Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 3. · ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (2024)

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (1)

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Estancia News, 1904-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918J. A. Constant

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Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (2)


EtbtMfaiMraid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February 7, 1918 Volume XIV No. 16

J Scott, divorce granted plaintiffby default, and plaintiff given


REGISTRANTSThis is thecustody of minor child-Willi- e

V. Wilson ts. Geo. C.Best ValentineWilson, divorce granted plaintiff

Emilio Maldonado, TajiqueJames Clinton Autrey, QuaraiJohn Roy Stoker, WillardProspero Trujiilo, Pinos WellsLee H. Manker, EstanciaVoláis Sanchez, TorreónBurl Cecil Brown, MountainairRobert B. Singleton, EstanciaRalph Sherman Brunner, MtrFrank B. Martinez, Encino

by default, plaintiff given cus-tody of two minor children.

Ben Donlin vs. R. E. Cargo, Registrantsvice have been

for militaryby thejudgment for plaintiff for 8

and interest and costs, and$76.76 attorneys fees; mortgaged

local board as follows:

CLASS IV.Jose Perea, WillardRoscoe Garland, EstanciaJose Eustacio Garcia, Palma

property to be sold; T. B. Rap- - Robert E. L. Killingswortb,koeb appointed receiver to take Duran

Segundo Trujiilo, TajiqueDISTRICT COURT charge of property and specialWalter Sidney Steele, Estanciamaster to sell same.

M. A. Bullington et al vs. R. Hail; C. Stevens. MountainairL. Seroggins et al. plaintiff elects Oscar Garland, Estancia

Luis Gonzales, TajiqueWillie L. Walton. CedarvaleDionicio Montano, Palma

William Walker Webb. WillardNicolas Padilla, TorreónBaltazar Lopez, ManzanoCharles R. Cates. CedarvaleQuirino Aragón, MountainairJulian Sanchez y Perea, Pinos


Jesus Sanchez y Bena vides. EstJ. Seth Williams. EatanciaToney Gomez, MoriartyCosme Candelaria, Torreón

to dismiss second cause of action,plaintiff gives twenty days toplead.

State vs. E. A- - Miller, contin- -

s sir v urSince last report district courthas taken action in eases as fol Albert a Marshall, Pinos Wis Come to ourBan i

lows:Donald Mcintosh et al vs Al- -

exander Shedden. it State vs. A. A. Hine, nollied.AND GET ONE FOR HERT- -WHEN YOU GIVE MONEY. IT IS A wav rtc

appearing William J. Haney, Moriarty

T. C. Nutter. EncinoJames Harry Hanlon. WillardProcopio Lopez, TorreónLora E. Simpson, DuranManuel Lucero, Pines WellsHipi.ito Gonzales, EncinoGeorge T. McWhirter,"" Mtr

Isaac Perry Haddox, Estanciathat Donald Mcintosh has diedleaving a widow and a minor

State vs. L. A- - Tutor,did not appear, fined $25 and PROVING YOUR SINCERITY.



Francisco Chavez va. D. J.Bigbee, demurrer of defendant


Rafael Torrez, TorreónVicente Montoya "James A. Will, DuranRobert Taylor Blancett, EstTomas J. Dillon, EncinoClarence E. Roberson, WillardHubert E. Robbins, MtrJoseph E. Renard. Moriarty

SAVE HER TIME AND TROUBLE.sustained as to second cause ofaction, plaintiff' elects to amend

child, and no legal guardian hav-ing been appointed; the widow.Jessie A. Mcintosh, and JanetMcintosh, minor, by her mother,are substituted for Donald Ms--'

Intosh as parties to this suit, andJessie A. Mcintosh appointed!guardian ad litem for Janet Mc-

intosh. Adjudged that Jessie


Estancia Savings BankDIRECTORS A. J. GRFFN. J. R HFRNnrtN U F cucitau

and given twenty days to fur-

ther plead.

Celso H. Lopez. MountainairCisto Lopez, TorreónJuan A. Segura, MoriartyAnselmo Chavez, GalisteoJusto Jaramillo, TorreónFaastin Aguilar, Encino

Alfredo Velasque, Mountainair DR. C. J. AMBLE, J. S.KELLY. ANNIE PORTER'. ' 'State vs. L A. Pelham, pleaof guilty, fine of $100 and costs, IA. Mcintosh. Janet Mcintosh,

Perfecto Sanchez, DuranToliver Davis. MountainairSylvester Griego, Quarai

defendant's bondsmen held until Barrett B. Wagner, CedarvaleJohn Mcintosh, and Mary Davidson are owners in fee simple of fine and costs are paid.

State vs. Manuel Hernandez.real estate involved in suit. DeAlberto E.Shannon, Pinos WisLeonard A. Lackey, CedarvaleBenedito Gomez, Mountainairfendants barred. continued for term.

Alejandro Hindi, DuranWillie F. Cross, EstanciaFrank Gomez, MountainairPancrasio Chavez, MoriartyJuan Castillo, TorreónVannie Brook Manning, MtrJosie Beuford Davis, Moriarty

Marvin A. Hatchett, MtrJuan Vigil Salas, TorreónPedro M. Apodoca EncinoJohn B. Henderson, ScholleCharles Miller Biggs, WillardOliver W. Denning, Moriarty(Continued on fourth page)

Arnand Ardans vs. Frank Kee--In re taxes of X. M. C R. R.Co, and petition for correction.adjudged that taxes should be

William E. Barker, EstanciaManuel Lopez, TorreónAntonio Jose Serna, TorreónJuan Vigil Torrez, "L. Frank Stephens, Mtr

han, demurrer of defendant over-ruled, defendant given twentydays to further plead.

Birdie L. Ogilvie vs. H. E.

Clyde Allen McKee, LucyAndrew F. Liggett, "Elfego Baca, PuntaAndy N. Roper, LucyEd Wheeler, EastviewRaleigh Burt. WillardDaniel Serna, TorreónBennie B. White. WillardJuan Tabet, PuntaMatt Mitchell. DuranCarl B. Custer, WillardJuan Perea, RayoPrudencio Apodaca, EncinoJames Waite, MountainairSpencer Lukes Keithly, WillardMeliton Martinez, MoriartyMoisés A. Sanchez, DuranLake P. Oven, Willard

William Eshem Vaughn Corona

corrected and the following shallbe the amount to be collectedfrom said railroad as taxes:"1913 $2251001914 1502001915 1534.921916 1S97.T9

Ogilvie. defendant adjudged indefault, and allegations of plain-tiff as to non-suppo-rt and cruelty

C. A. BURRUSS. President NEAL JENSON. CashierJ. N. BURTON. Vice Pres. ED. W. ROBERSON, Ass'tCash'rC. ORTIZ, 2nd Vice President. Directors: Willie Elgin, F. T.

Meadows, A. Abbott, Rdbert Lynn.adjudged to be true. Divorcegranted plaintiff, with custody

Kooerto Martinez, MoriartyMarvin B. Gilliam, EstanciaHiram Dunn, MountainairJose Archuleta, MountainairWilliam P, Medley, "Franklin P. Owen, WillardJohn Wesley Mourfield, Pro- -

1917 1702.76 all income tax reports must be inof two minor children. Lawrence R:the hands of the Collector of Internal Rev3S39L47This judgment on eonditon that at Phoenix, Ariz., by March 1, 1918.gresso

and Ethel. Plaintiff adjudgedto be sole owner of property ac-quired and held by her. both realand personal, and that defend-ant has no interest in it De

the difference between the aboveamount and the amount assessedagainst said property shall beexpended lor improvements tosaid property within six months

fendant to pay $25 to apply onplaintiff"s attorney fee. and$7.50 a month alimony. Defend-ant enjoined from going aboutthe home of plaintiff and her

Those who are required to make these reports willfind all information and blanks at this bank.We have received Liberty Bonds and customers willplease call and receipt for them as soon as possible.Our equipment and methods enable us togive you service in everything pertaining to good,safe banking.

No account to large for safety, none too small for service

A- - Home Instiution for Home People

German Guillen, EncinoFlavio Torrez, TorreónSamuel Carter Johnson, EstAntonio Aragón, DuranJasper N. Sylvester, MoriartyDrew L. Merkel, MountainairClemente Lueras, WillardOlive Thomas, ProgressoWalter B. Zubel, MountainairWilliam J. Johnson, WillardRichard Rhea, MountainairJose V. Aguilar, EncinoTomas Sandoval, DuranJoaquin Chavez, WillardAugusta V. Johnson, Willard

of granting alimony, attorney'sfees and costs against defendantif persona service is obtainedand it seems proper.

A. R. Cecil vs. Abran Abeyta,judgment by default for plain-

tiff in sum of $348, $34.80 at-

torney's fees, and interest andcosts. Execution to issue.

L. C Hanlon vs. J.I. CasePlow Works, judgment forplaintiff by default for $630.00and $112.94 attorney fee, and

children, or bothering, threaten-ing or interfering with them inany way.

Julian Tutiie vs Thomas Long,dismissed on motion of plaintiff.

FARMERS AND STQGKMENS BANKcosts to plaintiff".

Xeal Jesson vs. John S. Moore.dismissed on motion of plaintiff. costs, execution to issue.COStS to plaintiff Court adjourned yesterday

May. when there will be an K39State vs. Delfino Barreras. other adjourned session.

verdict of acquittal.

from date of sale and confirma-tion thereof; and if not so ex-pended this decree to be null andvoid and the total amount as-

sessed against said property tobe reinstated as a valid iien andso continue until fully paid andsatisfied. Evidence of expendi-tures for improvements to besubmitted to court in form ofvouchers, and when court is sat-isfied that amount has been ex-pended this order of correctionto become final and absolute.

W. A. MeCaD vs Joseph y

et al. plaintiff required togive bond for costs, demurrer ofdefendants sustained, plaintiffexcepting. Plaintiff given tendays from Feb. 2 to fartherplead.

Sate on relation of Mrs. Kath-leen Olds and Mrs. Bonita Hari-so-a

vs. Baymundo .Romero,treasurer, appeal granted, stayof execution.

State vs. FrancisBO Perea. ver-

dict of acquittal.

A Foreword of SpringFor sale, ripe Spanish onionsfive and a half cents per pound.State vs Charles Silva, hereto

fore found guilty of petit lar express prepaid. No order takceny, sentenced to SO days injaO and to pay costs.

ove, singsin keeping

Alice Rea Blackwell vs. William BlackwelL defendant adjudged in default, and allega

en for less than 75 pounds.Cheaper in large quantities. Ifinterested, write. R. R. Bridg-er- s.

Pojuaque, N. Ilex. adv.

Strayed, 1 bay mare. left eardown, branded SE on left hip.

FM on left shoulder; 1 browncolt, 18 mo. old, Jim L on leftshoulder. Suitable reward forinformation. Howard Ogilvie,Estancia.

tions of plintiff as to non-suppo-

to be true. Plain tiff granted di-

vorce and custody of three minor

"In the spring the young man's fancy idly turns to thoughts ofthe poet, but we have a song, that while more prosaic, is morewith the times:

Overhaul the farm machinery,Look you out each broken part,

Help to fill the Valley's Beanery,By a good and early start.

Speak about the piece that's brokenThen we'll order it for you now,

And you'll not be standing croakin'When the field calls for the plow.

children. Elizabeth. George andLewis Ambrose. Court retainsjurisdiction of cause for purpose

Lucas Zamora vs. Saturnino

get this year than usual, owing toWe are told repair parts will be harder tosomething or other, but good and efficient be accomplished byservice can

Lueras, Eugenio Sanche t andCandido Padilla, p'ilntLff re-quired tj give bond for costs, defendant Sanchez given thirtydays to plead.

Geo. W. Pope vs. J. B. Smith,plaintiff required to give costband, defendant given thirtydays to plead.

State vs. C Darwin Casad,continued to May term.

N.L. WaSams vs. Lacy M.and F. G. Eessinger. verdict forplaintiff for 132125 and costs.

Sweetness HeadquartersWe have just received a large shipment of syrups,and now have the largest assortment ever broughtto F.stanria. The stock" includes Pure Cane Syrup.Dunbar's King Com us. New South. Velva. Karo, Ma-

ry Jane. Log Cabin. Ridenour Baker's Pure Sor-ghum. Tcncsea Sorghum. Polly Brand Sorghum,Mandy Lane Sorghum, Dunbar's Pure Sorghum,Hill Counties Sorghum. Come here for syrups.

HELLUMSWhere Prices are Lowest

By the way, our machinery house is bulging with implements of all sorts:Plows, Listers, Cultivators, harrows, wagons plenty while they last but anearly selection will get just what you want.

Estancia Lumber Co.Hearie L. Scott vs. Claude C

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (3)




leliyáng! Address TéHav you ever stopped to Teason why

h is that no many products that areadvertised, all at once drop out

of night ana are soon forgotten? Thereason u plain-t- he article did not fulfilthe promises of the manufacturer. Thisapplies more particularly to a medicine.A medicinal preparation that iuu realcurative value almost lia itself, aa Ukan endless chain system the remedy isrecommended by those who have beenbenefited, to those who are in need of it.

Wastarn Newspapar Union Nawa Sarvloa.

Prices Quoted for Metala.New York. Lead $7.007.25.Bar Silver 80c,Copper 17.00 7.2S.St Lnuia. Mn Snelter 17.69. A prominent ui.,-- . - - iut

example Dr Kilmers Swamp-Roo- v

Boulder. Tungsten concentrates, 60preparation 1 nave many years

oer cent. I20.00ii222.50 ner unit. ana never bcs' - iu, malmost every case it shows excellent reCrude ores, CO per cent, $22.00

25.00: 25 Der cent. 12.00 12.50: 10 sults, as many OI my uunmiurm leaxiry.No other kidney remedy that I know ofhas so large sale."per cent, $9.40jj 12.20 per unit.

AneoramK UIUverified testimony of thousands rwho have

i . i .... t mn ii i nt It.Arizona.

Arizona produced in 1917 about 6usea me nci- -. . - .

Kilmers' fcwamp-Koo- t is due to the fact000,000 pounds of copper twice asthat, so many - wiub almuch as any other state.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a newNation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that Nation, or any nationso conceived and dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of thatwar. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those

who here gave their lives that that Nation might endure. It is altogether fitting and properthat we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallowthis ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it farabove our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long rememberwhat we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is rather for us, the living, to be here dedicated to the great task remaining beforeus that from the honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which theygave their last full measure of devotion: that we here highly resolve that these dead shallnot have died in vain; that this Nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom, andthat government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Articles of incorporation of an pllcompany to develop the Holbrook oilfields have been filed with the cor

most every ,liver and bladder aumenta, corrects ur-

inary troubles and neutralizes the uricacid" which causes Theumatiam.

t- - a. mnlf rintl tporation commission in Phoenix.Swamp-Roo- t by Parcel Poet. AddressA decided Improvement in the

of the ore In the shaft of the Por Dr. Kilmer & l o., jimnsiiinin, i. a , naenclose ten " " " - - tpu.Large and medium sise bottles ior aa laphyry Copper Company was noted at

Globe, the percentage of native cop at all orug siu.per showing a large increase.

Although the copper production of One Sorrow.John Mitchell, chairman of the foodArizona mines decreased 34,000,000

commission of New lark, told a repounds last year, the value of the output increased .from $177,570.960 in porter a Christmas alum story.

"I visited a hall in Pittsburgh one1916 to over $200.000,000 in 1917.

