It is time for speed stat to be nerfed! (2024)



227 posts Member

April 4, 2018 4:08AM edited April 2018


First of all, I would like to acknowledge the recent changes to the game. Appreciated.

For a very long time time now, only speed stat (primary or secondary) has become the needed stat and all other stats (except perhaps CD and CC) have lost relevance.

It is time to bring balance to the game in this regard. Would like to understand what the developers plan to do about this.

Best regards,
Jar Jar Binks Rules!

  • GhostTruckin

    4020 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:21AM




  • PinkFloydTheBarber

    74 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:22AM



  • SoonerJBD

    460 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:35AM


    SithAmer wrote: »

    Best regards,
    Jar Jar Binks Rules!

    Obvious troll is obvious


  • DatBoi

    3615 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:35AM


    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

  • SoonerJBD

    460 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:39AM


    DatBoi wrote: »

    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

    The new Jabba the Hutt meta. Slow is the new fast.


  • BazeMalbus

    268 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 7:15AM


    I think that they should remove speed primary from arrows to promote diversity and more customizations of stats

  • KrasenYan

    25 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 7:22AM


    DatBoi wrote: »

    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

    He meant speed on mods, not speed overall.
    The problem with mods is not speed, but irrelevance of some other stats. Potency/tenacity for example should be reworked. Protection/health mods should be equal increase, since we have toons and combos that benefit from protection and others from health. Crit chance/crit immunity, evasion/accuracy, offense/defense and so on. Right now ppl care about speed only, other stats are second. For example I will put a mod with defense primary and high speed secondary on a toon that doesnt benefit from defense AT ALLq simply cause i need him to be faster.


  • Lumovanis

    50 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 9:56AM


    I mean, seriously, does anyone even use things like accuracy and crit avoidance arrows? I just roll my eyes every time I sim a full bar of energy and get a pile of those trash arrows.

  • vincentlondon

    4527 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 9:59AM


    Slow is the new meta

  • Spang

    286 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 10:40AM


    Lumovanis wrote: »

    I mean, seriously, does anyone even use things like accuracy and crit avoidance arrows?

    I do. For junk toons in TW. It is time for speed stat to be nerfed! (12)

  • Fauztin

    1332 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 10:41AM


    Moved to Feedback: Arena

    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne

  • freshprince19888

    828 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 12:16PM


    This is actually an easy fix. Take all non speed stats and multiply them by 10 or 50 or whatever it takes to make hitting harder or living longer worth it for going slower.

  • Rynchenzo

    41 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 12:25PM


    Nah, think I'm good.

  • leef

    13458 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 12:33PM


    freshprince19888 wrote: »

    This is actually an easy fix. Take all non speed stats and multiply them by 10 or 50 or whatever it takes to make hitting harder or living longer worth it for going slower.

    that's already happening. Lots of players settle for less speed in order to get more dmg/health/prot/cc. Ofcourse they can make other stats worth even more in comparrison to speed, but effectively that would result in the same thing, but with a different stat.

    Save water, drink champagne!

  • Huatimus

    3669 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 12:40PM


    Multiply by 10???
    I’ve got mods with close to 2500 Protection. That’ll be 25000 from just 1 mod, don’t even talk about multiplying by 50. Ridiculous.

    And who’s going to compensate those people who have spent so much resources farming for mods with Speed?

  • Rebel_yell

    928 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 12:59PM


    yeah, this simply isn't going to change. I agree it was poorly designed from the start tho. Too many variations of primaries and secondaries.

  • Kyno

    32087 posts Moderator

    April 4, 2018 1:02PM


    The only hope is they deal with this "imbalance" when higher dot mods come out. Preferably by making other stats proportionally relevant to speed.

    That being said, when evenly matched losing a little speed to hit harder or have more health/protection does matter. Toons that rely on crit chance absolutely benefit from being properly modded.

    Accuracy and crit avoidance do have a place, but yes it will always be a hard choice against 30 speed...B2 is the only one that I had in arena with accuracy over speed. He makes his own TM.

  • FriendOfSith

    86 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 1:23PM


    KrasenYan wrote: »

    DatBoi wrote: »

    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

    He meant speed on mods, not speed overall.
    The problem with mods is not speed, but irrelevance of some other stats. Potency/tenacity for example should be reworked. Protection/health mods should be equal increase, since we have toons and combos that benefit from protection and others from health. Crit chance/crit immunity, evasion/accuracy, offense/defense and so on. Right now ppl care about speed only, other stats are second. For example I will put a mod with defense primary and high speed secondary on a toon that doesnt benefit from defense AT ALLq simply cause i need him to be faster.

