About the Author - pearsonhighered.com 3: Studying ... PhysioEx™ 9.1 PhysioEx 9.1 is an easy-to-use physiology lab ... Each exercise and activity is referenced in the lab man- - [PDF Document] (2024)


About the Author

Catharine C. Whiting, University of North Georgia Cathy Whiting began her college career at Waycross Junior College before transferring to the University of Georgia and earning a B.S. degree in biology. She earned both M.S.T. and Ph.D. degrees in zoology at the University of Florida, training under an extraordinary mentor, Dr. Louis J. Guillette, a distinguished researcher, author, and educator who taught her how to do science and, more importantly, how to teach. With 25 years of college teaching experience, Whiting seeks to engage her students through active learning in order to facilitate the development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. She has discovered that passionate teaching leads to passionate learning and that students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. The recipient of several teaching awards including Faculty Member of the Year, Advisor of the Year, and Master Teacher, she considers her greatest reward to be the privilege of teaching and impacting the lives of students.

About the Media ContributorKaren L. Keller, Frostburg State University

Karen Keller earned both her B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology from Frostburg State University and her Ph.D. in physiology from the University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine. She has taught at community college and four-year college levels and has extensive experience teaching introductory biology, anatomy and physiology, musculoskeletal anatomy, microbiology, comparative vertebrate anatomy, histology, and parasitology courses. In addition, she advises students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions and is a member of the American Association of Anatomists, the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, and the Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions.

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Why Did I Write This Lab Manual?Since graduating from the University of Georgia with a BS in biology, I have been teaching in a wide variety of settings—as a laboratory assistant, as a high school teacher, as a graduate assistant, as a tutor/mentor for college athletes, as an assistant professor of biology at Wingate University, and, currently, as a professor of biology at the University of North Georgia–Gainesville. Regardless of the setting, I have always regarded teaching as an incredible opportu-nity and a great privilege. Through the years, I have learned that effective teaching requires much hard work, dedica-tion, and enthusiasm. It involves a lifelong pursuit of both content knowledge and understanding how students learn. It involves challenging students to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Most importantly, it involves building relationships with students and investing in their lives. As a matter of fact, it was a late afternoon conversa-tion with a group of students after lab in the fall of 2009 that inspired me to pursue writing a lab manual.

I set out to write a lab manual that was first and fore-most a tool of engagement. In my experience, engaging stu-dents in an active learning environment is the key to student success in both the lecture and the laboratory setting. When students are engaged, exciting things happen. Attendance improves. Students enjoy being in class. Grades soar! Stu-dents begin to focus on learning instead of worrying about what is going to be on the test. My hope is that instructors will be able to use and adapt the activities in this manual to cultivate their own active learning environment and to

experience the joy of watching students fully engage in the learning process. Imagine having to run students out of the lab so that the next lab can get started. You will be amazed at what your students can accomplish when they are engaged, challenged, and inspired!

How Is This Lab Manual Different?Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections distinguishes itself from other A&P lab manu-als by focusing heavily on addressing the three biggest teaching challenges for A&P lab instructors: getting stu-dents to engage in the lab, to prepare for the lab, and to apply concepts in the lab.

Getting Students Engaged in the LabFor many instructors this is the #1 teaching problem in the lab course. The whole active-learning approach of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Con-nections is centered on getting students engaged in the lab and asking questions. We achieve this by including a rich variety of hands-on activities that use different learning modes including labeling, sketching, touching, dissecting, observing, conducting experiments, interacting with groups, and making predictions.

This lab manual includes many tried and true lab activi-ties but also has some unique activities to help facilitate active learning, including those listed in the table below.


Unit Activity How it facilitates active learning

Unit 2 Introduction to the Organ Systems

Activity 3: Studying Homeostasis and Organ System Interactions

Students work together to research and explain how organ systems interact during the regulation of body temperature; high engagement factor; challenging task that requires students to think critically and discuss their ideas with lab group members

Unit 6 Histology

Activity 4: Constructing a Tissue Identification Concept Map

Students must interact (discuss, question, argue, etc.) to determine the best set of questions to identify the assigned tissue types; encourages students to think about tissues rather than just memorize them; high engagement and high energy; demands critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Unit 10 The Appendicular Skeleton

Activity 2: Identifying Bones in a Bag

Students identify bones and their features by touch only; high engagement and interaction as students discuss and review the assigned features of each bone as it is pulled out of the bag

Unit 13 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System

Activity 1: Determining How Skeletal Muscles Are Named

Students complete an interactive overview activity that helps them understand how skeletal muscles are named; this activity teaches students a very useful approach to learning specific skeletal muscles (origin, insertion, innervation, and action) and prepares them for the remaining activities in the unit; actively engages students as they perform various muscle actions and locate muscles on different anatomical models throughout the lab


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Preface v

Key features of Human Anatomy & Physiology Labora-tory Manual: Making Connections that help facilitate active learning include the following.

• LabBOOSTS invite students to do hands-on demon-stration of key concepts.

• Making Connections charts within activities encour-age students to apply previously learned concepts.