A strike of 368.4 ounces ot silver Christmas," he said, '"where 200 chil-

dren from the poorest quarter werefed on turkey, cranberry sauce andand 22.87 per cent of gray copper,

checked up on the Alpha Copper Minmince CoDDer Company in the San

'Two scrawny little girls attractedXavier district at the 200-fo- level,has been announced.

my attention, and I halted near themto hear how they were enjoying them

The action of Greene Cananea Copselves. This is the dialogue I heard:

per Company directors hi continuingthe quarterly dividend of $2 a share

"'Say, Mame, aint this grand?'" Too bet it is ! Only I'm sorry lor

indicates the prosperous condition of one thing, Lizzie.'the company, despite the serious la-

bor troubles last year and a resultant" 'What are yon sorry for, MameT" 'I'm sorry I went and got me cor

curtailed production. sets mended.'"BKAHAM LINCOLN'S Gettysburg ad-

dress Is today ranked as one of theImmortal utterances of man. TheA Colorado.

Piles Cured la to M DmOil well recently struck near Delta nraffflsM refund money if PAZO OINTaTflrtT tailsto care Itcfatnu. Blind. B!Kllng ""MTirting filas.rinuavpUoallaB fives snilel. Mo.continues to flow like volcano.

Well No. 1 of the Flagler Oil & Gas

truth, the faith that are voiced in Itare eternal, historians say.

From the platforms of little whiteschoolhouses out on the prairie, fromthe stands at Fourth ofJuly celebrations, from the solemn

No Dead Line for This Minister.Who said there was such a thing as

Company was recently spudded in.Drilling will be prosecuted vigorously.

a dead line for the ministry? .Kev. B.Tbe Portland Gold Mining CompanySwann, an English clergyman, has

A few days before the consecration Mr. Everett' sent to the president a newspaper containing hisspeech In full two whole pages. The president,speaking of this act to a friend, said :

"It was very kind of Mr. Everett to send methis. I suppose he .was afraid I should say some-thing he wanted to say. He needn't have beennlnrmed. My speech Isn't long. ... It is short,short, short."

Mr. Lincoln began his address while at the WhiteHouse, writing It in ink upon a sheet of executiveletter paper. He finished It in pencil upon a sheetof foolscap the morning of the day he spoke atGettysburg.

Some historians have maintained the presidentwrote his speech while on the train on the way toGettysburg, but John G. Nlcolay, his private sec-

retary, said that this was not the case. Lincoln,he maintained, knew before that time what heshould say and was plainly disturbed by the feel-ing that his address would not prove adequate.

Owing to the presence of thousands of visitorsparents of the dead who were to be reburied

there, crippled soldiers, sightseers, officials fromvarious states the president and his party spentthe night before the consecration at the Willshome. It was a crystal clear night. From thebusiness section of the village rose the music ofmany bands that had come to take part in theceremonies. Crowds of serenaders and glee clubswent from house to house, where there were nota-bles, demanding speeches. Mr. Lincoln respondedto a call, but declined to make a speech, sayingonly :

"In my position it is somewhat important thatI should not say any foolish things. It very oftenhappens that the only way to help it is to saynothing at all."

Secretary Seward, who consented to make aspeech, made the remarkable error of placing Get-tysburg within the state of Maryland. His wordsrang with reproof, for he believed he was speakingto slaveholders or those who sympathized, at least,with tbe cause of slavery. David Wills, recalling

of Victor distributed a dividendamounting to $90,000, or approximately three cents per share.

Just beaten the athletic record of Lieu-tenant Miller, a Dane. He didsix successive half miles, cycling,walking, running, paddling, sending.Returns from a car of ore recently

hipped from the New Dominionmines at Ophir, in the Tellurlde district, gave values of around $300 a ton.

and swimming, in 26 minutes, SO 2-- 5

seconds, excelling the Dane's recordby three minutes, lacking one second.The winner is fifty-fiv- e years old ! J!he can preach as well and as quick-ly as he can go through these success

The Michigan Mining and MillingCompany, operating in the old campof Kokomo, near Leadville, during

Mr. Seward's speech, said that the secretary usedthe words:

"This Is the first time that ever ony people orcommunity on this side of Mason and Dixon's line(meaning the Southern side) was found willing tolisten to my voice."

The following morning Mr. Lincoln rode at thehead of the procession to the platform at the new-

ly prepared cemetery, his tall, ungainly formslumped over his horse, his face set In Its pathetic,homely lines. Only once did he relax. That waswhen a man held up a little girl as the presidentrode by. Mr. Lincoln grasped the child In his arms,kissed her and handed her back to the proud fa-

ther. A shadow of a smile, gentle beyond all de-

scription, passed over the drawn face of the presi-

dent, only to be replaced by thnt sad, absorbedlook that had become so typical of him.

A prayer by Kev. Thomas H. Stockton, chaplainof the United States senate, opened the program.It was an eloquent, though somewhat lengthy, ef-

fort and It breathed the spirit of victory ratherthan of humility. It was noon the serene, sunlit,crisp noon of a perfect fall day when the ven-

erable Edward Everett arose to speak. His orationwas modeled along classical lines, was filled withthe eloquence so popular In that day and it heldthe multitude In rapt silence. Mr. Everett hadlong been a figure In public life,' an ambassador,a member of the cabinet, a governor, a speakerof great renown. Much was expected of him, andhe gave all that was anticipated. The carefullychosen, exquisitely polished phrases, delivered inhis deep, sonorous voice, fell with great effective-ness upon his hearers. He reviewed the eventsthat led to the war, described the oattle and praisedthe heroes of the North who had died there. Butvivid as was the phraseology, penetrating as washis logic, his address lacked the breadth thatwould have made it undying. There was a noteof bitterness in it when he asked : "Which of thetwo parties to this war is responsible for all thesuffering, for the dreadful sacrifice of life thelawful and constitutional government of the UnitedStates or the ambitious men who have rebelledagainst It?" That same minor spirit crept into hiswords again and again when he referred to the"disloyal slaveholders" and the "aspiring politi-

cians" of the South, and near his conclusion, whenhe said "the bonds of union are of perennial forceand energy, while the causes of alienation areImaginary, fictitious and transient." It was essen-tially a speech of a Northerner for the North. Along roar of applause followed the close of hisspeech.

After the singing of a hymn the time came forMr. Lincoln to speak. He arose slowly and foralmost a minute he stood silent, surveying fromhis great height the waves of upturned faces, be-

yond them the broken stone walls of the bloodyangle where Pickett's charge had failed and pastthat the undulnting brown fields where the shat-tered brigade of the South had turned back. Far-

ther than these things of the moment he must havegazed, off into the Illimitable future of mankind

1917, shipped a total of 10,163 tons ofive locomotive stunts he Is somepreacher !

ore.A three-foo- t vein of molybdenum,

If von wish rieantiful. clear whitecut at a depth of 150 feet, has beenexposed in tbe Morning Glory groupof claims near Pitkin in Gunnisoncounty.

clothes, use Red Cross Bag Bias. At allgood grocers. Adv.

The output for tbe mines of Cripple Chivalrous Youngsters.Henry has a large Newfoundland

dog named Rex. While at play afrozen and hungry little dog ap-proached. Rex growled and Harry

Creek for January has a total ot 3

tons, with an average value of$10.01 and gross bullion of $925,430.Dividends paid during the same per

said: "Be a gentleman, Bex. Don'thurt the little dog; he got no home orfriends."

Control Trade After War

iod total $273,500 and were paid bythe following companies: CressonConsolidated G. M. & M. Co., $122,000monthly; Golden Cycle, M. and R. Co.,$45,000, monthly; Portland G. & M.Co., $90,000, quarterly: Granite GoldMining Company, $16,500, monthly.

The Softest.Why Is It," queried the lair widow.

'that they always say a man fines'for a woman 7"

The current price of potash is $300 'I suppose," growled the fussy bachto $375 per ton of 2,000 pounds. It is elor, "it's because pine is about the

softest wood there is."alleged by chemists and metallurgistswho have tested the Cripple Creek

BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUPoreB that the phonolltes of such mineas the Portland, Vindicator, Ajax andGranite yield an average of 6 per centpotash, or 120 pounds to the ton. Witha process that will save the potash,this means 15 to 18.7 cents per poundfor potash, or from $18 to $22.44 forthe potash in a ton of Cripple Creekmaterial. In mines like the proper

will quiet your cough, soothe the in-

flammation of a sore throat and lungs,stop irritation in the bronchial tubes.Insuring a good night's rest, tree fromcoughing and with easy expectorationIn the morning. Made and sold InAmerica for fifty-tw-o years. A won-derful prescription, assisting Nature inbuilding up your general health andthrowing off the disease. Especiallyuseful In lung trouble, asthma, croup,bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civil

ties named this might easily balancethe overhead charges.

rostrums of the centers of learning the Gettysburgaddress has been repeated times without numberand doubtless will continue to be as long as thespirit of democracy lives on.

Tet, with the strangely limited view' of those athand, the great address was considered a failure bymany at the time It was delivered. Lincoln him-self believed that he had failed to speak anythingworthy of the occasion and was greatly downcast.The sense of his failure at such a momentous eventadded no little to the Intolerable burdens thatweighed upon him in 1863.

The dally newspapers of the North generallytook little notice of Lincoln's words at Gettysburg,but were lavish in their praise of the long addressdelivered by Edward Everett, the great Bostonorator, on the same occasion. The Patriot andUnion, an Influential newspaper published at

Pa., with an ability for misjudgment al-most beyond all belief, said of the address :

"The president succeeded on this occasion be-

cause be acted without sense and without con-straint in a panorama that was gotten up for thebenefit of his party more than for the glory of theRation and the honor of the dead. . . . We pass'over the silly remarks of the president, for thecredit of the Nation we are willing that the veil ofoblivion be dropped over them and that they shallno more be repeated or thought of."

Even the usually d John Hay, thenMr. Lincoln's assistant secretary, erred in his Judg-ment of the comparative importance of the ad-dresses made that November day at Gettysburg.Said Hay in bis diary :

"Everett spoke, as lie always does, perfectly:and the president. In a firm, free way, with moregrace than Is his wont, said bis half dozen lines ofconsecration."

In Mr. Hay's mind, as In the minds of nearly allpresent, Edward Everett's address overshadowedall else on the program. Yet who today remembersa hnlf dozen lines of the two-ho- long speechmade by the Massachusetts orator?

Edward Everett, almost alone of all the thou-sands who bad gathered at Gettysburg that day,caught the deathless purport of the president'swords. He wrote to Mr. Lincoln a congratulatorynote, saying :

"I should be glad If I could flatter myself that Icame as near to the central Idea of the occasion Inmy two hours as you did in two minutes."

Even this praise from the man who was consid-ered the master speaker of his day did not whollyconvince Mr. Lincoln that his own utterances hadnot fallen short. In his reply to Mr. Everett besaid:

"In our respective parts yesterday you could nothave been excused to make a short address, nor Ia long one. I am pleased to know that. In yourjudgment, the Uttle I did say was not entirely afailure."

There Is every evidence that the president wrotehis address hurriedly and at the scant momentsof leisure given him in those troubled days. Thathe did not complete it until a few hours before Itwas delivered is certain. In, fact, be did not knowuntil about two weeks before the date that hewas expected to talk at all. The committee thathad charge of the arrangements for the consecra-tion of the national cemetery at Gettysburg askedMr. Everett a long time in advance and hud post-poned ftie date of the consecration from October19 to November 19 at Mr. Everett's request.

David Wills, a public-spirite- d citizen of Gettys-burg and the originator of the Idea of a nationalcemetery there, wrote to President Lincoln on No-

vember 2, six weeks after Mr. Everett had been in-

vited to speak, as follows :

'The states having soldiers who were killed atGettysburg have procured grounds on a prominentpart of the field for a cemetery and are havingthe dead removed to them and properly burled.These grounds will be consecrated and set apartto this sacred purpose by appropriate ceremonieson the 19th. Hon. Edward Everett will deliver theoration. I am authorized by the governors of thedifferent states to Invite you to be present and par-ticipate In these ceremonies, which will be veryImposing and solemnly Impressive. It la the de-

sire that, after the oration, yon, as chief executive,aet apart these grounds to their sacred use by afew appropriate remarks. . .

O .,...)Extension for a period of three years after the

close of the war of the extraordinary powers nowexercised by the' government in the regulation ofImports and exports is the object of a bill nowbefore parliament, according to commerce reports.This measure, entitled imports and exports (tem-porary control) bill, presented by the president ofthe board of trade, embodies tbe most importantlegislation thus far initiated with a view to pro-- ,

tecting and controlling British trade after thewar. Unless extended, present powers of controlof exports and Imports will to a great extent lapseupon the cessation of hostilities.

Section 1, paragraph 1 of the bill reads as fol-

lows :

"The lords of the council on the recommenda-tion 'of the board of trade may by order prohibitthe importation or exportation of goods of anyclass, description, or origin, or produced or manu-factured in whole or in part in any country orplace specified in the order, either generally orfrom or to any country or place named in theorder, subject In either case to such exceptions(If any) as may be specified in the order, and toany licenses the grant of which may be auth-orized by the order."

While ordinary legislation has given authorityfor certain measures of control In times ofpeace, the particular powers which It is desiredto make effective beyond the duration of the warare the following: Prohibition of Importation ofgoods of specified origin ; prohibition of exporta-tion of goods of any kind ; prohibition of expor-tation of all goods to any country or place spe-cified.

The desire on the part of British Interests forsome action of this nature is shown In a resolu-tion In favor of "restriction, by tariff or other-wise, of the trade relations with enemy countries"adopted by the Association of Chambers of Com-

merce of the United Kingdom in 1910.

ized countries. Adv.

Obviously."Come on," said the first flea as he

hopped from the brown bear's foreleg ;

Montana.Montana was second in Copper pro-

duction in 1917.

Anaconda Copper Company now Ishoisting 15,000 tons of ore daily fromtwenty-thre- e producing mines, and thetotal number of employs exceeds 11500.

A New York dispatch reads: "Aftera prolonged conference between gov-ernment authorities and spelter pro-ducers an agreement has been reachedwhereby 12 cents has been fixed asthe official price for grade A spelter."

come over and Join me at a shortgame of golf."

'Golf," exclaimed the second Ilea,hastily taking a bite of hyena; "whereIn the realm of Barnum are we goingto piny poll ?"

"Why," said the first flea, "over onthe lynx, of course." Jack o' Lantern.

for whose guidance he was soon to pronounce oneof the most solemn obligations of history.

Then In the curiously high pitched voice thatseemed so oddly fitted to his towering body, hebegan to speak. The crowd that had relaxed whenMr. Everett closed his long address, began to setit*elf for another lengthy speech. The brevity andsimplicity of the president's words caught thecrowd unawares. It had scarcely adjusted Itselffor listening before he had finished. There wassilence as he bowed and turned bnck to his seat.The silence continued for a full minute, to bebroken only by scattering applause. There hadbeen handclapplng here and there at pauses In hisaddress, but It had not been general. The Importof his words had not yet reached those who stoodthat day at Gettysburg. There must have beena throb of deeper pain In the already aching heartof the big, awkward, d man who walkedwith so little grace back across the platform andsank into his seat. Doubtless he felt, aa he hadfeared, that his address bad been a failure.

The singing of a dirge closed the program, andthe president and other notables returned to thevillage. When the ceremonies were over Mr. Ev-

erett was one of the first to reach Lincoln's side."Mr. President," he began.'i "your speech " but

the president Interrupted him, that shadow of asmile again crossing his face. He laid his handupon Mr. Everett's shoulder.

"We'll not talk about my speech, Mr. Everett,"he said. "This isn't the first time that I've feltthat my dignity ought not to permit me to be apublic speaker."

After luncheon a reception was held at thehome of David Wills and many of the townspeopleand visitors greeted the president. Among thosewho gathered at the Wills home was Prof. CalvinHamilton, who remarked afterwards upon the ex-

pression of sadness upon Mr. Lincoln's face. Thepresident seemed listless, his thoughts far away, ashe shook the hands of the hundreds who passed.

