Acquisitions Incorporated - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)

50 Skill Proficiency: Deception, Insight Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set Languages: Any one of your choice Equipment: One gaming set, a lucky charm, a set of fin e clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp F EATURE: N EVER TELL ME THE ODDS Odds and probability are your bread and butter. During downtime activities that involve games of chance or figuring odds on the best plan, you can get a solid sense of which choice is likely the best one and which opportunities seem too good to be true, at the DM's dete rmination. SUGGESTED CHARACT ERISTICS Some gamble out of necessity. Others do so out of boredom. Still others become addicted to the thrill of winning or losing everything on a turn of fortune. For some, gambling is less a matter of chance and more a matter of s eeking every advantage to ensure the outcome. The best gamblers can lose everything, and the worst gamblers sometimes win. Regardless, you can always tell gamblers by the look in their eyes. Lady Luck haunts them. d8 Personality Trait I plan for every contingency. Leave nothing to chance! 2 Every copper wants to be a silver. Each bet is an opportunity. 3 I'm one of Lady Luck's favored. Anything I try is destined to succeed. 4 I've lost so much to gambling that I refuse to spend money on anything anymore. S Nothing is certain. Planning is a coward's act. 6 I can't be sure who I've swindled, cheated, or defeated, so I keep a low profile in public. 7 The perfect bet is out there somewhere. I just have to keep my eyes open. 8 I have beaten my addiction, but all it takes is one weak moment and I'll be back at the card table. d6 Ideal Knowledge. Knowledge is power, and knowing which horse to back is the key to success. (Any) 2 Fate. Whatever happens is fated, regardless of any planning or striving. (Lawful) 3 Bravery. If you want to succeed, you have to take risks. (Chaotic) 4 Survival. You can't win if you're dead. Live to fight another day- when the odds might be more in your favor. (Any) S Reliability. When I was in need, I was able to rely on others. Now I want to be the one others rely on. (Good} 6 Victory. Winning is the real measure of a person. In the end, the only thing that matters is the scoreboard. (Evil) CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS d6 Bond 1 One person in particular owes me a lot of money, and I need to keep them alive ifl want to be repaid. 2 I'm loyal to the friend or family member who taught me how to gamble. 3 The person who saved me from my gambling addiction is the only reason I'm alive today. 4 A patron once fronted me money in exchange for a percentage of my winnings. I owe them a debt of gratitude. And a lot of cash. 5 A criminal syndicate I once played for isn't happy I left the game, and its enforcers are looking for me. 6 Urchins once helped me find marks for my games. Now I'm driven to help them escape the streets. d6 Flaw I don't know when to quit. Especially when everyone else is telling me to. 2 I save my sympathy for my friends, and I have no friends. 3 You think we're in trouble now? Let me tell you how bad things are li kely to get! 4 You can loan me a little, right? I've got a sure thing. I'll double your money, guaranteed . 5 I was once a terribly flawed person, like you. Let me tell you how you can save yourself. 6 I'm a great gambler. I'm just bad at math and logic. PLA INTIFF S ure, accidents happen. But they seem to happen an awful lot when Acquisitions Incorporated operatives are on the scene. Naturally, nothing ever happens when there a re no witnesses left behind. But sometimes one casua lty is left a little less than dead, just wa iting to discover what a lucky break that accide nt actua lly was. You were a victim of a legal incident that was oste nsibly the fault of Acquisitions Incorporated. At least that's what the local magistrate said. But before a final ruling could be handed down. Acquisitions Incorporated offered you a job! Don't know how to swing a sword? They promised to teach you! Think you have what it takes to sling s pells? They've got masters who'll have you throwing fire in no time! With the promise of untold treasures and realms of magic and mystery just a dungeon away, you left your old life behind. Now a world of adventure is yours. Just initial here and sign here and here. Absolve Acq Jnc of all former claims, and acknowledge you understand past outcomes don't guarantee future results. S kill Proficiency: Medicine, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools Languages: Any one of your choice Equipment: One s et of artisan's tools, fine clothes, 20 gp FEATURE: L EGALESE Your experience with your local lega l system has given you a firm knowledge of the ins and outs of that system.

Even when the law is not on your side, you can use complex terms l ike ex injuriajus non oritur and cogitation is poenam nemo patitur to frighten people into thinking you know what you're talking about. With common folks who don't know any better, you might be able to intimidate or deceive to get favors or special treatment. SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Plaintiffs come in many varieties. Some are innocent bystanders who want only fair compensation for their injuries. Others are professional courtroom operatives, going to extreme lengths to appear wronged in pursuit of a large payout. d8 Personality Trait I can't believe I have a chance to join Acquisitions Incorporated! The fun I'm going to have! 2 I've been wronged my entire life, and the world owes me. 3 I have always tried to make the best of a bad situation. 4 The law doesn't protect the honest and the hard working. I'm going to do whatever needs to be done to make things right. 5 I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time. 6 My superiors are smarter and wiser than I am. I do what I'm told. 7 Never pass up the opportunity to make an easy bit of coin. That's my motto. 8 I'm beginning to feel like the gods are not on my side. d6 Ideal Justice. Those who break the law need to answer for their crimes. (Lawful) 2 Freedom. People must have the freedom to do what they want and pursue their dreams. (Chaotic) 3 Greed. Everyone I see is getting theirs, so I'm surely going to get mine. (Evil) 4 Chaos. You're out of order! And you're out of order! This whole realm is out of order! (Chaotic) 5 Humility. I'm just a small part of a larger whole. So is everyone else. (Neutral) 6 Responsibility. We all have our roles to play. I'll hold up my end of the bargain. (Any) d6 Bond Others hurt in the same accident that hurt me are my new family. I'll make sure they're taken care of. 2 The rulers of this place were kind to me, and they have my lifelong devotion. 3 My parents worry about me, but I'll make them proud. 4 The only bond that matters is the one holding my money pouch to my belt. 5 The other new hires at Acquisitions Incorporated are my allies. We have each other's backs. 6 My legal counsel is my best friend. I owe all my forthcoming opportunities to their hard work. d6 Flaw The person who gains the most reward for the least effort wins. 2 Three magic beans for just one cow? What a deal! 3 I have only one vice, but it controls my life. 4 Sleep is for the weak. We need to keep training more if we're going to be ready for the challenges ahead. S Until my songs are sung in every tavern in this realm, I won't be satisfied. 6 If people find me unpleasant, that's their problem. RIVAL I NTERN You were an intern at a rival of Acquisitions Incorporated, and you gained a healthy respect for nocjusc the job and the franchising opportunities. but for the ruthless and efficient way Acquisitions Incorporated goes about its business. Why deal with the rest, when you can work for the best? Perhaps the rival did not treat you as well as you were hoping, or you washed out of that organization. Maybe you hope to leverage the knowledge you gained there for an advantage at Acquisitions Incorporated. Either way, you're now bringing your talents to the company, ready to put your skills lo use. Skill Proficiency: History, Investigation Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools Languages: Any one of your choice Equipment: One set of artisan's tools, a ledger from your previous employer containing a small piece of useful information, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp FEATURE: INSIDE INFORMANT You have connections to your previous employer or other groups you dealt with during your previous employment. You can communicate with your contacts. gaining information at the DM's discretion. SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS If you were happy with your previous internship. the parting of ways might have been amicable. If not, it might have involved armed guards removing you from the premises. If you were passed over at your previous position, it might have left you a blend of seething rage, practiced nonchalance, and keen knowledge of where the bodies are buried (perhaps literally). CJl/\Pl ER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS 'ii

d8 Personality Trait My previous employer didn't respect me, and now I'll do whatever I can to gain respect. 2 The job is important, but the relationships I forge with my coworkers are even more so. 3 The job is everything to me. Who needs relaxation, hobbies, and a social life? 4 I know I'm not the best and brightest, but if I put my best self forward, I can overcome anything. 5 My former boss was an idiot. So was my boss before that. And before that. I'm sure those were all coincidences. 6 This company is so much better than my previous one. It will always be the best until they stop paying me. 7 I know this dagger belongs to the company, but I'm sure they won't miss it. Or this flask. Or this armor. 8 It's only a matter of time before I'll be upper management. I just have to kiss up to my superiors and kick down those beneath me. d6 Ideal Advancement. Money and power can be gained more easily within an organization. I plan to gain as much as possible. (Evil) 2 Structure. Life goes much more smoothly when you follow the rules and work within a system. (l awful) 3 Uncertainty. The more chaos that swirls around me, the more opportunities I can find to profit. (Chaotic) 4 Justice. I can't stand people being treated unjustly. I do whatever it takes to stop injustice and those who flout the law. (Lawful) 5 Pleasure. What's the use of working hard and making money if you can't enjoy the finer things in life? (Any) 6 Power. Money is fine, but real power means never having to say you're sorry. (Evil) d6 Bond I have a family member in need. I consider them in everything I do. 2 My peers keep me grounded. 3 My past mistakes cost someone else dearly. I have to rectify that. 4 A childhood mentor put me on my current path. If I succeed, I want to repay that mentor in some way. 5 I value an oath ofloyalty I took to a group of friends over everything else in my life. 6 Although I don't get along well with people, my pet means the world to me. d6 Flaw l I know what's best. Trust me. 2 Flaw? I have no flaws. I'm perfect. 3 My loyalties are ... fluid. 4 If anything goes wrong, it must be someone else's fault. Let me explain that in detail. CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS 5 There's right and there's wrong, and there's no gray area in between. 6 Our superiors might not like what you're doing. I'm going to have to put that in my report. PLAYING WITH CLASS In the many fantasy worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, typical adventurers succeed by the dint of copious amounts of hard work, luck. natural talent, and extensive training. But then, who wants to play a typical adventurer? And who wants to merely succeed? Franchisees of Acquisitions Incorporated want to thrive. They want to dominate. They want to pillage lairs and loot the treasure that makes all their dreams come true. Whether it's unlocking the secrets of the multiverse, living in the soft and supple lap of luxury, holding sway over hordes of adoring followers. or maybe even helping people and saving lives, Acq I nc franchisees do ever ything grandly, epically, and with pa nache. Or if they fail and die horribly in the attempt, they do so with style. This section discusses how to subtly massage (or radically mutate) the feel of the standard character classes to make them the best possible fit for the chaotic and creative majesty of an Acquisitions Incorporated game. This includes both general advice on playing a character of a particular class. and thoughts on how some of the many subclasses for the game (including subclasses from Xanathar's Guide to Everything) can be reframed for an Acq Inc campaign. Each class section offers up suggestions for adding detail and narrative flair to your character. Where tables are presented as part of those suggestions, you can choose or randomly select from the options presented therein, or use them as inspiration for your own stylish ideas. The effects noted on a table are always benign. and don't grant any benefit or impose any penalties. B A RBARIAN You don't need to be the smartest person in the room. You just need to be able to kill eve1yone else in the room. so you 're the smartest person left. Rage is overrated. Sure. being covered with the blood, sweat, saliva, and entrails of one's enemies might be fun from time to time, but the cleaning costs alone can eat up a big chunk of a franchise's profits. Running half-naked through grimy dungeons? Cathartic for sure. Hygienic? Not so much. Strength, endurance. and fighting don't necessarily have to come from unresolved childhood issues or a brooding, roiling well of anger. Primal instincts are valuable, but there are plenty of primal forces in the worldincluding the unrestrained drive for wealth, power, and everything that comes with it.