    YES! Way too much emphasis on speed, no other mod strategy comes close. Speed boosts through mods should only add a SMALL % to a toon's overall speed and speed in general should only be a small difference between slow and fast. Currently, 95% (?) of toons are heavily impacted by speed. That stat should be 15-20% with the remaining have other areas of focus.


  • TVF

    36773 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 3:29PM


    KrasenYan wrote: »

    DatBoi wrote: »

    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

    He meant speed on mods, not speed overall.

    Already answered, but I now imagine a new arena where all toons go at the same time.

    I need a new message here.


  • FolsomTony

    374 posts Member

    April 4, 2018 4:17PM


    TVF wrote: »

    KrasenYan wrote: »

    DatBoi wrote: »

    How do you nerf speed? Somebody has to go first

    He meant speed on mods, not speed overall.

    Already answered, but I now imagine a new arena where all toons go at the same time.

    I like this, I mean, who is going to just stand there when the blue guy punches you?

  • Vertigo

    4497 posts Member

    April 6, 2018 5:08AM


    As gear level increases, the % stats will eventually start lining up more with the flat speed boosts, no need to change the mods as they are now. I can't be the only one that noticed that not a single g12 piece gives speed.... They're clearly trying to work speed out of it slowly and making it so there aren't huge speed increases, and giving more bonuses to other stats.

  • Rebel_yell

    928 posts Member

    April 6, 2018 1:43PM


    Corruptor wrote: »

    Lol. You don’t need speed just use factions that give you TM. When you see characters at 100 speed that go before your 250+ speed characters because they gain 5%, obviously speed is not the issue.

    TM bonuses occur by taking an action, so you still have to go first otherwise the opponent can take action to prevent TM. Imperial Troopers is a perfect example. Snowtrooper probably doesn't need a speed arrow, but you still have to defeat a toon to get the TM train moving. That's why you don't see IT in arena.


  • YaeVizsla

    3448 posts Member

    April 6, 2018 4:56PM


    Y'all are talking about an issue that's more than twenty years older than this game.

    This is an ATB system.

    In ATB systems, speed is the god stat. It's rather baked in. Action economy is a much more difficult value to calculate than hit points and damage output. Going twice for half the impact is better, after all.

    Still not a he.

  • Darth_GrumpyCat

    34 posts Member

    April 26, 2018 9:33AM edited April 2018


    I'm all for rebalancing the stats. Right now it's speed or bust. Right now high speed can be reached without downsides, which it shouldn't.
    Also, other stats need to be looked at closely. E. g. potency. My palp has both Zeta's and is on his way to G12, yet I have to get a lucky role to stun more than 1 or 2 enemies (with 0 extra tenacity!). On the other hand, everytime 3+ of my squad gets constantly stunned by enemy low potency palpatines. Just a few mins ago, enemy palp, not even zeta'd, running all life mods, 53% potency = my entire squad stunned.
    That's utterly bullsh**. Rng to a certain extend is needed and can spice things up, but right now it's just completly off.


  • leef

    13458 posts Member

    April 26, 2018 9:39AM


    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    I'm all for rebalancing the stats. Right now it's speed or bust. Right now high speed can be reached without downsides, which it shouldn't.
    Also, other stats need to be looked at closely. E. g. potency. My palp has both Zeta's and is on his way to G12, yet I have to get a lucky role to stun more than 1 or 2 enemies (with 0 extra tenacity!). On the other hand, everytime 3+ of my squad gets constantly stunned by enemy low potency palpatines. Just a few mins ago, enemy palp, not even zeta'd, running all life mods, 53% potency = my entire squad stunned.
    That's utterly bullsh**. Rng to a certain extend is needed and can spice things up, but right now it's just completly off.

    palp doesn't need potency outside of his base potency + lead bonus. So effectively there are no low potency palps out there, he will (almost) always have enough potency to get max chance to stun every character.

    Save water, drink champagne!