• Guided Questions within the activities help students think about the relevant concepts and how they apply to the activity.

• Quick Tips provide hints for performing activities or mnemonics for remembering key terms.

• Clinical Connection boxes highlight relevant diseases or conditions and help reinforce learning of key concepts.

Getting Students to Prepare for LabThis manual helps address this problem by providing exten-sive Pre-Lab Assignments that include pre-lab activity questions for each activity in the unit. These pre-lab questions are intended to get the student to peruse the lab activities before lab. Assignable Pre-Lab Assessments are also available in Mastering A&P.

Getting Students to Apply ConceptsA third challenge and goal in the lab course is to get students to see the connections between concepts learned in lecture and their application in the lab. This manual fosters students’

ability to make these connections with unique Think About It questions and Making Connections charts. Post-Lab Assignments also include Bloom’s Level II Review Ques-tions and Concept Mapping.

Other Key FeaturesCompanion Lab Manual to Erin Amerman’s Human Anatomy & PhysiologyThis lab manual was developed as the companion lab manual to Erin Amerman’s Human Anatomy & Physiology textbook and reflects the same superb art program and terminology found in the Amerman textbook.

Additional Photos of Lab SpecimensThis lab manual contains additional images not found in the Amerman textbook, including photos of anatomical models, cadaver images, and histology photomicrographs.

PhysioEx™ 9.1PhysioEx 9.1 is an easy-to-use physiology lab simulation program that allows students to repeat labs as often as they like, perform experiments

without animals, and conduct experiments that are difficult

Unit Activity How it facilitates active learning

Unit 15 The Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord

Activity 3: Identifying the Meninges/ Ventricles and Tracing the Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid

Students engage in a high-energy, interactive cerebrospinal fluid “dance” as they learn about the production, flow, and return of CSF to venous circulation

Unit 18 The Endocrine System

Activity 3: Investigating Endocrine Case Studies: Clinician’s Corner

Mini case studies encourage students to apply the information that they have learned in Activity 1 and Activity 2; builds critical-thinking and problem-solving skills

Unit 23 Circulatory Pathways and the Physiology of Blood Vessels

Activity 1: Tracing Blood Flow—General Systemic Pathways

Students use their knowledge of heart and blood vessel anatomy obtained in previous units along with anatomical models to trace the pathway of blood from the left ventricle to four peripheral sites (eye, forearm, abdomen, and leg) and back to the right atrium; they work together to diagram, label, and explain the exchange of materials at the capillary bed

Unit 24 The Lymphatic System

Activity 4: Using a Pregnancy Test to Demonstrate Antigen–Antibody Reactions

An interactive “wet lab” that engages students as they perform an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the presence of an antigen (human chorionic gonadotropin) in unknown samples

Unit 27 Anatomy of the Digestive System

Activity 3: Examining the Histology of Selected Digestive Organs

Interactive question set encourages student engagement and challenges students to make predictions and draw conclusions concerning the relationship between structure and function at the histological level

Unit 30 Physiology of the Urinary System

Activity 2: Simulating the Events of Urine Production and Urine Concentration

Hands-on activity using beads to simulate renal function; a question set takes students through a step-by-step process with increasingly challenging questions to help them better understand the role of the kidneys in maintaining homeostasis as well as to further identify structure/function relationships

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vi Preface

to perform in a wet lab environment because of time, cost, or safety concerns. Every exercise includes an overview, and every activity includes objectives, an introduction, a pre-lab quiz, the experiment, a post-lab quiz, review sheet questions, and a lab report that students can save as a PDF and print and/or email to their instructor. The online format with easy step-by-step instructions includes everything students need in one convenient place.

Each exercise and activity is referenced in the lab man-ual; students are then directed to access them in PhysioEx in Mastering A&P. Pre-lab and post-lab quizzes and review sheets for PhysioEx are assignable in Mastering A&P.

PhysioEx 9.1 includes 12 exercises containing a total of 63 physiology lab activities. The program features the following.

• Input data variability allows students to change vari-ables and test various hypotheses for the experiments.

• Step-by-step instructions put everything students need to do to complete the lab in one convenient place. Students gather data, analyze results, and check their understanding, all on screen.

• Stop & Think Questions and Predict Questions help students think about the connection between the activi-ties and the physiological concepts they demonstrate.

• Greater data variability in the results reflects more realistically the results that students would encounter in a wet lab experiment.

• Pre-Lab and Post-Lab Quizzes and short-answer review sheets are offered to help students prepare for and review each activity.

• Students can save their lab report as a PDF, which they can print and/or e-mail to their instructor.

• A Test Bank of assignable Pre-Lab and Post-Lab Quizzes for use with TestGen or its course management system is provided for instructors.

• Seven wet lab videos of lab experiments demonstrate the actual experiments, making it easy for students to understand and visualize the content of the PhysioEx simulations. Wet lab videos demonstrate the follow-ing PhysioEx experiments: Cell Transport, Skeletal

Muscle, Nerve Impulses, Blood Typing, Cardiovascu-lar Physiology, Use of a Water-filled Spirometer, and BMR Measurement.

