly BnppUed to tl posilo rita. There ara exclusive of depositories many larne pulnic iiiuver-iliea aa col.ege in nil secuoua of ikeeaaatrp laai ara But partially supplied wah public documents, li.eae ub.ansa ale lot tue inuit part pei ai laetitai ona. aad la meir j.osaessi.,u do. ii mee ts are of manifold and e. No aia-iinenl la needeu niaupporiof the proponilou that delluile provi aluna slu.uid be made for tu.

being supplied regularly witt s.ku publications nf nie Qoveromeai CIVIL fUCRYICa. mVLMS io BI AMl'NDED. WaaaTnTMOTOlf, Jii'ie 17 i8 uiuh-r Jtood tbal Messrs. kan tall, Towusbeud, and other lieuiocrals lu the House havo received assurances from the lout tuat the Civil berrico rules will be modi? fied at no dalaut day lu accordance wllh their Uesirei as expressed in tbe rider which il wai attempted to fasten upou ibo feglSlBliyo bill. The "rider" cou iwo proposii.oua: Pint, a repeal of tho imjioaci by Hula XII; and lecoud, a ie ineut that tbe entire Hst of "eligible!" be Berti Led to tue bead of a upou bia re.iulallluii.

Vt belber tua i'reatdent bas eouaeuied to both prupual appears Ui bu somewhat du hut there ia (rood reason lo believe that tbe wboleaome resirlo tious as to ag', esubliibod by tbe laat Aduuuiatiatiou, are to be sweut away ul the dc malia of Deuiocruilc Bpefleaaea. -a PROI 1SED ASYLUM FOR GOODE. Washincmn, Jutift 17 is said tbal lo case Hie nomination of Jobi) Ooode al Bultettor Uoneral rejected by tbo fcenaie ha will be appointed special counsel of ths I'nlted Btalos to assist in tbo proiecuiioii of the suit lo annul tue Hell telephone patent In Hie Interesl of Hie Pan Kleotrle and other rlv-i ooinpantea, buoli aa appointment would be eminently appropriate were lt not for Mr. (Joule's gross Ignorance Bf paseal lasv and litigation aa BksVWS by bl! own testl nionr In I'an-Llectric liiTeallgotlon. Ile that ho had never tried a patent case, bud never Bated ns au allornoi ta efetala a patent, bud never heard that ike Bell bad beea tba aonjeet ol 'lunation when he Isiuct his order iii belia of Hie Han Fleetrle-Nalional Improved OaesbtaaUoa ea september tbat he did not take any New-York newspaper and seldom renJ ena, aa4therefore had never beard of tbe celebrated Drawboagkeasewktekoeenplod alane share of Hie attention of laielltgeat Iswyera last year both on ac OOUai of Hie eiiiiueiU counsel engaged anti tho Important principles involved.

WAHHIM.lo.N ffOTatft Vt 'Ihiiraday, me IT, lBSB, 1'rt-aideiil appraved Ihe act fur the leper af ('Heater A. Arthur and Willam H. Bakart ann; also the Bel nulli Ol, if Ihe nf a bridge in ross the Miiteii Is an I sound known al Arthur Kill aud to th" MUBO as a pist road. Isiiiin TBASeBBa -Senator Dawes, from Ihe Commit lee on Indian Aflatra. reporleal tod ty a bill lo repeal IBO net mt inly Stu 1882, la relation lo Iudlan

ead le re na eel Anallen 7.111 of tue Bevleed Bute utea. which prohibited anv oac except au ludiau rrom lia ia tbe Indian country. NoKiiiKUN I'aciiic House Com lnitiee on l'utilic I.ands to-day to- tay took Bf Hie Henate bill forfeit i ut: the MartBaia 1'acille land Kr jut, au uk oat all after the enacting clause with the execution of the clause subtectluc the road to territorial taxation and inserted thc lit.uie bill ou ibu same sunject now ou tbe aa leader Ni KSKH1M-V9 coM'iMtus, The American Associa? tion of Nurserymen, Fl.irlsls and Seedsmen lu conveii tiou this morning elected OBscers for ibe em ling year us follows: President, xv uro us. of Iowa) vue presbio'it. M.

A. Hunt, ur lilli io, aecretary. D. Winnot of Illinois ueaairer, A H. Wkltnay, of executive eommlttao, D.

Willard ol New-York, O.B. Paaraall or laaae, ami Uearga of uhto. A reao lution waa empted the paaaage of Ibo Oleomar? garine bill pe minn: before C. digress. Coi ki I mk-Tn PAPAL Di ii.os.iKs,? The Treat-urv De? partment has received a letter Baking that certain cour? tesies be extended to the Papal delegates on their war to Italtlniore conveying tne loslgala of his office to ar? dua Archbishop nf Ballimore, who will arrive ut Ni w-Yoik OB or about Sunday next on the steamer Mr.

hae directed that their baggage and effects he yamd floe or duty, and tnat Ihe commit? tee from tim st. Michael's Aesoolatlc i appointed lo re? ceive th, iu have Hie use of a revenue cutter for the purpose. VOBCBBaa Disai ians feronil of the Treasury baa disallowed vouchers to tko amount of tte accounts of Ca pt al a c. P. Hnmpkreye, Amiv, san Fianc -co.

fur Ike lanai year luree voaekera amount ina te 0400 In tbe iicco mts of Captain John Simpson. United Slates Anny, at San Antonin, for tue same sear. Ihe money was expended in the purchase of io car tickets for Ike usc ol civil cmployea lu tiieir Servian Mi.hit si. preliminary meeting for the purimse ergaaialag aa association to be known as Aseoeiatlon ol Amerioan Physicians waa hem thia morn Ins at Lie A. ny Medical Dr.

Francis Dela Held, of as temporary chair.min, presided. A conciliation end by-lnwi nore adopted, whick provided for annual In Juna In this city, limitation membership io one hundred ami the quallBeniiona of metnbera to be tim nceomaliabmeut of aome work ol importance. Dr. S. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, read a pipet on anec ami muse jerk ni dbJeaoa and Dr.

I. let ie lor, ot (., lead a paper ou picai fever. BAD LICK tor. A STRICKEN HEART. A Jl'LY DKCIDBa AGAINST A YOl'NO MAN BREACH PKOMI8B.

POUOBBBKPaiB, 17 Tba triil of Ike breach ol promuc case in which Isaac Hosier ol I'iBC Plains, Dutchess County, encl Mrs. Marv Ai.n I.iml-lev ot I'liiliiiont. Columbia County for, 115,000 aamagei eeaae oft before Jndge Barnard lo-day, The plaintiff prodnecd nnmberof witneaeea Bia own testimony xvum in aubatanee thal there ked been proposition ol marriage troin her and letters on the subject passed between them, bot bi waa una! la to produce ant ol them. Dates lor the awi riagc re li.x.-d and tue occaaioo postponed from time to tuna, partlj beeauoe o' her illness and because of Ihe death of ber fainer. Endearing terms were ol Ike letters.

Ho never beggvd Mrs. I.indi-li'.v le inarty In a wagon trade ba bad Baked her lor nud it, tba pia -euee BBotbti person sba defend an! had used tba expreneion I and lecaa engaged tor lite." Alter she ssas ii to Mt. he in il" a demand oa her for 115.000, The defeaee a general denial of anjibrng more than friendahip between ike two. Mn. Lindsley enid thiit rsevei evineed any afJeetion or love fer bim and never wrote bim a tingle letkei about marriagi ui any hint Unn-to.