B A RBA RI ANS IN T H E COR PORATE W O RLD For every CEO building up or bringing down businesses. it's a safe bet that there's a barbarian standing behind them. Often literally. with a large weapon in hand, and waiting for the order to go out and remove vital organs from another CEO. Corporate barbarians are the muscle behind the civil face of a franchise. It's not that they enjoy losing their composure and having to make other people's nice clothes all bloody, but some circ*mstances require carefully applied martial force. And others require the same thing. but w ith a lot less care. SEND£NC A CLEAR MESSAGE As a barbarian in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign. you're not all about killing. Maiming and disfigurement are also a big part of the job. Permanently eliminating someone who owes your franchise money or who double-crossed you on a deal sends a short. clear message. But leaving them hobbling when they walk or incapable of eating without a team of specialists sends a glorious. evocative poem the kind of violent sonnet that resonates not just with the recipient. but with bystand· ers as well. To maximize the power of your intimidation. you need to make sure the world knows who's delivering it. That's why you employ a tool of your trade: the signature item. Whenever you're particularly proud of a completed project, you leave an item at the scene to claim the work as your own. SIGNATURE ITEMS dlO Item A tooth from a previous victim, wrapped in a silk handkerchief 2 A calling card with your name on it 3 A quick charcoal sketch of your victim, done in your own hand 4 Petals from your favorite flower 5 Six drops of blood, either your own or someone else's 6 A carved ivory die with an eye instead of a pip on the l face 7 A copper coin bearing the likeness of a reaper 8 A tiny vial containing a few drops of the homemade ale you're so proud of 9 A riddle, joke, or verse 10 An IOU, accompanied by you taking something from the victim STY LE M A K ES T H E R AIDER Your savage kin of the wilds sport tattoos to celebrate their connection to their tribes or ancestors. They might wear fetishes or carry totems symbolizing their allegiance to ancestral spirits. That's cute and all, but you have your own style. Whether in the boardroom or on the battlefield. you announce your presence. When you stride into a fight, people say. "There's a force to be reckoned with! And who does their tailoring?!'' BARBARIAN STYLE dlO Style A fur-lined, double-breasted suit with a corporate logo on the pocket 2 A hand-woven turban from a master tailor of Calim· sh an 3 Soft leather boots with a notable personal symbol etched into the side 4 A pair of suspenders made from the hide of a dis· placer beast 5 A gold belt buckle depicting the Dwarvish rune for chaos 6 A specially tailored belt pouch that you wear at the small of your back 7 Stylish mirrored spectacles 8 A specially dyed tunic containing all the colors of the rainbow in a swirled pattern 9 An overcoat with numerous pockets and leather patches on the elbows 10 Golden grillwork for your teeth, set with small gems that mark out ancient glyphs translating as "Getting Paid" CH .\Pl ER 3 I PLAYER OPTIO NS

W ALK I NG A D IFFERENT P ATH Acquisitions Incorporated barbaria ns walk a different path than their kin of the wild lands. Or, more precisely, they walk familiar paths in unique and novel ways. PATH OF THE ANCESTRAL GUARDIAN Rather than calling upon the spirits of your ancestors, you are in communion with the franchise executives and corporate raiders who have traveled your path before. These paragons of commerce still exist in the spirit world, bemoaning their losses and looking to balance their debts in the afterlife by providing guidance toothers. Sometimes these spirits appear as officious clerks reminding you of expense accounts and budgets. Other times, they are fellow heavies and knee breakers who died in the line of duty, sarcastically calling out your mistakes in a misguided effort to be of assistance. d6 Spirit Guardian A half-ore enforcer called joey Plantain, missing his right arm 2 A disgraced tax collector named Nibbin Clutchquill 3 An overly enthusiastic morale liaison called Apricot Reese 4 A grumpy dwarf carriage driver nicknamed Bolt 5 A pair of identical twin circus performers called Stella and Bella 6 An elf bodyguard known as Mistress Leafwind PATH OF THE TOTEM WARRIOR Unlike your wilder cousins, your connection to the spirit world is a little less woodsy and a little more civilized. However, that doesn't mean you still can't invoke the power of a totem creature when you need it. Rathe r than calling upon the bear, eagle, or wolf as your totem, you might gain the same features by calling upon more urban creatures. Totem Animal Bear Eagle Wolf Urban Replacements Otyugh, giant spider Crow, flying snake Giant rat, giant fire beetle PATH OF THE ZEALOT You might not be particularly faithful, but your dedication to your job can easily be mistaken for a kind of religious zeal. For Jong years, that dedication has been a force that guides you, granting you abilities beyond those of other skilled warriors. Rather than worshiping Tempus or Bane, Gruumsh or Tyr, you instead bow down before the altar of your own superiority. channeling your ego to drive your franchise's s uccess. Seeming " ab b a square pe ,, r ar arian . g ror the t k would destrorn~ht be an ex.ce//en;:h a_t first glance, corners in thy ot11 the round h I oice, as they see if this wo;k:~empt_to serve. ~ ::n7 their Own outside of a I u d be neat to n ana ogy. - K'th · nss Drow'b CLASS ACTS In addition to a number of subclasses from the Player's Handbook, this section makes reference to the fol lowing subclasses from Xanathar's Guide to Everything: Barbarian: Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of the Zealot Bard: College of Glamour, College of Whispers Druid: Circle of Dreams, Circle of the Shepherd Fighter: Arcane Archer, Cavalier, Samurai Monk: Way of the Drunken Master, Way of the Kensei, Way of the Sun Soul Paladin: Oath of Conquest Ranger: Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker, Monster Slayer Rogue: Mastermind, Scout, Swashbuckler Sorcerer: Divine Soul, Shadow Magic, Storm Sorcery Warlock: Celestial, Hexblade Wizard: War Magic BARD There is nothing T would like to do more than explain to you why I'm standing here with stolen goods and my rapier sticking out of this still-warm corpse, officer. I assure you, l have a completely reasonable and plausible explanation. Singing songs and strumming lutes might be fine for most bards. Who doesn't like a rousing shanty now and then? But standing in a crowded tavern playing for copper pieces tossed by commoners isn't for everyoneand it certainly isn't for bards in the Acq lnc world. The power and magic tied up in the voice of a franchise bard is meant for greater things. More profitable things. Adventuring and commerce are where the true lessons of life are learned, and your bardic magic guarantees your mastery of those lessons. Your love of music has shown you that the world of commerce is a finely tuned instrument in its own right- and you're just the one to pluck it. MASTER OF O NE T RADE: AWESOMEN ESS As a bard, you're known as the go-to figure when things need to get done. Your tremendous array of skills and abilities mean that you're often the first one called upon to do the hard jobs. And if you're going to do something difficult, you might as well do it with panache. Since most of your franchise compatriots likely think ''panache" is some kind of elven delicacy, it's all the more impressive. jumping a small pit? Land with the flourish of a worldclass gymnast! Slaying a kobold? Take it down with a legendary oath, and no one will realize that an asthmatic farmhand could have done the same thing with a rusty sickle. Running across a room? Use prestidigitation to blow your hair back, making it look like you have the speed and grace of Corellon themself.

CUTTING WIT AND WICKED BARBS When others pick on you about being a bard, you need only remind them that you and you alone have the power to insult creatures to death. just the other day, your harsh word about a goblin's haircut caused it to keel over, bleeding from its ears. But with such great power comes the great responsibility- of not being lame. When you use your spells and class features to denigrate your enemies into an early grave, you need to have a number of tried and true zingers at hand to add the perfect insult to the ultimate injury. INSULTS TO DIE FOR d20 Insult l Did your mother have any children who lived? 2 Who dressed you, a grimlock? 3 You smell like a hell hound's hindquarters. 4 You're as helpful as a halfling. 5 Let me guess. You're a self-taught wizard? 6 Your personality has all the warmth of a winter wolf. 7 You're the loveliest hag in the coven. 8 You're not the sharpest piercer in the cave. 9 Aren't you a little short for a giant? l 0 Truly, your intellect is as deep as a Tenser's floating disk. 11 Did you wake up in a troglodyte den this morning, or is that how you normally smell? 12 You must have been sick the day they taught lighting at warrior school. 13 Gruumsh must have closed his eye when he created you. 14 I can see you, but where's the dragon that pooped you out? 15 You've got all the good sense of a mind flayer's last meal. 16 You don't know a beholder from a gas spore. 17 I suspected you'd fallen out of the idiot tree, but I didn't know you were dragged through Stupid Forest afterward. 18 There's nothing about your looks that a full-face helmet wouldn't improve. 19 You're about as useful as an ore horde at a tea party. 20 I've seen better-looking faces on a gibbering mouther. THE WRONG KIND OF PEOPLE While being the most impressive member of the party can be beneficial, it does come with some drawbacks. Attention and renown make others fear and respect you for sure, but that renown eventually draws sworn enemies to you whose sole purpose is your downfal l. And no matter how fast you eliminate or convert one of those enemies, it's only a matter of time before another one takes their place. NOTABLE ENEMIES dlO Enemy A guard captain who was fired for failing to catch you after you flouted the law 2 A former master bard whose songs you stole and knowledge you plundered 3 A lesser noble who you double-crossed in a brilliant scheme 4 A fa llen paladin who you tricked into breaking their oath 5 6 7 8 9 A leader of another adventuring party who blames you for their downfall A former adventuring partner who you cut loose because of their lack of skill The master of a powerful guild whose wares you were involved in pilfering A government official who you tricked into providing secrets A former tavern owner who lost their business when you implicated them in a scheme they weren't actually involved in 10 A moneylender who you inadvertently bankrupted TRA NSFERRIN G COLLEGES The loose association of minstrels and masters that was your bard college helps to define your knowledge and skills. Still, no matter what your original collegiate connections, as a bard in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, you now focus that learning into your own personal school of business. COLLEGE OF GLAMOUR The lessons taught by the College of Glamour are right in your wheelhouse. Being able to make friends and influence people is the bread and butter of you r profession. Rather than ply this trade in public squares and seedy alehouses, however, you have trained yourself to deliver your speeches in boardrooms and guildhalls. It's all about convincing people to see your side of an issue-then motivating them to do exactly what you want. COLLEGE OF L ORE Some people swear by a well-rounded liberal-arts education. But the lore you seek out is a little more useful in its application. Knowing the capital cities of all the nations of the world might be nice on trivia night down at the tavern. But knowing the identity and location of a dozen nobles' illegitimate children carries a little more utility in the adventuring world. COLLEGE OF WHISPERS The College of Whispers teaches a skill set that's attractive in terms of its power, but which can be incredibly off-putting to anyone with any moral compass. Thankfully, that'll never be a problem for you. The ability to mess with others' minds is a skill that needs to be used cautiously and wisely. Otherwise, you'll never gain the much-needed trust that's part and parcel of being an effective business leader. CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTlONS 55