Later la tb day he walked with John Burns,the village hero, to the town's Uttle Presbyterianchurch, where a patriotic service was held. He satwith Burns, the cobbler patriot, In one of the d

benches of the church, taking no part Inthe program. He was not asked to speak againwhile la Gettysburg. Ha bad uttered the "few ap

."Cold In the Head"Is aa acute attack of Mnal Catarrh. "Per-sona who are subject to frequent eoldeIn the band" win find that the use ofHALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE willbuttd irp the Pvatam. deanae tha Bloodand render them kaaa liable to eolda.Repeated i""Hf of A w Catarrh maylead to Chronic Catarrh.

H AI.t.'B CATARRH MRTTrCTNE Is tall-e- n

Internally and acta throug-- the Bloodfin the Mucous Surfaces or the System.

All Thmiraiats 7c. TVjatlmoiilahi free.IlOo.flO for any rmse of catarrh that


F. 3. Cheney Co, Toledo. Ohio.


Col. Manuel Coronado, member of the Cubansenate, recently announced In Havana the organi-zation of an aviation unit which will be offered toFrance with complete equipment. Since the dec-laration of war against Germany on April 8 Cubahas been with the allies in severalways, but It Is probable that the Escadrille

as the flying unit will be called, will be thefirst body of fighting men from Cuba to servo onFrench soli. Scientific American.

New Mexico.Peterson and associates are devel-

oping the Iron Bar Group at Mogollón.A cross cut tunnel has been run Inover 500 feet

The Oaks Company continue dailyshipments from the various holdings.The ore recently cut In the DeepDown mine in Mogollón district, wasopened in the level below.

An order has been placed by theSocorro Mining and Milling Co." for anew double drum electric hoist, witha capacity of 2,200 feet in depth.

Wyoming.Tom Nestor has closed a deal for a

e tract on the Derby dome andwill place a rig to start drilling bvMay 1.

Ground la being graded just outsidethe city limits of Glen rock for thebuilding of tha Texas Oil Company,camp and tank farm.

In a report from tie officials of theCarmanla Company announcement lamade that well No. 1. In the Lsnder-Plunke- tt

field, is down 400 feet

Easiest Way."What's the best way of setting

some hard cash?""Work some soft thing."

As long as a man Is of a forgivingdisposition a woman doesnt carewhether he pays his debts or not

It's the love of the other fellow Toryour money that Is the root of all evil.


"Morning, Jim.""Morning, senator.""Jim, I suppose you are going to vote for me,

as usual. My policies ""Your policies are all right, senator. But there

was a mighty pretty girl around today lookingfor votes."

Wben Your Eyes Need CareTr Marine Eve Remedyg Siaaillaa Jiwa Brg Oaasftm. SI aaaaa aproseMe oriaa.lL Una to rsaa noa- -"""' rwnti nt fimriavirpropriate remarks that had been asked ox

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (4)

KM'1 flu,T. p.- Erraos:; see: w Z f

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3t of January, Hon .W.J-íiínmí- üb- -

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terrible MWslbUttieK wiidi tt totuIIs.disaster is Jaevltabte.

"yrodnctian, tou, mast Use luí imiaedo the nullum ssrolMe xxeot.

eiil war wmílítionp tlemimd mortl- -

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USSEC, --Sí- aa- ---,3- -IWnrn; SmiSSmr 3209T STTSL Z"tfZ.


10 A&

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (5)

Teodoro Lerma, EastviewJose Luna, WillardEstancia News-Heral- d, ThoradarJ. A. CONSTANT.Editorand Owner.



Clarence Monroe Dyer, MtrRaymundo Gonzales, QuaraiJose G. Archebequae, PalmaFrank Pena, DuranJuan Lucero, TorreónLuciano H. Padilla, ManzanoCarl M. Evans, CedarvaleDaniel Sanchez y Zamora, Ta

Uncle Sam says we must pro-

duce a large quantity of farm

products and the up-to-da- te wayis with a Tractor and up-to-da- te

Farm Machinery.We carry a large stock on handand shall be pleased to haveyou call and see us or write us


J. Korber & Co.Albuquerque's Large Hardware Store


visions of this section shall bedeemed guilty of a misdemeanorand shall, upon conviction there-of, be fined each the sum of notless than 25 dollars nor morethan 50 dollars and costs foreach offense, and upon second

Ordinance No. 20.

An Ordinance to amend Or-

dinance No. 12, approved June6th, 1910, entitled "An Ordi-

nance to regulate the sale of in-

toxicating liquors in the Villageof Estancia."

Be it ordained by the Trusteesof the Village of Estancia, NewMexico:Section one:

That it shall be unlawful forany proprietor or proprietors en-

gaged in the business describedin Section one of Ordinance No.12 of the Village of Estancia,New Mexico, to permit his placeof business in this village to beopen before the hour of 6 A. M.,or to remain open after the hourof 8 P.M.; and any proprietoror proprietors violating the pro

James Marshall, Pinos WellsPedro Baca, EstanciaTimoteo Garde, EncinoAlejandro Campos, WillardJuan G. Garcia, Pinos Wells

(Continued next week)Nothing further has been done

since last week's report in thematter of finishing the classifi-cation.

Orders wore received cancel-ling the order for physical ex-

aminations, but special authoritywas obtained to go ahead withthe examinations of those whohad been notified to appear.

According to a statement byR. C. Reid, federal disbursingagent at Santa Fe, the numberof men yet to be furnished byTorrance county to fill the quotaunder the first call is five.

CEDARVA LESpecial Correpondence.

Weather fine and the healthof this community good.

L. E. Keizer and sister wereCedarvale callers on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Butts arerejoicing over the arrival of afine baby boy.

Several of the boys are calledto meet at Estancia for examina-tion for the army.

Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Hubbs ofAlbuquerque were Cedarvalecallers last Friday, trying to in-

terest some of the farmers herein The Willard Salt Lake Refin-ing Co. They sold several sharesof stock while here.

R. F. Taylor and Roy Hilemanmade a business trip to Estancialast Thursday.


If people past sixty years of agecoiild be persuaded to go to bed as soonas they take cold and remain in bedfor one or two days, they would recover much more quickly, especially ifthey take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There would also be less dangerof the cold being followed by at y ofthe more serious diseases. ady

Notice of Special Master's Sale.In pursuance to a judgment and de-

cree of foreclosure and sale renderedin the District Court of Torrance county, State of New Mexico, on the 31atday of January, A. D. 1918, at Estan-cia, N. M., in a certain cause num-bered 760, Civil, therein pendingwherein Ben Donlin is plaintiff and R.E. Cargo is defendant, said action be-

ing a suit for the foreclosure of a cer-tain chattel mortgage, in which actionplaintiff obtained judgment against thesaid defendant, which judgment remains unpaid, in the sum of $685.48,together with interest thereon at therate of twelve per centum per annumfrom the third day of March, 1917, andcosts and expenses of suit, and also re-

covered judgment for the sale of thegoods and chattels described in saidchattel mortgage.

Notice is hereby given that I, theundersigned special master appointedby the Court to sell the hereinafterdescribed goods and chattels, will, atthe front door of the court house in Es-tancia N. M., on the fifth day of March,A. D. 1918, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash the following goods and chattels, to wit:

One Wegman piano, one gun case(wooden cabinet), ore large table, fiveNavajo rugs, twelve wall pictures,eleven chairs (rocker and straight),one ice chest, one barrel kitchen uten-snay one small Heating stove, oneporch swing, and other articles, twowooden bedsteads, one Overland touring car, model 83, motor No. 13424,one Mitchell runabeut, model 1913,motor No. 24897.

Witness my hand this 5th day ofFebruary, A. D. 1918.

THOMAS B. RAPKOCHSpecial Master.


Here's an old fashioned recipe forcorn muffins that has recently beenrevived and used with unusual successIn several of the larger New York ho-

tels : To make three and a half dozenmuffins take one quart milk, six ouncesbutter substitute, twelve ounces oflight syrup or honey, four eggs, pinchof salt, two ounces baking and a half pounds comment andone and a half pounds rye flour. Thebutter and syrup should be thoroughlymixed; then add the eggs gradually.Pour In the milk and add the rye flourmixed with cornmeal and baking powder.

Kutarad aa aacond claaa matter tano ll1(01, In th DOatoffloa at Eitaaaia. N. M., undartha Aot of Coneraaaof March 8. 1807.

Subscription Si.60 perysarin advance


Torrance County Abstract Co.

A. R. POOL, ManagerESTANCIA, N. MEX.Fifteen yean experience as an Ab-

stracter. See us before placing yourorders. Satisfaction guaranteed.

DR. II. T. WI CI IMAXPhysician and Surgeon

Office in rear of Estancia Savings BankBuilding


D. S. KINGCotmty Sarveyor

Agrimensor de CondadoMcintosh. N. M.


Physician and Optician


rthnainst.. Estancia, N.M.

CJ. AmblePhysician and Surgeon

Office practice and consultation. Treatingof Eyea and Fitting of glasses a Specialty.

Onice at Drug Store


Chas. F. Easley Chas. R. Easley

EASLEY & EASLEYAttorneys at Law

Practice in the Courts and Land Dept.Land Grants and Titles Examined.



Attorney and Counselor at Law

Offlae boon 8 :30 a m to 4 :80pm


C E. Ewlng1 .


Sometimes out of town first of week,but always in Estancia office Fridaysand Saturdays. Office in A vers building


Attorney at Law

Willsractice in all Courtsof New Mexico


RESTAURANTChili and Short Orders

Figola BreadPacked Dust Proof, Germ Proof

Cakes and PiesJ. R. WASH.

Raymond T. SanchezGeneral Merchandise

Wagon YardAll Kinds of Feed

Land for Sale Chilili, N. M.

Also V on right hip,croBS on right shoul-der. XX on left hip.Range 6 miles north1 mile west ol Lucy.Notify Mrs. S. A.Edmonds & Sons,

Lucy, N. M., of any cattle with abovebrands strayed from range.

Chas, SaweyAgent for


AND GASDonaciano Aragón, the Abo

merchant, and CommissionerPonciano Sanchez of the sameplace, were here last week oncourt business.


It is when you have a severe coldthat you appreciate the good qualitiesof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs.Frank Crocker, Pana, 111., writes:"Our son Paul caught asevere cold last winter that settled onhis lungs and he bad terrible coughingspells. We were greatly worried abouthim as the medicine we gave him didnot help him in the least. A neighborspoke so highly of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy that I got a bottle of itThe first dose benefited him ao muchthat I continued giving it to bim untilhe was cured." ' adv

ÍContinued from first Dase)Hark Brown Colbaugh, CoronaRolla C. Ireton, CedarvaleRanee C. Giles, WillardLyman 3. Timmons, McintoshClarence D. Ogier, TajiqueGoviano Maes, Pinos Wells .

Martin Sanchez, TajiqueIra C. White, MountainairRennie C. Pyburn, EstanciaEdwardo Otero, TajiqueJose D. Quintana, QuaraiErnest D. Hoover, EstanciaEdward Roscoe East, MtrJohn Y. Owen, WillardSevero Chavez, QuaraiMeliton Sedillo, EstanciaMariano Torrez, QuaraiAndrew G. Stringer, WillardEzequiel Gallegos, EncinoRomolo Barrella, TajiqueAndres Lopez, TorreónJames B. Tate, MountainairManuel Sedillo, TajiqueThomas J. Mosely, EastviewEsquipula Sisneros, MtrGeorsre Edmonds. LucyJoseph J. McKinley, EstanciaWilliam H. Robbins. MtrJ'ian Sanchez y Padilla, Manz'oLlias S. Gallegos, WillardThomas Barton, EncinoVictor Perez, "Thomas J. Welch, MoriartyTomas Romero, AboJohn P. Schubert ChililiCarey Wesley Arthur, EstanciaBufordCain, EstanciaSalmon Archuleta, TorreónFrancisco Vallegos, QuaraiDillman C. Kinsell, MoriartyO. K. D. Salmon, DuranWilliam S. Harrell, EstanciaManuel Gallegos, Pinos WellsLonnie C. Williams. WillardWilliam D. Marshall, Pinos WisKern. D. Robbins, MountainairRobert A. Land, "Jose L. Chavez, TorreónAmadeo Vigil, Pinos WellsElíseo Tofoya, TorreónFrancis Marrion Kimmons,

VarneyPedro Sanchez y Perea, Pinos

WellsLuis S, Esquibel, MountainairDiego Barella, TajiqueLoma Thermon Mitchell, MtrEarl Clifford Drummond, Wil'dSamuel Arch Owens, MtrWallace M. Pruitt, WillardSosteno Torrez y Aldrete, Wil-

lard (Progresso)Jesse D. Burns. WillardDallas G. Drummond, WillardFrederick M. Schafner, "Charles Sidney Brantley, Lucy

Adrian Silva, TorreónJose B. Hinijos, WillardSerapio Sanchez, DuranMarvin L. Hammond, WillardClaude Houston Bennett, Lucy

Leonard King Holstein, EstJoe Shannon, Pinos WellsNapoleon King, TajiqueRogerio Bachicha, Chilili

Andres Sandoval. DuranFelipe Perea, TorreónEstancislado Sedillo, TajiqueT. Howard Seay, EncinoLucas Zamora, MountainairManuel Luna, TorreónAcasio Ed. Gallegos, TorreónDavid I. Forsythe, Scholle

William R. Meador, EstanciaCharles Fronabarger, Ced'rv'leRaymundo Valdez, DuranFlorian Chavez y Torrez, MtrBenino Sanchez, TajiqueMerejildo Maldonado, TajiqueAustin A. Ireton, CedarvaleAntonio Gutierrez, DuranEulalio Jaramillo, Pinos Wells

Pancrasio Encinos, EncinoCharles Norton Rhoades. Pro

gressoAlbino Romero, TorreónVictoriano Carrillo, EastviewMarshall P. Smith, BartonHarold Conner Merrifield, Mc.

Maximialano Chavez. WillardIsiais F. Chavez, Pjnos Wells

(Encino)John W. Bohanan, LucySaturnino Serna, Encino

(Palma)Juan B. Gallegos, TorreónDexter Killingsworth.CedrvleDionicio Duran, Pinos WellsManuel Archuleta, Mtr

Elmer E. Shaw, Mountainair

jiqueTerrel Black, MoriartyEulogio Lujan, TorreónEarl Elson Brown, MountainairRuperto Lopez, TorreónOtha M. Butts, CedarvaleAndres Jaramillo, QuaraiLuis Pera, TorreónBilly Imboden, MountainairHarry Irvin, MoriartyAudrey J. Kirkpatrick, Pinos

WellsHubert Eblen, McintoshAlvin C. Hibner, McintoshMerrit C. Keithly, WillardAlbert A. Yarbough, WillardTrujillo Carmel, MountainairFilomeno Sanchez y Griego,

ManzanoFred Lee Hawkins. Lucy "

True Prior Grey, MoriartyGuy W. Nash, EncinoAthley Asher Kitchens, Mori-

artyPrudencio Lobato, ManzanoSimon Torrez, Pinos WellsManuel Chavez, TorreónJosé A. Bachicha, EncinoProspero Vigil, Pinos WellsHomer L. Bailey, NegraBenjamin R. Rhodes, ProgressoPlacido Montoya, EstanciaJuan Romero, TorreónJohn Reece Green, MountainairPatrocinio Sanchez, DuranRoss Anderson Robinson, MtrPaul Frederick A. Kay ser, "

Arthur Boyd, EstanciaJulie Muller, MoriartyGus Mahnn, TorreónFrank G. Gibson, PalmaManuel Zamora, TorreónGregorio Baca, EstanciaAmado Trujillo, MountainairErnest E. Smith, WillardJackson H. Elemore, WillardJohn Ross Swinney, EncinoSalvador Pena, DuranLuther Watson, Pinos WellsWalter H. Pace, EstanciaWilliam R. Nashburn, WillardPedro Sisneros, MountainairNewton Lynn Tracey, EstanciaOrville C. Baker, NegraVestal H. Swartz, EstanciaCharles Monroe Sawey, EstMart, G. Norris, LucyJames Edgar Purser, DuranThomas Cain, EstanciaJeptha James Conrad, MtrFrancisco Lopez y Padilla,

Pinos WellsAntonio Jose Vigil, TorreónHugh Thompson, ScholleIvan H. Grey, vVillardRufus M. Overstreet, EncinoSammie J. Isenhart, MtrWilliam Benjamin Price, Mc

intoshJ. W. Shaw, Punta, MtrJohn Lee Blake, LucyPedro Saiz, Manzano-Albert-

Chavez y SanchezPinos Wells

Harry D. Smith, CedarvaleIra Lee Underwood, WillardJose Madril, DuranOtis O. Richardson, CedarvaleRaymundo Maldonado, Manz'oGlenn R. Taylor, CedarvaleManuel Sanchez, EstanciaFelix Bermudez, ManzanoPeter Lloyd Orme, MtrJose Chavez, PalmaBert E. Piggott, WillardRobert Edward Lee Whitely,

VarneyElíseo Garcia, TorreónGeorge Elmer Wood. WillardEmilinano Apodaca, EncinoJohn C Adams, Pinos WellsHoracio Sabedrs. ManzanoJose R. Gallegos, Pinos WellsCelestino Saiz, EncinoMarcos Vicente, EncinoMeliton Lopez, TorreónPablo Gomez, MountainairAlbert B. Fuller. WillardClemency R. White. MtrAntonio Martinez, DuranHarry Goodman, EstanciaAugustin Garcia, MoriartyJose A Gonzales, Pinos WellsFlorentino Lucero, EncinoThomas Jefferson Ross, LucyRichard Robinson, DuranJuan C. Romero, QuaraiManuel Hernandez, Estancia


Valley Furniture Co

Now open for business. We will be glad tohave you call at any time and look over ourstock. You will always be welcome. Firstdoor south of Estancia Auto Co.