PhysioEx 9.1 topics include the following.

• Exercise 1: Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeabil-ity. Explores how substances cross the cell membranes. Topics include simple and facilitated diffusion, osmosis, filtration, and active transport.

• Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology. Provides insights into the complex physiology of skeletal muscle. Topics include electrical stimulation, isometric contrac-tions, and isotonic contractions.

• Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses. Inves-tigates stimuli that elicit action potentials, stimuli that inhibit action potentials, and factors affecting the con-duction velocity of an action potential.

• Exercise 4: Endocrine System Physiology. Investigates the relationship between hormones and metabolism, the effect of estrogen replacement therapy, the diagnosis of diabetes, and the relationship between the levels of cor-tisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone and a variety of endocrine disorders.

• Exercise 5: Cardiovascular Dynamics. Allows students to perform experiments that would be difficulty if not impossible to do in a traditional laboratory. Topics include vessel resistance and pump (heart) mechanics.

• Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology. Examines vari-ables influencing heart activity. Topics include setting up and recording baseline heart activity, the refractory period of cardiac muscle, and an investigation of factors that affect heart rate and contractility.

• Exercise 7: Respiratory System Mechanics. Investigates physical and chemical aspects of pulmonary function. Students collect data simulating normal lung volumes. Other activities examine factors such as airway resis-tance and the effect of surfactant on lung function.

• Exercise 8: Chemical and Physical Processes of Diges-tion. Examines factors that affect enzyme activity by manipulating (in compressed time) enzymes, reagents, and incubation conditions.

• Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology. Stimulates the function of a single nephron. Topics include fac-tors influencing glomerular filtration, the effect of hormones on urine function, and glucose transport maximum.

• Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance. Topics include respi-ratory and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis and renal and respiratory compensation.

• Exercise 11: Blood Analysis. Topics include hematocrit determination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate determi-nation, hemoglobin determination, blood typing, and total cholesterol determination.

• Exercise 12: Serological Testing. Investigates antigen–antibody reactions and their role in clinical tests used to diagnose a disease or an infection.

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Preface vii

BIOPAC Activities that utilize the Biopac Student Labs data

acquisition system are included in Unit 12, Introduction to the Muscular System: Muscle Tissue; Unit 15, The Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord; Unit 21, Physiol-ogy of the Heart; and Unit 26, Physiology of the Respiratory System.

What’s New in the Second EditionGlobal changes include the following.

• NEW “What You Need to Know Before You Start This Unit” section at the beginning of each unit helps students determine what they need to review before lab.

• Over 30 REVISED illustrations based on the new/revised art in Amerman’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 2nd edition.

• 12 NEW photos added, including 5 photomicro-graphs, 3 cadaver, and 4 anatomical models.

• NEW pronunciation guides help reduce frustration associated with learning a new, complex vocabulary.

• REVISED Making Connections charts have been reorganized so they are now easier to complete during lab time.

• REVISED background material helps students come to lab better prepared by summarizing key concepts and reinforcing topics taught in lecture.

• REVISED Pre-Lab and Post-Lab Questions help students focus on key concepts and improve critical-thinking skills.

Unit-by-unit changes include the following.

Unit 1, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology: Revised Figure 1-3 (common terms that describe the regions of the body surface) to make it more useful and student-friendly

Unit 2, Introduction to the Organ Systems: New and improved Activity 3: Studying Homeostasis and Organ System Interactions to help students better understand how to complete the organ system interaction worksheet

Unit 3, Chemistry: Updated LabBOOST with new photo to increase student understanding of protein structure and function

Unit 5, The Cell: Addition of compare and contrast charts in Activity 5: Exploring Cellular Diversity to stimulate critical thinking

Unit 7, The Integumentary System: Revised activity instructions to improve clarity

Unit 8, Introduction to the Skeletal System: Modified Activity 2: Classifying and Identifying Bones and

Bone Markings to stimulate critical thinking; addition of spongy bone histology in Activity 4: Exploring the Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

Unit 9, The Axial Skeleton: Modified activities to increase higher order thinking

Unit 11, Joints: Addition of compare and contrast charts in Activity 3: Comparing and Contrasting the Structure and Function of Selected Synovial Joints to stimulate critical thinking

Unit 12, Introduction to the Muscular System: Muscle Tissue: Updated BIOPAC activities

Unit 14, Introduction to the Nervous System: Expanded Activity 4: Exploring the Histology of Nervous Tissue with new photomicrographs

Unit 15, The Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord: Reorganized content and modified instructions for Activity 1: Exploring the Functional Anatomy of the Brain to improve flow and clarity; updated BIOPAC activities

Unit 16, The Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System: Reorganized content and modified activity instructions to improve flow and clarity

Unit 18, The Endocrine System: Revised question sets in Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Endocrine System to improve flow and clarity

Unit 23, Circulatory Pathways and the Physiology of Blood Vessels: Modified activity instructions to improve clarity

Unit 24, The Lymphatic System: Revised and improved Making Connections chart in Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Lymphatic System

Unit 25, Anatomy of the Respiratory System: Revised and improved Making Connections chart in Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Respiratory System

Unit 28, Physiology of the Digestive System: Expanded Activity 4: Tracing Digestive Pathways to build critical thinking skills

Unit 30, Physiology of the Urinary System: Modified instructions for Activity 2: Simulating the Events of Urine Production and Urine Concentration to improve clarity

Unit 31, Reproduction and Development: Expanded Activity 3: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of Selected Reproductive Organs to include epididymis, penis, uterine tube, and uterus

What’s New in Mastering A&PPlease see the front of this lab manual for information on the new media and assignments for the second edition of Whiting, found in Mastering A&P.