Letters produced Ly tba defoadaat shewed that the aourtahip wai till cn his aide. As thc extracts Hom them reid Hie emin aad spectators reared with laughter, I love you niid nm anlliag to dye ter you and if I don't winn you 1 shall die. With me allys live aa yen like, and with some one else yoi don't no bow von moy lise. Ino I never can eat or aleen nape again this anocre mo to me, yea, ni nu. lt it comes ves, tba tins siiiill lui my eyes still, joy.

bul it it oomoo no, deep sory slmli eovei ms luau iinJ ms (oyi ni a en de'l forever ana I shall crj in, tyne out ol my bed, 0 Bave on me! 0,1 aol yon to be migo (J, wc may be aa one aome day. Prove tine and aroa tat and tbs toro still wave me for 1 no joni word la gool. At p. Barnard sent word to the jurs to bring in sealed vtrdiol in the Barning. Ten minutes after thi jffdgl hud home the jury agreed ou BO Oaoae ol action.

.1 STORY THAT ll. 1 I TE BAS tl. ED. There bus been desperate activity among the Aldermen of 1884over aiaoo Jaehne'a trial ami convic? tion, and ibe rc sui of thia ns beginning lo bear fruit In rumors to which a great deal of credence bl being given ny weil Informed. 'Ino repon waa euri eui yeatei day around tka Wstrlot-Attorney'a office that tbo Al dei men under indictment bad received to pool ibelr i-i ics ol.

Waite aud lu oller him ill int liiduceineiits to (oin Moloney and remain assay Until the nord noodle" annuli becomeo memory and tue term a me.ming e-s of expression. Te pllsh this lt ls said tbat Walla wm offered $10,000 io a lump eum and giiOO a month ea long as he would ats ay. Tbll Offer was on the Iheory that ns Vt Bite bad run tlirougb fortuna nut ms tallier hud mu bim ann w.n"liari up," be accept the money and hie him away, lt ii said, Btorool er, thal tim oller has bean actually accepted and tnat Walts has Bed. lt, is i.o! rn the city. Dlairlct-Aitorney Marline Bald yea terday that he supposed Waite at fSsoei on bia svife'i larra ea pleasant iiiores of Lake Ubamplaiu, Detective illlik svas BUB posed to De willi tho ex-Anier miin.

Lawser Newcomb! duea not proteas Io be Wane's keeper, so he knows Bnlblne about tne caae. BALI OP CITE EOS OS. Cou troll er Loew opened propoaala at big olli-'c yesterday fo.1 92,000,000 3 per cent additional water stock of tue city of New-York, payable In 1 tm 1. Bide wera rcoelvod aagragating nearly gi ai price raiiiUui: from lol to loj.lio. Following ii a list of bidden and prioei ottered: Saint.

Amiitnt. fOOo.duO L. Vt' Mmnson. -asmus i uruoklynaavtnai institution? '-moama I'ant. loi'uou ior svmgi of bants1 Cl'ki eavlugsoi I u-ii lui KBVIngl of l-l, ll Pas a.

irs un, itu hie, I ire I ns. o. Uatiutaei'ri sad Builders' Pira Co. Mamilu, tis ana lullars In-, o. i uwnae-d Waa ir K.

Hlatsel'l Mina. ilo-terr having! Hank. una, Kulin. Loeb A Ivuliii. CO co.

Moiler A Ce. Molle! o. atollei so LOiO) Mr. lera Boll, lat Co. Boiler A Cu i Mullel i o.

i migrant Industrial savings bank i.H.ik'ia,.i Induatris Bans m.m Iud rial Havings Bank ant Industrialaavtagi Baas i migraul Industrial Havings Baas i .1. a -at i.itei,tt.eii Bank. ors inn. ii savings Bana. Ureenwlob eavmgi UreeOWlCS i.i.

ii ian! Bank. I 1,0 Hank I.p. 'kl) ll Ana 1 ian I 1 ns.i: io. blake inns, a i Vt nuiijc Daniel A. Moran i-i A.

Moran I'aliicl A. Mo.air Danial A. Moran 1 an.ui A. Moran Daniel a. Moran.

La lei A. Moian i " A. BB Irving eavman Irving eavlugaIna nut.mi I rona Savings lanltaitoo irving baimba i louil siiiouul of bala received.tlj.'.v DIBMRR lo un: PMSglDBMi A Mt ms WIPE Wamiimikin, June and Mrs. Endicott gave adiuner in honor of the 1'ieanleut and M.a. CisTolaiid tbll evening at their home lu titliat 'lbs other guestl were and Mri.

Whitney, I'oil and Mri. Vilas, Ueueral aud Mra. hberl lt eifc'era, Benalor epeaker and Mia. Carlisle. Mies Weet, daaskter of lim Bnllsb Min? ister; Vi.

C. Li.un oil, and Mlas Luuicolt. IA riSO A CORXElt-STOXX IX CONNECTICUT. Nk-vv-Havkn, June 17 corner sione of ibo soldien' monument to be erected in Knit Hock wui laid In tbe pretence ot people to? day. Addresses wers mads by Governor Harrison.

Gen? eral F. Moat and other prominent ctUseus. Tbe monument will eon A DEAD HEAT FOB THE CUP, liAKNi'M AT MIKS HKAI). THK STAKES IUVIDtl- si, K-d-Fl V.sVOBIIKS Al IsMP.I PSIIKAD BATi Why did M. liiiiiK.ilui BBSS? Miss WoodfoK under a pull mi tim loss er lum mid Ikaaajtva Beraaaai to mike a dead licit with the peerless mare Thal is tim diiestion which enroled Ihousa of sss kl ita Ima on tl.o at sheepabnttl Bay yoaiorluy.

dla then,ii,ms tbeii. tossing nu llieir ni three ian for the lalaad Cap.MiaaWoodford Barnum amt Bola Tko hardened aooptlea the great raauara to ibe rs wara fara tu number and um in then TkS bettina ss to one nu the mare; Hint ls. lo svir a IkOBsaod dollars ila Linker ot Woolford must put up six Ihousuml Hole nevi bal uni Ike others left bim fat from the start, F.armini led ky a BBsBtk aval a mile vt ir ii Mi-s Weod'erd raaatag emmRf under i pnli ai bis heels. Tuon alu, kened lils grip a little and allowed the mure tam np to Pam urn's nose; but would imf give he: head tn- pl BM perm lu tn BS I at full speed. he oealred to entertuin and ex I cite the poollc with close race ami a victors by a tew I inches, so Hu-two entered tin- boeaeetreteh aeea and nose, bul Oatu-mi waa rldinx mouldy and bWhtraa H.rnum.

while MeLanutilii, was siting still. Naturally I aft, ailsa iv eiiitoid's trimuiUi In the BeUpoe at st. last week, the key felt sure that he hui only to BjVO IBO li ure her own st iv Bad sneourace lier a little, svhen she would Instantly dart BWBJ from Harmon. Hut the of Amen, ts ute I too long. Itanium waa mntle of sinner stuff limn he had Ihoucbt.

AI every stride be to see liariiuiii falUr and tall tack. Hut liiirnuiii bas -lout heart, 1 inga of leather, anl muscles Bf toughest 'lure. Not a horse of marvellous speed, tie ls a stayer of tka highest clues aad nick- to kia Bark witk tka crin al aDeaaorratla ofllea holder to a (dace in the municipal rsi, c. Mel.a realize 1 Ihe (lanifer too late. kep' hi- st rile under tko svhip without lue bast folllBg nft.or wuvenng.

six strides fr.un the line the silaging lush fell nu the (lanka of the prood tt'-n ol Die turf. She sprang like a startled dova Aa Bareena ead aka akot over the line ihe le (benefit tbal the inure had the race by a head. Hut the Judges derided It a dead heat. Beread eoajeetava or suspicion Mses Woodford Mould nave beaa aa a taner lt MeLaaeblla kadargedfcei on the lower tum. Then ska COBBI li ive mme ass av fi-iiui Bataam aad left bim kopeleaaly beataa.