I conviction for such violation, theproprietor or proprietors so con-victed a second time shall befined not less than $50, nor morethan $100, and costs.Section two:

This ordinance shall be in fullforce and effect from and afterthe date of its passage and thedate of its last publication, asprovided by law.Approved this 23rd day of Jan. ,1918.

C. E. EWING.Mayor.

H. C. WILLIAMS,Village Clerk.

First publication Jan. 24, 1918.Last publication Feb. 14. 1918.

S. N. JensonESTANCIA, N. M.


CAPITAL $25,000.00Does a general banking business. Live stock loans a specialty. We invite

you to call on us and tell us your needs.

F. H. WOOD, Pres. W. A. MARSHALL, V.-- C. L. CREIGHTON. Cash.


He Buys and Sells Real Estate and Live Stock

ESTflNeiH, N. M.

Oi ea0 Neal Jenson

U. S. CommissionerLand Office Business of all Kinds Transacted.

Fire. Ufe. Accident and Health Insurance. 'Legal Papers Drawn and Acknow

ledged. Residences and

0Farms for Rent.

Estancia, New MexicoJL. "T- f-

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (6)

The HerzBtein Seed Co. shippeda car of beans to St. Louis Monday.



Jeaching Bnnaayat 31á)0 A.M.nd"7J0í.ü. SnnaaycnooíJr

A 1--rill nxtDlDi k

Buy your gasoline at ValleyAuto Co. and help the Bed Cross.

Forrest Mason went to GallupSunday for a few days visit.

Mrs. Harry Smith of Ceáar-val- e

fiTw up Saturday and re

Basket leaves Fenley's for Imperial Laundry every

Tuesday morning. ConfeTentf Satnsaay 111MK

A.M. All tae mnrefaTBemBeri1 4-- P. gas engine for sale TOmr) nal sctare --earnestly --requested u jotat a bargain; in good shape.

Fred L. Buttubs. adv presentat conference.Wehave one of l&e hest iunv-ña-y

moras in the etumty. EiyntFor sale, 1917Ford car in first class condition.

jEverett, whoiB our anipezmtené-jent- ,

s a young man si Tiiluire .

See Dr. C E. Ewing. adv

For sale, work horses, mares. istrong personal; . ancSpirit filtffri Come in nrf !

and saddle horses, part broke,part nnbroke. Fair Bize. G. W.Felton, 4 miles east of Mcintosh. fwill rio thee good. We Jiave-e&-rolle- d

"22, and 6C ias: Sanaar- -Kenneth Mathews has beenappointed to the aviation corps.flying section, and has gone to

We hope to seaen xaeimehm-dre- d

mark in a short enhe.We havea live X. 3.2'. U.

VI liiinm T?nh rorr ill ninoritFort Sam Houston, Texas, fortraining.

LHemakesasoati jme. We jmvJuan C. Jaramillo, the enterprising Torreón merchant, was

mained till Monday.

Poll tax is now due amd youare requested to pay at the telephone

office. Every able bodiedman 21 years old amd oversliable, whether same appeaxs onlist or not. Mrs. J. . Tiah,Clerk School Board.

J. D. Curry, who recentlybought a half section of landwest of Mcintosh nf W. W.Wagner, will farm the C. E. 3Lel-log- g

place this year. cameout from Texas recently, .and jsdaily expecting his family, whoare coming by auto.

J. E. Braxton has sold hkranch northeast of town to 'GeneMadole, and has bought the J.M. Cain property on .Main Street,where we understand TUt. andMrs. Braxton will soon open arestaurant Their host nf friendswill be glad to see them hack intown. Mr. Cain eon templatesgoing on a homestead.

The 3v M. C. has been said tothe 2C. M. C. . . Co. a towcorporation organized iinrir thplaws of Delaware, with 3S. CMunoz as president. The pricepaid was S30G.OOO. The capital-ization of the company is $500,-00- 0.

There was one other bid

a noble set nf yonnrronie.Cnroe lo al! nf onr nw.i.itig&.

Tours for the best interest oí mrtownand connrry.

W. C. GHA3L3wesBr.

here the first of the week on abusiness visit. He was accom

'acgaras, .

panied by a nephew.

Howard Payne bought 480head of three and four-year-o- ld

steerain Bernalillo county lastweek. He Bold them to Texasparties and has shipped them toTexas.

iobersan Ahgrrwrt Lamnanj ,

twi'jm Htrxtur. aimmmwii msaSOXof im Trices --eSeciive iasc-I- ST TTt yl '3IfflS an all orriersfiied am uraí--

Mrs. Lelia Fellom of Californiacame in last Thursday and visited until Tuesday with her

ter said hate.ThB company s imajrporaied

jmner the Jaws of thisaxsxe, and

fied to as correct by ie ai'i unaryand imderits gurpinHW eai evidence

of the TTMTTMTO Turwm..

friend, Mrs. O. W.Bay. Shewas on her way home from 2sewYork.

ZTjZZX.--LEÍ- --1

Johnson Pence and family

ZLeatmas íseo. mariai H. MK-tn'a- r V jurrt Torrance eonnty. t" 3íoi-der M. T. Eadetzky ol Denver,lerson, Secretary.

came over from Albuquerque thefirst of the week to visit Will El-

gin and family. They were ac-

companied by an uncle of Mtb.Pence, who lives in Omaha. Küí.XümiDrIlaiL

Hfteen to twentyhead oí cows

who bid S275.000. Mr. Munozsaid, ' 'I have no statement tomake except that the road isrunning and will continue torun . " Col 5el lers of Albuquer-que bid in the Albuquerque East-ern lor the creditors nf the Do-minion Construction Co. at

S. H. Pickens got back yesterland heifers, some fresh now,most of Daianfie frwri rnji inr.

day from the western part of thestate where be has been drillingwells. He says he had a tough j&li oodznllk stock, rmtmiae?

Hot and cold baths at Fenley'sbarber shop. adv.

For long term farm loam BeeB. V. Lipe.i A. T. Cochran got in a car ofoil cake last Friday.

Hogs wanted. See Caussey &Woods at White Rose Cafe.

Bay your gasoline at ValleyAuto Co. and help the Bed Cross.

U.S. Marshal Hudspeth washere last Friday on official bus-


The receipts at the Bed Crossdance Saturday night footed npabout $55.

Tom Loftin has rented theWill Davis place in the Süvertonneighborhood.

Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bachmannwere down from El Bosque thefore part of the week.

M. A. Spalding of Hyer, anold acquaintance of EL C Wil-

liams, is here visiting.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petersonwent to Albuquerque this morn-ing for a few days visit.

Sam Jenson has bought the in-

terest of his partner, O. W. Bay,in the Valley Furniture Co.

For Sale, yearling and two-year-o-ld

Hereford Bulls. Theritsworth Company, Capitán, N.M.

For rent, a comfortably fur-- :nisned room, with fire. Gentle-man preferred. Apply at thisoffice.

For sale, one second handFord, one Studebaker. Or willtrade for stock or land. Inquireat this office. adv

Freilinger and Tracy this weekbought 75 bead of cattle in theChilili country, which they willship out in a few days.

H. V. Lipe was called to Albu-

querque last Friday by word thatone of his children was ill withpneumonia, following measles.

For sale cheap, 1 good workteam. 1 mare with foaL 1 good

milk cow. Inquire of Leo Doug-

las or Farmers and StockmensBank.

The price on Chevrolet carahas advanced $50. We can de-

liver three cars secured at otheragencies at the old price of $725.First orders get the cars. Peo-

ple's Store, Moriarty, N. M.

P. L. Brown, dealer in junk-ir- on,

bone, rags, brass anythingin the junk line. Will pay high-

est market price delivered in Es-

tancia. Also agent for Indianasilo of Texas.

Fred Mitchell of Santa Fe, whofiled on a homestead northeast oflown about four months ago andstayed with O. W. Bay for amonth or so, died at SnnmountSanatarium at Santa Fe, lastSaturday, of tuberculosis. Hecame from Arkansas and badbeen in New Mexico about ayear- -

Fmb. 16. Ethel Clapton rnnd Car-gl- e

BlaekeweU in " Broken Cham."Pastime.

job, but got some good weils forhis employers.

aramrgoonas sew,H smton ciharrow.H ood irroad mage. Jlwork horses. A- - J. JBnwfi 1miles west. 6 amies southCleofes Romero informs us id i on Dssthat his contract to furnish 100,--

000 fies for the N. M. C. hasbeen signed, sealed and delivered. Attorney Wilson havingbeen authorized to sign the con-

tract for the raQroad company. 3S 'XL... "?Z

tn:2ai.ISO acres áxrm iswl. t

miiefi west nf town. Jenced well,no better in tne-valie- Irrmfannart. See Hza T, "Ijinwick,owner.

tar lOUffl'TEIE- -.Headmaster Cunningham ofthe N- - M. C has been here witha force of men the past ten days


As will be observed by nrrrreaders, our correspandenisandexchanges make mention of cas-

es of "roseoia." and taken inconnection with a number ofcases in and around Estancia itis indicated that this disease sscattered all over the county. Jioquarantine measures have beentaken against it. Doctors say itnever proves fatal, and seriaosafter-effec- ts are rare. It wagformerly regarded asa mild formof measles, but is now recognizedas a distinct disease under thename of roethem. It has beencalled German measles, Trenchmeasles, rubeola, roseola, rubellaard scarlet rash. The Treatmentis the same as in measles.

Feb. 194PlainJane;"by Bessie Barrisca ie.Pastime.

T7-H- 1)1 Cannot Se Tiwrwisetting the turntable which hasstood so long unused in theyards. It has been placed justeast of the coal shed in the northyards, and will probably be fin-

ished and ready for use thisevening.

j m tamer to esse at tolbhe' ac- - mi. aa y

tac áBjLredi lull- t íiaIIt Latan; me ram.i vnUKe aasci; 1'siii :

The weather during the pastweek has been very fine. Thenight temperatures were

j jinitK inL4 llLt17-2- 2 21 above, while the day

CiíENmAl lrrncxisu. c uuiiairtemperatures were around 50,

running above that figure onthree or four days. During January the snowfall at Estanciawas 12 inches, making .95 of aninch of moisture. At El Bosq ue .

the Bea ranch, the snowfall dar-ing January was 28 1-- 2 inches,

rASEEE ior .lire . jhtt!. .

making 2.32 inches of water.Sunday night, the 20th, whenthe mercury reached 22 balo w at



Oar atore has hot O KE PR ICE TO JU--L

SPEEIÍ1L:Highest Patent Honr, St? periumárarl

atPhone orders given pnmujt attpra.inr

Estancia, it was 6 below on themountain.

Theae Tablets are intended especiallyfat diaardere of the stomach, üver andbowels. If you are troubled withheartburn, indigestion or constipationthey will do 70a pood. adr

"Te Tinwr Sam w Tarstffi ,.Ma RmaMeat and To FanGood nuuniiw hm. tbe whole lac rear,

mugar daavr besot,

hr' ti rtoTP with good ajsjare. fromRibt smdi Ui Frew.

and Stockmen! jim can sw hicfc el farmntt, outOqrsmod proper axmS

Arsekera. cako. and hnwkfact flafcct. Tdteooo. Tea and ansff .

Tacara and rior amé cfto mad and eaffoew thai is KTotUMt.

Raaatrtf. pa, momy, m andabaeaa.b) Uia buoiuL

"Why igrimilrl you he rtfrifnrl mri í jjjnts anrl protcssinriiu -yut and fraita. tfae kind that SOTS, wa Jceap " mmmum auu.Calart tbf aftnc that mmt cam knock, and eft men in rbe mam-- r of sraTioitrij' iar ynnr

WVi-- nnt tinr urn ieflrT Tteari Jnrl vr it iirc"' ü" fSJBrit.íia: iJffiüi

Careful and Systsmatchandhne; of ywx jaiiiMliy when it enceraoar establishment means just this:eteanlineaB, neatneas, 01141 meg. Momia-n- p io the diatriba ton or collection.Just as mnch care is exeroaed hi thefokhnf; and parting as in the washing.Give as a trial and he eonrineed.


of pasiwfl&ce.

mJ jonr m f oruu


In Valley Hotel Building.

Neis Frostenson

It looks more like business, and xosxs tinta Ttr,. ii Jtrr. wrT- - f. s "w.r- - "

more than buying in Ifc anrl 2- - ints. Harm; ro trn: fcrwr 1 Vi S--s,

Herald offirr and see about it. "-- r-r

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (7)

Tettae. ta uaicic key 10 tfc ae-a- r

tM( Ta aaac, asm oytwaCar tk aiajnara ingimtiMi, accara-- f

a mm frees Jtaatee.


LATE UVE UEWSKthj News Items

Gathered From AÜ Over

New Mexico


All TIO!.

(oated I took Lyáí E. Pínk-laau-n"

VeetaLle Cotajwaodand W CaredL

TMtaajar. MdKalTfoaryara

; liUtrv

who tas my tiaougxttslJfnbumg them with-vIoy- e

'titers U,JMy ValentíneíV.7Cx;r av

7 WJbo turna lííe'e

iroro morn tíaarKt4gh4r- - ji (

Winter into Mpy,


itches labor wear the uíse cfjáay -

rharm narlerre from taí rfví----Wy --Valentine


i V-- -Whaioye me icipyseí alone.

1 I ;Jkííí&$sS. andiíeverTo want a aojíar íor nery)'jí i fy Valentine! :



l MyEtíae venítuínki vertüíí--fj i

' Anítiqever feys "Jt intje" woree r?

