The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Tttfi EVEJrrfrG fiAGLfc, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14, 4 AM 1 MORE FUN DALTON. To be Well Than all the Rest of the RAIN, SHOW, 8LUSH Fan on E.ritv Some physicians aay that ail nervous I cannot penetrate Box Calf" (hoes. 1 They are water resisters of rare disorder arise from a disordered stom 1 merit. You can even ach, and that even the peculiar diseases of females are directly traceable to an unbalanced nervous system caused by BOIL EXCLUSIVE LINE or IMPORTED FALL MILLINERY AT PARLOFte OF MrsC. D.

WHEELER. BANK ROW. FOR SALE. stomach troubles. The stomach may be but V.i iUI.

uB will not show it there; frequently the distresa will be telegraphed over the nerves to the head, eyes or abdo The whereabouta of Jesse Tllton who disappeared ao mysteriously from his home in this town, November Srd, art no longer unknown as his mother, Mrs. Tilton, haa received a letter from him in which he states he is in a small town in Pennsylvania and that he would explain the reason of his actions in a future letter. Antonio Walker has moved hia family from Berkshire to John street in this town. The following is the makeup of the second eleven which will face the football team in the game on Pine Grove common this afternoon: Curtis, center; Van Deusen and Fuller, guards; West and Simmons, tackles; McCarty and Oaks, ends; Hogan. Scudder and Leonard, halfbacks: Warren, full-back.

The game promises to be very exciting and "BOX CALF" men. Medicines are not so much needed a- SETTING THE TABLE pleasure if you know the GROCERIES came from the THE CLIN- good common sense in eating and drinking. Coffee is one of the most SHOES prolific causes of trouble with the t'V-''' WKUttKY CO. It our business to lay the frrouud work for a Rood rnenlhy furniRhinjr the best and freshest UOCEKIES. This week we are in km a run on SCOAR HOUSE SYKUP at 85 cents per gallon.

stomach, principally oeoause people continue to use it when they are feeling Daa. not knowing that the poisonous half an hour, and they will come alkaloids of coffee directly check diges out oft, flexible, and smooth as tion ana auack the uver. A dismissal of coffee for a week or 1 before. It's the way the leather is i ten days will show miny sufferers the cause of their troubles, and while they tanned, and shows that Box Calf I are the ideal shoes for winter wear. won't get well in that time, the im FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING provement in health will open their Houses and Building Lots In all parts of the city.

Money to loan on First P-airable Farms fo. sale. Also I' Mi. A sWloarer Jastloe vt the r'naee, NEWTON, Real Eatat AgeaL 143 North Street Poacum, the health coffee, made ai You needn't take our word ask your shoe dealer or send ut postsi card for a piece of Bos Cilf leather boil it yourself and note lbs result. Whits Bros.

Boston. Batt.e Creek, can be used by those who are troubled with coffee, and it agrees perfectly with the weakest stomach, while the pure food elements of the grains of which it is made will nourish and fatten the body. Return to" Heating In Atl its Branches, Sheet Metal Work of Every Description natural living and get well. Casey Bacon, should have a large attendance. Miss Rose Crowley and Miss Anna Doran of Pittsfleld were the guests of friends in this town Friday.

The exerciaes held in the high school Assembly hall Friday afternoon were very interesting as ai'. those who took part acquitted themselves in an excellent manner, Mis3 Shea of Hinsdale spent Friday with relatives in this town. Miss Maude Bryant and Mlaa Anna Donovan are visiting relatives In Cheshire. A number from here attended tha Vandalia club social in your city Friday evening. The hobos have begun to strike Dal-ton with a vengeance.

Thursday night 24 were cared for by the keeper of the tramp house. Quite a number in this town have received invitations to the Roach and Taylor wedding which Is to take place in Hinsdale. Manager Hewitt haa booked tha Maude Hilman company to appear at Beware of the fraudulent Imitations of the original Postum Cereal grain cof GO TO fee. Insist on Poetum. Lncal Ascents for the Cun arc'.