Ma Langklin leal ins ortnnlty by over aonldenea Tue Dst sers di 1 imf ss to the areal Blare on nn tliei irii'-s of a mile and fbi -e qn irter- through the deep mild, slu*t was trish mid strong after the race. She ls loo vain pie, ol huroogeog to run the rtsh of breaking har down, even takoagh Ikeekaaeea were nil In ber favor tn a tun BB. Bat nuui is un old gilding i ti at cannot be expecte! to last mnob longer, and wkee lils furl e.ireot'is lie IS Kilima! wm lint Mis. Woodford ls liaely to sin many more she relireeahc wni be of sieal raine ai a broo i mart alli bring a blah prion Bo tbe Dwyers and Mr. W.tford, Ibi owiict af agreed to divide I lie atakea Tkli de- taloa made backers of the mare emmi theil teeth.

By bettina niles winn dead heats occur only half of the of tka st rmt ap br the kookora of tko bones awl tbe bookmakers la returned tn the backora. mm pul up on Woodford to aria B1.000 tnt mirk only one-half of $7,000, that le, aa rmi thus the li ul coal hlni 50 i nf own money. li.t'ioii! ilid not mu lor tue (up. Captain sam Hr.usn mil on reported iii T.n that he aol start tbe Buburtan wiener for the uni. ss taotntek t.e in e.i.ii con iitioii.

Well, lae track was a bog, rho rain between laud 2 o'clock ss.ia haavj ami made tko eouraa deep mud with freipieiit bia broad poola Yet tkouaanda of people neal te the races they hoi ed te ate ami Miss Woodford meet. I. it it is likely i bat idour could e.pi ii Barnum ni a mila and taree quartern, Troabadour'e beet distance ns bas naen rope it e.i lt slated, is a nu ie nu i ii quarter, and he la aol great itayer, while Bal aum cnn run all Mb) ii." owtef of Blagouel allowa ber to bc ca mis ned aa abe la ls paat goeaaing. Day after 'la, ibe bas bean run al Hay in terri nh hard rac, neither h-r cnn rm, nor thu) nf the track i ible. liurch is im, og tim- Oliy by nu.mug her ss ibe baa bo chance ol winalot In tue Witbei iitu biillututly.

Yesterday ie was a pin ole object. Korean ennnol Beal a moderately agile cow oa Ihe grass, whs tbe oat ute Ureon B. irns in run idiiif him ou Ho- imf el- a mi sic s. "ilia I li, r-atl IS one lill best loni ol Ls III tmerlea. On tbe turi he le ooo of tho wont, and kia -t i.i.e* ump ioii I'-isor is like unto linn.

taromeo sion jreetnrday -busy little Dry Mobo pole, st im iit the fremont, who is al name ans everywhere; ami ibm ex Hus da.a, st a pi ed a el; I lu Mermaid In ablco abe bourn Bret la a.nw nine. PoUawIng sra tito details: I IBM Ki Pl BBB t- ALL A IBS. KBVBS Kiana i i oiton'a e. Dry Moaooole, br i-eru. yearn rn (Uttieatbli SS SS oil Uni a-and live.

I. Vs' I il Dwyer Br ol bera' c. Uramoleton, 1W7, carried i I.M, lal. lilia I ll b. Maraland, aged, Ktri-et br.

g. i. 1 Il iggerti ii h. ii rt aged. l'JU.

Pitspatrlek) 0. ss. ii. a. r.

A lei nura, i. itiarrbwa) Tims i -ii1-. Bettine -'uv Monopole Brambleton 5tai Back anu-iiya in i. Ma. Bland tf to 1, Alcinora lo to 1, Herbart Vi Io JO I i rna elart waa prompt and hal Mir land Ininti lug ii na in on ins Monopole aaa Oral a fen ali idea, abeu bi wa il i ,1 ik, sod Hi it Bra nnl ton Kyi rso lo ha I a i hen Ile -ii na, i uni a- me turtons i ii, it, ic atr, ti fi Liam lim, I'll lia, Now UtlteUela brough! np Ult le i i second, a dozen lenci ia belora Brambleton, who nuilis belora Bal klan PAMiOtrl rOB Its- i I L.SI ,1, -I, I SI.

SS I.I .,.1111,1.. Dwyer c. ny Virgil-Ana i. lum W. M.

Conner's li. r. Ls lairs, loo Douoiiuei li 1'ime Ung li to lon nit. li to i tgstntt LsJuive. linly ire nant pi iveo wu i thi BHv all the way, winning bi a ineeaaieai maunnc possibla, I Mimi Its'K.

td SS 01, sr, i- ,1, tl in AiuiK.i. i ail HI KS toronto g. Ten Btuser, by rea Brteck-XeMs i i t. a. 1 fl Vt.

I 1 j.j a. Arel.1.103 McCarty) 'J J.i Mcliouald'ah 111. .1 Vppleor a Johnaou'br n. st a. Lakeland's cb.

a Krnssu 4.107 0 kl Uaggin'i ti ii-si. mer iilarwarl) 0 kahn's or. g. Pe rasas, i 107 ii -(ables I. Bappbln, 4.

DU l.itlleUelit) 0 U. u. Morris's b. e. Bersaa I.

Mi. ula li h. Moorot.aged il Bettine Berssn Stol, teeta.tttornev6tol Eraeal lu 1 tan ie, -Io li li I Io tutu 1. Monroe Iii lo Ksppbln lt to Wheatley mid I'egasusled fora Haiipbira wsi bv ibe stand, wltb Pegasna i Kai, Ireliuoin attend i Ute backstretch I ti aa ll lear tt nie I esl move up ade a dash tot im- Bat .1 net huh ber. Monroe tried to get near Ute from lower nun.

nm Ida Bred Kele UM ai.d ti iel, a i i) coutrat waa on lea Booker, Aretlu Powbat im iii. I sn Booker won bandsomeijr bi a length Aretino second, two leiigtiu baron Powbattsa Jil, wtm was lom 1. ns-iiis belora Attorner. inc otb era itraggUng I-' -ii ksik, corni isi.wi- cirr erncui bstbi Coxm a i lirotber1 br.

Mi-s ki'uoiiiora by Billet Kaney sears 11 rn. BcLeughiin) ll ll, J. UjootUord'l h. liariiuin, by Lonnie ami Chsnotie Thompson aced. Titi.

(Uernaoa) fl V. b.h. bole, aged, Donohue) a 'lune 3 7 Betting Stol CB Miss Woodford, 7 to 1 scams! Barnum, 10 to 1 ll Troubadour was withdrawn ana eely Ussss ran Koli had ant part I beUia much loo aloa IL. oiaiie.i to gel third tB mei aiel Lima re around far ni Iii leai. Hain led bf a length for Lian a when isa lol Ord tum ant the two run head an i be.e.

Iq tr fm lon poll lu tn booiestreton. M. -allu "ii lng sn i. es rou cooodeni niiiin Uamaoa anti urgmg Baruem aad hegan wblpplua bim at lbs haad sf tbs borne hale by Bids lb- me strm 1. BUUtlae iio bovobk ir.

uv lo Um su in-, hu a eed of lu. mme Bal I.minti- H.i, I banal uiadt him a llb We, amt he ian kily mirier Ihe in. mill. di. I no I the laai hundred valla a- Slr laughlin, ip, ne aud he began riding sad in tba laat ax strides whip.

t.pec I st ors tl.lUiitliat tbs man- won nj a 1.1. bal tbs judpss a dead be it. Fina Lair. Manann miiik-, rna rnasB-rBAaou) ku UBS, SUSI BACH, 1 All; Ul, tStsbl? cb, f. Lan ala, by Kau Vannie iii I 'J it.

ss', alden'! I Letritia, lld Donohue) W. K. Burch sb Biggoost, ni. (Mantardi ii br. J.

niue 111! ii Lw, cr Iii oa. A h. I. 1 Mi li Betting to 7 iiamta a. 8 lo agatnal Bia lydia 7 io 1.