'4s ÍH rr A Ybpáuirjei rpe play the j'ax&cnjcáiíiVho pulls rne off xny Sunday oyjch, A

C TNIMMM or Carra, AT


0 O It C ft. ATOMCttafear. fevavZAatMá. aCE

TZZ WAXiaca r ( bnk. trTtrtax a atit a & cato. k- -


ri-j aoTKiaa wa jcS aa27 aasic ai a frmii asr ra--aa. 2r aesarafeo- - - a kvxat era

Sraace avtaaaoa iba a taaa cóa. la booms q atfái,aaat ota se atacxai aorfer atae-a- t


aua. áaMS ai w A mtt, ora"teaa awSta aK annajac ftor rav

aaatia, vai aar aO annvmrmtJka áacw atorreaa, aHuga avece aaaa

C-- av aaat aosar nbOt. aVr

jbjí la. taJtatftCia ni i,

$Ba aaowa acá as Aovcrí.aa. aat aa. üi aaek íraac jema

a aaa ammirn o, Oo ajaaaa (iaarwC Je aUs Ea Ca--

ás Tatox aaaf iVirnai tü ffgfViCiTiiai ca a earn c ar u

CiúctT ara af t3a Uiwc IhaCataKnrra j taarmot at a yumnSaWIK4lcaTlitta1K

2Txsa vt&tmt éteuacaucA af Jaanary aml CJ1Í.

JBan Aaa. aroant toa fceattaas ay iSa n m. ouar

aVaaceas Jáacaa Si ib aar eaaouoMowl ac Kaau. fia aa Ia

iia--iin cu ata ka

mtaial s st ta !

,a j,6r, Mt oalaet kúr taraaoiA ataea. ta üa O aveavtera. ;

armau, Baetr2il- - are4 aa kaa j

lauí ScrSMT taewt tHaür ka kstta ap. s áa f fia TelaasíW.Tj Auarraa- as. dut aaatar apa StCoa aac avüaaáaa; taas (U4 y.anaara, ae ukmumí ac

kcnawea. S.JM jaat J4,Ta awauta; toylcmaroa áaa kr

a abetia auiuarr anoenor ia eaav

yet ha J'jwvm 1 .!!crwrip i )rw i

I r Il an a

ÍJ I? 11 ILJ

when I cry,rOuctiT7H

isair and piiai nry leSrderce ansí weárcL

Just xap&3JZze&, j


'safcer aukaal I4BBW

And screams with joy'"W Mv Vaarrfir!!

viho jtwtsts myi"7 ríUntíl1 VÍoqYí. befih.

fcí f ITcor-- &; t ue fnxctpad cenaxaecaVcat at ta Laeríra fauir Meara.

Tac TatrWt reaaiatieaJet bareI Mi'W eater tfc yraat--

Jtaaicre kfaaaer, accereutSla a tetesraaa tree In anacíera

fiytn fcucfc reaeiteeacral Jtai kvrtaaaa at

La iae Ceaee. ke Maana aenl war, aeran; to aancea re- -

ava atrartr fc taat tateaek ia

aC at tfe fnata lit3r. r a--

rt immut aea! tfc traarr KerMkaa.kaca atráete aaa Jaa-- S ettnaa

fcarii at Jbnttiia.A affieiot acauawat

faaaaia- - kXaarayf anil acrae la aaeen tee turning jaaoasf aiaoa la Karee.t aVtaaaar K'eaart. Hasarsjacur, w a4raaa tfae iwt, ae--

Owr tiaa far acac ar aever atftxa ;

t for caajqaeaKTace re aaaeka r anfeaaás We at f'nnrTTa'i CHr. Maay

aarirfiagai ap a to icatar aaciseiy raxed. OanB. aa k4 aa4 aexeral tt;ac.Tk JsiaÉrtaj t ae;t a ta" ai Ka, a aaaerKjr a(

acascaat ta caoUai f aca a taVawaaaa txva sal ia tr at aaar, a asaei Irwat furaa! aari

aV ívrxií ic ta Ix4ka CaeáaaTer(A traes ui: -f-cot-brsk toecea ca(n Jüa--. Tay Wcutj ta mili, Ta tova aar-aee- tf

aftr tear W W Vecsfia

Tac aarajea ef toaaa ia aaVa la lj4m Md efeec a

atáci7 r" ta rí Iaf Ue-- al Cre, tb

faltiaA ara mlmímue, aa4 ttm40müViaea, a cae aaaa.

A eaaic f ike rcaVtar'att aaanataa jai r&eáta acal ti

Uatutd. aO saUarK, iea asúeir ta ta

n asa tk arsaaa (cyeaxiiaf eaat.Ti vrtjmes aaal eoúswjr

a- t.

'a a, aa aí ac ta a-- - aa tvikx m m

fc ia ti eaMBl -ja t a a- -

Ti CT ai Jfekraaáa 4&aa--Caaa , i t 14, a keñec- -

íáaeatavCann-a- i. n kr F. T- - 6c

e lark, m irs la Oataat i ata ae oiaw, j oSaoi tw af ta atíaaai a4 Irú

.i iiimaiiii arwe an ía BK4JTwasn. aiy,aa; TiaiiijFwaaj ec vcaaKruaui ac tk Jtarjeua topueom St

Lantfaa ks k íar krfcrp. pat OSCí.

13C ec kriaaat. entecare;eaMaCKteoa(mat 1

cJaucl'-le- s when Fra rpdelyfjeered?My Valectíne? I A

Who roba cae of all dignity.And, though she's onlyu(e ck vivoiuja u,r..--i iuc :

- My Valentine!

t. K ka tmtrAtt a &ícáB V ! Tir --a tL uxud irtir io-- k

acra tk 9sai Maasiua es Xarl"'j JrI - it jr-apw- au

TSure, , ega a M ar ef ? ""."íí ifct, , ka, .fci'!.-,-. Ztm i'1?r r- -- - .. ,í í K I



Ti Aatrie oaaestk boa piece22 io , aara la Oaaa 1.

Join . YieS lav faa r awMxvatesrjr f tac aaaaf til al fiaJúr.Ta cíijr nana irtu t a( aMáav

ara a caanrsc tbe aKfáa-tau- a

f iit Cur f law CK7


X aVUiaaja, Maatoc aracataaniaif ai t BaaW a- ia lid cat

Tk aautr araaacc t'aaiaW tr a anensarf e enaua

Ja iv Taba ia nta acawaiavr jan- - jeat

Tk W:3aw4 Bail Lac Jtefauaa;CMbaaatr kaa aaaa! at M tk ka

craus, aar iSi, aaa teapnnnUum & tote seaeat

Moaare1 f, WJ ka taa aaxarr ta T- - J. C A. at La

I Vae aaa ruta ataj u laí rks 1 aj avuf aar f. k. C. a.

I Ti aKJE t kudtat iar a03 at lact rnc kaa la net

4 na ar mt iutSu tm Jmmur.i ti Mal meM a w ra ke--,

t i2 ia.I fa a! i tk au tk Or)etrw, ka ka eat aa

a 1 tr OU ivr tk ataVnaú

avai, aa&irje aaa!ifw r piiiiin Eia

5 ivTr UiArf Jrtaweto tkrrl XJir í ka

aa r eiejwnacwcMr (er tk aVC ftaVx caamts ia ae--

1 W, A fcWTTaxai, k (atitI Tina! MiaraK kieaMar ki

fsvaMar ar laia.v aae tk eatav j

(, ktei tauuaoi eVvaa ky kaaarwg Asa? txti C-- A. HaOEk fa fr w aa !

kt tk aVaa Ti Cwnnrn J

fonatr lkUtmj wM I at Aaav-- r tk aowsal avírii Í ts

ra ac O aSí tk Ifcas 'fy A4aavuarc. j

n. - i

j, j r.- - M ti 1. ' . ,

- kturaa aa

Tk r Ifitfraar cmáravt kaa '

tan a w tk ab&ea f

''TZ. ?

anca faqyieP-Jf- araK wmm.eTjá. a (a 2W avfara lúck j

ar. Ie Kiús, aawt humas- - :

te- - rwGT &&&4i k; kne-- 1

v Cíií aa a ca ajúrkt ,

avaaABaae rrkr. tama i

C7 aiaataa; jeat arrví a ts- - j

ariiav 'WM nníBMM rt arBtky tu--r lSruS a aar c írr raw a raiaWaiaa Jtu. ae ka6r. kvrxe

aúat CtswarA 3 Ask kr ti i

e-- r. Ti jvm aa aa tai

,. . !

tenaz ra auíiEarr mrrí ae Caaa i

C6r, aaoi kcutic Asarrax aaat aa. i

Ajbtrt E. jjo. a titrram. He aOiev ,4 ka aaj Acras, Iwea, aaut ao4 a f

aar.tra&ct, awirtiaa; sa tk ktársa- -

sruE abeam at aujutv i

Xwiurxe nnner ka aaeáí kurMaa ek ÍWi at kx carta a acav

d r.Xi!3arvcui e Oiaí i Tavr aa Caaraúa X A. Ctaraa o asíiíraaK t ta

ttacE 4 jt." Ti CSr--r fjimuaí Kiaoyvunt anona c Jte? Mr Kartuatiar av

JUagri E rc Wuk, weieraar

sa a Ma3a Iívu. Auraaut tavrafi kttútv tüiX Xcar ara-T- , an ;

vtf&ai ka et kia cnarrmnng aa a'aaraua, ja O m?MS. f Ite

5ia ívo aiíi r ir"jiii kuai v r- - r

tart a evw aa yim u sa auKMOyií ía iucafiaiaui.

A mr)W, aoayea tkat ta f aa- - i

Sagú uiotm t Jfcwr Jtavi 1 ,

aayja av tiír iaoars ar d at rti --jaa ar : .W,MT. Ii, ckngb&tar, Uv ttüCX aa o tMaearr

ti aar .vmRf f 1 kxkra ' fKT'at 1 ta wmr 'jtuxr Ti aa-ta-

vlráui araaj ta Cea aarar tí Mí &0i 3&. e m tí yer&r ;. JtíS. ,Ta aoonaC p ef 'j (nV Cavav t

ca lMitra9 AaaBaae auaea a9Sajas aU. aworf r tt.itt.t2 aart ta i

aaC íi- jarjtr ar aa ívr. aaatadt Si aiiaaáor a tot r tnaaaaear ,

ea íitl ta íui i er ,

ef r aarutac. !

a j-- fmf trias ats ta kesuaa karj' ,rr aír ef ía. ka

af ri taa JUaaiuMia. s Ir

ae t a tan batvr aeter era i.

wee arpe; u e

y C in i aall feelerivffmajfm. I to amus e( it4í?9 fct kaa eeaofaetancan a aial bdt

ewrtkauliaiTr 1 tí efe lrwaaeeryt kaate aay ueeM ef la W eaat14 . raoaai Vte Cwaneai kaa w fw a. KLiJtE .WrnvCAai, A CarUe d., iais-aaa- n,

kliit k er ! r aoy iiai ka

4r4 te teetjutt aa cperafaea, beaaBT iie keae fceea reatan letav!kbf ttaafaa naaeiy. tea E.I'nuaar Veectaue Ceaooiaaa, a

rati aa kea keea aov ka itenl fr ari eifae aa neamwMM a waii1r tryaag it lefcaa tBiaraTTara; toaaea atryaax laaat

4MagXytá40ttfcCWWtpt1 Mak ava; altf

EAXGC8 BALM'S:. F a aaa) awai e w ft

V vua .iirir.. tZZtiZaae s or w Ujs- wri- ' -- - -


tteaaaa kawMc a Waa Lamoka1 lace rá Mea k Ma

It eaa ama ks c rj4 JalJb - Tt- - eVsera M e lü joule ktia 5aia- -

K5 antao urai 1

durtiik? eu4 O 4ttrtar auiifl r--

Jbraa té But atol kus aourvr

- lew 3E ate, armVe aCal pr aaat'at atof tí Jt

tM3avl. Mtixuí tío í4t a fa

j, . j, wíiJ - arma e faaB va aaüc , ttSr & --k üa farf w4 a

ZLjTTLJZ' a v www r- - rwm.

feya-eiaaa- r Eacana.A aa moaoS- - í kv slU( ana

axtfaa7 fciM i nwrt f4- -

aote ü x . iirtf tfjrva ar fara nmra aoi tk af.tad írtaat auvrtuwr taunt k ai)14f" aa ti w íreut.

atraf6"- - '"-- SÍ a ti kav

r- - k ar arr1- - aa,a -


err fan i ai-- P. atrt

A lOttfñe aaaaa.Te uva a wrjuu-- T a rrr vs"Tr aMjtamaj Mi Al ia M

aJ(1í'"Wk raWTTJaaaToTa d

LLJL 3 ?"

aw-sj'- " rW


Unlikeother cerezís

Grape-Nut- s

tíifycfnkcr crezaUkérisebeczssecf'úsTftvrú tartefaess

Grape-Ku- ts theready ceckeá food.hzíizZÍTourdssKS

tB4 MUmr, --TíasrM anm K dio araj aU- -

ut a a aeiie atar ef tc, f ; Sent 4c On, vwiaTa ci-a- kaV

sait aac kae a aaoiilaCas a Mac ; 2 taaj, ta tk a tedia f ia,fiaac I !ara sa aap9a tTf (!. 0 zaeeat aaat bmx vQa

oaage t Bar-i- rt aae aoat errr arta a O aeenaeaeat M Cká-a-

3tan ac tírQnm C dteceSna eaw.

GTXZZáíTi o kara a&r tkat ti

Garcnce C I'

MooreV O aMnmaJ f X

ear O fcvertlMat atea. Xana' ttríumtammt a iwf aui ttfrka9 aa aaiaania kuw-a- tywl ka tac atwrsniara audL

ISBt tk a,tíaai jmtase aawj tmuivm ktgvLOrnet r teVjr jt Kavj

aea Ki Cbr-- ker akor a ia aaa4 ib&4 eea aakvaf Mr. Jkeet kf

Owe aa aariajaa; BMr k MueC Jká(a f atrskúse; kAsaj'rant ac ra HT arana takbe. Xc kuwitaue fcaarfer ckgs wceaiae- -

TwfaaVSMriiiiVfaa7kktt" 9í f a n)f aiizEpr.yl xaSw.

. fJ Ti. i

K3 TtriT. el aa I k

r-- '"a" íaUteatly aaat Iwakv

1 far1etUwttT--

--T-T' ar 4a9r!aBf- c- fccearar ee kat t,,ia tmrft'i-- f irTOSfke.eTrrfcelífc

lk te 1 tleILi tJtZiZTtJCZMtfs.hJ!JKrl euaa anua i wk- - a

n a -

a - v teuta iff &. IuK aaw-i-eí JEjaa íüaITj&gteit tk akMtoaeuw k ateet tk cart f ti jrií

Visaswie. e vat a c . eM aw . .wv,

oak aúr 25 kr kr aiuuu&sc 177

"- - tí faras uurnT crXrk3 Surraauut cazwfir.A ivut kax ara a 1 faawaaetei

tbws m. w j' r m!&.m&. ;

2w?qa auaar. nicoy eacrr anc kia i

iru!a at a5 as- n mwte, je I áara kav ca ae a o aCoaeaa. ó sari teca. ííatjrs Ceéecaaal Hea a ar ooc; jartkav saats. ifiamraaiufta," iTTSfzZatSr f

'la r4 auf utoo Sflrr. a Une aarf ai '

SU eeu ta. wwlar facets hi f

ews Oocat aaat ram ar innoox'i u,

üt a arjB a&ai( ye ufi. '

Instuav i. C arikr saacr: Tare -ca tti Cüirot áara H0C t (Si

BU aa ara t.Kia.wa í


.aiif3iiSBaart,aiai- - :

a a itc ae So. kae kaMm.tmm.ix'um, AwK

auriHU aa O, ar a-- ir

CiKawan, la aavtart kr aao

iBJBU 6t atawae mgoaausl s j

a'CeV '

Ti Mtrn ef arnrateaj( je sflavarim. ac Tiaaia3i. q

Bl, aftr utuaioar a Jtao. Sor iav.nía t nvíitrAa. tartas e amta

!f1,Tfn T O taíkwaaaraecB!?!Ittírasuut w t5 wtatrr talanar mi ja lonioa; rh aar.

akaWBBS. ;j

MiufiMA tCtfnnit km tr ararawi ao ent w Ma & b7Tt eai eÍBusa:ítoialteua Wht;i(4m

f xno--f aSWa)aeHiIaiá1Bb ka far Va, aval K Ai-- far

t3etiC a trjtoaj Je a far fQOavww ar (maz wh a o

m-m- m r aM VWI w. aaKaJÉaM l.ialt'lKlii áuaelr. tauen en

kTkMcLi A abrkSastee aawaaawifc

- a... .v.rr.q km r e. r ax .

