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What is the conversion of 164 cm to feet?

by Prasanna

What is the conversion of 164 cm to feet?


The conversion of one unit i.e., 164 centimetres to other feet is equals to the 5.37 feet.


Unit conversion, is the conversion between different units and measurements of the same quantity done in the process of multiplication or division. In mathematics, conversion is the process of changing a value from one form to another, such as converting a value from inches to millimeters, for distance from miles to kilometers, feet or other units.

How to convert centimeters to feet : One meter is a measure of length and equals approximately 3.28 feet. So, 164 meters = 164 × 3.28 feet

= 537.92 feet –(1)

But we need to convert 164 centimeters to feet. So, change meters to centimeters. As you know, 1 meter = 100 centimeters, so 164 meters = 16400 centimeters –(2).

Now from equations (1) and (2),

16400 centimeters = 537.92 feet,

Divide both parts by 100,

=> 164 centimeters = (537.92/100 ) feet

= 5.37 feet

Hence required value is 5.37 feet.

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What is 164 cm in feet ?

by Prasanna

What is 164 cm in feet ?


164 cm is equal to approximately 5 feet and 4.57 inches.

What is division?
Division is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, which are the methods through which numbers are joined to form new numbers. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are the other operations. A division in mathematics is the process of dividing a specified amount into equal pieces. For example, we can split a group of 20 people into four groups of five people each, or five groups of four people each, and so on. Split means to divide into two or more equal sections, regions, classes, categories, groups, or divisions. To put it simply, divide is among split something into equal portions and distribute it to a group.

5 feet and 4.57 inches is roughly 164 cm.

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Who was the first person on earth.

by Prasanna

Who was the first person on earth.


Scientifically, the first humans emerged only recently in Earth’s history, with hom*o sapiens appearing around 300,000 years ago. Before that, Earth was inhabited by simple microorganisms for billions of years. Human understanding of our origins has evolved over time, influenced by scientific discoveries that contradict earlier religious and mythological beliefs.


The question ‘Who was the first person on earth?’ touches on the concept of human origins, a subject extensively explored in various branches of science, such as biology and anthropology, as well as in religious and mythological stories. According to scientific consensus, humans as a species, hom*o sapiens, have only been present on Earth for a fraction of its history. If we were to compress the entire history of Earth into a single day, with the planet-forming at midnight, the first prokaryotes, which are simple, single-celled organisms without a nucleus, might have emerged early in this timeline, but our human ancestors would only appear in the last few minutes before midnight of the next day.

The earliest known forms of life on Earth were microorganisms that lived in the oceans billions of years prior to the appearance of plants and animals. These simple life forms laid the groundwork for the diversity of life we see today. Over time, the process of evolution led to the development of more complex organisms, and eventually to the emergence of mammals, birds, and flowers. The genus hom*o appeared approximately 2.5 million years ago, but hom*o sapiens, the species to which modern humans belong, have only been around for about 300,000 years, and only resembling us in form for the last 200,000 years.

It’s important to note that religious and mythological beliefs previously held views about human origins quite differently. For instance, Judeo-Christian traditions once believed in the literal interpretation of Adam and Eve as the first humans, a view which has been significantly revised in light of findings from disciplines like geology and evolutionary biology. The theories of scientists like Copernicus and Darwin have reshaped our understanding of the universe and human beginnings, illustrating that human evolution is a process that has occurred over a vast span of time.

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Translate the phrase into a numerical expression.

by Prasanna

Translate the phrase into a numerical expression.



Step-by-step explanation:

The given phrase: “fifty minus two plus the quantity three divided by six”

We use “-” to show minus operation , “+” for plus operation and “/” for divide operation.

Now, by using all the above-mentioned operations, the numerical expression for the given phrase will be:_

50 – 2 + (3/6)

Hence, the numerical expression for the given phrase “fifty minus two plus the quantity three divided by six” is 50-2+(3/6).

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If a 90°degree angle is bisected.

by Prasanna

If a 90°degree angle is bisected, the two angles created by the bisector will equal?


45 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

when an angle is bisected both angles formed are equal, so 90/2=45.

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How much is 100 grams to cups?

by Prasanna

How much is 100 grams to cups?


Converting 100 grams to cups cannot be precisely determined without knowing the substance. However, if estimating for water, 100 grams is approximately 0.42 cups since 1 cup of water equals 240 grams. Adjustments would be necessary for substances with different densities.


Converting 100 grams to cups depends on the substance being measured since cups are a measure of volume and grams are a measure of weight. However, using a general reference for cooking purposes, we can provide an estimate. If we take water as an example, where 1 cup of water is approximately 240 milliliters or 240 grams, then 100 grams of water would be roughly 0.42 cups.