CLERIC I have faith in the power of the marketplace, and I see a lot of nonbelievers out there with money to spend. If you think wading through scores of undead in a haunted crypt or channeling divine power to keep your par ty alive gets the adrenaline flowing, you should try keeping the peace at a corporate board meeting. Or managing the hostile takeover of a rival. Try negotiating merchandising rights. It's not for the faint of heart. Thankful ly, your business acumen draws on insight that's literally out of this world. As an emissary of divine will, you possess the guiding wisdom that every franchise needs, and the knowledge that your business plans are always the best ones. Because the gods would never let you down, right? HAVE FAITH IN DIVERSIFICATION Despite their supposed wisdom. many common clerics fail to grasp the simple concept of using the best tool for the job. To the devoted priest ofTempus, every problem is just begging to be solved by a formal declaration of war. A cleric of Bane has never met a minion they couldn't wait to kick around. Lathander's clerics are all sunshine and happiness. even when they should be hiding in dark places to avoid danger. As a cleric in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, you'll carefully choose your deity so that the domains of your divine patron synergize seamlessly w ith the goals of your franchise. But at the same time, you understand that the greatest thing about the gods is their prolificacy. With so many deities in so many pantheons, all of them have their own stock to sell. As such, even though you have your own personal favorite, you've also learned the value of diversifying your divine portfolio, keeping an array of holy symbols and icons on hand for any occasion. DIVINE DEALS From the most notable nobles to the most humble members of the working class, everyone needs faith and spiritual guidance. And what better way to teach the value of faith to others than to make sure the value of faith is measured in gp. In addition to your franchise's regular operations. you always keep a sideline going in religious paraphernalia. selling specialized signature items co select markets. By showing the world that faith is your business, you can ensure that business is always booming. RELI CS OF FA ITH d8 Relic l Saint's-thighbone walking stick (SO gp) 2 Do-it-yourself indulgence kit (10 gp} 3 Holy-water-brewed ale (20 gp) 4 Deva wing-feather bookmark (10 gp) S Deity-autographed holy symbol (100 gp) 6 Scratch-and-sniff icon (5 gp} 7 Planetar shaving set (1 S gp) 8 Unexpurgated holy texts with all the reall y naughty bits (10 gp) CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS Name a more iconic profession I'll . · wa1L - Omin Oran CLERICAL ROUTINE You might pray for your spells each day at dawn, by the dark of the moon, or whenever the fighter kicks you awake to tell you your long rest is done, get healing already! Either way, it's good to incorporate a regular ritual into your dai ly devotions. MEDITATIVE RITUALS d8 Ritual 1 Fifteen minutes of deity-mandated calisthenics 2 Handwriting a detailed agenda for the next 24 hours 3 Sitting in silence fo r 15 minutes, while screaming "Shut up!" at anyone who makes noise 4 Sleep another hour; your deity says it's fine S Burning incense and lighting a candle on a makeshift altar while you recite your vows 6 7 8 Practicing battle forms and stances Creating a new likeness of your deity out of whatever materials you have on hand Drinking a lot of wine (sacramental, of course) THE WAYS OF FAITH Every cleric has a uniquely personal connection to their deity. You are no exception, though you like to think you bring your own special flair to the relationship, and vice versa. RELATIONSHIP W IT H YOU R DEITY dl 0 Relationship Your deity possesses you and speaks through your lips, and you need someone else to take notes. 2 You see your deity's signs in the movements of creatures, the changing weather, the shapes of buildings, other stuff. 3 4 s 6 7 8 In secret, you curse the burden your deity has placed on you. You wonder often if you're worthy of your deity's gifts. You're convinced your deity isn't all-knowing, because they clearly have no idea what you really get up to. Your deity gives you power and you give them gloryat any cost. Those other cleri cs don't love your deity like you do. You were raised religious, but you only really go to church on the high holidays. 9 Your deity's grace gives you peace. Their anger drives your fury. 10 You've got buyer's remorse, and you're wondering if this is reall y the deity for you. ACQUISITION AS A H OLY CHORE Faerun is full of pantheons and deities, some of more relevance and power than others. All those deities and their servants can be found in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, but a few select gods, goddesses, and otherworldly powers might play a larger role.

ABBA THOR This dwarven deity of greed gets a bad rap. Because seriously. greed is just another form of the fundamental urge for survival. If gold is power and power is life, then the more gold you accumulate. the better and longer your life will be. Why is it that people who have money and power are admired and respected, yet people who stop at nothing to attain money and power are "avaricious·· or "materialistic" or ''felons"? Abbathor might be looked down upon and called evil for the lengths his followers sometimes go to in the pursuit of wealth, but the power he represents is the end goal of many an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. ASMODEUS When they coined the phrase "making a deal with the devil." this is the devil they were talking about. The Lords of the Nine Hells are the original CEOs of some of the multiversc's most profitable megacorporations, and Asmodeus is their master. lfyou want a model for efficiency and motivation in an organization, look no further than the infernal expanse of Nessus. You want to talk about a perfect sales pitch and a diabolically intricate contract? Asmodeus has you covered. Many civilized nations don't even count worshiping Asmodeus as a crime. unless you get into those nasty side trips of humanoid sacrifice and the like. But as long as you remain cognizant of not wanting to throw away potential customers that way, how much risk of going down that path could there be? jERCAL Death is a serious business. Literally. jergal is a lesser deity who works alongside Kelemvor. the god of the dead. But whereas Kelemvor sees to the more metaphysical side of death. jergal sees to the details. Where did sweet Nana want to be buried? What rites did your dearly departed love want performed? And how much of a donation to the church will you be making to sec those things done? As an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric devoted to Jergal, you underscand that there are only two sure things in this world: death, and getting paid to do something with the body. LLllRA The Lady of joy brings merriment, happiness. and fun to the world. And there's nothing people will pay more for than merriment, happiness. and fun. As a cleric worshiping Lliira. you open yourself up to become a vessel for the goddess·s j oy- for a price, of course. Because surely. if joy sustains the soul just as food sustains the body, then there·s nothing wrong with making a bit of profit from happiness. MASK The Master of All Thieves is an important deity for Acquisitions Incorporated characters to be aware of. Mask is the god of acquisition. after all, and governs the secrets that any successful Acq Inc franchise will be dealing in. Whether personal. professional. or business-related, secrets are an important component of gaining leverage over others. Moreover. your successful franchise will eventually have many secrets of its own that you desperately need to keep quiet. 0CHMA Everyone knows the adage that knowledge is power, but no one believes it more than the worshipers of Oghma. As a follower of the god of inspiration, invention. and knowledge, you seek knowledge for its own sake. But as a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you understand further that knowledge is jusc the first component of any business plan, and that turning knowledge into power requires a consistent amount of the follow-up action that your franchise is famous for. SUNE The wise know that people are defined by their desires al'i much as anything else, and the Princess of Passion is the patron of desires. In the battle of logic versus passion, it's passion that guides mortals and gods more often than not. As an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric of Sune. your intimate understanding of passion- or, better yet, your skill at manipulating the passions of others- can be a huge boon to the operation of a successful franchise. TY MORA Luck is a lady tonight! And, as it turns out. every night. The goddess of fortune is known as Lady Luck, and every adventurer knows the importance of keeping luck on their side. As a pragmatic Acq Inc cleric ofTymora, you know that only stupid people ask the rhetorical question, "Would you rather be lucky or good at something?" Because no matter how good you are, you'll eventually have the bad luck of facing off against someone who's a whole lot better. When that happens. good luck is the only thing that's going to save you. WAUKEEN The Coinmaiden is the de facto patron of anyone who trades goods or services for payment. And thankfully, her relative ambivalence toward the laws underlying fair trade and honoring deals makes Waukeen a perfect fit for an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric. Regardless of your best intentions. ensuring the success of your franchise means eventually having to gingerly step across some ethical or moral line. Or having to hide the fact that your franchise companions have been busy erasing the line completely. DRUID My plan for creating an intern tier consisting of nothing but giant ants should allow us lo increase productivity by 37 percent. Who'.s with me? At first glance, druids might not seem the best fit for an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, with its frequent forays into urban settings and its focus on treasure procurement and business considerations. But the primal power wielded by druids reflects the relentless cycles of nature, which in turn make a remarkably prescient model for business. Growth and stagnation. Boom and CllAl'T I R 3 I f'l.-\YER OPTIONS 'ii