-- , .jr, . , t , , rt . -

AE3arB wi aranratra w 1 lai be. anrrnek kVsr far tart faa att fas 17 cuv ,

task, febf. far aera aa kata tTsoj- -

tViáf a I catas, tmfUt, eaúwsor far," :

Ka netií anfiteCT tolkmt 0;a3 c fia aatt t&wr atoi aj. far


-rrm 1. 'w


1 . in 1

4 I af ...V "á- - í áT t avu...

ifCSí4 , 1 v 'ifftr' í


Si iliK.'rOn ;

VafanSanaj Ara aanjaKa."

ke m iuzrl ai u u.eau anevaí f eu u. a.ea . sut ra a !

crom. t. a .

eaut iaav , aataac ti Aavcrvwa 'Soca a fneat jaa ü, aers '

k,. -w. i

., k .w i

a. emu ar Imeo toé á,4ur4 '

saunr ar Ti iiiar-i- , 2rar i i

fieaoi aeaot kr fcar --ii Mkvracer rr. at Htíarfwiua aa

eaíy ecrAar aaai nearer Sarrj a aa Jí aaneaiouaBm 4 ea .

saRaeaC raiurrarUa. at saaflue trlr a !ma ai aeaMaá

ci aarji e laar a o eraaa ka a rwiaa-- a

mtZjB íara .v 4sr907 aa C ta exwnasrr aeji&

caaáu .

ia tflí exJUtr m- -

f.anina-- ame fm iar lusnoaa, kai-- . afrr Jí, JCr, fcwoav, a awrkmsaaat Jerna rase faffinsr el k fcevurAk it elulm

ataaar rasa esaaíbcaj tirej3i tk vez te tk ytfjHt,

iWMKKtMlwi-íWi- u V. JSÁn7 tkat Mt tk te&rjia taaasesl f Jscra. jlan far fau aart jana1 kt ta O

Ka VdaCbsrl ftkt cj, far toBttn!wt aaaaa faalrfw far--

oiE'raave flr nr a 'íat-w- ji w lirja. Ti faSar Jfc-a-, ktua--5- j

ef Ja ar aaí far aua eu4 a ay Aaa fie qaarf 5Ma. Tfase n w suC 1M! n Il kaaHLt" amar aVj --J íf saü iat Xrr. kf ,tr eeijafajaj. J6mei. It t&ia ta Xai Wabav--Ak r ir-- ta tab a tjtt karvwtmnmt 1 a kt tv far;Jta nvi2 a! at k aj Jftee Jvcl!r vI j--w

í- - Itkatf ai ta avmaj av auar--y eeryTaa ar aart-tV-- e. JÉrt JCm?-- ewwa-.- ettrí Jar. Cwt waUr&arí.

akaf Jfr. ja a nvr ki. S Skmib Cu ajea ac 1W7 a-- v a kui- -

llUittilarwW ríiljiWaMrt Jtaur-- a ae ae ut aaat T!B Sfaav r , ktakeaaX a aar aSser far. fr4 JCr. kviJt jbwjjt.

'aia-ijaa-iaCTEae- '- rnvC fkVT r iaf yaref enrnai

u as ji ITaUMt arar es tea, fciiiaaj aa e Q aTgner aaa. ae t at ttUijmi, o an! a 1 Obcra, iacarsn o

ümuerauax. e kasjnU4m aaea. raecr,Tiar a inmu0t f IJsrji--j wyi ra aeii cfcac ja ara

TSeaS wtauaM f b jar--, rju, klsaa, rtkni O at 4 3sraiiiwaaiKyatjgifcrtai ir ae-- ; naa w ti amj-- m, o

tmati Wia a ES Srw; aue al !w3i rearr rvar ra T. ear iaaw anauov ae-ia-rj t r9Miamaiiri wurjt eril Stmaola a rrAi a4aar. a rateakC a

aarLnaal aor jac íor a ir-- eui aat mspf cara saafa r --li ear. --.

Onaanf eor Sir ar, tam ' Tto. wki ef tta'

ar.-n-a aw ' ra arer j, y,, 9Ra taa ü aa" arw auafaxirji rr aaut fraa aa n j un a aaavvy'asu,"; tí. rtogor a ar-- ; srAar tkac 'j aoa tlAnrj trt al ' rn - aarava uracil r eraaeua aQ am C katnau --a ra suari araar ap an ar.Swr-- S aar Mtaairj sar,m3t ( aiaa aaacraiSera.

ZXarr er r ji cus ej- -y mnmom wwc aaaaat r iaar j. aa rr - . ,eoe aav

, ' kar la-- 4urr-iari- ef r Senwaar aíSax s raer a fk Wüt Vtnn e r wl

TS a Tnv-- T ra4 ar-- ) m.,,,.,, iar?. tjmty.-- j.

s a ives. aa SwIieB rakuva ta tmtKtvm

1 eeMkvt raun fase a 4ra tmtnjwn axiaa a

T"f r-- aat sear orü srwMwmm a mm

j,ea Ssar aarír.raar aK ae. r araac4 kr

tirt asxj-2a-r.

aaaaar 41 jt Kra, Xaaaaa la aa -

test Mát aaat a aac a aa raaatttT a ervaariie r tu yvmA

jtauMr areael faene w ta aaat--'

'mta too ta Kauava fanaat eoal a '( tt laafea aa kia "ilíL J

1B'Cj'ar, aae atasMat aaanraauat a tar a arfl la caa

f a ara; ti lear yar.

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (8)




amf. tiaxtA. Aad psf. anrvejtng ftvArarx, o kega ta aoüc

A eminently rsstaW aarter,jtwuHia street, stn Malt-osa am rarlr amane atoes; a

w s k IMt, díte thatsome of sot-ú- fflix,nuvOn wh, B are. maMa't

ws soy tw.atuelmeaof tb íhmk myVaW nbararzer,

toa- ib eat bad topoed notmait kaif MewW tbe iic tfe

eemuv-rairti- tt rrothUn- - af sorfaeears a tb o itaad ar snoringíwots a Our acher,

Aad Mifcer M M M a rwn-len- ee

vi a (79 aaii aaa t fiarenua e a lanía eMmy, wa-M-í-

sort, rs anwnwCiiB froac wegriyioiMt; aor&uur la tM esaemfele ta

3mc mxíatvym or lStccatatac


'snr huí. jrsjpv mfS

- - .. .lki;í'30! fe 3 asm, , Mt ruti- - maelí e fW;


II4rtbr i .fee

---OU í A JMF-te- Wi. ':

lar Ja t i trtuuutr,.'l4Fdt Jauguei tuuud, fcnjooalti a

-- r As --zrzrr etf Su Jklaanue mEry,bu "rf auUwt aMUCWWwiit--t cat ar aoM wjr, tmsQuta r'j, wanjaaa. - th bv

vaa br lawxliuitat aval at !aawa. i arar M Üuae auai.jarttk tu áúca aji"i mut timtsm, wr

Stat a a íuuí 4 frac iía; oídat lute atañe sil r - 4vui.í

UStaOrn. Tit tt'fSui imí &nvuumtiAtuattfa--V i ubOrnimiOaic SiacCteanai 'a att ití vurfl unr m

esa. 9b7 iuí ! i&masiA w ít--n

tannú ya. liio( ncwr í

iaw ao bvrwj tvttit am. uóm As aaaMQitn yetV yúub, ruerna,

actsMcnt otia. feMifi autsiw iófVnm. awñtmtiw

übc avwit fcs iuw tirt fe- -

lar-- doi CMKSt. soil avrnrlác aot UmC Jtxvt un !aaai furíenm tmlí vaf t sr te-x- ,

iat eT stte lruBt tsaX fcw ms

- ,nIL a wW ít Sao- - K

nioiC Hue. sxaibri 1 it ton; tf-fl-a

vuuet, a anxtotBe, uit &iizer!atr la

w aurfMM 4ir a t terl 'k,;IMt auw Imk Lr anrricla few aau

U1saasataSiMMirTá9Í Ifer

üa iaiuC rtwt itraXf Sr"WV" ato smatamC Ito a v'twKÍr a (baa wauor, a tarf

vw awuC an aar M kKar, "ttoe

Sf tt to tbn jw--f rfi au mar,"

ttivuGUt jnrt tea vi ttut nxaT

fsr Ti fy a amndMawt-5b-

ftrtfí ftarfB Jw tí

--iVuy lar a rt nw. 1 aay,tuwut lar??'

a an- - awC 4Mt a aoawtr.

w wrji it aw. f rfc y

" ' '- t

T'a i iCT"

yalia!0.V Tr


br. deibser a ancsv p rbtoanMjr.. aaf w iaflt sfrytrL, svecev

TfiiMiuug wiidl 6 fitbsr Sua tbaC

, ic wvr. iriaut nsv

Costs Lessand Kills

That Cold i



'UMrThe atsaasrd eotd can ior 20 yeanIs tablet Iw sure "a opurtcj. Mlrf la 34 bour trw is aám. oscri'ala- - Ge"

inn rr bos witb Red tos ana air.HiU' picture onCoet tece, s'MTieulor2te.

Can Recite AH of Bioia by HeartTbe UKHft wonderful feat on recoi

has recently been accomplished WWilliam Frederick, a New l'ork saleman.

lie bas learned the entire Bible offby heart, and can repeat any passage

It from Genesis to Kerelations andstate where It may be found. It baataken blm 18 years.

A similar task was once undertakenby an eigbteentb-centur- y (trollingplayer, aliout whom Bir William

Nlcoll has written. But begave in after 11 years, by which timehe bad succeeded in memorizing about

s of the Old Testament.

lUd Cross Bu Bise makes the Isuanraalhappy, malees clotaes waüar tbaa enow.All good grocers. Adv.

Edited.Tbe romantic maiden made the fol

lowing ctatic entry in her diary:"AHbouKh be has known me only

two days, be loves me !"Nothing could exceed her anger and

mortification when abe discovered,mucb later, that her kid brother badbeen reading her sacred little book.Kbe knew it, because be had scratchedout the word "although" and substituted "because,"

Many widows are said to be garrulous. I'osslbly that's why tbey arawidows.


Wu Ditcanttea. Nu'l Batma,Brtkt letltk tai Stita ti.

Mr. C. Anderson, 4104 W. 22ndBt, Chicago, 111, aaya: "I had kid-ney trouble from childhood andthree years ago a severe spell de-

veloped. If I stooped, a terrible paintook me in tbe small of my back.and for several min-ot-

I couldn'tstraighten. Often atDlgbt tbe pain Intny back waa to badI had to prop my-self op with a pil-

low. It seemed a Ifmy back wouldbreak. Watery sac avis!formed tinder mreye and my feet were so swol-len I had to wear slipper. Hud- -

den dizzy spells came on and painsIn my bead drove me almost fran-tic.

"I felt tired and weak and badhardly enough ambition to move.Nothlnr seemed to help me and Iwaa discouraged until I commencedtaking ioa' KUSnct Pillé. Tbeycured me completely and my bealthha been of the best ever since.ZMaa'a surely deserves my endorsem*nt." Kors to before me.FKANK 11. POCH. ATXory PtUC

T "" A XI ' SIMTwommMMMM co, buttalo. m. t.

1 Carters

For ConstipationCarter's little

Liver Fillswill set you right

over night.Purely VwfeUbUPat Sasal Das. Sata! Pila

Carter'sIronPilbWill taatoraeetot tettetaewafttsast wrbo lack ira te tlwbisoa.

Cuticura Soap isEasy Shavlná forSensitive Skins


r .n f iwV



QUOTATIONSi nevaseaer L km Kews Servf'sc.

aves teat sauatrrs.

i i : urtn ........i'l tí

ftV eaMves ............. li r'a 12.Hk.'x..m tf.

1--r, ao4 t ebfioe. .ií 175Lers. í.r f líi 2

VmmAtrn, cmmo w fair.


...$! l "l14.V-íli-

ii.ihi4(11"I....Wat 1U41IH

aurT. O. a Iwarrr. Carla4 Pitea

Mar.tMbc awc r T.iaai', Í--T toa 2J.22- -

Tiauxar. r i--

Iaxli. or utt I.2.MOoasiaaa vVúy. ar ta--22.- J &j

acraw, r m M

Oata. JUKr., 14 lb, lmyl J JOM. tu, kntlc. feuylns0ra ao. au-.k- . buuiíé. J

Cara la aek, aeUlA ?ftraa. Cut, a lu Im.. aelllní-.i- .

tfaocarlaa hum 4J1

oauEaaa wit.t r ccat tarn24 2

itrkKvK fiw A 22Twky, U4 tanaTrltysr cMave , 2 22Hnm. ttwy .... . 2 2i1kicj. young: .,...,......-.2- 2

22 5a " 014

Mm raaMrr.rrtua a f.B- - !rr.lrfn 24 2

Haa. fsuu-y- , 1, .2 f)2ícaotr, t 1

Trlcy, 1 Iba. r vT 2 VI"LwtkA tAtu 2 tal............. .......- - wv

Caax arañil Ko. i r r.i. fit. Unvgr ,.

Etfffa. r.A 2 at."'.'O. fit. Lw-- rCaa, eaao count.

(esa com n.ix usa

rreamerle. ex. lc ari.. lo.. )'?Crunvl 2fMt frtm. Ib. . .

TOCMi .. ...............atocle Mt . ...ii

rna.aaIeav Colo. sew rasey, aew.l.-Feaxs. Cola. IM'atM

Beaaa, Wavy, ewe 12ilH.fcMaaa. ewt KWBsM, lama, lb 1 'Sou Colo.. l J.50 l.ii

Crio. f ?(jurat , est .... 1--;

CauUloar, Ibv - 12 i$ 1

OUrry. Cascal, Colo, aox... mf ,4'l .1unions, taste, oos .......Fotatoes. cwt lAtp 2Tomatoes, it. l , io '"'Turnios, Colo, cwt l.os

toca t r:t.ts.Dcy aliara

Flint b'ltrhcr. lb 7Flirvc fallen, lb ...... 2

Fluir ball ana ata, lblUnt eulls nl gltie, lb... 12

. , . In IA te lb.Horse bMlea 1,2 (e 21 ori of grcaa

Over 44 loa.. Ib 1

Cndr 4 Iba, Ib. 1

Bull anrt atas -hulea aad ekina .

eureo, le lea.Orees i leas iban ear.

rmít aa Kiev raes BaMra.rTalfakln, Ib.

10. ..,........ v- eatb.Deacons l f?31 un ai 1 , .12Hora. i. iIfTi:Horse, 3o. ' , .- - ...Cilua ana aooy .Cola --- a

Maes laMrt Feltak.Eacn.

Lamo anel sbeea II.0'i2.0aorlaa; lamo .............. 'uearaos . ...... ...

Dry rltett retas.Tool seKs f

Short wool setts ............. Jtjner ftmrunKs.V; .. Martin .n.PÍlimM ..... SS

nacas, swut aw "

Kcuaxcotf Asutarra.

Bar sliver Mite,Copper $23--

I,ad fj.i)) a Ti.aoeiter ií.iw.Twaus coaceatratea. ser sal-t-ea íkA

cirutiiter. Col, Ja. í Tana-ate-

zaoeentrates. ! per cent. 2 Wrt 22

aer ontt , croVe eres. ' w.,er ceac tU12.2 per attlt.

niKua. Com So 1 rellaw. I.;fr. a SL aiáliá.