White Star and n.oy other steamship lines. -I-- John Downs Co. Hare secured the ageno? for the followln. High Grade Brands ox ALES! BOVETT NOBLE MRS. M'KINLEY CONVALESCENT.

FOREIGN DRAFTS AND EXCHANGE Klrt Serial Event at the President-elect's Home Since the Elee tlon. 99 Fenn PlttsfieldJ Mass. Canton, Nor. 14. Last evening a number of the neighbors and friends rtor vperj r.verv r.ventne of Major and Mrs.

McKinley spent the Tickets for all Southern Tot ts via. the best lines. 27 CLAPP AVENUE Which they have on draught and bottled. Frank L. Jones' Brewing Portsmouth N.

--axxx UoVdVn and A Tiber. Van X.xtrand's Hunker Hill Brewery, Old Mu-y and P. H. ft tags raid Bros Troy. K.

Y. Jrry Oaen Brev ary. Ales and Lager, ohn R. Alley's Plbland Brewery, Eaat lata 8 toe Ale and Porvra Imported Barton and Baaa Ala cn drauj ht WAHREN T.COLE. POLITICS the opera house for one week some time during the month of December, Philip Rider will have charge of the Y.

A. rooms In place of Mr. Baker, resigned. Teacher of thnreh Organ Thr mnit thorough Instruction guaranteed. Are not line, but in our retruUr as the For terms and particulars address WARKEN T.

COLE. 3f Linden City. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ELECTION Of our next Lieutenant Governor evening by special invitation at the house of the president-elect. Mrs. McKinley had so far recovered her health as to be able to receive her guests.

This was the first social event that has taken place at the McKinley house since the election. Gen. William M. Osborne went to Cleveland yesterday afternoon to see Mr. Hanna.

It is likely that Chairman Hanna will come to Canton in a day or two to have long talk with Major McKinley. Mr. McKinley Said lastr-ight that he would not be able to attend the banquet ol the Home Market club in Boston on the 24th of November. A local papei says: "'Col. George It.

Guyer of the 8th regiment, O. N. was in the City yesterday in consultation with Major B. JOLLS, General Furnisning Undertaker Vtee*tst 3Hen 117 First H. C.

YV.MOFMTT M.D V. VINER, flack and City Express Stable. First Cla-s Carriages. 4 and 6-hose Tally-ho. Furniture Moving a Specialty.

Carriage to and from all Trains. 119 West Telrphuae 818-4 Pittsfleld. Mam. Tuesday, Noy. 17.

STUART ROBSON ia a foregone CONCLUSION Let us respect ully call you atten tion to the Un-X-L-ed Work turned out by the Mrs. B. S. Hubbard of Westneld la visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Church 3f this town. A large number of sportsmen were out today in search of game. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Church have decided to break up housekeeping and have gone to board with Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Stanton on Main street. J. D. Gorfrey of Boston waa in town on business Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Willis have gone to Pittsburg, where Mr. Willis has secured a position in a glass factory. B.

S. Brewer has gone to Springfield for a short period. An effort is to be made to arrange a football, game between Dalton and Pittsfleld to take place Thanksgiving day on the Pine Grove common in this own. Dalton would be able to put a first class team against the visitors and WITH HOMEOPATHIC PHTS1CIAH Henry avenue and Elisabeth street 9 hours fl to VJ a 2 to and 7 to 9 Telerrof Connection. usee MADAME BAY LAUNDRK TRY US J.

H. TETLEY. Manager. With your next order for HAY and OATS, BRADLEY BROS. set.

3'. rest, reiennnne is- At .1 Mr. Bobton'a COMPANY OF ACT.RS. of Ms, Mr. Gilman's Wedding AND Mrs.

Ponderbnry's Past Mr. Robson as Young Mr. Gi'man aod Old Mr. Pooderbury. Madame Janausehek as the Lady A with a Past.