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Erin is a truly gifted writer with an incredible insight into how students learn.

I would like to thank several of my colleagues at the University of North Georgia for their help, support, and valuable insights. A special thanks to John Hamilton for his expert photography. I owe JB Sharma a debt of gratitude for being an endless source of encouragement and a model of teaching excellence. I want to thank Lynne Berdanier for lis-tening to my wild ideas and for her willingness to try them out in her labs. A special thanks to Jeanelle Morgan, our fearless leader on the Gainesville campus, who is an unend-ing source of support, encouragement and guidance. Finally, to Malynde Weaver, my friend, my colleague, and teacher/advisor extraordinaire—your character, your wisdom, and your focus will always inspire me.

To my current and former students, you are the inspira-tion for this project. Your passion for learning motivates me to be the best teacher that I can be. A special shout out to the students who helped with the fetal pig manuscript and dis-section photos for the first edition: Axel, Meg, Ryan B, and Ryan M. I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of my students who have served as A&P teaching assis-tants through the years. Oh, the adventures we have shared! To my lead TA, Jessica, your enthusiasm, your energy, and your passion are contagious. You are going to be one incred-ible A&P professor! You are the reason that I teach!

Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for the late Dr. Louis J. Guillette and the tremendous impact that he had on my life. He was my mentor, my professor, and my friend. He invested in my life and he taught me how to teach. He believed in me so many years ago, and that belief not only changed the direction of my life but also instilled in me a confidence in my abilities that took root and enabled me to pursue my dreams.

I am deeply grateful to my husband, Mark, and to our three incredible teenagers, Jesse, Eli, and Ashton, for their patience (most of the time) as I managed deadlines amidst the demands of our crazy yet incredible life filled with activities—swimming, football, baseball, basketball, and color guard, just to name a few! Mark, this project would have never happened without you. You are the love of my life—an incredible husband and father—and I am blessed beyond measure. You remind me daily with your words and actions of what is really important in life, and you help me keep my priorities in order.

Finally, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, Dan and Lou Cox. Their unending love and support enabled me to pursue my dream of becoming a college pro-fessor. Furthermore, Dad’s dedication to his career as a doc-tor and Mom’s extraordinary nursing skills taught me that teaching, like medicine, is more about building relationships and service than anything else.

A project of this magnitude is truly a team effort, and I have been a part of an amazing team. I have so many peo-ple to thank. I will be forever grateful to Acquisitions Edi-tor Gretchen Puttkamer for bringing me onto the team, for helping me to create a vision for this project, and for having the patience to coach me through those rough beginnings. A heart-felt thanks to Serina Beauparlant, Editor-in-Chief, for her unending support, encouragement, and direction. Her extraordinary dedication to this project inspired me to give this lab manual my all and to keep my eyes on the finish line. Kudos also to Allison Rona, Director of Product Marketing, and Derek Perrigo, Senior Anatomy & Physiology Special-ist, for their marketing guidance and advice. I am also grate-ful to Senior Content Producer Lauren Hill, Media Content Producers Patrice Fabel and Keri Rand, and Videographer Amanda Kaufmann for their excellent work spearheading Mastering A&P and the new media for this edition.

The production of this book was a herculean task expertly managed by Arielle Grant, Content Producer at Pearson and Norine Strang, Senior Project Manager at Cenveo Publisher Services. Many thanks to Stephanie Marquez, who provided guidance to the illustrators at Imagineering Art. Thanks also to Karin Kipp for her excellent photo research, and to Joanna Dinsmore for her eagle-eyed copyediting.

I want to thank Media Contributor Karen Keller of Frostburg State University for her superb job authoring the new fetal pig dissection videos and for writing several units for the first edition. Many thanks go to Michael Midgley, Quinnipiac University, for his thoughtful feedback and for updating the BIOPAC activities. I’m also grateful to Lori Smith, American River College, for sharing her excellent pre-lab videos. A special thanks to Carol Britson, University of Mississippi, Jill Feinstein, Richland Community College, and Elizabeth Hodgson, York College of Pennsylvania, for their advice and authorship of new assessments in Master-ing. Thanks to Patricia Brady Wilhelm of Johnson & Wales University for her outstanding work on the cat dissection videos and units for the first edition. Thanks also to Wendy Rappazzo of Harford Community College, who authored clinical questions for Mastering A&P. I am grateful to Sheri Boyce of Messiah College and Anna Gilletly of Central New Mexico Community College for their assistance in editing and preparing units. A huge thank you to Kate Phil-lips of Quinnipiac University, Carolyn Lebsack of Linn-Benton Community College, Steve Leadon of Durham Technical Community College, Michelle Gaston of North-ern Virginia Community College, and Bert Atsma of Union County College for their meticulous accuracy checks. I also want to thank Professor Sam Chen for his willingness to share his cerebrospinal fluid “dance”!