To convert substances other than water, you would need the substance’s density to calculate the conversion accurately. For example, if the substance is flour, which has a lower density than water, 1 cup of all-purpose flour is approximately 120 grams. Hence, 100 grams would equal about 0.83 cups (≈ ⅔ cup).

Here’s the step for a rough estimate, assuming the substance has a similar density to water:

Recognize that 1 cup is roughly equivalent to 240 grams of water.
Divide 100 grams by 240 grams to determine how many cups that is.
The approximate equivalent for 100 grams in cups is 0.42 cups if the substance has a similar density to water.

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The roman numerals in your password should multiply to 35.

by Prasanna

The roman numerals in your password should multiply to 35.


The Roman numerals in the password that multiply to 35 are VVII. It is worth noting that Roman numerals are not commonly used for passwords, as they can be predictable and less secure compared to alphanumeric combinations.

To find the Roman numerals that multiply to 35, we need to explore the possible combinations of numbers. Roman numerals are represented by a combination of letters, each with a specific value.

The basic Roman numerals and their corresponding values are as follows: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1000).

To calculate the product of the Roman numerals, we can express 35 as a product of its prime factors: 5 x 7. We can represent 5 as V and 7 as VII in Roman numerals. Therefore, the password could be VVII.

Alternatively, we can express 35 as 35 x 1. In Roman numerals, 35 is represented as XXXV. However, XXXV does not meet the requirement of being a password.

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  • Who was the first person on earth.
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Roman numerals that multiply to 35 with a C in it.

by Prasanna

Roman numerals that multiply to 35 with a C in it.


To multiply Roman numerals to 35 with a C in it, we can use X and C.


To find two Roman numerals that multiply to 35 with a C in it, we need to convert the Roman numerals to their corresponding numerical values. The Roman numeral C represents the value 100. Since 35 is greater than 100, we need to find a Roman numeral that represents a value less than 35 and has a multiplication factor of 100. The Roman numeral X represents the value 10, so we can use X and C to form the multiplication equation:

X * C = 35
10 * 100 = 1000
35 ÷ 10 = 3.5
So, the Roman numerals that multiply to 35 with a C in it are X and C.

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What is the art of zoo’s meaning in urban dictionary?

by Prasanna

What is the art of zoo’s meaning in urban dictionary?


The ‘art of zoos’ on Urban Dictionary is not a legitimate art form, but rather a prank that leads to an unexpected or inappropriate revelation. It’s user-generated content that is not suitable for all audiences and varies widely in meaning.


The term “art of zoos” as defined in the Urban Dictionary does not conform to a traditional or educational understanding of art or zoological practice. Instead, it refers to a trend or prank which involves misleading individuals by suggesting that ‘art of zoos’ references a legitimate form of art, when in actuality it is intended to provoke a shock by revealing something unexpected or inappropriate. It should be noted that information from Urban Dictionary is user-generated and may contain slang, jokes, or content that is not suitable for all audiences. Therefore, the meaning and connotations of such phrases can vary widely and are not endorsed as part of formal education or by professional sources.

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Which of 20, 21, and 22 are possible values for g(6)?

by Prasanna

Let g be a twice-differentiable function with g'(x) > 0 and g”(x) > 0 for all real numbers x, such that g(3) 12 and g(5) = 18. Which of 20, 21, and 22 are possible values for g(6)?
(A) 21 only
(B) 22 only
(C) 20 and 21 only
(D) 21 and 22 only

g(6) must be greater than 21 which is 22 only.


What is function?

In mathematics, a function is an expression, rule, or law that establishes the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.

Since g'(x) > 0 for all x and we know that g(x) is an increasing function.

Additionally, since g”(x) > 0 for all x, we know that g(x) is a concave-up function.

Since g(x) is increasing, we know that g(6) > g(5) = 18.

Now, we can use the fact that g(x) is concave-up to find a lower bound on g(6).

By the definition of concave-up, we know that the slope of the tangent line to g(x) is increasing.

This means that the slope of the line connecting (3,g(3)) to (5,g(5)) is less than the slope of the line connecting (5,g(5)) to (6,g(6)).

Using this information, we can find a lower bound on g(6):

g(5)- g(3) / (5-3) < g(6)- g(5)/ (6-5)

18- 12/2 < g(6)- 18

3 < g(6) – 18

g(6) > 21

Therefore, g(6) must be greater than 21.

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  • Translate the phrase into a numerical expression.
  • Who was the first person on earth.
  • What is 164 cm in feet?
  • What is the conversion of 164 cm to feet?
  • Radius of convergence and interval of convergence calculator.
  • Is the Super Boof strain indica or sativa?
  • Sue has 5,000 shares of Sony stock that have an adjusted basis of $27,500.
  • How many liters would you need to make 1m solution.
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