bust. It's a ll there, writ large in the passage of the seasons and the ancient dance of bigger creatures consuming smalle r creatures. And let's face it, those smaller creatures probably had it coming to them. NATURE'S ENVOY Some of the most lucrative ruins and monster lairs happen to be located inconveniently in the uncivilized wilds of the world. As an Acqu isitions Incorporated druid, your specialty is getting your party into and out of such areas with maximum profit and minimum bloodshed. (Well. your blood anyway.) When a veritable army of natural things that want to eat you stands between your franchise and profit, you're the one the other party members are looking to for guidance. Almost as importantly. every adventuring group bent on exploiting the natural world to gain resources and power needs a conservation expert to tell them when they've gone too fa r. After all, only fools would destroy their environment in the name of vast profits. Right? R UNNING 'WILD Branding is everything. Whenever you take on a wild shape form, you do so with a unique bit of personal style that Jets folks know you're a beast to be reckoned with. DISTINGUISHIN G FEATURES O F W ILD SH APE d6 Feature Your pelt is rich hues of gold and silver so bright that they reflect light. 2 When you take wild shape form, it's a painful, squelchy process that usually leaves your fe llow adventurers queasy. 3 Your wild shape forms all wear an identical ceremonial bracelet on one limb, decorated with teeth. 4 A dark patch on your body is recognizable as the silhouette of Om in Oran 5 6 You always have twigs, leaves, and other refuse tangled in your fur or hair. When you switch back to your normal form, one hand always manages to retain its fu r or feathers for a short while. NATURE IN UNLIKELY PLACES Even the most urban of locations feature sites of natural beauty a nd primal energy. You quickly become familiar with all such locations in the towns and cities you frequent, making them places for prayer, meditation, and arboreal solace. In addition to hanging out in parks or a rboretums (or creating parks and arboretums in vacant lots when no one's looking), you might also be called upon to tend to struggling foliage or sick animals, eliminate th reats to natural spaces. or serve as a font of horticultu ral and biological lore to folk in the area. Druids a re natural-born leaders. We a re beasts of war and shepherds of balance. People might underestimate you for your "simple" ways, but y our teeth will fi nd their fles h all the same. Not that 1 condone eating your party members, of cou rse. Only when absolutely necessary. - Wa lnu t Dank.g rass U RBA N SANCTUARIES dlO Sanctuary A cemetery that acts as a de facto park 2 A museum hosting rare plants and animals from other lands 3 A swampy patch, unsuitable for building, teeming with marsh flora and fauna 4 A la rge copse containing the habitats of tree-dwelling animals 5 A community garden whose bounty is shared by local residents 6 A ruined section of the city that has been reclaimed by nature 7 A zoo overseen by a strange but powerful fellow druid 8 A private park that charges a fee for entrance, ensuring that only the wealthy can enjoy its serenity 9 A nature reserve stocked with scared and confused animals that are hunted for sport 10 A business that grows and harvests rare and exotic plants and animals for creating magical and mundane products STEWARD OF NATURE Though you might split your franchise life between the rural and the urban worlds, you never forget the wilderness where you came from. Because you've brought a piece of that wilde rness with you. An unusual creature that came under your care when you were younger remains a part of your life. whether because you've decided you're the only person who can properly look after it. or vice versa. CREATU RES TO CARE FO R dl 0 Creature 1 2 A carnivorous plant with a taste for line foods A colony of bees whose hive once hung from a tree in your homeland 3 A seven-legged pygmy giant spider once used as a pixie's mount 4 A baby death dog that shows no evil tendencies (yet) S An orphaned owlbear cub-chick with a never-ending cold 6 An unhatched silvery egg that is ice-cold to the touch 7 A very small, very old awakened shrub 8 A grouchy badger that lives under your bed 9 A feral cat that thinks it's much tougher than it is 10 A friend ly stirge that nests in your backpack and drinks only fru it juice C LOSING T HE C IRCLES Though many druid circles are inspired by and focused on the natural world, even the most woodsy circles can fit into an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign with surprising ease.

CrRCLE OF DREAMS Normally, druids who come from the Circle of Dreams have a connection to the dreamy lands of the Feywild. As an Acquisitions Incorporated druid, you maintain this connection and expand it, embracing the marketing potential of dreams and positive energy. This effluence of radiance and light is meant to be harnessed, shaped, and shared with as many people as possible. And if they're willing to pay for that sharing, so much the better. CIRCLE OF THE LAND Any organization that wants to make an imprint on the world needs to employ an environmental cons ultant, ensu ring that they're engaging with the land in a sustainable and e fficient manner. As a druid of the Circle of the Land, your role in your franchise makes extensive use of your knowledge of nature. Your expertise ens ures that the exploits of the fra nchise don't disturb nature-and just as importantly, prevent nature from disturbing the franchise. CIRCLE OF THE MOON Circle of the Moon druids are known for the myriad animal forms they wear, but those forms need not tie you to the wilderness. In rat fo rm, you can slip past the sentries of a well-guarded guildhall to secure trade secrets. On a risky urban operation, you can adopt the form of a pigeon or an alley cat to be your party's chief scout and spy. And in a pinch, you r most combat-focused animal forms make you an exceJlent hand at black ops, able to infiltrate, extricate, or e radicate with equal verve. CIRCLE OF THE SHEPHERD The world is a dangerous place, and the innocent always need champions to keep the figurative and literal wolves at bay. Others in your circle focus on protecting the helpless creatures of the wild from natural and unnatural threats. But your vow of protection extends to the common folk as well, recognizing that they are just as much a part of the natural world- and are often just as sca red and helpless as any creature left to the mercy of that world. FIGHTER The best thing about blood money is that it spends just as readi/y as any other kind of money. Some fight to slake bloodlust. Others fight for the thrill of besting an enemy. Some fight for a code, a faith, or an ideal. But a true pragmatist fights only for coin, understanding that battle is a means to an end and not an end in itself. A fighter in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign often fights for money above all else, whether focusing on a primary role as a combat specialist or providing martial backup for the franchise as needs be. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Whether your intention is to end a target's threat or simply deliver a message (violently or otherwise), those around you can take comfort in knowing that when you take on a job, the job gets done. When your franchise loses its direction or collective nerve, you stand taJI with the power of your convictions a nd a n even more powerful assortment of weapons to keep things on track. If that sometimes inspires a need to crack some rival s kulls, that's just the way of war. And if those skulls sometimes turn out to belong to people on your own side of the ledger, weJI, that's just business. You are anything but reckless, however, recognizing the effort that goes into doing a job right. Berserkers flailing about the battlefield and challenging all comers have a certain amount of flamboyance, sure. But you can't spend the coin you've been promised for a job if the job leaves you dead. KEEPING THEM GUESSING No combat tactic is too down-and-dirty when your life and the welfare of your franchise are on the line. Smart fighters use any means necessary to gain the edge in battle, whether those tricks were learned from a long-gone drill instructor, first used by an opponent against you, or an original tactic perfected by long hours of training. M ARTIAL TRICKS d6 Trick You are an expert at pretending you've been injured to the point where you can't possibly go on. By goad· ing foes to fin ish you off, you keep your allies safe as you reveal how much fight you still have in you. 2 You always keep a small pouch of salt or sand at your belt. If you can blind an opponent, even momentarily, you can usually end a fight quickly. 3 You fight with your off hand at the start of a battle, so that your opponent sets their defenses and attacks to one side. Then you quickly switch hands at the most opportune moment, making your foe wonder what other tricks you might play. 4 Swearing, name-calling, political satire-you do it all. 5 6 You make use of a range of down-and-dirty fighting epithets that would make an ogre barbarian blush. You constantly converse with your opponents during the battle, doing whatever you can to distract them or get into their heads. It's surprising how many com· batants enter a fight not knowing whether their boots have come untied . You have a belt pouch specially made to release ball bearings or caltrops in the thick of the fight, forcing your enemies to avoid those hazards while fend ing off your blows. WIELDING THE BEST ft might seem ridiculous to say that your weapon, armor, or shield is your best friend and most stalwart companion- but you'll take that risk. lfyou had to choose between entering a battle without your favorite combat gear or without the party's bard, Singy McLuteface can sit this one out. You and your equipment have got this. Your piece of signature equipment is more than a tool that has never let you down. It lets others know who you are on the battlefield. Even when your features are C HAPTER 3 I PLAYE R OPTIO NS

bo obscured by the blood of the fallen, the dust of a welltrodden arena, or the fog of war, allies and enemies alike take notice when you stalk the battlefield. SIGNATURE EQUIPM EN T dl2 Equipment 1 Handcrafted arrows whose heads bear the mark of a lightning bolt, and which give a distinctive whistle when fired 2 A shield made from the shell of a giant turtle 3 A matching shortsword and dagger, decorated to look like the upper and lower jaws of a carnivorous dinosaur 4 A battleaxe with its head shaped like the flowing hair of a dwarf warrior S A suit of armor made from the discarded chitin of giant arthropods 6 A pair of boots fashioned to look like the paws of a large feline 7 A sword whose pommel is shaped in the form of a hand, so that you shake the hand when you wield it 8 A hammer forged to resemble a giant's fist on one side and a dragon's head on the other 9 A helmet shaped like the head of a hare, with tiny diamonds for eyes 10 A bow carved with images of the phases of the moon 11 A dagger with a handle made of bone, etched with worn and unreadable runes 12 A backpack made from the leather and fur of a skunk VICTORY ls YOURS When the battle is done, enemies and allies alike stare in awe at the sight of your personal ritual of celebration. VICTORY CELEBRATI ON dlO Celebration 1 A finely honed, well-choreographed dance 2 Ale! And then more ale! 3 Seizing a trophy from a vanquished foe 4 Composing a poem extolling your valiant combat prowess S Adding a commemorative square to your battle quilt 6 Adding a decorative stencil to your favorite weapon or armor 7 Paying the town crier to proclaim your victory 8 Commissioning a painting of the battle 9 Praising surviving enemies for a job well done, no hard feelings 10 There is no time to celebrate, for your war is eternal! B REAKING THE ARCHETYPES To the uninitiated, fighters are the simpletons of the adventuring world, Railing away with their weapons while taking repeated blows to the head. But those folk know precious little about the specialties and subtleties of this class. Many flavors of fighter exist in the world. and all can fit into an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise in their own way. CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS ARCANE ARCHER Those elves really know how to bring the hurt from a distance, don't they? Fortunately for the arrow-slinging world. they were willing to share their arcane archery knowledge with friends, and now every Acq Inc franchise can have its very own magical cannon! As an arcane archer, you're incredibly useful during those tense discussions when someone needs to be able to whistle, and then moments later, arrows appear out of nowhere to stick out of the ground between the feet of the people they're talking to. Roll that next check to negotiate with advantage! BATTLE MASTER As a battle master involved with an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, you understand that your maneuvers might not do as much damage as the focused attacks of a less subtle fighter. But the needs of a franchise often call for subtlety and precision over simply busting heads. Add in your knowledge of the more cerebral aspects of combat, including a ll-important insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. and it's clear why you make a great addition to any franchise. CAVALIER An Acquisitions Incorporated franchise is a heady mix of adventuring and business. and both those pursuits require travel. Who better to lead a long road journey than an experienced cavalier with a reliable mount? As a cavalier, you're one of the best warriors around for protecting less hardy allies, even off your mount, making you a mobile fighter, a team player. and a valiant protector. CHAMPION Accepting the wisdom of the old adage "Somecimes less is more" is an excellent way to go broke. Because less is less, obviously. just look at the balance sheet. But there's one exception to that nonrule that can make a big difference in the successful operation of a franchise- the focused, no-frills approach to combat of the champion fighter. As a champion, you quickly master your role within your franchise, because that role is simple. Lift heavy things. Stand in front of monsters. Hit them till they drop. ELDRITCH KNIGHT Fighter? Wizard? Why not both?! If a franchise's recruiting efforts result in a party lacking either fighting or magical ability- or, Tymora forbid, both- you make a great addition to the team as an eldritch knight. Your focus on abjuration a nd evocation ensures that your fighting style is supported by magic that can either defend allies or deal massive damage to your foes. And if your franchise operation runs true to form, you'll have plenty of opportunity for both. SAMURAI Even if samurai are rare in the lands where Acquisitions Incorporated offers franchise opportunities, their fighting spirit makes them invaluable additions to any franchise- especially if that spirit encompasses the fight for profits. As a samurai, your impressive combat skills are matched by your social grace and wisdom, providing