I owe a very special thanks to Erin Amerman for writing an outstanding textbook for this lab manual to accompany.


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Acknowledgments ix

First and Second Edition Text and Media ReviewersPius Aboloye, North Lake College (DCCCD)Joslyn Ahlgren, University of FloridaMichele Alexandre, Durham Technical Community CollegeChris Allen, Lone-Star College at University ParkEmily Allen, Rowan College of Gloucester County Marcia Anglin, Miami Dade College–North campusRosalie Arienti, Central Maine Community College–AuburnErin Arnold, Jefferson State Community CollegeMary Ann Arnold Hedrick, Wytheville Community CollegeMarianne Baricevic, Raritan Valley Community CollegeVerona Barr, Heartland Community CollegeDena Berg, Tarrant County College NWSheri Boyce, Messiah CollegeRon Bridges, Pellissippi State Community CollegeCarol A. Britson, University of MississippiKathleen Broomall, Miami University–HamiltonGeralyn Caplan, Owensboro Community & Technical

CollegeMichelle Carey, Hutchinson Community CollegeMaria Carles, Northern Essex Community CollegeCarol Carr, John Tyler Community CollegeEllen Carson, Florida State College–JacksonvillePeter Charles, Durham Technical Community CollegeElizabeth Collins, Iowa Central Community CollegeTeresa Cowan, Baker CollegeKen Crane, Texarkana CollegeMary Dettman, Seminole State CollegeKaren Dunbar-Kareiva, Ivy Tech Community CollegesKathryn Englehart, Kennebec Valley Community CollegeSondra Evans, Florida State College–JacksonvilleGeorgia Everett, Ivy Tech Community CollegeJill Feinstein, Richland Community CollegeTracy Felton, Union County CollegeChristine Foley, Southwest Texas Junior College–Del Rio

CampusLori Frear, Wake Tech Community CollegeKim Fredricks, Viterbo UniversityLynn Gargan, Tarrant County College NE Lori Garrett, Parkland CollegeMichelle Gaston, Northern Virginia Community CollegeCarol Gavareski, Bellingham Technical CollegeAnna Gilletly, Central New Mexico Community CollegeMiriam Golbert, College of the CanyonsJoanna Greene, Ivy Tech Community College–AndersonTammy Greene, Ivy Tech Community College–KokomoTim Grogan, Valencia CollegeJuan Guzman, Florida Gateway CollegeBill Hanna, Massasoit Community CollegeLesleigh Hastings, Wake Tech Community CollegeStephanie Havemann, Alvin Community CollegeHeidi Hawkins, College of Southern IdahoD. J. Hennager, Kirkwood Community College

Charmaine Henry, Baker UniversityAustin Hicks, University of AlabamaElizabeth Hodgson, York College of Pennsylvania Julie Huggins, Arkansas State UniversityJody Johnson, Arapahoe Community CollegeKaren Keller, Frostburg State UniversitySuzanne Kempke, St. Johns River Community CollegeChristine Kisiel, Mount Wachusett Community CollegeM. Anne Lachelt, Iowa Central Community CollegeEllen Lathrop-Davis, Community College of Baltimore CountySteven Leadon, Durham Technical Community CollegeCarolyn Lebsack, Linn-Benton Community CollegeStephen Lebsack, Linn-Benton Community CollegeJeffrey Lee, Essex Community CollegeLeona Levitt, Union County CollegeShawn Macauley, Muskegon Community CollegeChristine Maney, Salem State CollegeBruce Maring, Daytona State CollegeRobert Marino, Capital Community CollegeSarah Matarese, St. George’s SchoolCherie McKeever, Montana State University–Great FallsAnnie McKinnon, Howard CollegeMichael Midgley, Quinnipiac UniversityJustin Moore, American River CollegeRegina Munro, Chandler Gilbert Community CollegeKaren Murch-Shafer, University of Nebraska–OmahaJacqueline Nesbit, University of New OrleansZvi Ostrin, Hostos Community CollegeEllen Ott-Reeves, Blinn College–Bryan CampusDebbie Palatinus, Roane State Community CollegeKevin Ragland, Nashville State Community CollegeWendy Rappazzo, Harford Community CollegeJean Revie, South Mountain Community CollegeTravis Robb, Allen Community College–BurlingameFredy Ruiz, Miami Dade CollegeTracy Rusco, East Central CollegeAmy Ryan, Clinton Community CollegeLinda Schams, Viterbo UniversityJeff Schinske, De Anza CollegeSteven Schneider, South Texas CollegeDorothy C. Scholl, University of New MexicoMaureen Scott, Norfolk StateMarieken Shaner, University of New MexicoGeorge Steer, Jefferson College of Health SciencesMaura O. Stevenson, Quinnipiac UniversityJames Stittsworth, Florida State College–JacksonvilleDeborah Temperly, Delta CollegeTerry Thompson, Wor-Wic Community CollegeCarlene Tonini-Boutacoff, College of San MateoLiz Torrano, American River CollegeOlga E. Vazquez, Valencia CollegeLisa Welch, Weatherford College Deb Wiepz, Madison Area Technical CollegeDarrellyn Williams, Pulaski Technical CollegeGina M. Zainelli, Gateway Technical College