I le BtrasBjry lu io Jemuae Lulls- aad Kalala wera wltkerawa "fibjaoaet and Isvstta soi ti.i- worsi al a bad alar! Kira esj Ural off. Jeanie ii i -uni LotriiiaUilrd. LatriUa waa auoa ,1, ami uni mil lt lol lin ol a iii le. --hottaa i bl and ol Wboui i lu lb-) boiueatreu the it-, lianna.a, winn ng bi a lengkb with exceeding nd two lengths ba ia abo waa tom belan niggoaet. lUTB Kai I'l MllJt.

nv. Uagfi br. i. Bea ali bj Tow Ochiltree-Black roora, ks tb. lArnold) 1 PetttBBUI'a th.

Valet, agid, iailie.1111 LT HcMalion g. Jue Mllcball I klack) 0 ilolun ii Aduuij. ai i tod Mm ai.Ut, ii KMaos.h f. ll U. ll.

ss 4. IKJ stiie-B oneida birt a. lot w. IJonobiia itland'aci, I. Ihaisl, loi.onA(.u.

aaa m. Mae, bku.i, 1 ne -1 -17 fleM '2 t0 i wiitislg 0 la 1. l0 to Ji agaiuai p)), U)). a.l tue a.y. sue WM iiilui al tint second, urn "oaths ia Uer, abo rae a length BlkiheUT aaa h.

-No balding. Mii.N.MiifTII I'AKK 'J III S', ibe lolselllng case, which waa argued before the BBBMSM Court lan week, that court thli morning aulrmod tho ni ol the lower uourk r.ACINO AI'ST. I.OflS. St. LODU, Juiii- wiatlicr Was tooti at the curse but the track wai Kirat race? One and o'le-clghlh mllea.

lieu lug John K. PM won with War feign aeeoud. Itevoke third. Time, 'itt Hecond mlle. Bettlng-Moeslfi Mary Ellis glin, llanuy Andy aO, War JJeUow BiO, field fiu.

won. Handy Audy secoud and Clones third, fiine. Third rn aa Tka aa ajaai lei a of a mila. Baldwin sen? try. iVndennia nud Lir-do Muutrose BB3, rigsn's euiry.

and I Iraole ROS, Held Moutroie first lu, Terra Colts secoud aud I lo third. Time, lilt, Fourth race of a mlle. IB luill 1100, Clarion Virginia 060, lb ld elation won, jiiboll sa-coiid, Virginia Hurl lune, U30. Ililli ice Ona mlle. uer $100, BB2, Illlliiili 402.

Leila Pale leld BHO. Bootblack won with secoud. Hold flea third. Tiido, 1:17 "sj. LAWN TKNN1M IN 111K RAIN.

The rain mid e.iiisitler.'iliiy with the lawn tennis tojru.iumiU at Muuulalu simon, V. J. lew wem played aud tim ntteiidnuci) sniiill. Among tue la IBM present were Mrs. Stuart.

Potter, Misssamford. Mles Willis aad Urn, aaa. Marna oreti tod al tka Use-table ia Ibo i kdlee' ili.tti Howard A Taylor, the II ku -wu tennis player, who has joel arrived tram irepe, was on tim L-rocml during tho afternoon and pl OOO or tsvo wlilcl, ni ni'-'to lai li nt practice. The enti-rl al'i menl ss ill conllliued la-day. eeere wu as follows: fftnalra rheral Bsaa r.

w. Olva neat ffotataa i. BeeXalleabeal af i.Pelee Mac Mu len and Itv-reon boat Appleton and haton.O -4, CRICKET The Newall; and New-York elabe played a cricket match Newark yoiu-rl ty, kal the gama is liiterfered svith bf rain. The Newark i-iiil. won aa ho seen fruiu lae B0QC0 which la as io.

lowi: ss- roac. NF.svAttK. m. NevineMab.bSmith in it r.*, ir.

thomas 0 O. il jereme wunama I Potter lbwb Monk! 'i iiuiir.t ii-rs Woobaaac bte ievla J. Ol tiariand. I lloiirne Mil. 0 T.

p.Haameli at svn.i.niis Ft. williams nm ont ll 17 I'. Harland 1-: Mil. Thomas liariHiid li Suntu. 7 I-.

Mis fi (I SV Monks SS I h. asl run il 6 Hralth 4 Owensb Monks. lu not nut. I'M* Thomas. I (.

ne run mit. Unmun not nut. I ii. ii. -on ii--ui! Byee 4.

a. Bidna 1 Pt.sT, let bree4, wiles i IS Total tor wl.k-t: New MW ID lt Newurk. 0 87 le Tnlal nt cs Tl 7 I 73 li 7.1 Tl SI IN THE DIAMOND I'liiladel phia clubs played a well-coni, sled ami exi-ititig game of Beanball here Ttie Pklladelphm nine played la fine form aud won after ahard battle. The score was as follows: Philadelphia.0 OOOlBlOO I Lotion DO i) i) il 1 1 il li Lose hits? Phlia ll "Ton. PbUaAal.

li Heaton, Pitchers- ssey and Badbouma, lui pile Mr. Vmk. Ctn si.ii, Cbicasro an I Mt. LottlS OlObl played aaoorly contMtedBrame here to-riir wklcbj the home nine fount little difficulty In winning Hoyle's pitching ssas batted li nd. Um Chicago men making aevnn runs in one The BOOTS waa aa follows: Chtcato 101 1 0 (i 1-11 M.

LolllS ll I) ll ll ll 0 'J 1 ll I Base hits Cbleago, 11; HI Louts. 6. st.ii 1'iicberi irkson sod Uoj la Cincinnati ead Louisville ciaos played a brilliantly oonteat! i i a i today wbleh Hie berna nine won bv bnnsbing ll ima in the ir; ot the match. niue played a faultless Bald? ing ga ne. lim acorn was as Cincinnati.

I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (I i) I) i) ii 3 Base bits Cincinnati Loolsvllls, Krrori natl. Lou -t, 1'itcucri tcKeoa ami Hocker. 1 I loll lu. m. lune A.

hesvy battlog game waa played here lo-de bel -si tba Detroit Bad Ku ti vis Qty League clubs, lim however, played wtth irseh reck? lessness iii the lit, i tilt thes destroyed whatever the. had of winning. (onw.i'y* pitching svas i. iliad all er ike rial i. rae seora ss follows; 0 il 4 0 i) lt i Itv.

ii i -J ii ii i) () i) I Baot hits iietn.if. ti Kan i nc ll; Errors Detroit, i iu. io. in, a 11 aad tooway. Um? iJaffnoy Tka came at Philadelphia between the athletic and Baltimore eluba hud to be ealled at the eni of Ike Brat inning on account ol rain.

Neither eldo scurud. At Se t'- int 13 "Prov. 7. Al la, lier, Mari I llainili.ia ll iai.ll in, 131 Uaw IL itu -i. Bingil mi Tkoacbedoled gamea yesterday between the "Tow Tork aad oiiitis at the PoleOrouado ead the Me-rop'iiit iii an! Brooklyn nt Walkieatoa Pork, vu, ii tl to postponed ou aeeoaaief iain.

The aame nineo play to-day. TIM. i'mMIm, STEAM REGATTA. Tlie Aiiiciiiiiii Yacht Club bas bumed the fol lowioa oirenlar la rearard to thc eomlng regatta of tko club. 'Hill will bo the second sleaiu regatta stliicli ever took plBOe in the world: a.ilri, racer Club, ko tri Pirra-Avvsira, Nan viiuk.