a boon to your franchise's standing in the community. Any franchise could do worse than having you as its public face- especially when your sense of quiet resolve is needed to quietly resolve some unexpected business disaster. MONK Some call the unseen energy flowing through all things "ki. ·· I call it the invisible hand of the marketplace. Now let's negotiate your surrender. Ki is a magical energy that fills the space between all th ings in the multiverse. Monks tap into that energy through spiritual and martial training, meditation. and contemplation. And punching and kicking. And more punching and kicking. And maybe a head-butt for good measure. Monks in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign find a way to integrate a typical ascetic life with the grandeur, majesty, and over-the-top business focus of their franchise. History (real and fantasy) has shown that monasteries don't always shy away from engaging in profitable enterprises. As such, your Acquisitions Incorporated monk likely brings their old monastery's entrepreneurial spirit with them- along with new ideas to energize that spirit even more. T"'E Bus•NESs OF APPL 1eo Ki ffi In my experience, hirin a k . of peaceful arbitrat1·0 .g hmonl skilled in the art d r n is t eon eruse the rathe . ~ way to attempt to r concussive meth d r employed by manv Ac . . . o s or negotiation r h ' .; qu1sit1ons Inc d rranc isees A d ·r. orporate . n J it comes to it k . ensure that the co . 'a mon will at least ncuss1ons are fairly distributed. -Rosie Beestinger STANCES FOR SUCCESS Part of your martial training as a monk sees you adopting a variety of stances during combat. These stances help focus your mind, confuse your enemies, and relieve that strain on your lower back. SUBTLE STANCES d8 Stance Incontinent Elder- Standing straight, knees together (excellent for surviving those long queues) 2 Addled Adder- Lying flat on the ground (perfect when attempting to hide) 3 Ponderous Pudding- Collapsed in a heap (useful when trying to disguise yourself as a drunken fool) 4 Frightened Gnome- Curled in the fetal position (ex· cellent when about to take a lot of damage) S Ambitious Student- Standing with one armed raised (useful when trying to be seen) 6 7 Boisterous Brewmaster-Hand raised as if making a toast (excellent at preventing being slapped) Hardy Harpy-Arms flapping wildly while singing (inspires people to leave you alone, and good for cooling off on hot days) 8 Broken Bridge-Face down on the ground with knees bent and posterior up (reduces visibility to foes in front, and makes a useful ramp for allies to jump off) BY THE BOOK The writings of famous monks of the past sometimes become holy texts that come to define entire monastic traditions. The monks of your monastery have dedicated their training and their lives to the insight gleaned from an ancient monastic tome. ANCIENT TOMES dlO Tome l 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 Gambling with the Gods Plowshares into Swords The Poetry ofFlumphism Monsters are People Too Oracles of the Future The Sociable Hermit The Enigma of Air The Compendium of Limitless Space The Organic Sun and Moon Cookbook Life is Endless Calamities, What Are You Going to Do About /t? CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS

ASCETfC BUSINESS PRACTICES Plenty of monasteries turn out business-minded monks. After all. it's not money that's the root of all evil: it's the love of money. So if you just like money- you know. as a friend- then it's all good! Many Acq Inc franchises actively try to recruit monks into entrepreneurship. knowing of their reputation for versatility both in and out of combat. lfyou hail from a particularly profitable monastery, you won't need to be convinced of the benefits of a well-run business- you'll already be on board. COMMERCIAL MONASTERIES dlO Monastery Monastery of the Eternal Spirits (legendary distillers) 2 House of the Upright Arches (creators of quality footwear) 3 Dome of the Curious Quill (makers of parchment, ink, and writing quills) 4 Crystal Bastion (makers of crystal goblets and ornaments) 5 Monastery Actuary (underwriters of reasonably priced insurance policies) 6 House of Hot Ki (delicious barbecue take-out) 7 Sage's Retreat (custom research services) 8 Monastery of the Wayward Grape (vintners of fine wines) 9 Spider's House Retreat (drow trainers of giant spiders as mounts and companions) 10 Hall of Mysteries (investigators for hire) NONTRADITIONAL TRADITIONS The diversity of monk traditions makes those traditions different from each other in abilities as well as in attitude. And since an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise runs mostly on attitude, it's important for the philosophy of a monk's monastic tradition to mesh with the philosophy of the franchise. WAY OF SHADOW Monks following the Way of Shadow fill an important role in an Acq Inc franchise: that of an infiltrator. As a shadow monk, you're likely more adept than even a rogue at moving around without being seen, slipping into dangerous places unnoticed, and getting away with no one the wiser as to what you've stolen. And it's a safe bet that your fellow franchisees will quickly learn to search the shadows before they say something they don't want you to hear. WAY OF THE DRUNKEN MASTER The most dangerous adventurer in the room is the one that no one knows is an adventurer. As a monk who follows the Way of the Drunken Master, you excel at keeping your true threat level under wraps. Your ability to literally spend days hanging out at the tavern and never be noticed makes you a valuable addition to any franchise that needs to keep its collective eyes and ears on happenings in town. Plus. you're a guaranteed riot at company parties! C llAPTE R 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS WAY OF THE fOUR ELEMENTS .Most enemies who take on a monk expect to get a few punches or kicks for their trouble. So when flames, cold. and thunder come streaking toward them instead, they'll never know what hit them. As a monk of the Way of the Four Elements, you combine the striking power of a typical monk with the versatility of a wizard. Especially in a franchise without a dedicated combat spellcaster. you r elemental affinity comes in handy. WAY OF THE KENSEI Monks following the Way of the Kensei often appear to care more about their weapons than they care about the people around them. Because they do. As a monk following that tradition. you make a perfect fit for a martial-focused franchise. Your skill with weapons makes you an asset in combat, and your practical knowledge makes trading in arms a natural sideline. For you. battle is business and business is always booming. WAY OF THE OPEN HAND It's always nice to have someone in a franchise who can slap an enemy so hard that they shrivel up and die several days after the characters have left town and arranged their alibis. As a monk following the Way of the Open Hand. you know that others think of you as a mysterious figure. You might sit by yourself for hours on end, humming strangely. You might say weird things that you expect others to treat as great wisdom. Frankly, as long as your fellow franchisees can count on you to break skulls when necessary, you can probably get away with anything. WAY OF THE SUN SOUL Many benevolent monks have a reputation for being all punching and sunshine. As a Sun Soul monk. you epitomize this reputation. Except for the benevolent part. Whenever a fight is in need of area-effect damage. your fellow franchise members understand that you're their best friend in the world. And if your reputation for exploding in anger (literally) makes for easier negotiations with suppliers and business rivals, so much the better. PALADIN My companions did what!? The screams could be heard from howfaraway!? When many hear "paladin," they can't help but envision a knight in shining armor, helping innocent people in distress and living a life of utmost virtue and chastity. Yawn. In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, at least some small part of a paladin's dedication is focused on the code of business. Morals and ethics are all good. But an Acq Inc paladin knows that nothing puts food on the plates of the poor and roofs over the heads of the dispossessed better than cold. hard cash. And virtue and chastity are more guidelines than rules anyway. Right? Stand up as straight as possible. Being a mostly about posture, and most people don t realize that. Evi l drow slouch, but in this house, we are turgid to the point of discoml'ort ! . , -Donaar Slit zen

PERSONNEL BODYGUARD All life is sacred. Well, some lives are sacred. Okay, fine. The people you protect are sacred. On certain days, everyone else is negotiable. As an Acquisitions Incorporated paladin, you are dedicated to the protection of your fellow franchisees out of loyalty and duty- and because you can't earn all that sweet coin on your own. ln your role as the party's bodyguard, your unmatched training and sense of honor drive you to take untold risks as you put others' lives before your own. Your heavy armor is as fearsome as your heavy morals, and your healing ability, bonuses to saving throws, and lack of fear create a trifecta of comfort. Your natural leadership role also comes into play, as the squishier members of your party come to rely on your presence and protection. T HINGS BEST L EFT U NSAID Every character has a few private matters they'd rather not share, but the truth-and-honesty stakes usually aren't as high for others as they are for a paladin. If there's any extra drama in your life, chances are it stems from a terrible secret in your background that you need to constantly struggle to keep. What'll happen if your friends and allies learn of your dark past? How might a sad*stic DM put pressure on you throughout the unfolding story to keep your secret at all costs? TERRIBLE SECRETS d6 Secret Before taking your paladin oath, you accidentally publicly humiliated a good friend. You have sworn to make it up to them, despite them wanting nothing to do with you. 2 You took another person's identity to escape the law in your younger days-and quickly came to realize that this person was far cooler than the real you. If anyone finds out your true identity, your reputation will suffer. 3 You were the child of nobles who were found guilty of stealing vast sums from their subjects. If your identity is discovered, you might be hunted down. But you might also be in line for a massive inheritance. 4 You once belonged to an organization that was eventually banned because a typo in its name made it appear seditious. If anyone discovers this, you run the risk of being mistaken for an enemy of the realm. 5 You made a deal with a fiendish creature to escape trouble or save another character's life. Emissaries of this fiend appear occasionally to tell you that the paperwork regarding the debt you owe is temporarily lost, but they're working on it. 6 You owe an enormous amount of money to a fo rgetfu l and amoral person. So far, that person has made no sign of wanting you to repay the debt, and you have no idea what to do about that. FIXER OF PROBLEMS When problems arise as a result of your franchise's operations- and clearly through no fault of your own- you fix those problems as only you can. You excel at remaining calm and attacking each challenge logically and deliberately. Especially comforting to your teammates is your insistence on using a witty catchphrase to raise their spirits in the midst of the greatest danger. Your companions take great pride in your catchphrase, even if they're too shy to admit it. LEGENDARY CATCHPHRASES d8 Catchphrase Looks like this is the end. So let's go back to the beginning. 2 There's only one way out of this pickle, and that's by breaking a few jars! 3 Looks like trouble has some vacation time coming up. So let's book it a nice inn. 4 5 6 7 8 We've got a real game of cat and mouse here ... so it's time to eat some cheese. Is that all I've got?! It's always darkest before the dawn, except when the moon is fu ll. So let's moon! We might be beaten, but we're not beaten! Because "beaten" means different things in both those contexts! "Surrender" is my middle name, but it was a family thing and I never use it! THE PALADIN AS FIXER CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTION S