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24 The Lymphatic System 517 25 Anatomy of the Respiratory System 537 26 Physiology of the Respiratory System 553 27 Anatomy of the Digestive System 571 28 Physiology of the Digestive System 599 29 Anatomy of the Urinary System 613 30 Physiology of the Urinary System 631 31 Reproduction and Development 649

CAT Dissection Exercises

1 Exploring the Muscular System of the Cat C-1

2 Exploring the Spinal Nerves of the Cat C-21

3 Exploring the Respiratory System of the Cat C-27

4 Exploring the Digestive System of the Cat C-33

5 Exploring the Cardiovascular System of the Cat C-41

6 Exploring the Urinary System of the Cat C-49

7 Exploring the Reproductive System of the Cat C-53


1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1 2 Introduction to the Organ Systems 15 3 Chemistry 31 4 The Microscope 51 5 The Cell 65 6 Histology 85 7 The Integumentary System 109 8 Introduction to the Skeletal System 127 9 The Axial Skeleton 147 10 The Appendicular Skeleton 181 11 Joints 209 12 Introduction to the Muscular System:

Muscle Tissue 229 13 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular

System 253 14 Introduction to the Nervous System 293 15 The Central Nervous System: Brain

and Spinal Cord 313 16 The Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves

and Autonomic Nervous System 343 17 General and Special Senses 369 18 The Endocrine System 399 19 Blood 419 20 Anatomy of the Heart 439 21 Physiology of the Heart 455 22 Anatomy of Blood Vessels 471 23 Circulatory Pathways and the

Physiology of Blood Vessels 499


Brief Contents

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Activity 5: Caring for the Microscope 59POST-LAB Assignments 61

The Cell 65

PRE-LAB Assignments 66

LabBOOST Organelles 70Activity 1: Making a Wet Mount 71Activity 2: Identifying Cell Structures and Describing

Their Functions 71Activity 3: Examining the Possible Role of Osmosis

in Cystic Fibrosis 72Activity 4: Identifying the Stages of the Cell Cycle 76Activity 5: Exploring Cellular Diversity 77

™ Exercise 1: Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability 78POST-LAB Assignments 79

Histology 85

PRE-LAB Assignments 86Activity 1: Examining Epithelial Tissue 91Activity 2: Characterizing Connective Tissue 98Activity 3: Exploring Nervous and Muscle Tissue 99Activity 4: Constructing a Tissue Identification

Concept Map 101POST-LAB Assignments 103

The Integumentary System 109

PRE-LAB Assignments 110Activity 1: Identifying and Describing Skin

Structures 116Activity 2: Examining the Histology of the Skin 118Activity 3: Determining Sweat Gland Distribution 120POST-LAB Assignments 121

Introduction to the Skeletal System 127

PRE-LAB Assignments 128Activity 1: Reviewing Skeletal Cartilages 130Activity 2: Classifying and Identifying Bones and Bone

Markings 135





Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1

PRE-LAB Assignments 2Activity 1: Identifying Body Regions and Exploring

Surface Anatomy 6Activity 2: Identifying Body Cavities and Abdominopelvic

Regions 8Activity 3: Demonstrating and Identifying Body Planes of

Section 9Activity 4: Assisting the Coroner 10POST-LAB Assignments 11

Introduction to the Organ Systems 15

PRE-LAB Assignments 16Activity 1: Locating and Describing Major Organs

and Their Functions 18Activity 2: Using Anatomical Terminology to Describe

Organ Locations 22Activity 3: Studying Homeostasis and Organ System

Interactions 24POST-LAB Assignments 27

Chemistry 31

PRE-LAB Assignments 32Activity 1: Exploring the Chemical Properties of Water 36Activity 2: Determining pH and Interpreting the pH

Scale 38Activity 3: Observing the Role of Buffers 40

LabBOOST Protein Structure 43Activity 4: Analyzing Enzymatic Activity 44POST-LAB Assignments 47

The Microscope 51

PRE-LAB Assignments 52Activity 1: Identifying the Parts of the Microscope 54Activity 2: Using the Microscope to View Objects 55Activity 3: Determining Field Diameter and Estimating

the Size of Objects 57

LabBOOST Metric Conversions 59Activity 4: Perceiving Depth of Field 59






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xii Contents

Activity 3: Examining the Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone 137