  • Darth_GrumpyCat

    34 posts Member

    April 26, 2018 10:33AM


    leef wrote: »

    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    I'm all for rebalancing the stats. Right now it's speed or bust. Right now high speed can be reached without downsides, which it shouldn't.
    Also, other stats need to be looked at closely. E. g. potency. My palp has both Zeta's and is on his way to G12, yet I have to get a lucky role to stun more than 1 or 2 enemies (with 0 extra tenacity!). On the other hand, everytime 3+ of my squad gets constantly stunned by enemy low potency palpatines. Just a few mins ago, enemy palp, not even zeta'd, running all life mods, 53% potency = my entire squad stunned.
    That's utterly bullsh**. Rng to a certain extend is needed and can spice things up, but right now it's just completly off.

    palp doesn't need potency outside of his base potency + lead bonus. So effectively there are no low potency palps out there, he will (almost) always have enough potency to get max chance to stun every character.

    Still makes no sense that just because palp has high base potency even more potency seems to have the opposite effect. As long as there is no tenacity involved (which almost never is), the rule "the more potency the bigger the chance for a stun" should apply, resulting in a palp with a lot of extra potency landing a lot more stuns on the long run than one with "only" base potency. But the reality is, that even the opposite takes place. Just had another battle with an enemy 79% potency palp stunnning 4/5 since my own only got 2/5.
    It's not like "uh uh, one battle went astray, everything is bad". I'm observing this behaviour for a couple of weeks now and it starts driving me nuts.


  • Huatimus

    3669 posts Member

    April 26, 2018 10:37AM


    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    leef wrote: »

    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    I'm all for rebalancing the stats. Right now it's speed or bust. Right now high speed can be reached without downsides, which it shouldn't.
    Also, other stats need to be looked at closely. E. g. potency. My palp has both Zeta's and is on his way to G12, yet I have to get a lucky role to stun more than 1 or 2 enemies (with 0 extra tenacity!). On the other hand, everytime 3+ of my squad gets constantly stunned by enemy low potency palpatines. Just a few mins ago, enemy palp, not even zeta'd, running all life mods, 53% potency = my entire squad stunned.
    That's utterly bullsh**. Rng to a certain extend is needed and can spice things up, but right now it's just completly off.

    palp doesn't need potency outside of his base potency + lead bonus. So effectively there are no low potency palps out there, he will (almost) always have enough potency to get max chance to stun every character.

    Still makes no sense that just because palp has high base potency even more potency seems to have the opposite effect. As long as there is no tenacity involved (which almost never is), the rule "the more potency the bigger the chance for a stun" should apply, resulting in a palp with a lot of extra potency landing a lot more stuns on the long run than one with "only" base potency. But the reality is, that even the opposite takes place. Just had another battle with an enemy 79% potency palp stunnning 4/5 since my own only got 2/5.
    It's not like "uh uh, one battle went astray, everything is bad". I'm observing this behaviour for a couple of weeks now and it starts driving me nuts.

    You do know how Potency works right?

  • leef

    13458 posts Member

    April 26, 2018 10:55AM


    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    leef wrote: »

    Darth_GrumpyCat wrote: »

    I'm all for rebalancing the stats. Right now it's speed or bust. Right now high speed can be reached without downsides, which it shouldn't.
    Also, other stats need to be looked at closely. E. g. potency. My palp has both Zeta's and is on his way to G12, yet I have to get a lucky role to stun more than 1 or 2 enemies (with 0 extra tenacity!). On the other hand, everytime 3+ of my squad gets constantly stunned by enemy low potency palpatines. Just a few mins ago, enemy palp, not even zeta'd, running all life mods, 53% potency = my entire squad stunned.
    That's utterly bullsh**. Rng to a certain extend is needed and can spice things up, but right now it's just completly off.

    palp doesn't need potency outside of his base potency + lead bonus. So effectively there are no low potency palps out there, he will (almost) always have enough potency to get max chance to stun every character.

    Still makes no sense that just because palp has high base potency even more potency seems to have the opposite effect. As long as there is no tenacity involved (which almost never is), the rule "the more potency the bigger the chance for a stun" should apply, resulting in a palp with a lot of extra potency landing a lot more stuns on the long run than one with "only" base potency. But the reality is, that even the opposite takes place. Just had another battle with an enemy 79% potency palp stunnning 4/5 since my own only got 2/5.
    It's not like "uh uh, one battle went astray, everything is bad". I'm observing this behaviour for a couple of weeks now and it starts driving me nuts.

    like i said, a 79% potency palp isn't a low potency palp, he has the same chance of stunning 4 characters as a 120% potency palp.

    Save water, drink champagne!

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It is time for speed stat to be nerfed! (2024)
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