SOWING YOUR OATHS The oath that you take (or break) as a paladin defines your character as a center of moral authority in the world. And that works just fine in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, albeit with a few minor adjustments. OATH OF CONQUEST Most paladins who take the Oath of Conquest consider martial subjugation the ultimate form of defeat for an enemy. You have a wider view, though, and are able to embrace monetary or business-related conquest as equally fulfilling activities. Ts a business rival really all that different from a rampaging dragon? Both are dangerous and antisocial, and both sit on a hoard of wealth that could be yours if you're brave enough to take it. OATH OF DEVOTION As a paladin devoted to the ideals of order and justice, you're in a perfect position to guide your franchise to great ends-even as you make an excellent foil for the less-savory plans of your fellow franchisees. Your insistence on dealing with business partners fairly, honoring legally signed contracts, and promoting the general welfare of the world helps you cement your franchise's reputation as a group worth dealing with. It might just take a little bit of convincing for your fellow party members to see things your way. OATH OF VENGEANCE The fury brought to bear by an Oath of Vengeance paladin fits well into most Acquisitions Incorporated campaigns. Those who break contracts, renege on deals, fail to repay debts, or otherwise break their word can expect a visit from you in your role as the executor of vengeance. And if your fellow franchisees can make a bit of profit by picking up the pieces when your job is done, then everyone's happy. R ANGER All that is gold does not glitter. But frankly, if you've got the choice, take the glittering gold every time. That nonshiny stuff loses a ton of resale value. Loving nature, exploring the wilderness, companioning with animals: most people wouldn't view these things as obvious assets for the rough-and-tumble business of running an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. But most people are wrong about everything. Few Acq Inc franchises set their roots or undertake all their business in urban areas. As such. countless adventures will call a franchise into the wilds. where a qualified ranger makes the difference between forlorn failure and fabulous success. Even when a franchise engages in commerce in the cities and towns of the realm, a ranger's keen senses, sharp blades. and Resh-seeking arrows will never find lack of use. CONTROL OF THE MARKET The notion of being a defender is core to your identity as a ranger. As a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you C HAPTER 3 J PLAYER O PTTO'IS Rangers like to work alone but it is c . h oth • onvenient w en ers are around to draw the arrows to themselves. - Morga:m channel your natural proclivity for protectiveness into a razor-sharp focus on the franchise. Pure profit is never an end in and of itself, but whatever deep-seated personal goals you only ever talk about in the dead of night over a dying fire, those goals need financing. Your role as a defender and a controller of problems makes you a natural leader for sure. Your sense of selflessness and integrity can help shape and guide the more unscrupulous business plans of your allies. Likewise, the other members of your franchise might panic when that crate of figurines of wondrous power you acquired turns out to all be self-activating obsidian steeds. But you bave the steady nerves and earnest resolve to revert and revise any pear-shaped plans. ANIMALS ARE EVERYWHERE The balance of nature is no less strong within civilization than it is in the wilds, and the streets and sewers of towns and cities are their own thriving ecosystem. As a ranger who spends part of your time in urban settings, you quickly learn to seek out the companionship of some of the many beasts that inhabit those settings. U RBA N BEAST FRIENDS dlO Beast Rat 2 Pigeon 3 Skunk 4 Crow 5 Raccoon 6 Possum 7 Snake 8 Toad 9 Giant beetle 10 Lizard No WEAPONS ALLOWED Your instinctive ability to blend into the natural background has applications even outside the wilderness. During business meetings with rivals or attempts to play nice with the nobility, being forbidden from carrying weapons doesn't slow you down. Whether you channel your enemies' impending destruction through mundane equipment, thoughtful gifts, or a packed lunch. you and your improvised weapons are always ready for action. D ISG UISED WEAPONS d6 Object (Improvised Weapon) The roasted drumstick of a huge bird (greatclub; longsword if a shard of bone is broken off) 2 A long loaf of stale bread (mace) 3 A musical instrument missing all but one string (short bow) 4 A racket used in a popular sport (handaxe, battleaxe) 5 A metal-tipped crutch (greatsword, spear) 6 A large bottle of wine (mace, shortsword if shattered)

P LACES TO Go As you do those rangery things you do. you've had the opportunity to travel to many exotic and exciting locales. But there's one place you just keep coming back to. POINTS OF I NTEREST d8 Point of Interest A secret cove a few hours' north of town that is a known meeting spot for pirates. 2 A sewer system underneath the local guardhouse. 3 The quaint settlement where you grew up, and where you send most of what you earn adventuring. 4 A caravan of merchants and sellswords that follows a regular route across the land. 5 A temple built to honor a dark god, long abandoned. 6 The final resting place of the ranger who trained you. 7 The shady market known as Gort Jorkle's Afflicted Finery. openly and proudly selling the most illegal things imaginable. 8 An unnamed hill where a ruined tower appears at midnight, then vanishes again at dawn. A WIDE R ANGE OF T ALENTS No matter whether a ranger ranges in the crowded city streets, the trackless wilderness, or the most desolate and confounding planes, all ranger archetypes can find a place in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign. BEAST MASTER Any Beast Master understands that a beast companion is far more diligent, friendly, and reliable than most people. This might be doubly true in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, where if you fall in combat, your companion isn't going to assess the resale value of your gear versus the cost of the potion of healing it'll take to revive you. Even in an urban setting, a beast companion makes a solid ally, serving as a guard or a scout when you're skulking around places you shouldn't be. G LOOM STALKER Gloom Stalkers are often best known for their work in the Underdark, but shadows are shadows wherever they occur. As a Gloom Stalker ranger, you find solace and refuge in dark alleys. dimly lit back rooms, and the shadowy corners of any corporate boardroom. Moreover, your expertise as a skulker and an ambush predator fits right in with most franchise business models. HORIZON WALKER Every Acquisitions Incorporated franchise needs to be ready to travel at a moment's notice. with franchisees always rushing headlong into the next amazing opportunity. As a Horizon Walker, you're a master of travel, blazing trails into unknown realms by passing through the even-more-unknown realms of the planes. Whatever path your franchise walks. your combat and magical skill helps ensure a safe journey for you and your companions. Moreover. the unknown reaches of the world are the best places to find new resources, and no one knows more about the unknown than you do. HUNTER Whether in the wilds, in the cities, or in the wide expanses in between, your specialized combat training as a Hunter ranger makes you a stalwart defender of your franchise and your party. On a mission, you take a lead role in dispensing with threats. Jn a social encounter, you stand at the back of the room and look dangerous. Just focus on a bit of sensitivity training to counter your predator's instincts and you can be the definitive Acquisitions Incorporated employee- looking smart in a business suit one day, and hacking up enemies the next. MONSTER SLAYER The nightmare creatures that haunt the world are more of a threat to an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise than they are to other people. Because frankly, other people have less to lose. Sometimes monsters guard vast amounts of treasure just waiting for acquisition. Other times, they're in the employ of a business rival looking to acquire your wea lth, your blood, or your soul. No matter how dark the adventure gets. your role as a Monster Slayer makes you the best offense and defense against whatever stands in your franchise's path to success. ROGUE T know you went through all those documents pretty quickly. And now you're probably askingyourself. "Wait ... did T sign six addenda or only five?" So you've got to ask yourself one question. "Do I feel properly contractually rep· resented?" Well? Do you. punk? A rogue is often the backbone of any successful adventuri ng party, providing an ample amount of martial prowess, a diverse skill set. and a pat on the back for a job well done (with or without a dagger in it). In an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, a rogue's talents are even more in demand. Not only is the rogue the first one into the dragon's lair and the last one out (after securing away the choicest bits of treasure first), but their keen eye for details and their practiced social skills make them equally invaluable in the boardrooms, the tap· rooms, and the back alleys where business gets done. CORPORATE ESPIONAGE In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, dangers are as likely to be contractual as physical. Avoiding a trap's pressure plate in a dungeon is good. Avoiding an awkward social situation might be even more important. Explosive runes warding a treasure chest go off once, maybe no one spotted them. big deal. But a rogue who notices a carefully worded legal trap in a contract can save their franchise from lasting harm- and a rogue who can insert such details into someone else's contract is worth their weight in performance bonuses. SIGN OF SUCCESS Every rogue has a story about that one big score. With enough ales and a bit of prompting, you can easily be convinced to tell the tale, highlighting all the drama and C H APTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS

"·s a little misleading f I h t "rogue ' Personally, 1 ee t ah h e of us who follow a · \" t at t OS d as a term. lt i~p ies ward life can all be groupe more .. : eclectic path t~hat works with m~st other into a single category. ' ood at one thing. But " . ns because they re g proress10 h. ? l'm good at everyt ing. lk the town guard? rne. t sweet-ta You need someone o ti e governor? Easy peasy. 1 personate 1 ? l'm your guy. m . \?Tl row a dinner party. Hit the streets for int~ . r~ erty reassignment? .E gage in a clandestine p p • ·vingyou trouble? n . And if someones g1 Done and ?one. h 'II be no trouble to me. . . Well, let's iust say t . ey _ y tan derring-do. But the tale is so much better for the tell ing if you can highlight it with visual aids. You carry a trophy from that big score, which you pull out when the occasion demands or when you need a reminder of your own skill and luck. Sure. if anyone found the item on you, there's a good chance you could be arrested and convicted of the crime that procured it. But that's part of the excitement. right? FAVORITE TROPHIES dlO Trophy 2 3 4 The handkerchief of a noble's paramour, with their initials sewn into it as well as the date and the place the gift was given. Perfect blackmail fodder. A silver goblet from the kitchens of a castle in a wealthy land. It still smells of the wonderful burgundy that was in it when you stole it. A gold-tipped foun tain pen stolen from the breast pocket of a royal wizard. A piece of intricately woven curtain you had to cut to escape a mayor's manor after stealing their valuables. 5 A gray cat with white feet, once the pet of a rich merchant's spoiled child. She almost blew your cover. Now she knows when to keep quiet, and she's great at catching mice. 6 A small statue of a ballerina, broken off from a marble fountain in a city from which you're now banned. 7 A serpentine lapel pin set with tiny diamonds, which you slipped off the chest of a noble whose fete you finessed your way into. 8 The solid-gold hammer holy symbol of that one rude blacksmith who refused to fix your sword. 9 A ful l potion bottle from the temple of Oghma, marked "Drink in case of emergency." So fa r, no one has dared you to drink it. 10 A cracked mirror from a mystic's tower, which sometimes shows you a glint of another realm in one of its shards. OLD BUSINESS TIES Many rogues learn their initial skill set through the school of necessity, forced to steal or kill to survive. CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS More advanced talents, however, are generally taught through one of the many criminal guilds that crop up in towns and cities throughout the land. As an Acquisitions Incorporated rogue, you definitely left your guild in order to join a franchise, for no rogue can serve two masters. At least not officially. FORMER GUI LDS d8 Guild The Tumble Dumplings, an all-halfling guild whose cover identities are acrobats 2 The Char Hawks, whose front operation is a wellknown cleaning service 3 The Flattering Butchers, known for their sales of discount meat of unknown provenance 4 5 6 7 8 The Profane Pilferers, who leave lewd calling cards at the scenes of their crimes The Undead Rangers, whose cover is that they have nothing to do with rangers or the undead The Loyalists, ironically known for breaking contracts at an alarming rate The Robust Vultures, who make use of flying magic fo r specialty jobs The Quick and the Fred, who all use "Fred" as an alias ROGUES OF A D IFFERENT FEATHER Each of the many archetypes of the rogue offers a variety of features that can prove a boon to any Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. You might enjoy making a scene, or you might prefer to pass unseen. You might eliminate your foes in the most public way possible, or prefer to deal with all problems behind closed (and preferably soundproofed) doors. Either way, your talents make you the invaluable linchpin of your franchise's operations. ARCANE TRICKSTER What does an adventurer who has all the tricks of a rogue need? Even trickier magic! As a rogue of the Arcane Trickster archetype, you supplement your dexterous abilities with spellcasting derring-do. Especially against competitors and enemies who don't know the full extent of your abilities. you make a most daunting foe. As SAS SIN Working as an assassin within an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise can be rewarding. Because even as good as the rest of your franchise mates are at killing things. you take that art to the next level. Your top-notch infiltration and disguise skills mean that you'll always be keeping busy. But if you're one of those "You know too much, I have to kill you now, it doesn't matter that 1 was only asking for directions"-type assassins, you might find that your inherent bloodlust needs to be focused to the subtle enterprises undertaken by the best franchises. So keep calm. Or if you can't, at least keep the killing quiet.

