Operation Excision Outbreak Easter Egg Part Two Complete Solo Guide – Cold War Zombies (2024)

The second part of the main Outbreak easter egg is here, which serves as a ‘prologue’ for the next main round-based survival map – Mauer Der Toten.

If you’ve already completed the first part, let’s begin with the second part of the easter egg. The second part isn’t as challenging as the first one, as it is only a prologue for the next map. This one is a quick easter egg that many refer to as a ‘side easter egg’ given how easy it is to complete.

With that being said, it is still RNG-based and requires a bit of work. You will need to reach Round 3 in Outbreak before you can do any easter egg steps, similar to how the first part of the easter egg was.

In this guide, we show the locations of all the red rifts, broken mystery boxes, and red aethereal orbs. These are all part of this easter egg.


Video Guide


This easter egg does not require much preparation as the final boss you encounter isn’t that difficult. It is still best to have some form of preparation either way since you will be encountering the final boss and the zombies on either Round 5 or 6, depending on the RNG. In Round 5, you have a lot of super-sprinters and armored zombies. That is one of the reasons why you still shouldn’t take this easter egg lightly.

We do have a solid recommendation for you and recommend running the new AMP63 pistol with Akimbo. This pistol is overpowered in zombies and shreds through the hordes like no other. You may choose whatever weapon you wish, but you will easily cheese through this easter egg if you go with our recommendation. Below is our recommended AMP63 setup.

  • Muzzle: SOCOM Eliminator
  • Barrel: 6.4″ Task Force
  • Body: SWAT 5mW Laser Sight
  • Magazine: STANAG 25 Rnd
  • Stock: Dual Wield

In-game Preparation

There’s no special in-game preparation, but you must at least have a tier 2 pack-a-punched weapon with epic or legendary (orange) rarity. The higher, the better, of course.

The most optimal way of upgrading your weapon rarity is first to collect 1,500 uncommon salvage to reach rare (blue) rarity, followed by completing the fury crystal world events to get the Aether Wrench for a free upgrade to epic (purple) rarity.

You have a high chance of getting the event in two different regions, so you can easily upgrade to epic and finally legendary rarity for free. Suppose you have a fury crystal world event on the map. Do not do it until you’ve collected 1,500 uncommon salvage and upgraded your weapon to at least rare.

Always buy the important perks first, as you lose perks when you go down. We recommend buying the perks in the following order: Quick-Revive, Jugger-Nog, and Stamin-Up. You can buy the rest without worrying about the order.

Also, don’t forget a complete set of armor!

You can do all this in-game preparation until Round 3, where you will start the easter egg steps. We recommend doing all the side objectives and any random side easter egg you can find such as the unknown radio signal and aethereal orbs for maximum points.

Easter Egg Steps

Once prepared, continue playing until you reach Round 3 and then follow the steps ahead.

Step 1: Red Rifts

After warping to Round 3, you will need to look for a red rift around the map. These red rifts spawn in a single fixed location in all the regions. They look similar to the purple rifts you find along the borders of all the regions.

When you go through the rift, you will be teleported into the air just like the purple rift does, but this time you will find another red rift right in front of you at a distance. You need to direct yourself to jump through the second red rift.

You will go through the rifts three times in total. Every time you go through a rift, the following rift is further away in the distance. You can always parachute or glide sideways to cover a greater distance.

After going through the final rift, you will notice an object falling out of the sky in front of you, leaving behind a dark trail to follow.

You can locate the object’s exact location by looking for a yellow beam going up in the air, highlighting the location of the object.

Go to the object and collect it. This is a Beacon Listening Device which you must take to the Beacon to contact Ravenov. Similar to how you used a Beacon Listening Device in the first part of the easter egg to contact Samantha.

The following are all the red rift locations in all the regions:

Red Rift – Golova

On the top floor of the Church.

Red Rift – Alpine

At Dead Man’s Cliff.

Red Rift – Duga

Inside the Northern Bunker.

The rift is through the first door to your left as soon as you drop down into the Bunker.

Red Rift – Ruka

In a small cabin at the Old Farm near the western border of the region.

Red Rift – Zoo

In the Wolf Exhibit at the Zoo.

Red Rift – Collateral

At Cliffs West.

Red Rift – Armada

The red rift is underwater under a crashed ship in the western part of the region called Capsized.

After getting the Beacon Listening Device, make your way to the Beacon and select the ‘Respond’ option to call Ravenov.

After the dialogue with Ravenov, warp to the next region, and you should be teleported to Sanatorium (guaranteed).

Step 2: Locating the Crashed Helicopter

After warping to Sanatorium, you will notice that you have a new objective called ‘Operatsiya Issecheniye’ instead of one of your regular objectives.

The first thing you need to do is to find a crashed helicopter. The location of this crashed helicopter is always fixed, and it is in the southwestern section of the map.

You can also locate it by looking for a huge black cloud of smoke in the air.

When you reach the site, a horde of zombies will spawn and attack you. You need to secure the site by eliminating all the spawned zombies.

After killing all the zombies, interact with the Omega Audio Recording by the dead body hanging out of the helicopter.

Dr. Jager will start speaking, and he will inform you about the Aetherium Neutralizer. To make this work, you will be asked to find an Aethereal Orb.

Operation Excision Outbreak Easter Egg Part Two Complete Solo Guide – Cold War Zombies (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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