Oaxa so. 2 wane, S4.0Ue, atañoart, t tcttyo o. ..

Barley I 1. 7í.Tlnwttty ti oow t í$.Clover Jl.MaLaril 12:.. 2Ü4 14-1-.

Wit, Eavav ratafia aava risaMry.Cbleaan- - atouer, ereaavsry, 4101cCarca rirsta, i'92e: at mark

Orscav 41 ay 44cPoultry : sorlnra. litWiar.onaln. Mteb,a;an and

Minnesota, bulk. o. sacks,2.2.1.BiCoa, Woot tVoured basis

fza rin 12 month, tlae1.7f.fine montba. fl.tá I .

Territory; fine staple. lUitlH;a cembias. H tnree-eiarat-

- blood combina-- ,

fin . fl.ltl.í. fl saeallMm

"VSZt: erts.1 V, Stl : AA. l.7.LA. A supers, !.

Bariey. Itl.eeT?ll.5l:: bras. US t." vello. S1.4i1.3. ets. 1

VLca, fkta. A.I.M.

How Americans Can DefeatBlood-Craze- d Kaiser.

mall Contributiona From All WhoLava Liberty and Appreciata Ita

Blcaainoa Will Save WorldFrom Grava Danger.

Maoy are familiar with the fablethat appeared In the old acbool readeraahont tbe kio( wbo offered a fortuneaad the band of bla daughter to thebiso who eoald tell blm a tory thatwoald last forever io tbe telllut, wltbtbe at! palatino, bowerer. that. Id canethe atnry amc to an end. tbe personabo failed to complete It waa to loaebla bead by tle aword.

A Dumber of adreotorooa pirita loattbelr beada la tbe attempt to keep aaerial frfa' forerer to amuse tbe eccentric monarch, but one youD man infinally won tbe fortune and tbe daughter by wearing out tbe very soul of tbeking wltb tbe atory about the locuatacarrying off the corn. "And then another locoxt came and carried off another grain of corn," etc., etc, untilthe king decided be had bad enough oftbe atory.

America In fact, tbe who!e world,la dealing with an "eccentric" monarchtoday. Tbl monarch wante the Impossible, and ererjone wbo refuses to gireIt to blm must lose bis head. Therela one way to deliver tbe peoples of tbeworld from this menace.

Kaiser Wllhelm can be worn out. Ifbe cannot be crushed by one t remen-dona blow. And tbe government atWashington bas pointed out tbe way.

Money will defeat tbe kaiser. Smallaavinga. like tbe locusta, coming alongfrom 110XlOXiO American citizens.will wear out tbe soul of tbe war-ma- d

monarch. American money can wearoat any army In the world, bersosthere is a great deal of Americanmoney and there are many Americanawbo have It. Just a mere matter of aquarter a day from every wage earner

tbe United Sutes would mean huilona of dolían every year to buy gunsand food for añidiera, and ablpa tocarry tbeta across tbe Atlantic to de-

feat tbe sinister purposes of tbe kaiseraad hia crew.

A aoarter, like the grain of corn. Isnot much In itself, but millions of quarters every day mean victory for righteousness and humanity.

Going Away Off.

Sloanle Williams, son of Tbomaa A.Williams, wbo recently removed toMontgomery, Ala, from Franklin, andthe son of Capt. i B. Cbenowetb,former coroner of Johnson county, wboenlisted In the medical corps at Ft.Harrison, and was sent to Honolulu,Hawaiian islands, for base hospitaltraining, were playing.

Sloanie started an argument by say- -

log "My pap nd mamma and I aregoing away off."

Young Cbenowetb replied: "So aremy papa and mamma and me.

Sloanle took tbe matter In hand andannounced: "Well, I bet we are goingtbe farthest."

Cbenowetb Immediately objected.and tbe argument waged furious. Finally yoong Cbenowetb asked yoongWilliams: "Well, where are job going.anyhow fWilliams was unable to answer, andtbe physician's son quick to show hisnpertor knowledge, answered: "Well,wherever It Is, I bet It isn't as far atHallen Jab, that's where we're going tomove to." Indianapolis Jsewa.

soap for Wounds.Common yellow soap, tbe kind used

by boasewives In washing clothes anddishes, has been found to be a wonderful cure for wounds In French hospital and its nse bas spread to tbeBritish medical station. A solutionis made from a cake and Injected Intosoldiers' wound, even In tbe latest in-

stance into tbe deepest bullet botes.where it bas proved itself to be a superior antiseptic to hydrogen peroxide and most other germ killers, andra addition a strangely effective beater of torn tlssoes.

Wound treated with soap need fewer dressing and lessen pain farmore than do wounds treated withother antiseptic. These facts greatlyexpedite tbe work of tbe surgeon.wbo can handle more men than whenosÍDg other solution.

What the Girl Said.Being la charge of tbe complaint de-

partment at tbe local poatotfiee, I bada rather amusing Incident occur a fewday ago. Tbe blank used la filing aeotraolaint required answer to about adoten qorations, as, for example, dataaf mailing, content, nature erplaint, as loss, damage er rifling. A

young lady came to the window andexDiained that she waa to receive anarre! containing medicine from aa

n doctor, aad same was longtyverdue. according to advices regard-ing ablpment received from tbe doctor.So I proceeded to have her answertha never! question an the blanknjentlooed. When I read the ques-tions, as tor of complaint, she replied.--Stomacn trouble. CTUcsfO lleraio.

Perfect Esplaaatlow.Uttle Bobby Wbat dees "know aa

hoavtda" mean, dadt Explain It ta

Pad (burled In aewspa per) Ejuiga- -o with rbeamaaans.

sera CararatGerman submarine Bar

taken again to afoklag aewtral shlpa."Tea, tbey know fa aentralt haveat

Mka aCaOtv CUMir fa4l ikfafC1

--ur Ilaá aMawáH aw WtrT'Tél (tn illl al 1 MTtI if

ouvwipanms vmb siar w a

Sfe.ucir-- --Sv. a

Tiunc uut at siBat s vt s j

IM4WtMKIliatf $!lfi a4iii iiwr i

f4 "a Vw ituúüf SsxueSt wut aa avB."

sui ifiac?"

1 l ítaürT' poattei

ay' aoiñwfir í íittfc at Swt

IrX Jane S AaB ae yws

aweC itu yws'll iasas mtnn wis aot

--Tw a;ur am to e amtavas, mtm íw aeSf Uiu en afc jwaa.

atai u te isaMOKihofi."

Gnoif. rUMteniatfiM tect yrar ftwur

MU. f feutnrr vttiet Vtttfc Inv- -

awe9ifT taiM. Peter tina

rñ heat oí ait anastM wwtrM. H

i eoni w ear cn-a- ."7 JLJ.kibr Icwwaac fncem-(- í

M Ta! TaatilHia wJo renaaatly Btty

bvflOve. 'W'" cammtnaiffl

ftm kr af a wvrríy t fanrjxftk. auiy aoit r ais f

oirá.ftf Atorv if er &MHuf wt al

aautttUMr íltt'c komr, aot ar aoaliaut Mn't aae ker e kamr, fea

awU4 avly tffwi del luartanatt-Ih- c

Jnxr t aw fctr "jrnwr. Ihor f-- r wooWa't Uail día

oor i mWanoa. aayway, akw Uit Tat; tia f

üitt la ntit. üa kt ais a rfiU-íw- ie

a iire la th Ufe rf íowav wil"íit t üxfnmintz tor ala jnplT

uiaHaw, t-- torwt ay Ul Taí'jvtiil wttá a tvty Mí Waaa

mmfMntl aWont aad vegniaK.

Aoit ite, frtr aruív oolt ar inuUefx,

fon uh A miaocea aoiC eiapanf

frwr ba to artier, Tbar iaSm B ie 6r a alrt ywi'f aatvtot, wh i inat awn sa ae'ttaxr aboneBwmloHIUjwv!b;caaaaiuiU

oaac lu. Lja aarf w t O

Xar alvwic a jiorwr af ; tbJanMa'C aaw & mot tha a la

aC aa amir enmintt nt Fivr Miliu-w- l that be baA valuri. mlnnrt anc í.aiHpt not an ag ts wpa í S.

Th i waa aatemi; otrKuty prwemr a t5i pB batto

HcrwutbC gbarinw t nknllt anapUüi

ÍM lft fa nrtaín wat awlletHit a tnfl. & waa lotrpeete aa

eowtsv an tlwtt th hartow mattrlaljt lot wnaaa wíuv u fcwrii antruuun4u Hi oree vrs. Ee w

eantlnna affinfloy n lonkeif (ry aii anrt, altftffethe a aapart

ana e aiwMti anspUüna."Tea?' ah ümnlre la a pieaaua

"T," til áXammarm prang-- motirQ&tA, iawiUiiWUlyV "THiat la 6 aayi-- alW

"Pwhao i mitaks &luwia'? í maa to KSaa CraveaI ámaa&c Ser aere waa t watt t aea

hr nam, kanv waited a lonaj

Ivsai ts woarte "--I a, aalit Ú wmaa ajnlefly--


Ülrfie i aawmemeat la til ye thateafaer UIk. "If joo doa't süBd

afnnir aonruer minute, fit aak ser."HoicUarly moga. Fster fliangíit.

iA (Uila'c as Wat t ato ta at tnawtattuv. O tsie atfter aan. aba waaj

eooaMRcat one to Itee ató waltümLnntr: rhnntcft a Bieaae aoe anauytennoltc aim prwe ataatefal nana.

--JBaa draws atHte m t(hi

--Tiattk,' aalif ref. arwrfeaaly aeesriaaj tb omílewt velop,

fc ran't aealeif. rMerenuiatoaBly bllfte tb Saa aa wltbrfrew tb

a adiare, wbtrev beavy eorrrjjAiuteae earrt wltti tb arfdreat

amp &f Watr Setter, BeiawaatBb91 bat && oaeit wttb dlsaatroaa eS--

"Eiear Kr. Tnft Keasi dVrt wait5r ove. 1 eaa't tell biwr loe I aiaji detaíB. atoeerely-- ,

CRATES."Ceiar JÍR. Traffc auoplaaawiV aeeepte!

ilImnlitOTl wttb wbat xrae b ealf' rjban baoltsV k amia

Qocvt evenln."Tb dnor eloseiC. Peter apTinted fft

gnatan4twnriowlydftTOaiatepavfp toe ectsTncw.

UiaaSin Va at Tunea.rr anea so aC fn ctuttoma af

F Chinea sMsafiaam naa beenv t rbrrastSo aeerfle Into tb onrty t l

. jaina aat artafia maladies aad le sootr tsmt bleertlaz ta fbia way h

ervaein a Calo &r. Jame CanflUI sMArrar himself a ame! lainreaserl

that resolta thac a baa adoptetl

'ur aoi sniTaeas frnm prína aart

fntetarwa. aort eaoeelaUy ta Indeflnita.alu BOUia aaj

riuasat lrcewa Brought.rriaer aeemwl t b g"

Iiut aater aaaiubiar la Crunaos)

--Tea,' seoueff Bmacfl Bob; tbSnv- -l tnokert orwarrl s K wltb greateatbnstaant. Tier íarei fbat tbere--

a antonar af Unnwr CastS amUvaaa woaavt karrw t away

abaaa íWf. Sswao ne .?raji ; 4V aty VaOtiai!C. awa:j ab ajuaimaa CVuraxi- s-rué Xe iciin,w w. a AtiC, ita Tileft wn sjiUaKf js- a jrvt a

taoat i; tiwut, aluwg 3te?ry Msm Sue jrm. Viae, e yus gnioax ftcuniuta; rj 9 amiuee. '

ijfsj fcjrjrung ixi'V lurf- - vi vu 'j --Trvnia a5 ft S all?" ailav í Ibe vm- - r.wry wannc W. t dwcH 'MB r

.me If Yac la ytrar fáráxau Ü íarfit'S "fi ?, mc aufít asActiaic Í jws.amy ta ínK a mm atl Jl tute jlm jmiuiie- -"cerai4is. vw- .- iw mvuut n "ry wetU. lG. 4 my kac!l9aus,rnrri iie ieatr setb-'- ' nsatunrí Ws oiraiaa; anata atwov

Vt2 ls agrafes aur atiarS nr anrf ae jí ara a e!!icqa awl tT tf snatoeani. atefi X nv MuimniCa ave aaae hh MÚArie a rriiue-íiníit-.'

arauw-a- cr ThaC eTaSir,"

a0 mleeut, tut I "vw waae am ua 8 ?'"trt.-- " anas aaufl jtwarty. 3 aaelamsry wítüi pm. Vu monlA 1 if? 1 rt

aoraaB tata Mali: At su srajic Jb 8

fa ytwuiif 1 Avuow awnrsvwn argavVtiiy ynu aa.'srtj ne SIC ww. eelt au. wíai rrvwuy a aua w


B --Twy lasa s .unir, mwwmrivjr-tsKet- r

lifir fl "TUifte awa irte UiiS'íni. rnrr, le7"auurry sue acu uecic j awur tm ; --r. at (ttiC"

4Uef. la, etnuau. Si srarrí ,i jVenv aarMdl one aorf aAVmC KaTumi lar (vvd at axnird Í v üomw iatuá. St at stmatc aaajrts fntauttras mrrt issa atvaatanae y aoo: itat aoy yww r a (, yus iCm-'- aC Olí wv teaa

aOft te t5ryt naurrtnuig Üiur':íw wmK.roaít. Tw awt i a aie 4f i 3- - "TV ibtoeav tvrmT1 ta wtic as

aaT afawBS anea. Jge ai Snr esasr aadl wry awawr, nfci livia.' t auM so. onne of rfrac 6.n attnte 3ma rttetw a feuta; aa ir

awtf aw kawr--T- viiac St áubea y

a. iFiiiisiTi --tf aft-rt- 111 F -vU? ot nva arttw aoit atsraystaftK rally aaefol- - After lona; -

T rae jlwe it. íjsas.attí'wr.wtttranhf ta-- a iHt f átltn awt- - ' W-r-

t 11 111 ya s fll arena.aolasr daaaif Kt tu memory

An arfe m Moa c tb wiaajíaae. Sfeertllaar aeema ta-- leasea Ibaamas Mtse aweilaet dnaavii. WWt tb j vnnloaj lo ta umuneit aart and ta títaastamr at ala tcMwrL le mita ama íwear snnla aatf rbeomatíi paiaav

asia vat rw aaarry at"4aliaiTwiielsbaw- -

aytt jrrT iltKr'sr cWiiaT mis--''a.a f--s juat tu anf a in aswstia.a J!i,

ajina, feeggam IiaB íw at SU

immnuu ltVia k keaai ev wew-- ,

-n. tamfafo te tbrirai aiinains aunes; SK sap BWax t da aear af rr awa- -

I "ata atas ac ana rMnaatiti ñayaaase we a dbt ramemlMr ir

I wa an aso. lavaiaaat aasf alatuntyE enarnir. ay ta aaag tasas se

'ejia w i'iiTiri aacjawa Sariiaar anst. jaaa annoeaiw a arntemneiw, a ruaw Vay saJ Mtne wiae aiaajsfna? aawf asa ato aesut-- .

SiaT ai te'í'ítt . lina tbva as, aanraaiitsa p- -,f

il ni a-- caífmaa

re luai anwaiaja arnia fT yin? raft f

-r f f- aarwis " l?iS(D)9SjadL fcat ya aianiaslli-- tt W--w Terh. tw Csasrtfatvsl, aay

aBast,tr AT te ttut aajac at w4 amia na arasaiaia.ateWMa

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories· 2020. 7. 3.· ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (9)

Mr. Gloss has been working onTíeo flirDemand It LUCYSpecial Correspondence. John Bowman's house iñ Estan

cia for a week or more.Mrs. J. W. Walker is sick inbed this week. She has not

Protecting Your ChildrenThe long, hard school term drains the vitality of growing

children and you wonder why they are listless, puny and pale.