lNQUISITIVE As an inquisitive, your eye for detail and insightful demeanor complement the skills of the more martial members of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. Your powers of deduction make it clear that you're the obvious choice to lead your franchise, and you are an able operative in the field as you provide valuable information for ongoing operations. You also have a knack for finding weaknesses in enemies- not only in combat, but in a rival's business plans as well. MASTERM f ND Planning, tactics, misdirection, intrigue, sneak attack: it's like the rogue mastermind was specifically built for an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign. Your formidable social skills translate perfectly well from the street to the boardroom. and your ability to read your foes and rivals clearly makes you the best choice for franchise leader. Unfortunately, your equally practiced ability to read your allies means you'll know which of them see themselves as leader. Good thing that's a problem you're perfectly equipped to handle. SCOUT Though many scouts are more comfortable in the wild. the lessons you've learned in the wilderness offer a surprising amount of utility when you're working in cities and towns. Whenever the party needs to go out and engage in some acquisition work, you're al the front of the group, literally and figuratively. Your skills in survival and ensnarement translate nicely to the civilized world, where it's just as much of a challenge to ambush a competitor's caravan as it is to deal with a goblin raiding party. SWASHBUCKLER The one-on-one fighting style of a swashbuckler is a perfect fit for the stylish bravado that befits an Acq Inc franchise. Your mobility, audaciry, and charm offer versatility in any number of situations. from infiltration, to theft, to fleeing the city guards when the infiltration and theft goes bad. Moreover, your social skills make you equally effective in and out of combat. However, your love of showing off means that you might have to work at not turning every social encounter into a combat encounter just because you can. THIEF For most people, Lo be called a thief is among the gravest of insults. For an Acquisitions Incorporated rogue, it's a compliment. You're able to look out for yourself in combat, but arc smart enough to instead style yourself as the expert who gets out of trouble just as easily as rhe rest of rhe party gets into it. Whether you're picking locks at speed on the way out of a noble's estate or mastering the operation of a strange magic device before it burns your headquarters to the ground, you r fellow franchise members always know how lucky they are to have you around. And with your special skills, you'll be able to make sure they show their appreciation financiallywhether they know it or not. SORCERER Yes, that's a fine idea. We should totally put that to a vote. Hey, that's weird- my hands are starting to glow. ls anyone else seeing that? A sorcerer's use of magic runs the range from chaotic to catastrophic- which suits the style of many Acquisitions Incorporated franchises alarmingly well. When a loud and emphatic marketing statement needs to be made using magic, trust a sorcerer to do the talking. And with natural charisma powering their magic, a sorcerer also makes a good public face for a franchise, with their darker or more chaotic tendencies either hidden or amplified depending on need. THE BURDEN OF LEADERSHIP Your natural charisma makes you the obvious choice to be the leader of your franchise. Others look to you constantly for inspiration, even if they're afraid to show it. And that's a good fit for you. because if you can tell others what to do and have them listen to you. it's easier to give the most dangerous frontline tasks to them while you cast from the back and reap the rewards. With great profit comes great responsibility. however, and it's important to let the other members of your franchise know that they have a place where their opinions matter. lt's a place beneath you, sure, but good ideas often trickle upward. It's surprising how often a suggestion made by an underling turns out to be exactly what you were planning on thinking all along. And your understanding of chaos tells you it's easier by far to deal with the so-called law when you have a strong team at your back. Or, even better, at your front, so they're the ones drawing attention to themselves if things go bad. FOCUSING WITH FLAIR All sorcerers rely on an arcane focus through which they channel their magic, but traditional focuses lack a singular style. Staffs. orbs, wands, blah, blah. You like to do things differently. UNUSUAL ARCANE FOCUSES dl O Focus A stuffed weasel with fake diamonds for eyes 2 A rare gold coin that sparkles as you cast 3 A copper belt buckle created in your own likeness 4 A pair of silver spectacles whose lenses change color based on the school of spell you're casting S A well-preserved sausage that smells delicious to you and any other creature nearby 6 A gold harmonica that cranks out a dramatic tune when you cast 7 A shrunken gnome head that blinks and sticks its tongue out occasionally 8 A polo mallet carved in the shape of the tarrasque 9 A flask of liquid that changes color each time you cast 10 The antler stub of a peryton, decorated with nymph hair and pixie dust CH \PTF.R 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS

P ERSONAL MAGIC When you cast a spell, you go all in, channeling that magic through body and soul. Often, leftover magic from a casting manifests as a residual effect that can build up over repeated uses of your spel Is and can trips. Some residual effects are subtle. Others are obvious to the point of distraction. But any such effect might eventually become a kind of spe!lcasting signature, ensuring that everyone knows the tenor of your magic as well as they know your name. RESIDUAL MAGIC dlO Effect A smell just slightly less noxious than troglodyte musk wafts off you from time to time. 2 At random, your voice shifts three octaves higher or lower than normal. 3 Your hair changes color for 1 hour. If you don't have hair, you grow silver hair that lasts fo r l hour, then fal ls out. 4 At random, your speech and movement suggest that you are blind drunk. 5 Your eyes glow for 1 minute, cycling intermittently through red, blue, and green. 6 Sometimes when you deal damage to a creature, a disembodied voice near you shouts out, "Boo yah!" 7 Blood momentarily drips from your ears and eyes. 8 Your fingernails grow out to gnarled talons. This new growth falls off after 10 minutes or if you touch something. 9 Intermittently, any somatic components for spells you cast take the form of violent coughing. 10 For 1 minute, you are 6 inches shorter or taller than normal. ORIGI NS MAKE THE S ORCERER Each sorcerer draws their power from different sources, based on their lineage or their connection to the multiverse. Your own lineage defines much about your place in the world and your approach to magic, and can help you establish your connection to your Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. DIVINE SOUL As a divine soul, you have a special place in your franchise.just as with the child of a wealthy business owner or an heir to a noble throne, your lineage and breeding demand respect, and it's your job to make sure your franchise mates understand that. Your success is ordained by the gods themselves, and you embrace that destiny by mastering the ways of business and adventuring, becoming the best you ca n be. DRACON!C B LOODLINE You know those people who seem to just automatically succeed at everything they do, tearing through life like it might be cheap parchment? Of course you do-because you are one. As the scion of mighty dragons. you are the CllAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIO NS master of everything you set your mind to. Adventuring, espionage. taking credit for your franchise·s successyou do it all. And if you ever find yourself out of your depth. you're quick to establish that you·re not actually out of your depth at all. You've totally got this! SHADOW MAGIC As a shadow sorcerer, your mysterious connection to the Shadowfell makes you a master of social encounters. The sinister laugh, the glowing eyes nothing makes a clutch negotiation session go quicker. And when negotiations reach an impasse. your connection to the shadow world makes you a valuable t0ol for spying, infiltration. security. and. of course, killing. STORM SORCERY Harnessing the energy of wind and lightning makes you great fun in combat. But as a storm sorcerer, you have even greater utility when your franchise travels overland or across water for business, as you shield allies and important cargo from inclement or dangerous weather. And sure, those allies harp sometimes about your occasiona l bouts of rage and your proclivity for blowing things up first and asking questions later. But you take it all in stride. because it's not like you have a temper or anything. WILD MAGIC In business, an element of unpredictability is the best means of keeping your franchise one step ahead of the competition- and nobody brings unpredictability like you do. Business plans and long-term strategies are all good, and kudos to your teammates for all their hard work on that stuff. But when a plan needs subtle refinement based on unexpected developments in the marketplace. you·re the one who'll thoughtfully tear that plan up. burn it to ash. and just wing it. WARLOCK don't understand. My magic exists outside of any known reality. I wield the power of an entity that dwells beyond space and time. Clear!)!, none of the profits created by that magic are taxable in this realm. A warlock can be an authoritative as!>et to an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, as their known association with powerful otherworldly forces makes for a great starting point in tough business negotiations. Likewise, a warlock·s pact is the definitive binding contract, providing a unique insight into matters of debt and obligation. The only thing you need to watch out for is making sure your work-life balance is in order. You want to be seen by your staff as the suave, fashionable master of your franchise's occult services. not the creepy weirdo with the glowing eyes always chuckling maniacally to yourself. As convenient as it might seem. remember that interns are not automatically potential sacrifices. Always check the individual contract first.