LabBOOST Osteon Model 139Activity 4: Exploring the Microscopic Anatomy

of Bone 139Activity 5: Examining the Chemical Composition

of Bone 141POST-LAB Assignments 143

The Axial Skeleton 147

PRE-LAB Assignments 148Activity 1 Studying the Bones of the Skull 158Activity 2 Examining the Fetal Skull 163Activity 3 Studying the Bones of the Vertebral Column

and Thoracic Cage 169Activity 4 Identifying Bones in a Bag 173POST-LAB Assignments 175

The Appendicular Skeleton 181

PRE-LAB Assignments 182

LabBOOST The Pelvic Bones 187Activity 1: Studying the Bones of the Appendicular

Skeleton 192Activity 2: Identifying Bones in a Bag 200POST-LAB Assignments 201

Joints 209

PRE-LAB Assignments 210Activity 1: Identifying and Classifying Joints 216Activity 2: Demonstrating Movements Allowed by

Synovial Joints 218Activity 3: Comparing and Contrasting the Structure

and Function of Selected Synovial Joints 222POST-LAB Assignments 225

Introduction to the Muscular System: Muscle Tissue 229

PRE-LAB Assignments 230Activity 1: Identifying the Structural Components of a

Skeletal Muscle 233Activity 2: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of

Skeletal Muscle Tissue and the Neuromuscular Junction 237

LabBOOST Visualizing Sliding Filaments 239





Activity 3: Stimulating Muscle Contraction in Glycerinated Skeletal Muscle Tissue 241

Activity 4: Electromyography in a Human Subject Using 243

™ Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology 246POST-LAB Assignments 247

Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System 253

PRE-LAB Assignments 254Activity 1: Determining How Skeletal Muscles

Are Named 257Activity 2: Mastering the Muscles of the Head

and Neck 266Activity 3: Mastering the Muscles of the Trunk 272Activity 4: Mastering the Muscles of the Upper

Limb 278Activity 5: Mastering the Muscles of the Lower

Limb 284POST-LAB Assignments 285

Introduction to the Nervous System 293

PRE-LAB Assignments 294Activity 1: Calculating Reaction Time 297Activity 2: Investigating the Motor Neuron 302Activity 3: Investigating the Chemical Synapse 303Activity 4: Exploring the Histology of Nervous

Tissue 305™ Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve

Impulses 306POST-LAB Assignments 307

The Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord 313

PRE-LAB Assignments 314

LabBOOST Visualizing the Brain 322Activity 1: Exploring the Functional Anatomy of

the Brain 322Activity 2: Electroencephalography in a Human Subject

Using 324Activity 3: Identifying the Meninges/Ventricles and

Tracing the Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid 328Activity 4: Examining the Functional Anatomy of the

Spinal Cord 332




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Contents xiii

Activity 5: Dissecting a Sheep Brain and Spinal Cord 334

POST-LAB Assignments 337

The Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System 343

PRE-LAB Assignments 344

LabBOOST Learning the Cranial Nerves 350Activity 1: Learning the Cranial Nerves 351Activity 2: Evaluating the Function of the Cranial

Nerves 352Activity 3: Identifying the Spinal Nerves and

Nerve Plexuses 356Activity 4: Analyzing a Spinal Reflex 358Activity 5: Exploring the Autonomic Nervous

System 359POST-LAB Assignments 363

General and Special Senses 369

PRE-LAB Assignments 370Activity 1: Identifying General Sensory Receptors and

Exploring Their Structure and Function 374Activity 2: Examining the Structure and Function of

Olfactory and Gustatory Receptors 377Activity 3: Exploring the Structure and Function

of the Eye 380Activity 4: Dissecting a Mammalian Eye 383Activity 5: Performing Visual Tests 384Activity 6: Exploring the Structure and Function

of the Ear 389Activity 7: Performing Hearing and Equilibrium

Tests 391POST-LAB Assignments 393

The Endocrine System 399

PRE-LAB Assignments 400Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Endocrine

System 407Activity 2: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of the

Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Gland, Adrenal Gland, and Pancreas 409

LabBOOST Microscopic Anatomy of the Adrenal Cortex 411




Activity 3: Investigating Endocrine Case Studies: Clinician’s Corner 412

™ Exercise 4: Endocrine System Physiology 413POST-LAB Assignments 415

Blood 419

PRE-LAB Assignments 420Activity 1: Exploring the Formed Elements

of Blood 423Activity 2: Performing a Hematocrit 425Activity 3: Performing a Differential White Blood

Cell Count 426Activity 4: Determining Coagulation Time 428Activity 5: Determining Blood Types 430

™ Exercise 11: Blood Analysis 432POST-LAB Assignments 433

Anatomy of the Heart 439

PRE-LAB Assignments 440Activity 1: Examining the Functional Anatomy

of the Heart 444Activity 2: Dissecting a Mammalian Heart 446Activity 3: Reviewing the Microscopic Structure of

Cardiac Muscle Tissue 448Activity 4: Tracing Circulatory Pathways 450POST-LAB Assignments 451