4. P. BA K. .1 KNK McKinley relative to the matter of his repiment acting as an escort at the inauguration. Although the presidentelect has not stated whom he will give the honor to, the 8th regiment "officers have reason to express their confidence in the belief that they will be favored and the railroad authorities are afte.

them relative to transport ing them. A Pittsburg Company Lowest Bidder. Washington. iov. 14.

The lowest bidder for the heating, apparatus the Richmond, public building "the Pittsburg Heating company, a 93,465. There were eleven bidders. Death of jnnn x. roarer. New York, Nov.

14. John Y. Foster, secretary of the New Jersey state republican committee, and one of the editors of Frank Leslie's Weekly, died at his home in Newark yesterday, after an illness 'of nine days. The cause of his death was pneumonia BARNES J.ENKS, 18 West Srreet. Pit.sfleM.

Yotp" Yet? You hail better lay in your winter' stock of before further advance. CHRISTIANS BROS, can't be bat for bread or btcuir. CiM at GRIFFEN'S, Columbus and get a barrel or two. Upholstering Furniture Repairing! 1 have bought Mr. Hopkins' Repair Shop and shall continue the businesa in the same shop.

I have been his upholsterer for the last four years, and hope by attending personally to the business to merit a share of your patronage Orders left at Mr. G. Hcpkins' ato-e promptly attended to. ALFRED T. MASON.

(Orgaalst First Church We guarantee it to be the 'hlnlrthtey would be able to walk away with them. On the other hand Pittsfleld haa a strong eleven and a game between these two teams would attract a large crowd. A cow belonging to E. H. Bridgman and two others belonging to citizens in that vicinity were poisoned by paint which found in old cans that had thrown into Shaw's pasture in ColtsviJle in which they were kept.

The plectric light company of your city is soon to erect a small station on Carson 'avenue in front of the high school building-Hanco*ck Post. G. A. R. enjoyed a their ball in Center block last evening.

Light refreshmenta were served. Both the Knights of Pythias and Foresters are to give balls on Thankagivlng eve. Nov. 25 instead or the 26th as previously reported. The first snow storm of the season struck Dalton Friday night and this morning the ground was covered with ta snowy mantle.

J. A. Wade will conduct the young men's meeting at the Y. M. C.

A. rooma Sunday afternoon. The town water will be shut off Sunday from 9 a. to 1 p. m.

Kingman's orchestra will furnish mti3ic for the social Thanksgiving. A number from this town attended a dance in Bartonville Friday evening. CROWDS of INVALIDS FAN KUAN HAW Milt I est Bread FJour in the work! Every Barrel SO Buel Sfeet. ST DE1N1S a no nn R. W.

RENFREW i SON. Stesinim Collide in New York Hay. New York, Nov. 14. The Hamburg-American line steamer Persia, which arrived last evening from Hamburg, collided with an unknown outward bound steamer when off Robbins reef.

The guard rail of the Persia was somewhat damaged, but no serious harm was done. Two children who were leaning against the railing of the Persia were injured, one of them so badly that a handjnay have to be Broadway and 1 1 th NEW YORK. I 'Opposite Grace Church. New York Grocery Company. Cash Plan' waa I OOOOOOOOOOOOOO PRICE LISX.

fa rural trie sHrtt In nnklU v.nna lilt I'KUllVl UWII Nat and Bolt Makers Combine. Nov. 14. A close combination was formed by the nut and bolt manufacturers of the United States Which Insensibly draws yon there as HINSDALE i as you turn your fane toward New York Geo. S.

HoldernesSa 1 86 North St. VISIT. 1,000 hush els Beat Potatoes at 45c per bushel 600 bushels Yellow Onions at 55c per bushel 1 carload of Cabbage at $.60 per hundred Mine of Granulated Sugar with lib. of Best 14 lbs, of extra choice Pork LOO 18 lbs. of pure Lily Lard 1.00 6 lbs.

best Creamery Butter 100 7 lbs best Cooking Batter 1.00 dbs. fresh Eggs 1. 00 lbs. of Good Coffee in glass cans LOO 40 bars of best Laundry Soap 1.00 Mrs. James Carrigan of Pittsfleld, 3pent Friday visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Walker. Nearly an inch of snow fell last even in, Sheet Iron Let Us Save AND YOU COPPER WORK. and Hot water Hat. here yesterday.