Juno ia, li sd. rs SO 1. The annual regatta ot tbs Clab wuT tass place eo Thursday, tbe day oi nett, otu lac CUtO OOUTSS from He iroonl lo NeW.laOOdon. lt, addition to tbs Commodore's Cop, wbl ss li; to tba yacht making the a'lorteat Ilma over the course ure ot an. e.

cups sv.t competed for in the different c*ms a. i rwaj ibe im of two enoe competed for by yachts sud launches no! exceeding rirtw leet Isogth oi wat I I in nu, Hom Sett ni io shelter ta tbe ol aa ne dav. at I lhere will he rotter, gig ami dinar racei badges, ead aiao lor the Ba usn lumen ga Cup bc eattera, now held by leases A Halter, e.q Che prizes offered are open lc nil Mesas yachts in hiv vin- it cuni and owners whether inemb is tbs lin not, are i to entt yachts im aiaiii as nv Ins tbe hairmsn ot tne i Mr Ueorga sS. ii Broadwar, or Mr, Manning, crs ai No, ss York iiaamboal is been irlei tor the i 5th, 10th ann or lui) forth accooiuiodstiouofmemberi ami tba ai ss' Hull, i hom as Manning. (omi or, rbomai r-iosili.

Iii.u-i. Bi ga ta I ilttee. .1 DAT OP CLOSE, MUOOI WEATHER, Ncss-Voik waa boated toa of weather reeterday of lhataulirr, stleky variety, wkleh bsa oems to be known as tnUEtft. The moist and hot cern, nts Boomed to base come out lu full loree, and thu an, aatarated and inelastic, waUiked al upon thc por spiring linties depressed spirit! of men and il.fie bau beea a night shower or two early lu the morning and the sky ssas clouded ail day, Jhu sun breaking through every now aud then only to Iiiiensify ike oppreeeiveneea of the otmoepkera what bieez, lhere ss as cane from the southeast, full of warm foi: and without vitality. Between uml li o'clock a heavy lliuirder-shower broke over the city, the meets sierc tilled with unlit mal the air became more moist aud clinging thati ever.

No breena caine, however, with me up and night fell willi i lanism or ex ore of oar kind a perspiring martyrdom. Tao record of tempe, uro as st, own al does BOl show at ail ike oppresstvaneei of Ute heat, ai 0 rn, tn, the ther? mometer aloud al ami al a. Bs, 7.I-. 1 he mom temperature, noon, Was only 7s3. Ht) p.

usually tlie warmest part of the day, tbe thermometer had taiieu te ami 8 p. m. it Blood ai 74-. Tue maximum on ihe corresponding day laai year um BS lt was too hot up town for Bliiffi unplaint about the Weather, hut down nu the Kay, tlie skip pars were wbisillog for a wind, much itroug iaagttBjta was ladalgod m. After lt was Iva late tor any use a Blight sot in, which culled asvay tho over? hanging clouds.

THE TWEXTT-88COXD BBOIMBNPS TlilP. About loo of tbe 22d Begiment, N. k. M. Y.t assembled at tko (ii.ii.d Central nation yesterday iiioriiiug lo lake the o'clock train to liarl foi-l.

Ilea.led by the reglmeiital band, the corps with Colonel or. Ellis Brigge In oommoad, marched mio the nation and tilled the two cara reserved for them. At Hartford, whim was ranched about i e'eloek, the aaa beeanse tko smesto ot tko Pataam Pkataai orthat eily, thai vUlt New-Haveo, where tker willie received nj aeammltlea of elilsene, National men and idly oflti'iala. After a dinner at Stoney Creek they will i e.nt ii to this city. PASSEXOBRS SHAKES UP BUT F.iibiiii' of tiic White Plaina train which leaves th, Qraad seurat Ita Mea at peeelag st last Bveabtg hcaka thecoaaoctBkSradBasl Un, train Inoiiittil toa ii st.

ip i-'oriunatelv tho bram raaauig ui a law ami thougk ins were shaken ap conaderabty, only ooo. etenbao ni .1 taal ii al waa iuj i e. I and li, liol Berlou '1 Ire ll ll stu- li -lind lotlie MlgUlS WBS ana bad and the train weat ea wtth a test bmuiobu dllay. RRMARRABLR COU RI SC EXE is 0B10. Cou Mitts, Uliio, Jinn' 17 In the BnpreBM Court lo-day N.

Lutes, a'ltlhn lawyer, who ls tolally, an aigutnent In ri ply lo his adVBI sari. I. ile aei omplished this kable feat by Watck im; Hie i.ti,i.i Ups ot lui wife who is bia law na well aa doiuesllc partner. She repealed every Word said ti) Court or lawyers bf a mot on of her lips which waa readily under-loud. Mle waa cue ot lbs ii.

Women lawy eis In tiltto and secured lo Hie bar abe mlsht aid ker husband. Judge Weet, the bilad tor, was ea.aoclaied iu tbe o.tse. DI8C0TERIRR NATURAL oas SBEREES, AlsKoN, Ullin, Jillie 17 Qaj here to-dny, at a depth of feet, struCt svhat ts I -1 to be a lake of strong salt water Into which a heavy Irou souuder waa feet without reaoktaj kattaea, 'Ibe excitement over iiittural uni in ans bas resulted In the of fully fifty com h.i.-i fo tne irp linking wells in different parts llieHtate. The brat of to strike i Wkleh Ima been foiBtUlg LsXtBgtOO, WMTO e.a,y thia morning, at a depib of 107 feet, a vein waa Opoaad. 'ihe vatior waa linnie.Ilalely a Hame twenty-seveu feel Maa ls reporteU lo be HIL burlong.

a HOKED TO DEATH BT HIS OOo!) EoltTCXB. I'.) June 17. Jacob Weller, axe aixty-lwo, nf Lonarbsvlile, thu county, wulla al supper last night waa min, med thai a tetter back pen? sion money bad been reoeiveu fur bim. lu lils haate a piece ot un al became lodged lu bis win iplpo snd ho eheked lo death. IX MKMOUYOF WEBSTER U.NVKILINU A STATUK AT CONCORD, N.

FI. tiik li'rr OP PIBBOB hi vrr to his naiivk. si ur OOTBBBOB Cl'll llll ll AM) TIIK LIV. Ult. BABTLBTT.

COVOORD, X. ol Daniel presented to tbe State by rj.unln 1'ieree of waa dedicated willi Imposing-civic and military ceremonies. 'I he liss been placed III IBOBtOtOHOBOO Lark, about 100 VaiWJ east of thc Capitol. Hie pedestal ls of Ihe finest Con? cord trrsnlte. mid wai by who also executed, the model of the statue at Florence, Haly, tho Boating made at Munich.

lt ls eight feet and eiKua 3,000 Webster la represented lu old atyle suit, lila ample e.MU being around him Bf the two t-eiiiial buttons. Ita collar dlselosea a plain shii t-fi-onu The bottom of the vest la shown the coat amt the trousers are full and Um rices' ia by a breed, tunied-down collar. The anus are at thu sides, Ihe thu -iib ant index iinerr of the rle kt head bekaeepea, with tho reaaalalag partly cloted, while thu left hind a partly oje'iie I uianuacrlpf. The bead ropfBOl n's Webster la bis later years, nm! ia saul to be remarkably life-like. 1'liC Uguie* nu ii ti.tse inches in size, an 1 at ihe rear ot tile ru at tnere ls au irregular pile of by manuscript.

Tue ls a sluirle stone about niue feet welshing eleven tons, (in tho front and centre mi tka pedestal ire the words rut tn polished "Daniel Webster." TkeetkOf sides contain bronze panels, tbal the north hearted coat of arms of New-11 thire and the inscription: "Horn at Maliabury. New ILimp'li re, January IS. 1781." The south Ublel con nins the coal of arius of the wealth aaaeaaokasaeta aud tko legend: -Died at aTaiakleWI. October 24, )n the west sile is Hie following: l'resented by lenjaaua Cheney ie tu? state of January IS. The boighl of the peilestal kBdetatao is IT feet, and the entire cost The weather al hOBgh warm was all Ihat could be Ue dreil for Hie dOrtlalatlOB Tue number of vlsit to the city ls estimated at and lt ls by far be largest catherina ever semi hco on a public day.

taverner Rebtaooo, of amt ataCaad iovernoi Hill, of Viw-York. urnvej by The oxerctaes boaaa proinptly ot 12 o'clock, tho r.jiiiinii moving in the following orler: Fro Main it. l'enacook down Miin-st to to State- sL, down -tfite-st. te Iboradlke-ahi down Tkoeodlfceet. IO ami up Maln-sL lo tho State The order of tho procession was: Ailiutaut (len a.