Physiology of the Heart 455

PRE-LAB Assignments 456Activity 1: Recording and Interpreting an

Electrocardiogram 460Activity 2: Auscultating Heart Sounds 461Activity 3: Electrocardiography in a Human Subject

Using 462™ Exercise 6: Cardiovascular

Physiology 466POST-LAB Assignments 467

Anatomy of Blood Vessels 471

PRE-LAB Assignments 472

LabBOOST Blood Vessel Pathways 475Activity 1: Identifying the Major Arteries That Supply the

Head, Neck, Thorax, and Upper Limbs 480





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xiv Contents

Activity 2: Identifying the Major Arteries That Supply the Abdominopelvic Organs and the Lower Limbs 481

Activity 3: Identifying Veins That Drain into the Venae Cavae 487

Activity 4: Examining the Histology of Arteries and Veins 489

POST-LAB Assignments 491

Circulatory Pathways and the Physiology of Blood Vessels 499

PRE-LAB Assignments 500Activity 1: Tracing Blood Flow—General Systemic

Pathways 505Activity 2: Tracing Blood Flow—Specialized Systemic

Pathways 506Activity 3: Tracing Blood Flow—Pulmonary

Circulation 508Activity 4: Tracing Blood Flow—Fetal Circulation 510Activity 5: Measuring Blood Pressure and Examining the

Effects of Body Position and Exercise 511™ Exercise 5: Cardiovascular Dynamics 512

POST-LAB Assignments 513

The Lymphatic System 517

PRE-LAB Assignments 518Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Lymphatic

System 524Activity 2: Examining the Histology of a Lymph Node,

a Tonsil, and the Spleen 526Activity 3: Tracing the Flow of Lymph through

the Body 527Activity 4: Using a Pregnancy Test to Demonstrate

Antigen–Antibody Reactions 529™ Exercise 12: Serological Testing 532

POST-LAB Assignments 533

Anatomy of the Respiratory System 537

PRE-LAB Assignments 538Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Respiratory

System 544Activity 2: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of the

Trachea and Lungs 547Activity 3: Examining a Sheep Pluck 548POST-LAB Assignments 549




Physiology of the Respiratory System 553

PRE-LAB Assignments 554Activity 1: Analyzing the Model Lung and Pulmonary

Ventilation 558Activity 2: Measuring Respiratory Volumes in a Human

Subject Using 559Activity 3: Determining Respiratory Volumes and

Capacities at Rest and Following Exercise 562Activity 4: Investigating the Control of Breathing 564

™ Exercise 7: Respiratory System Mechanics 566POST-LAB Assignments 567

Anatomy of the Digestive System 571

PRE-LAB Assignments 572Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Alimentary

Canal 578Activity 2: Exploring the Accessory Organs of the

Digestive System 582Activity 3: Examining the Histology of Selected

Digestive Organs 589POST-LAB Assignments 593

Physiology of the Digestive System 599

PRE-LAB Assignments 600Activity 1: Analyzing Amylase Activity 603Activity 2: Analyzing Pepsin Activity 604Activity 3: Analyzing Lipase Activity 606Activity 4: Tracing Digestive Pathways 606

™ Exercise 8: Chemical and Physical Processes of Digestion 608POST-LAB Assignments 609

Anatomy of the Urinary System 613

PRE-LAB Assignments 614Activity 1: Exploring the Organs of the Urinary

System 620Activity 2: Dissecting a Mammalian Kidney 622Activity 3: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of the

Kidney, Ureter, and Urinary Bladder 625





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Contents xv

LabBOOST Anatomy of the Renal Corpuscle 626POST-LAB Assignments 627

Physiology of the Urinary System 631

PRE-LAB Assignments 632Activity 1: Demonstrating the Function of the Filtration

Membrane 636Activity 2: Simulating the Events of Urine Production

and Urine Concentration 637Activity 3: Using the Results of a Urinalysis to Make

Clinical Connections 641

LabBOOST Understanding Tonicity 642™ Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology 644™ Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance 644

POST-LAB Assignments 645

Reproduction and Development 649

PRE-LAB Assignments 650Activity 1: Examining Male Reproductive

Anatomy 658



Activity 2: Examining Female Reproductive Anatomy 659

Activity 3: Exploring the Microscopic Anatomy of Selected Reproductive Organs 661

Activity 4: Comparing Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis 668

Activity 5: Exploring Fertilization and the Stages of Prenatal Development 673

Activity 6: Examining the Placenta 676POST-LAB Assignments 677

Cat Dissection Exercises

1 Exploring the Muscular System of the Cat C-1 2 Exploring the Spinal Nerves of the Cat C-21 3 Exploring the Respiratory System of the Cat C-27 4 Exploring the Digestive System of the Cat C-33 5 Exploring the Cardiovascular System of

the Cat C-41 6 Exploring the Urinary System of the Cat C-49 7 Exploring the Reproductive System of the Cat C-53


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About the Author - pearsonhighered.com 3: Studying ... PhysioEx™ 9.1 PhysioEx 9.1 is an easy-to-use physiology lab ... Each exercise and activity is referenced in the lab man- - [PDF Document] (2024)
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