Every school child will show marked Improvement

in health and growth if given

Estancia, Like Every City andThe children who have been

been well for some time.Town in the Union Re-

ceives It. attending school in Mcintosh

ENCINOFrom the Enterprise.

W. C. Pinnell received thatbunch of steers he bought fromMr Brown last Wednesday.

The White Lake ranch boyswere in town again Wednesdayto receive another bunch of cat-

tle shipped in from Texas.Mr. Dillon has let the contract

Clyde Luther made a flyingtrip to Vaughn. He went to see

have been home a few days onaccount of a measles or roseola

People with kidney ills want to becured. When one suiters the tortures

if his father had returned from scare. KlWingo, Kentucky, where he has CIMr. and Mrs. J. H. Long spenta couple of days visiting Mr. andbeen for the past few months.

Mr. Luther is still in Kentucky

of an aching back, relief is eagerlysought for. There are many remediestoday that relieve, but not permanent-ly. Doan's Kidney Pills have broughtlasting results to thousands. Here íb

proof of merit from this vicinity.Mrs. E. E. Chase, 668 N. First St.,

Raton, N. Méx., says: "I felt poorly.My back hurt and when I worked long

Mrs. Grassham and family 'of for the new store, and they willSilverton. "and Miss flora is still living in

Vaughn. Itsrich,uniformcod liver oil gets into their blood and gives Aemyim,start the ball to rolling in a fewdays.M. C. Long made a business

Mutt Cone has returned to his trip to Moriarty Friday. Nick Jaramillo will resume hishome in Dimmitt after a few

snap ana zest, it creares sireugui wovercome pinched faces, sallow complexions and duU eyes.

High authorities have established again and again that codliver oil promotes growth and energizes the body and brain.

The Impertid Nor-eí- tan cod Hwr o aly. SJWjnowrefined in our own American laboratory, which traaniiiteej

ücott & Bowne. ' u

in a warm room or had any heavy workI became weak and nervous. My head weeks visit with his friends, the old job at the Bond store Febru-

ary firstLEASANTVIEWached and my sight was often blurred. Boyds.Doan's Kidney Pills soon stopped the Special Correspondence. H. A. Williams got his thumbpains in my back and rid me of all the Mrs. O. H. Ward of Souther-lan- d,

Texas, came to join her badly mashed, Tuesday.Sunday was a lovely day, theother symptoms of kidney trouble,have been entirely free from kidney

R. F. Overstreet is rebuildinghusband and son who precededher and had built a house anddisorders since and I am confident that

bers are requested to be presentas it will be election of officers,

and other business will be attend-

ed to.

Mr. Bachicha's house this week.made preparation to make thistheir home. MOUNTAINAIR


The Woman's Club and a num-ber of invited guests were enter-tained at the home of Mrs. Grim-me- ll

on last Saturday afternoon.The house was beautifully dec-

orated with flags.Among other features of en-

tertainment were a number of

the cure Doan's gave me is perma-

nent." .

Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim-

ply ask for a kidney remedy getDoan's Kidney Pills the same thatMrs. Chase had. Foster-Milbour- n Co.,Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. adv

Ernest Carruth and mother From the Independent.

went to Roswell last Saturday, J. J. White was quite ill theErnest went to see about his first of the week, having suf--

classification and if possible get

first of its kind in a month,which made it enjoyable to all.

Hubert Parker, from theMeans settlement, was in thissection Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Leonard reports her son,Lee, at Lone Oak, Virginia, inresponse to Uncle Sam's wishes.

Oscar Sinclair who was touringthe Orient, has returned fromVladisvostock, Russia, and an-chored at Manilla again. Sayshe will write the Independentsoon of some of his trip to Japanand Okhotsk seas, as it is very


Certain articles of diet tend to checkmovements of the bowela. The mostcommon of these are cheese, tea andboiled milk. On the other hand rawfruits, especially apples and bananas,

ered an attack of pneumonia.Late reports are that he isa lower class. U. W. Austin

guessing contests which createdtook them. They ' were goneMORIARTYFrom the Moriarty Messenger.

Otto Estes of Altus, Okla., ismaking his sister, Mrs. Sawyer,

several days. Rev. B. W. Means of Socorromuch fun and merriment. Prizeswere given the winners, Mrs.Ewing, Mrs. Fish, Miss ElsieH. 0. Claunch has dug a cis was in Mountainair aaturday,

and closed a contract whereby

also graham bread and whole wheatbread promote a "movement of thebowels. When the bowels are badlyconstipated, however, the sure way isto take one or two of Chamberlain'sTablets immediately after supper.

tern on the hotel premises. Hesays this water hauling gets old O. J. Hinds will take care of thein a she t time. He also killed a Means farm in the Mesteña Draw

an extended visit.

Hugh Erwin came back Wed-

nesday after an absence of sev-

eral months.

Scott Smith, son-in-la- of C.

fine eagle that measured seven the coming season.interesting.feet and one inch from tip to tip, Mrs. C. J. Amble went to Es

Bro. Phipps preached at 11He has sent it to Denver to be tancia Tuesday, where she visitE. McArron, arrived Tuesday M? CALLSo'clock Saturday, February 2nd,mounted.from Willard. ed the Estancia Red Cross. She

is high in her praise of the work MAGAZINEMrs- - Mattingly entertained and has accepted the call of thechurch for the first and third (lbFashionWednesday- - evening in honor of

Bruce Plummer returned homeWednesday from a hurried trip being done by the county seatSundays of each month at ladies. Authority Cmo'clock. On account of his conto Texas in regard to his questionaire.

her Bister, Miss Mary Beard ofAlexis, Illinois. The eveningwas pleasantly spent in playing

Berger and one or two other la-

dies being the lucky ones.Everyone present seemed tohave thrown dull care to thewinds for the afternoon and en-

tered heartily into the games,conversation, etc.

At four o'clock an elaborateluncheon was served cafeteriastyle, which was something newhere and much enjoyed.

At the close of the afternoon'sentertainment Mrs. Parrett wassurprised with a beautiful D. S.shower, which had been previ-ously planned by Mrs. Grimmell.Mrs. Parrett was too surprisedfor speech, but thanked the la-

dies in her kind way for themany beautiful pieces of alum-inum, tinware, glassware, dishes

T. N. Hollon has taken chargeducting funeral services Sundayof the Mountainair Garage sueafternoon at Mountainair, Bro.

For Nearly SO YearsIJoto the 1,300,000 women who turn 'toMc CALL'S every month for correct fash-ions, for patterns, for economical buying,for fancy needlework, for good forpleasure for help, for style.

McCALL Patterns fit.

cards and vocal and instrumental ceeding I. J. Wilcoxsin, who hasDonaldson responded, which wasMiss Helen Sanders arrived

Monday from Pueblo where shehas been studying to become a managed the same in the past,much appreciated in the absence

music, inose present wereMisses Malvina Rhoads, Dorotha the transfer having been madeof Bro. Phipps.trained nurse.

last Saturday, the 27th.J..L. Clark and family visitedMrs. Hugh Day returned to

10c ICALLa 75c

Copy 01 1 Year

Edmonds, Lavida Estes, EthleenHeal, Iva Dell Phillips, BeulaBrown, Ruby Mattingly and MissMary Beard. Messrs. Burr

their daughter at Willard Sun C. L. Burt left on Tuesday forSanta Fe to attend a meeting ofday.

the valley Thursday. Hugh isexpected in Saturday, beingcalled on account of the serious the executive committee of theBrown, Arthur Boyd, Mutt Cone, Little Miss Era Saunders of New Mexico Educational AssociaJohn Power, Crow. Delicious Cedar Grove, niece of C. J. Early

tion. As treasurer of the asrefreshments were served con is visiting in her aunt's home. egg beaters and other things toonumerous to mention.sociation he is a member of thesisting of fruit jello with whipped

cream and cake. The guests We have in this community committee. All departed voting Mrs. Grimmell a charming hostess andPaul Dreyfus, who has beenreal estate man by the name of

W. W. Manning, and a wide


SAMPLE rOPT of MrCATjL'S: or SlO.flOOffer to W'f.mrn: or LIBt of GIFTS Riven

without cost; or BICYCLE Offer to Roy andGirls: or latest PATTEKN CATALOGUE; or UlgCast) Offer to AGJStfTS; or 1160.00 frise Offer to

our cauKcu. AiiTtn

left at a late hour after pro-nouncing the evening a success superior as an entertainer.

awake man in this line of busmanager ot the local WillardMercantile Company store since

illness of Grover.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burton andson arrived Wednesday and arestopping with Mrs. Burton's sis-

ter, Mrs. Fincke. The Burtonsexpect to make this their borne.

Miss Tennie Day, daughter ofR. M. Day, and Mr. Whitney ofRoswell, were married at SantaFe on January 15th. After ashort visit here the young coupleleft for Roswell where the groom

The next meeting .' of the cluband Mrs. Mattingly the most entertaining of hostesses. iness. He has disposed of sev TEE HcCAU CO., Wet) 37A Street. Ntw Yert, It T.

its opening, will leave tomorrow will be at the home of Mrs- -

iiiíiIi:ííeral good places, and in a recentdeal sold J. L. Clark's 480 acres

for Arizona, where he will go in 5iEGreen February 16. All memPROGRESSO to C M. Elliott. He has a num

to business for himself. He willbe succeeded as manager here bySpecial Correspondence.

ber of good places, well improved B. F. Nutter of Willard.Fine .weather at this writing,Adjustment of the loss sus

homes, for sale, and you wouldprobably find the home you arélooking for, to investigate with

Some plowing and listing is be-

ing done. The ground is in good tained by Ernest Davis and hisfather when their beans burnedshape from the last snow.

T -

W. W. Manning, Mountainair

owns a large farm.

HANDS, ARMS, a few weeks ago, was made lastiur. v oss or Mountainair was Erwin Shaw accompanied Bro Saturday through the Hartfordin Progresso Sunday looking Donaldson out to services Sun Fire Insurance Co., the Davisesafter some stock. day afternoon. receiving some fourteen hundredUMBS ASLEEP

And Was Ron-Dow- n, Weak and

On the 3rd Sunday, followingG. C. Mulkey made a trip to

Estancia Monday to meet the dollars as compensation underthe policy.the 3 o clock services, a ladies

missionary society will be orroad commissioner in regard tosome road work in this vicinity Julian R. 'Romero of ManzanoHenrou, Says Florida Lady.

Fire Bottles of CardoiHade Her WeD.

was in Mountainair Monday withganized. All the ladies feelingan interest in this importantwhich is much needed.

his son Jose de Jesus Romero,work are urged to be present,The farmers of this vicinityare contemplating a move to put who came down to volunteer for

Sunday new officers for Sun services with the Sammies.up poles and wire for our tele day school were elected. B The young man became of ageKathleen, Flu. Mrs. Dallas Prroe,

of this place. Bays: "After the birthof my last child... I got very much

n and weakened, so muchthat I could hardly do anything at

phone line. At present it is justSnell, superintendent; C. J. Ear since the registration, and hason fences with the result of very

poor service at times, especially decided to enter the service if heley, assistant superintendent; Jni. i was bo awiuiiy nervous thatClark, secretary-treasure- r.the feast when we have a big

can pass the physical examination.

i coma scarcely endurenoise. My condition wworse all the time....

gellingHoward Payne, wife and chilI knew I must have some relief or

Teachers, W. W. Manning, Bibleclass; V. B. Manning, Interme-diate class; Mrs. B. Snell, Juniordren are visiting in Albuquerquei wuuia soon do w t bed and In a WILLARDserious condition fo: felt so badlyclass; Mrs. W. W. Manning,uiu v bo nervous weak I could From the Record

this week.Sunday school was well attend

nanuy are. My ñusb d asked Dr. $1095 IF. O. B. DETROIT J

The apple always falls to the ground. Ky)

Card class. Sunday school at 2 Harry M. Brocaw has accepted last Sunday, the first for sev

about my takin CarduL Heaid. 'It's a good medida and good

for that trouble', so he got mo 6 bot-- ed the position of chief booko clock promptly. Singing everySunday afternoon, following keeper with the Willard Mercanues...&iier BDOut tne second bottle I eral weeks, it haying been

stopped on account of sickness inthe neighborhood.

services.felt greatly improved... befonB taking tile company, which position washeld by D. S. Nutter, who re

in; wuug sua nanas ana armswould go to sleep. After taking it,however, this poor circulation disap Last week's items.Jenson & Pace of Estancia signed this week to make -- pplipeared. y strength came back to

bought a car of beans from the cation in the aviation branch atOur ground is 'still white withFort Sam Houston.

f" i was soon on tne road tohealth. After the use of about 6 bot-tles, I could 4o ail my house-wor- k

and attend to my six children be--

the recent snows, having fallenfarmers of this vicinity lastweek. They will load them sometime this week.

three weeks ago. It has been Mr. and Mrs. S. E. D. Searstoo cold to melt as rapidly as lastYon can feel safe la giving Cardula thorough trial for your troubles. Itcontains no harmful or habit-formin- gseason.Brisk Huston passed through

arrived this week from Kennedy,Texas, for a visit with Mr. andMrs. J. A. Chapman. Mr. Searswas postmaster here for a goodnumber of years, and has many

Owing to the severe coldnessProgresso Monday enroute toWillard to look after some cattle

It cannot FALL UP.

The inexorable law of gravity will notlet it.

The price of the Maxwell closed cars- -Si095 mi fixed in accordance with another

inexorable law.

For lets than $1095 it would ba impouibleto give you closed cars combining at they arecombined in the Maxwell beauty, grace, com-fort, efficiency, durability, economy and stand-ard equipment.

For more than that, on the other hand, youcould only get larger aiie or fancier furnishings.

Besides the Maxwell Sedan,Berlina and Coupe, all

priced at $1095, we offer the Maxwell touringcar with a beautiful top, priced, com-plete, at $855.

All prices f. o. b. Detroit

Keen & McBride, Agts.,Estancia, N. M.

school attendance is not as good

w composea or mild, vege-table, medicinal ingredients with nobad after-effect- Thousands of womenhave voluntarily written, telling ofthe good Cardul has done them. Itshould help you, too. Try It B

he has there. as usual. Some few cases ofroseola is also prevalent amone

FRONTIER the children.friends who would like to havehim and his wife back again asactive citizens of our thrivinglittle city.

Special Correspondence. G. W. Brunner has about gotSeeing no news from this place ten his new winter quarters in

J. Benjamin Franklin, of thegood repair, and his family areI thought I'd send you a line tolet you know we are still on the Mesa neighborhood, is doing hismap.

Miss Mary Grassham spent thebit for Uncle Sam in more thanone way. He owns a Ford carand when he comes to town herides in what he calls Hoover

week end with Mr. and Mrs.

B. B. eeeHKANB

Shoe and HarnessRepairing

, AH work guaranteed

Shop on North Main Street

Estancia, New Mexico

enjoying all at home again.W. N. Walpole has made some

little repairs on his home, witha couple of rooms and porches.

Bro. Perkins preaches 2ndSunday at 11 o'clock. Bro.Phipps preaches 3rd Sunday at

H. Long.

Mrs. Harold Merrfield has beenwith her mother, Mrs. Chandler,

style. His old reliable team,Jack and Beck, pull the auto toand from town, thereby he ishelping in the conservation ofgas supply. Ben deserves muchcredit for the innovation.

who has been sick, for a few 2:30 p. m. You are invited toattend these services.days.

Estancia News-Herald, 02-07-1918 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 3. · ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL-D EtbtMfaiM raid EmMblmbmé UH Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico. Thursday, February - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.