Ii. Arlina, chief marshal. -taT. ur.jade Hampshire National iirigauier rai ii. ii ss eoaamouina rtiird Regiment, iii mea, Cutana! J.

N. Patterson, com? ni l-'irat id neat, men. Colonel lt. ILill, commanding. Band.

lie nt, oloud E. T. commanding. Man t. first Ligbi Battery, 73 nen.

Captains. B. Piper, com innmine. h. 60 men.

('sprain H. Bmltb, ramil io Uot, nor currier. Iii tb band ot I.alto ld ru Veieraus. I-'j mei Lewis Mm ina, com bTancbeotor CadatSi 18 moo captain f. L.

Downes, oom luau, Itu i oi Hi .1 in nen, i 'sn Bin L. Pox,'in.l!'!*: 'ITTier, it. -na. -ila 1'1-r, i i and th ii Satoue I Hie ora.or ineiliv mott Wheel i or Ueueral lieueral a lei 'ri Quartern) ister ner kl. iii nei W.

pie se, m-ijeu il n--, tl I'lnup Carpenter. Judge i i i ron ii di i ss. Ueueral olouels Kater, 11.11 ll S. S. ai.n i de i amp.

Afr. amt st were thu following gue-ts if tne lu carnages s. Nesinitu, ol franklin; the i. ni Hanover, ueueral Ullman Harston und Mi. chapman, Legislative oinmiil 0 reruor Baasachiiaetti Oeu.ral Daniel I.

Hickies New.Yora; John Bingham. Uhio, es Miulniei lu span; Uoveinor Hill, New. York; Vf. line. tin-, i -r's io a irv.

I. Maxwell Super in enueni ol lue luauraac Department, ol New I rank Harry lin-- a a. eal liatn i Huntlee SS'an ia, St I. Va its, Ne ar-York: ll -n tit or. li.

i iii, i.o tVnlutui K. handb-r. Concord; Cheater Puta. Lay. oui nuilee, -i um Samuel I.

I and stall, li.s.i.oi ii. I leulen iiii-iiorernor oliver sm.f um kc Littleton a laUV.linne ii, et Lei ss oo.iiuir.-. ito-ion P. Iteddeid, of the Vermont su? preme Oourt; Natal nih 1st- I lin.lon. i i.i SS ihli li ss ns inu: le- Illinois: ek- Ueorgo il.

Boston li. f. Airer, 'hi? st ii i A. I'll! pr tal- nt Ol bus ttS n.t. I.

A. lira k.t Sneaker ot tim Massachusetts flouse of leotattvea Untied Hollins, on i- i i ii, i Gratiana L'niteil Army i in i il fsa-nator Patterson nf Hinoieri ibsrles i. Ku-sell, ot Beaton; Petel utter. Assistant oiled i itorer, John ll. Mitchell tu, -tat-s sen iru cou; Judaea and es-judt sot meiiupreue ci, .111,1 es nell Or SI ile.

I t-' inf, I ll i Ile -ii, be. Watson bell, 1 i oiled ii kin i ll ii, a ie ab, -r na ir m.i.-. p. ii is. i af ora ar Coo oni ai and Sonierv.lle, Secret Wt ol State Pterea tt, a a.

Po a en. represen at of tba varloni Aebaiei octet ol Mnw-Kug ind and maur prominent pro ind business ai -no the Nen BofbtBU Males. After ibo proeeasloa had at rived at the tho ireildeiit of the day, Gooree Meemitk, LL.Dk, a leraonal friend of Webster, delivered an address of i-i winch ka paid a ktfk tribute te tko ebaraeter md attainments of ttl- great -odo'' New-Ilampaklra vcr or tu rier accepted me gift la tko oamooftka Kate, ile i.t. Mb. PBanioani tNaFBLLOwcrrisam: Oatalaaaal Bl thc groat ii.ittile ol tue American ution, ii.eel to dedicate ihli beautiful itatua lo tue uernory ot Kew-Hnninahira'a greatest amt most dla sou, ihepeerieasorator, Ihe unrivallad itataa ii.m.

areal expounder of our "fallon! erected monumenta ol atone ami of brass oreproseut the malarial forma of their node and tneir tti'-v dedicate i at lea to tue memory of belr statesmen ami (heil' patriots; hui such LL less -lll-U-s can "ld ul'ie to Hie fame ant renown of Daniel They may preserve to eoming generntiom the inlward lineaments wiieu geom! ami tnteilecl lin? upon ins living countonauea. But that lesa ul noni, divine energy st Ullin, Which uses una Illuka iud BOIS, cannot he imparted to stone ironte; lt eon never yorlok, ii lives on; lt will exist tn he lue ot tue ll bl eu-nime 1 lu eloquenoe nut nong lo Inspire Ibe great au I tho goud lu ail lauds iud lu ail times. MB. SM) (iKMiisiKv or nu: Tut-r. r- Hie ollie, represruian Ve of our-Stale, I accept this Hellion.l! slatUi-, lepresi-iuing the O.UWal'l fol'lil alni eature of one whom sse have always beeu proud to o.iil un nsvii, one Wham our people inive ever lie-n dallghtod honor, nae weane eloqaoaee and ttateemaaablp have lame ami glory lo our Butta, 1 an wonderful of un now standa nu veiled before us, ho nonie, majestic, so lifelike, that mesa non almost seem amove) iheee brasea iipa matter forth wontael Ira and patriotism na eonrtoanal sonnies have listened 0 with wonder and admiration Amt dow, Mr.

Prest In (he name of thu people of re. generous tl for this areal aad tobie gift to om our Nat on, and to tho svor.d. II.iv,,:ti ii im, DiartHOUISMBB mic Your own ureat OOOeoa hlo illustrates tue grand that le open before Ibu youag men ot our State and Nation 'our geuerostiy is already known to fame; your great lenefaelloB to onr venerabia lastitatian ot learalog ii ia eudi-red your name hlessed aiuoiig all our peop.e thia aaewod Lbemllty ss iii ba reoolved by them wita a gr nda ami IkanhfUlaesa which no words eau express. We ava accepted tram ymir banda the Bernie or our real siait-Miiau. ami hero, in his own native Mate, ami ii yours io n.alli lue shadow of our Capitol, nu a ol granite, ive ptneed lt al un enduring ot the mau whose form aud features you til we wish to pei petunia.

On this monument. Inscribed Idlers of broane, your name, associated wt'h IBO real name of Danial Webster, Will go dowu to posterity revel BO. Mr. I'reaideui, the great BUtlOM and empires of an have pass ass ay tm-ir cities and have iiaappaared from the earth aud been rorgoitaa; ami the doy ever eenie when iheae walis or our lol shall fall asunder, Hie granite foundation ball erambie loto duet, ead brasea atataa, worn hythe wasting elements, shall tall to the earth nd iliaappear, we may and believe thal tim renown or Hamel Webiter Will lilli be reiiiombeied held snored by tue world, Tlie Kev. Samuel Colcoil Bartlett, D.

LI.I), i le? vered tho oration of the day, reviewing the lifo of the i. inti -ions nralor sud alaleiuiau iii whoso honor the OolO" raliou of tho day was heid. In beginning lui addraos Daniel comes home to-day to ibo heart 'if his alive -tate. A loyal sou of Ulla Common stealth, diann air adv by his nobie benefaction to Ks i li er erny institution, preeentato ha fellow-citixeoa thia tating and admirable tue nona, of IBO most illustrious raduate of ihat eollega aad ike groateet af tko eons ol low-Hempsblre. kllheaorto tka mau who kevina in? ls own Indefatigable toil and acquired the means as also had Hie mind to appreciate and the heall Io tho mighty deni.