An allotment waa made to each factory on the ratio of its output Any factory that exceeds the amount of its allotment will hare to pay a heavy fine. The manufacturers have tried three times before to form a combination, but failed until now NEW YORK MARKETa Wheat Irregnlar; prices still high. May, 89 He Corn Trade irregular; fair demand. Dec, 31c; May, 35 He I Oats Market is quiet: old prices. Dec, 24 May, Pork Soot firm; moderate trade.

25 lbs. of new Buckwheat Flour .50 1 dos. cans best Sugar Corn .75 1 dos. cms best solid meat Tomatoes 1 dos cans best String Beans 90 1 dos cans best Early Jute Peas 90 20 Per Cent ing. itarv Plumbincr in all its ing which was a surprise to a great many John fa*gan was called to Utlca this morning owing to the sickneaa of his brother.

Arrangements have been made to stop the train arriving here from Spring field at 11:56 p. m. for the accommodation of the Pittsfleld guests who attend the Taylor-Roache wedding. The St. Patricks Temperance society will receive holy communion in a body tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Kate Powers of Ghent, N. a former resident of this town, died at her1 late home. Friday. The dime social given at the home of L.

M. Payne on Maple atreet last even a Dr. Ernest Parker, Ttoe Magnetic Physician, At the American House Wednesday of Each Week. Regarding the gif of magnetic healing, he wants tt un er4iid bat there nothing super; atural about it. It is a gift baard on true pnn iples ottcience, and in harmony ih natural law.

The method is nothing new. It has en known In all ages, i-ut few have pawed it to th- extent of this JoUly i elebrnted physirian and healer. In aev.n u-ntks of the caeea whlra have been neglecwd or improperly trvated aod uiven up to die by the general practli loner. lias nucceedrd InefTeciing peruiatieutcures Dr IVrker baa betn successful In nearly every form of chronic disease, such as beao-achr fciiDgealive, bill. menslr ul or u-rslgls.

ophthalmia, granulated lids, weak or sore eyi CMtirrhaon, nervous deafne ami iteafueMi arising fiotn rfiU, catarrh of the head and throat, perfectly and permanently Onenonrfoul breatr. with formation ofiM-abe and cankers In ihe nose, i.i. 1 1, Th rheumatic, lie can- 4 lbs. of best Boneless Codfish 25 6 lbs. of best Striv Codfish .85 5 lbs.

of best Milk Cracker f.5 3 lbs. of No 1 Mao. erel 25 branches. -Or More on the- I I (. 1, 1 I 1.:.

aa I v. Miii in m.i ail. i nlfa ftirrt iuhsi fyn innlimh'ui I WALLPAPER SUTRNESS Extra prime, nominal, short clear, 9.0010.50; mess, family. 10.50 11.00. Lard Spot ia firmer; fair inquiry.

Steam rendered, $4.00. Eggs Market steady; light receipts. 1 doz. Imported Holland Herrings 80 Pull Cream lieese perl 12 5 lbs. of best Barb-y or Rice 25 lbs of best Pearl Tapioca 25 5 lbs.

of large Lump Starch .25 131ns of Washing Soda ffi 4 lb. pkg. of Gold Dnst 19 1 lb. psg.of anoy Comb noney JO COGGSWELL. For Your New House.

ing waa a very pleasant affair and wa? Mr. Connelly of Westneld will fir. the position as gateman at the railroad crossing. Best Cider Vinenar, per gallon IS I er ius. thoee suffer: ng f.

litruurs. ovarian AATT PAITI PA AT I Headquarters for I I I wiiaii vviiui vvum slid fo'rulil, ana ia ma inuoieu. ukcjbui the lower limb, abewses, klilney eomp.aint, awWaam. ai averv variety of frinale weak No. 1 Molasses, per gallon- 40 Syrup or Porto Klco Molasses, per gallon.

