Just come in, sit back, and let the rewards roll in.
Just come in, sit back, and let the rewards roll in.
Receive up to
your first month
Como nuevo donante, puedes recibir hasta $* por tu primera donación en un centro CSL Plasma en tu código postal.
*varía según la clase de peso del donante y está sujeto a cambios.
Descubre cuánto reciben los nuevos donantes en tu zona en la primera visita.
El nombre solo debe incluir letras o caracteres especiales
El apellido solo debe incluir letras o caracteres especiales
Se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico válida
El número de teléfono debe tener 10 dígitos
ZIP code should be 5 digits (USA)
*Varía según la ubicación y está sujeto a cambios.
Ubicaciones cercanas
"; existingMarkers.forEach(em => em.remove()); map.setCenter({ lat: 41.796254, lng: -87.757037 }); } mapWrapper.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' , block: 'start', inline: 'nearest'}); } function generateResultHTMLArray(results) { return results.map((r, i) => `
${ r.coordinates ? `
`: '' }
${userCoordinates ? getDistance(userCoordinates.lng, userCoordinates.lat, r.coordinates.longitude, r.coordinates.latitude) : ''}
${r.address.city}, ${r.address.state} ${r.address.zipCode}
${r.phoneNumbers.length ? `T: ${r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber}` : ''}
${analyzeOperatingHour(r.openingHours, true).join('')}
Detalles del centro Direcciones
${r.customizeSetting && r.customizeSetting.holidayHours ? holidayHours(r.customizeSetting.holidayHours, true) : ""} ${ r.services ? ` ${r.services.spanishspeaking ? `
` : ''} ` : "" }
`); } function generateCustomMarkers(results) { return results.map((r) => { const facilityCoordinate = { lng: r.coordinates.longitude, lat: r.coordinates.latitude } return new CustomCSLMarker(facilityCoordinate, map, { marker_id: r.locationID, label: r.name, major: false }); }) } function setMyCenter(locationID) { const centerInfo = lastSearchResult.find(r => r.locationID === locationID); window.localStorage.setItem('myCenter', JSON.stringify(centerInfo)); const findCenter = document.getElementById('find-center'); findCenter.removeAttribute("href"); findCenter.innerHTML = `
`; const centerAddr = `${centerInfo.address.addressLine1}, ${centerInfo.address.city}, ${centerInfo.address.state} ${centerInfo.address.zipCode}`; document.getElementById('center-name').innerText = centerInfo.name; document.getElementById('center-address').innerText = centerAddr; document.getElementById('center-phone').innerText = centerInfo.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber; document.getElementById('center-phone').href = "tel:" + centerInfo.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.replace(' ', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('-', ''); document.getElementById('center-hours').innerHTML = analyzeOperatingHour(centerInfo.openingHours, false).join(''); document.getElementById('navigation-center-link').href = `/es/center/${centerInfo.locationID}`; document.getElementById('navigation-google-map-link').href = `https://maps.google.com/maps?q=${centerAddr}`; } function gotoSearch() { document.getElementById('csl-map-search-box-container').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { let checkRound = 0; let searchBtn = document.querySelector("#csl-map-search-btn"); if(searchBtn) { const checkMapInterval = setInterval(async () => { checkRound++; searchBtn = document.querySelector("#csl-map-search-btn"); if ((map && !searchBtn.disabled) || checkRound > 100) { clearInterval(checkMapInterval); } if (map && !searchBtn.disabled) { const queryString = window.location.search; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); if (urlParams.get('q')) { document.getElementById('csl-map-input').value = urlParams.get('q'); searchBtn.click(); window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 650, behavior: 'smooth' }); } } }, 60); } });
Find a CSL Plasma donation center near you
`} else {resultDisplayArea.innerHTML = `
`;}resultDisplayArea.scrollIntoView();} catch (e) {resultDisplayArea.innerHTML = `
No se encontró ningún centro para su entrada
`resultDisplayArea.scrollIntoView();}}async function handleUseCurrentLocation() {const buttonTextSpan = document.querySelector('#csl-map-search-btn-csl-search-map66d19bceb9b86 > span');buttonTextSpan.classList.add('primary_border_btn_loading'); buttonTextSpan.innerText = "Buscando";getLocation();}function getLocation() {if (navigator.geolocation) {navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {userCoordinates = {lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude};getCurrentLocation(userCoordinates)});} else {alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");}}async function getCurrentLocation(coordinates) {const resultDisplayArea = document.getElementById('search-result-background');const buttonTextSpan = document.querySelector('#csl-map-search-btn-csl-search-map66d19bceb9b86 > span');buttonTextSpan.classList.add('primary_border_btn_loading'); buttonTextSpan.innerText = "Buscando";const payload = {"serviceName": "location","serviceType": "searchNear","params": {"searchType": "coordinate","searchParam": coordinates,"limit": 20}}const currentResultRaw = await fetch('https://donorapp-api.cslplasma.com/authSteps/', {method: 'POST',headers: {'Accept': 'application/json','Content-Type': 'application/json'},body: JSON.stringify(payload)});buttonTextSpan.classList.remove('primary_border_btn_loading'); buttonTextSpan.innerText = 'Buscar';try {const response = await currentResultRaw.json(); response.data.forEach(r => { if (r.phoneNumbers.length && r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.length === 11) { r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber = r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.replace(/(\d{1})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})/, "+$1 ($2)-$3-$4"); } else if (r.phoneNumbers.length && r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.length === 10) { r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber = r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})/, "$1-$2-$3") } });lastSearchResult = [...response.data];const responseHtml = generateResultHTMLArray(response.data);response.data.forEach(r => {const city = r.address.citydataDuplicate.push(city);})if (response.data.length === 0) {resultDisplayArea.innerHTML = `