The than ka ol native and ovary of the State aio duo to? ny to lienjauiiii Pierce (lieu. y. The orator reviewed at letigt.i the chief lue; lon's tn lie career ol Webster as a studcut, a and a r.itesiuali, he com luted 1 rl.ostr-cit Mr. Webster waa pre-eminently a teW'UBinpebire inna. Lon upou lu sell, aad for tko int four-and-tbirty roan a conetant resident itt terrltary, he wea monlded by lie laieeaaoa i ead ns pkyetaal r-aturea aaenistamped upon his 'be dark au brok ea sweep oi primeval forests well i the vant reeoarees ot bise ipaelaui loielteel; is ma, Varied BurfnOO of STOTS meadow.

Hil aud dale, wal a III of the mans of iii ways; ita venture ll not brighter the raab noes of his whees antere to ike last; lia imbbiing iprluxa and rills are mil more playiu. than tue uni ii humor of bia private llln, um lia lilli lakes moro it, ni um depth lils affectlooai Ile araalle reappear In the massive eolldlty of character, ta mountain in tue lowerimr cu.tuiicv of bia towera, while Ila rn.hnu' rivets, awoileu by like in tiling iiiowa of sprliur,, eau represent tuc lido ol lils e.o lien-al-mis Ills stalin. Mere let ll iblojuh Ihe reaeratlena to, in thia cemre and kean al i ba Bkoaweelih, hjr the mala street of ber capital and tue of lier Stale House, lue quiet How of daily life, tko bustle of business Bad Ike public parade Shall pual tetero kim lo Silent reviusv. Ihe atranuer shall pause tad gaea aa that Imperial brew, Ckildrea ihtii bein san and be told mie amt fBOMk Tue mell ot Hampshire shall natal wuu pride to ina areolae! their (ellow-cltlteua laigiiiulota and of Stale, Ihev to their work, shall be greeted by the Btgkl oue ano wove an the bonds ol the Union sud the minion, and io well (he priceless they Mid aa lona aa ber shall gush, lier lakes shalt her rivers run amt her mountains rise, tho ineiuorr ot Webster be fresh lu bli native Slate. Aller the readme of au original ode by W.C.Sheppard, ttubiuion spoke pleasantly of Ike delight with wbleh Maasachuaetta joined New-ffamp-'iira In rln(.

trtbute to Daniel At tl.e SSBllnjIlL nf r. nor Robtnson't Hui, nf waiInirodmel amid ID licet! le.s for me ala cl tr, present. on this interesting tba Ital of Ihe Hfate to ms than by any worda I ran 'Xprc-a, toto- i the ope nt ma Sue feel tu the name memory ol D.idel Vs dialer, Appian born upou the anil your he did lint belong to you alone. Your SlStet liitrve ii, aome allara Of tim baner glory ha BOhlavoaMBia ant se vieta r.

a upon tho whole eonntry. Il- fame ht Ibo renowa a7 America Ilia ure ian.I eiiar.u-i: add (natta ta tba fn? li.atiiutiona of our lt BjOf sa'ely that great men who have beea med uniter ear Deaaoeratte fora afajaenj-MBeat, ba bbs, of grenteet. fte atadeet eau pomelve bli workt without beiuir Impregnate I wiin tae Bnparlorily ala eminent abinty. stnitawod Balara withastraoidmarv and aneommoaly rifled, ha Waa a norn leader men. Uloibrr orator or lurlat ha bad na rivett wwrtbr ut tha name.

Bi BTampel ira ar, i Bow-Tort hare mach In I 'es actively emrageit In the great ItTnegla for depi-mieme BBdeeak in nie a gioriona Bevalatttaorv bisloiy. Oar i inttiy an I dal relations with the BtleaM of ksralhr aoat.illieil Ihe I la Hie War ol the Ib-o-i recall Ihe fact tiiai New-Hainp-h re waa the HrlBBlBSC or my dlstlnsa needs ai sos who Btierwf ate famous Bentlmeal I "Whoever finnis down th- A flan ahoot Mm ou tho spot 1 Your Mute may wed I rand of ibe biniipiace of beth a'ebeuw an i General Jaka a. dh. (Jovernor Hill was followed by hmm Bat He Me, of Maine, and (invernor Pingree, nf WBO eseb maile five mInure speeches. A brief address made by John A.

ILuirhain, or ez-Mlnlster to Japan -poke. Dtspaiehea of sympathy with the object of tha received fianu ibo Hunker Hill ILmujieut ii, on, J. Tilden ant o'lie ri. THE LA LOK I'IK) ll LL M. AN iDDRESS BTTHE BOW.

0ALU8HA A. CROW CSI'IIII. AND LABOB MC-T Ul) llAS'I) IB HAND VIOLATION OP 1HK IK, OP MIIIKIl AN IX JCBY uuiii. hanlon, Juno morning seasaaa ni tko aoeoad au.i last of Usa laaseaes awaiting ol ti.e I i Matt Bo tr 1 of Agriculture ant I oral l-'arim i-i' Instil, to tho roadies di- n-sioii ut' papers on broodtBJC thi; dairy, and the ss supply of farms. In tbe afternoon tho papen charily saatteta et latereei ie ibo wlvea al tarra Tum Board deeidad, ta Ooagraea io rettire Bsa tann LBB7 ou woo.

fsasetatleaa re.tu nmg tue L'altee 8tateeBaaatare treas Peaaerlvaala ie vote for the Oieoatarcartaa MU now before tm Beaatt aron alee adopted, tu the evening the Hob. ftalaaha 4 delivered au addieoa la wkick hodlaoiiieod ii .1 peet lon. He s.ud ni patti Btezl to agriculture, the um ation mt eraateel narien al cot, I in I- tin- eon dunn of labor Tue prim correct and lust tua! labor, whether of brain er mas ougkl to receive out of lue aoeuruuLtUons wealth in I ll Ul to ss li il couti tm- i llum Hut lu radoelag tins principia tt practice, crear to do lt Justly, the faet mast nd overlooked attn pureutta labor pani In enrrent expenses daring ike ininun inuit of tan buaineoe, what Ber lhere ie auy lani pruitt or not. Authentic itatisttci thu a st rv karee per cen! el au of eada ruptey, thus sinking wbaievei nniouul ol capital may i ii v. i.

laaiiauoki Sir reoMvea Ita lull proportion, or tuon. foi i po I ot the lassos, rue railroad system ol the United Bt-itei representen capital ot With proper aUowanaa tor water, it would repraaeat dy Lom s- actual capitol lu vee. i Tne net or ibe entlra ayatem for tl.os,.tri- little more tba per coal ou thal aaaonat. i ia lt luat thu lae idea pay ka al part ti.e ip il Ul Vee lad, ls an pro? portion if applied to Hie svsttin foi trees wblcb takes ali risa" ot kissee I Labor la paid I eonaung tao aol naroioga, waoikei Ikara ara obj le count oe in'. lu to tko nit proportion to wutth labor would be eutfl i lo any ic would nr-f to a-er un how mm li capital tue business rea And I be Dural pay meat out al aol ut rape tho capital lavelle l.

Aa wages ate paid lu cuirtml expeui aud eaplra ii -k losses, anlaaa ll wen be i aid rsl oat ol tile net pl.dir-i Until Ile luveste I is Iel mun -ed, II 11- the haigh! toll) any one having money to it ti into busiueaa sven In aui-ceastul bull tnare would be no capital lo divide nulU rapei i. Bat If tha rotative oro portion ol pr.111.-, to lat pul lo aud to kp ii OU kj 1 ss Ul, ii; it lelU.llli tl I ul re 1 iud bu a solution of great problem Of sim I Labor. Tue real iluliou of Hie I problem In tun co miry Ul to determine kow kink the wages tnt i ran gu ssitimit destroying la Soc ns-u. lue deter i in of tknt petal ta Its oaly solaHaa; al aiaa merely tim expo lieticv of ktlVOS. Ai ut lat iou, welleuoughln Itself, on Mil itUeetlstl tv ii in 11 arise agata In name or a different sh ipa ii is settled.