.35 est 150 Fire Test Oil, per gallon 10 We keep a complete assortment of German Imported Cheese. axd. liied Paints, Varnished Glue, Paste and Ulsomine, State and Pennsylvania, fresh 26c; ice house, 16417c; western, fresh, 2124c; limed, 1516. Butter Fair inquiry; fancy steady. Creamery we s' era extras, 0c; state and Pennsylvania, extra, creamery, western seconds, 14c; state dairy, half-firkin tubs, fresh factory.

Lie; state dairy, half-firkin tubs, seconds to firsta, ll13c; western imitation creamery, seconds to firsts, 10Hlc-: western factory, firsta to es tras, 8 V.f. io 'V- Cheese Moderate demand. State, full cream, large sire, fall made, col large, common to choice, part skims, i ness, all have I. Ided hi marvelous natu-rsl magnetic powers. He Wifcr; perform urea which will atontsh the most skeptical, set the herlous to thinking, and convince the doubtful.

No matter what the disease, or of how long si and ng. it isamenabls to mag-lietlc treatment, and thev rie and walk. Many people who have been sick aod crip- Bled for years ve neen carried to him on rdsai.d in chairs, and re made entirely well by a fe magnetic treatments. lie holds in his grasp and cor.vejs to the patient the ruprfnl mairnefc and -electrical force We sell the best quality of goods at the lowest prices. The Puritan Oil Heater for $5.00 will keep your whole house the Hie.

th action, the real ease nee of evary healing nrlncipl-. Has proved to lie in all ge the most weird, eltlcieini ami jKiwerfn. of all healing stents. is th Almighty Creative and Divine power which ekerglars, vitalises and controls all warm GONE WITH S2O0.OO0. Assistant Cashier of a New York National Bank-Wanted by the loltce.

New York, Nov. 14. Itichard V. Wood, past six jcars assistant cashier of the Metropolitan National bank, is wanted on the charge of appropriating 800,000 of the bank's funds. He is also said to have used $40,000 belonging to his father-in-law.

Squire Lawrence; $16,000 belonging to his aunt. Mrs. William Lawrence, and a considerable sum belonging to his t-ou-sin, Hart of Sparkill, with whom he was associated in the livery business. It is believed that when the full extent of Wood peculatious beoome known thoy will amount to a sum in the neighborhood of It waa said to-day that no trace of the mv.n has been found, but that the efforts to catch him will be proaecuted with all possible vigor. nights.

Freight pa'd 30 miles out of the city. All mail orders receive prompt attention. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT THAT. AT.

icse cool see them. all ar I'll ill II I 1Q1 NORTH ST. ur bins need flUlnn try some of this coal. Ihings. the very spirit essence pi erer strengthening and healing Influence Jtverr atom of fltfhand brood is permeated by this subtle power.

If any of your friends are sick and hare fa-led to find relief, do not abanuon youraelf to despair, bat go and have a frtenrly talk with htm. He guarantees fair ana honest treatment to every one. It your case is curable, he will oure you; if not, you will be told so at on ce. gftimLjt Office hours from lCJt a. m.

to I a. nu, Wednesday of each week at the American House, Mat. the best for all purpoae. Weirwtok Cannel Coal for Are places. Also and Urr Ilia Dr.

Agnew's Liver Pills are the moat perfect made, and cure Ike magic. Sick Headache, Constipation. Biliousness. Indigeation and al! Liver Ills. 10 cents a vial 40 doses.

Sold by W. H. Carrier. R. A.

Rockwell, House Klrnishings, Kerosene Oil and Gasolene, 121 North Street, Pittsfleld New York Cash Grocery Company. 20 Fenn Pittsfleld, Mass. OOD AND KINDLINOS. Telephone No. 3 1 -2..

The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.