No se encontró ningún centro para su entrada
`} else {resultDisplayArea.innerHTML = `
`;}resultDisplayArea.scrollIntoView();} catch (e) {resultDisplayArea.innerHTML = `
No se encontró ningún centro para su entrada
`resultDisplayArea.scrollIntoView();}}function generateResultHTMLArray(results) { return results.map((r, i) => `
${ r.coordinates ? `
`: '' }
${i + 1}
${r.phoneNumbers.length ? `T: ${r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber}` : ''}
${analyzeOperatingHour(r.openingHours, true).join('')}
${r.services ? `${r.services.spanishspeaking ? `` : ''}` : ""}${r.services ? `${r.services.takingdonors ? `` : ''}` : ""}${r.services ? `${r.services.freeparking ? `` : ''}` : ""}
`); }
Ubicaciones cercanas
"; existingMarkers.forEach(em => em.remove()); map.setCenter({ lat: 41.796254, lng: -87.757037 }); } mapWrapper.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' , block: 'start', inline: 'nearest'}); } function generateResultHTMLArray(results) { return results.map((r, i) => `
${ r.coordinates ? `
`: '' }
${i + 1}.
${userCoordinates ? getDistance(userCoordinates.lng, userCoordinates.lat, r.coordinates.longitude, r.coordinates.latitude) : ''}
${r.address.city}, ${r.address.state} ${r.address.zipCode}
${r.phoneNumbers.length ? `T: ${r.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber}` : ''}
${analyzeOperatingHour(r.openingHours, true).join('')}
Detalles del centro Direcciones
${r.customizeSetting && r.customizeSetting.holidayHours ? holidayHours(r.customizeSetting.holidayHours, true) : ""} ${ r.services ? ` ${r.services.spanishspeaking ? `
` : ''} ` : "" }
`); } function generateCustomMarkers(results) { return results.map((r) => { const facilityCoordinate = { lng: r.coordinates.longitude, lat: r.coordinates.latitude } return new CustomCSLMarker(facilityCoordinate, map, { marker_id: r.locationID, label: r.name, major: false }); }) } function setMyCenter(locationID) { const centerInfo = lastSearchResult.find(r => r.locationID === locationID); window.localStorage.setItem('myCenter', JSON.stringify(centerInfo)); const findCenter = document.getElementById('find-center'); findCenter.removeAttribute("href"); findCenter.innerHTML = `
`; const centerAddr = `${centerInfo.address.addressLine1}, ${centerInfo.address.city}, ${centerInfo.address.state} ${centerInfo.address.zipCode}`; document.getElementById('center-name').innerText = centerInfo.name; document.getElementById('center-address').innerText = centerAddr; document.getElementById('center-phone').innerText = centerInfo.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber; document.getElementById('center-phone').href = "tel:" + centerInfo.phoneNumbers[0].phoneNumber.replace(' ', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('-', ''); document.getElementById('center-hours').innerHTML = analyzeOperatingHour(centerInfo.openingHours, false).join(''); document.getElementById('navigation-center-link').href = `/es/center/${centerInfo.locationID}`; document.getElementById('navigation-google-map-link').href = `https://maps.google.com/maps?q=${centerAddr}`; } function gotoSearch() { document.getElementById('csl-map-search-box-container').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { let checkRound = 0; let searchBtn = document.querySelector("#csl-map-search-btn"); if(searchBtn) { const checkMapInterval = setInterval(async () => { checkRound++; searchBtn = document.querySelector("#csl-map-search-btn"); if ((map && !searchBtn.disabled) || checkRound > 100) { clearInterval(checkMapInterval); } if (map && !searchBtn.disabled) { const queryString = window.location.search; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); if (urlParams.get('q')) { document.getElementById('csl-map-input').value = urlParams.get('q'); searchBtn.click(); window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 650, behavior: 'smooth' }); } } }, 60); } });
CSL Plasma information for college students
Before Your Plasma Donation
All you'll need to provide is information about yourself and make sure your body is ready to help save lives.
During Your Plasma Donation
Our donor-focused plasma collection process makes your donation easy and comfortable.
After Your Plasma Donation
Before you leave, our well trained team will show you how to take care of yourself.
Want to earn more?
Refer a friend and you’ll both earn rewards* and help save lives.
Go to your app and get your referral code!
Send the referral program link to your friends, which is accessible from both the CSL Plasma Donor APP and via the CSL Plasma Website.
*Varies by location and subject to change, CSL Plasma employees are not eligible.
Don’t have the app yet?
Download the app and activate iGive Rewards® in the app to get your referral code!
If you can't download the app, use the linkhere.