1 lite dispute i- I 4 tholen; removed, out remains tba -anea-, before, rae ike price leeor in be pu I and retain ike market ita produoia. the bettor it and le taut point, all tba employe! go, bal aoyi a in pm ut i. is au it v. .01 laooc cannot ba ul Id i. pu Lit non oi ni article niue than tbe Brittle itseir will set! fm- in market.

Fae warks! for aa nud the BoaepeniBtloB la he paid ta labor la ns production aro not, eateeut lo i ozlant.izod ba our. oniitry lu reaped to both sse in competi? tion svit.i me markets ol Hie world. A BOjael i eat uf dulles ou Hie product! of labor can tn a ten du extent prevent tue re lennon of priooa in tuts, nani a point ruinous to Labor. Hut tii? price ofiibor i rn reueh i oin! high bayon I I ie mi I dutiei to overcoats ia competition ie poorlj pel 1 Ulan ot tii? oil Wm lu ibe te- l.oi tu--i are Uboreri and artiiana, producing for home nan. nut then ss grontlj leas than are paid for ilka labor la thlsconoiry.

It wo lld nayoue ol lhasa or Britsseeio trout bia norna in tha Old Worm to one iu tbe Now md to exi ead 040 in toO. Poi ono that tb i il 1 oma there oe ooo Atnert, tn I iinirer. rho great attractioo tor emigratiou to thia countiy baa been tint it is tba land of llbertv, home ol the op weai ami uss inn, of theaxttt. tn ail. li ll.

l.e it, nv dud 10 stimulation, tba moil nttraetive oouutry tor high waa I iud snort hours of labor, and bow Ima Would lt no before the labor market I be overstocks froai these bee-hivee ol mdusiry, beyoad tbe power of legiii it; tue capacity ot consumption teeava Amariaau lebaf ii-u'ii iVv.t.'i ni purni of tbe Old World I "redeter? mine the i to which tim pnee of luiior iu th eoaai not urottusoo eneh result the real aalotloa tm- labor problem. There ono be no even conflict, between capital and labor wbea tbelr real Inioroott ara heatly They arc mutuiily depeodaol on each un neither ea i aoeompliab any -ie reauli wit iou! oiler. what use is labor, beyoad tba auoplyme ot mere pin neal -vants by the cullii of lbs soil. Wita io tu ins. transportation rasrkei foi i I'oduet-, as ss-eii as lor the iloTeloi.I all induitiieo, uni of what ase wanbi eeplttl be wltuoet labor 1 all tbe pursuits of life, in or mi lo aeooaplUa ihe heit MUltl for the 111 li' Ot all, capital Bad labor mit ai.

mp hand in haul, natus hi i maa I ithar. AU laborers ran not be ieee laful, any more than ail pruteaaloual rue rs BO ssas by sshtcli lucnf Hf -tn I ImpruVldl ne,) madeequall) lucoessful with oapaclty, pruoanae int iu tlie alrugglea of lire. If lias ne be an evil, it mast be 11 ai a fault Lu tue of creation. But whoorel is coitantrd witb means for maklug himself anil t.edepmidrBt it on iiiiii comfor ame. has attained all there ii af al lapplueaa tn me aeeumutttioa ol wealth, ind una tl Ora Un,u to eu upi un of his lot.

Ali Hill lt BO palnten and aculptora, an, morel ka '-a awyera, doctors, merchautsor trodssasa et any lindi retevsry pursuit and hn sin ese neilin ts within tue rea i if all. rho highways tu boooraole dal action sa I from he lowly the same from the gilded I'aeo, ind ill na open alike io lim kami.I ehstd oftheaoneof ii, rom whom have spramff uauetollha klstarls ckaracteia ir i-iniulrv. The grievances ot labor lo ettetive governmental te be removed Ute lama way aa Bay other ja removed hy au appeal to ike lattUlgaui inda in i.i inti opinion. lu free conatltutloual govern lieut, with freeepeeek, trna aalversel bs uere lilli lie no Utoaoe foi reaol't sn, for sMTectioo of any mee. iii srii-li a go vera meal ibctlteooe tu tho ooauuoade of law and tho mandel ml o.nts ls lr to nil else.

No mut, er st nat tfis frievaaco coinplained or iniy ne, a neall to bl au i.ttuek upun the ilguta ul every Uar Hu -ll. upon Ilai-U. and aeceasiul lathe arel itep ia tko road leads ii)' iiti'l liafl.i.i: I' In. lil en Ugh feiietl iptnlon in a fret government win tu tin end none -t all eal grmvnnoee, if paaeaaMe meena only are ompttyaL il may rmiatratlme i ant that ta UMoaae all attempts tt remove WM-sttadlai Wo cauaa.

areal or seBall. wee ever yet beuedted by be vinlaiioii of primiples of right. (.,..1 ales the uolvetae by kbl laws of Juett" and ll ii vuiu for man to attempt tn nullity tliem. The mtlieu.tiile right of li'o and liitertv il ol un vs tue luallonable tu'bt of Hie puriuii ot happinasa lue puraoll o' pineae Irwiueea tue tlgkl any isi ul. ailing wituout hiudranoe or awb stat.on.

rio- ia lu ail rneoa entitled lo lair eoa lou for tuc tune lie il-ea lill brain or mu-me. or tb.ic of another. "The me thaaeoua nued aa i pal I ferbelonga to thc ko baa tko rikki te lire, tue inmie and manner or itt nae. time not paul for belong! the ta du wita n. st legal limlta, aa be pleeaea; amt the employer oe more ilgbl io bow ll shall be than has the employe a.n to the eauloyer whom he shall ure or bon baa i niue! his mi.iu,a*, rue right ot tba euiphi erl.e .1 tim tune or tue acts of the employe eads wh rei Theee are the rlghtt of employet iud e.

and they 000001 be vim ited Us tllln-r without injnry to both. Either baa thc right to organ iso tor Ute purpose of Improving his eondittun or proa lire. But no ruluntari wgoalaatlon has anygiaatti wwar or lights 'mantua livid, mia eoiupoaiag it, a my attempt to enerrtte any greater power oi right I -i boee poaoeeeed hy the IndtvMual becomes aa orgaalaol itt.ii-k lets trai Whtckf in tr oilier tl must reptl. 1IAISE FBOMIBITIOB sums ITIOBS. June 17 Tin; Muine I'rolilbillonliU held Iheir Male t'ouveutiou al r.irliaud ta fay Aaron t'lark, of linter, was iioiit.uate.1 for nor.

rna platform eenlalaed aatkiag or wposoal inlensl, aa usual, distrust of holli tbe pubtloaa and Demoerattt ibe t.i amt t'tinsenttoni were all.) held ther- lo-uay. 1' ll lluasey, ot North Kerwick, wat iiointualetl In lue lal autLoiouel W. 1. Luslis, of UUUoid, lu lbs Uti DistricL RATIONAL WRRTTBB OFFRVIt Con June thiid SR Ihe Fruit and Vegetable I.rowers' Aasociatlou nf the I utted Htatel to-day ptdoptod tbe Arnold ayatem of tervtag trulta hy evaporaliou. IL C'uilcoai.

ol l.tiuoia, wai elected FCXBKAL VF DAVID YAS SOSTKASD. Tlie tejnerul of Duviil Vim the well-known publisher, look place yesterday ai No. Weal Hweniielb-iu lue Kev. Dr. Harry J.

lenee, rector of t'nlvary Church, of which Mr. laoatraad waa a member, eeudueied the asrrice. ssa.

New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.