A di ligent, results-minded individual is contracted to perform services for a higher-up, in exchange for career advancement. I lave I described the perfect employee, or a warlock? Yes. - K'thriss Orow'b ELDRITCH AFFECTATIONS Being beholden to a strange, otherworldly entity gives you a certain style that none can match. Sometimes this style takes the form of an interesting quirk that makes you the memorable master of the dark arts you are. OTH ERWORLDLY QUIRKS dlO Quirk Every meal you eat must involve copious amounts of raw onions. 2 When you are in a stressful situation, you shout every fourth word you speak. 3 You have a second set of ears that emerge and retract whenever you are actively listening. 4 You can't bear lo touch anything valuable without wearing gloves. 5 When you wash or bathe, anything less than uncomfortably hot water feels cold to you. 6 You have to slap some creature roughly before you can get a good night's sleep. 7 You're just not comfortable unless your clothing features garishly contrasting colors or patterns. 8 When you cast a spell, the verbal or somatic component must involve a mild obscenity. 9 Your hair grows so quickly that you must cut it during every short or long rest. 10 When people call you by your correct name, you constantly admonish them by telling them your correct name. MASTER O.F I DIOM As a warlock, you bring every dark aspect of your dark path and darker calling to bear darkly on your franchise's operations. Wrapping yourself in mysterious defensive power or tagging an enemy in the face with eldritch blast are just as valuable for corporate espionage as for tomb raiding. How you present yourself to the world at large is often a subtle reflection of your patron. Being a member of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise means you have no trouble wearing suitable business apparel to make the right impression. But whether that stylish suit is made from fine Calimshan silk or the flayed skin of fiends is totally up to you. MARKETING ls EVERYTHING There's an old Luskan saying: "They could sell water to a sahuagin and it would come back for a refill." And that's you in a nutshell- using the connections of your pact to sell your ski lls. your services, and your legend. The right people need to hear about you, and the wrong people need LO be completely unaware of your existence. A good motto for you rself (and your franchise, if the other characters are worthy) can be the difference between wasted days in endless taverns waiting for opportunities, and constantly filling your bag of holding with the sweetest loot. COOL Monos d6 Motto "I don't break even; I get even." 2 "I'm the prophet of profit, and I've got a prediction for success." 3 "Victory is the finest perfume, and I smell delightful." 4 "Your treasure is my business." 5 "To err is human, so I'm not." 6 "I get the job done rather than thinking up fancy mottos." R OBUST PATRON A GE No matter what your pact, the process of binding yourself co power has prepared you well for life in an Acquisi-

STAND ARD DARK SPELLCASTER FRANCHISE RULES • No summoning circles in the ba~hroom. • No "tentacle talk" during mealtimes. • You must wear a gag at bedtime. That constant . akes it hard for everyone else to screaming m fall asleep. ~ h · • Other party members' rations are or t e1r own . t for sacrificing to dark forces. consumption, no . I 1" d I .· "The sacrament is compete. • No more ec a11ng. . . t the conclusion of every meetmg. . c. a b t anytime outut. • The bloodstained ro es are no an. . . f very wall in the • The i llus1on o eyes on e k 1 . ff Now ·noc ( 1t o · headquarters was scary once. tions Incorporated franchise. Gathering secret information from the operatives of rival organizations, a bit of well-timed sabotage on some manufactu ring equipment, or intimidating contractors into turning their backs on a rival are all regular business for an Acq Inc warlock. TuEARCHFEY Many folk think of the fey as mysterious sylvan creatures that occasionally get up to harmless pranks. As a warlock of the Arch fey, you know better-and are perfectly suited to lay the truth down whenever you can. You and your magic exemplify the duality of light and dark, and your motivations are often as inscrutable as those of your fey master. This can be an advantage when rivals are trying to suss out your plans. But it can be frustrating when allies start harping about, "What are you up to?", and "Why won't you talk to us?", and "Why did you kill those people?" Just tell them anything. It keeps them happy. THE CELESTIAL As a warlock of the Celestial, you meld the powerful magic of your class with the heavenly attitude of the Upper Planes. Your light-infused, radiant-based power makes it easy to establish trust among franchise mates and customers alike. That false sense of security then comes in handy whenever it's necessary to remind people that being good doesn't necessarily mean being lawfuland that even being lawful leaves a lot of wiggle room. TuE FIEND When people speak of doing deals with the darkness, you know just what they're talking about. As a warlock of the Fiend, you have a ton of experience walking the fine line between light and shadow. Or, you know, walking the shadow but being pretty sure the light is over there somewhere. As such, you're the perfect person to take point when your franchise needs to get down and dirty to succeed. THE GREAT OLD ONE Everybody's met that one mind-addled poet at the end of the bar spouting all kinds of nonsense. But only you can really appreciate the truth of what they're talking about. As a warlock of the Great Old One, you harness the power of unreality and madness for the benefit of your franchise. You are known for consistently offering up plans and advice that go outside the box. Way, way outCHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS side. And when your plans turn to profit, your franchise partners are thankfully there to take care of all that balance-sheet-and-coffer practical stuff. You're more about the big insane ideas. really. THE HEXBLADE As a warlock of the Hexblade, you dwell always within the realm of the disturbing and the unknown. But wow, is it worth it. Your ability to focus power through your weapons makes you a perfect franchise enforcer. Your aptitude for cursing, hexes, and dark magic makes you a skilled negotiator. And your ability to create spectral interns makes you a personnel manager's dream. WIZARD Yes, I can getyou inside that vault. I can locate that secret treasureyou·re all hyped up about. I can get you out with no collateral damage. I'm fine if you care less about the "no collateral damage" thing. Now lets get down to business. The utility that a wizard brings to an Acquisitions Incorporated operation is obvious to franchise members, staff, clients, and rivals alike. Defensive spells, arcane travel rituals, eldritch utility magic- a wizard does it al l. Plus, they'll blow things up when needed. And not surprisingly, things in an Acq Inc campaign need to get blown up a lot. It's easy to make the case that arcane magic is the most valuable component in any franchise business plan or strategic road map. And as a wizard, you're the premium vendor of advantageous arcane services. Just make sure that staff and intern contracts have strong language regarding the risk of friendly fire. But in the small print, way down there at the bottom. ELDRITCH UTILITY Though wizard encompasses a single class. the study of arcane magic lends itself to a broad range of specialization. As such. it's not enough to simply dedicate yourself to being the best wizard you can be. It's about figuring out which wizardly path best addresses your franchise's potential needs. Enchanters and illusionists in the service of a franchise can boggle the minds of enemies and allies. Transmuters, conjurers, and necromancers ensure that franchise members always have the right tool or monster for the job. Abjurers and diviners can help avoid catastrophic events before they happen. And evokers and war mages? No one needs to be reminded of the simple yet devastating majesty of a fireball spell. Well, they don't need to be reminded more than once. NIGHTMARE MAGIC Your use of magic is always clean and precise. Still, tapping directly into the Weave to reshape reality or burn it to the ground has an eventual effect on the mind, and your sleep is often haunted by a recurring nightmare whose indelible images you cannot shake. No wizard will ever take offense to a polite round of applause from the rest of the party after a particularly well-crafted spell. - Jim Darkmagic

0 () 0 LINGERING NIGHTMARES d6 Nightmare You stand atop a cliff as an apocalyptic sea monster emerges and begins painting the world around you with a brush in each tentacle. You cannot escape its attention, but wake up just before you are recolored. 2 You dream about walking on pieces of paper, each of which is scribed with the word "eggshells." This is written in multiple languages, some of which you can't read. 3 4 s 6 You are giving the most important presentation of your career, and the magic you are using to create an impressive visual display has gone haywire. It now displays an illusory image of you wearing nothing but a strategically placed scarf. A franchise staff member has gained a huge inheritance and retrred. A note signed by you indicates that you withdrew the same huge amount of cash from company accounts the day before, but you have no memory of doing so. You feel the pleasant tickling of feathers, then look up to find a co*ckatrice preening on your chest. All your pockets have been torn open, but you can't stop placing valuable objects in them. Each time an object falls out of a pocket, you pick 1t up, then put it in a pocket again. LEARNING FROM THE BEST Over the long years of study it took you to become a wizard, the arcane master you studied under left an indelible mark on you. Possibly a physical one. Kind or cruel, exacting or eccentric, this teacher shaped you during your apprentice days in profound and probably disturbing ways. Whether a typical mage wearing a pointy hat and dwelling in a remote tower, a bespectacled bookworm lurking in a dusty library. or an eldritch maniac with personal habits you're not comfortable talking about, your master made you the wizard you are today. ARCANE MASTERS d8 Master Ph ilia Fjor, a half-elf abjurer who baked cupcakes that functioned as potions. 2 Oghhga, a mute half-ore diviner who beat her unsuccessful students to death with rocks. 3 lmpler Rickys, a gnome transmuter who lived under a bridge and worked for candied beets and honey peanuts. 4 Dame Melna Rothburntonberryville, a 238-year-old elf croquet player and evoker, and hero of the first, second, third, fifth, and sixth Troll Wars. (She was out on maternity leave during the fourth.) S Fernstern Drockburn, a deep gnome ventriloquist and conjurer, and his "dummy" Vinceroy, an imp familiar in a puppet suit. 6 Loa Hatt, a tiefling illusionist and cobbler, whose rumored dealings with devils led to many jokes about fixing soles while destroying souls. 7 8 Reni the Hare, a halfling enchanter with an odd fondness for carrots. You ate a lot of carrots as an apprentice. You don't much like carrots anymore. Sylvester Delague, a human necromancer whose greatest possession was a portrait painted by an ex-student, said to capture his green eyes perfectly. In truth, Sylvester was color-blind, and the portrait's eyes are bloodshot red. No one ever told him. MATRICULATING FROM THE SCHOOLS OF MAGIC With so many schools of magic available to wizards, each type of specialization brings a different set of skills and strengths to a franch ise. Your chosen school can help define your ro le in the business. as well as your fellow franchise members' expectations for you. ABJURATION Protective magic is often underappreciated by the members of the lesser character classes. with their focus on dealing the most damage in the flashiest way possible. But in an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, where property and real estate need protection as much as the party members. your role as an abjurer is always greatly appreciated.just don't make the rookie mistake of protecting everybody else before you take care of yourself and the goods. And if you need to reserve CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS 71

some spell slots before the rest of the party has been made sufficiently invulnerable? Hey, that's what potions are for. C ONJURATION The ability to make something from nothing is the greatest business plan ever developed- and that plan has your name a ll over it. As a conjurer, your utility to your franchise knows no bounds, whether you're creating the right tool for the job, summoning creatures for scouting or guard duty, or using dimension door to slip away from a deal gone bad. The hard part of that last one is always figuring out which of your franchise mates you'll bring with you. Who's been particularly nice to you lately? DIVl NAT ION Seers and soothsayers abound in the world, but most ply their trade only to take advantage of the credulous and the desperate. You possess the true gift of the diviner, able to tap into the flow of time to read portents of the future. Your divinations help negate the risks for your franchise, whether in business deals or dangerous treasure extractions. And sure, working on the credulous and the desperate is sometimes part of the plan. But when you do it, ifs done with professional flare. ENCHANTMENT Trust. Community outreach. Social awareness. These things are important to every business, and as an enchanter, it's your job to ensure that your Acquisitions Incorporated franchise is synonymous with these concepts. Whether they're actually present in the franchise or not. When it comes down to it, having friends is an equally valuable asset in adventuring and business, and being able to turn enemies, rivals, and angry mobs into friends even for a short while can make a difference. E VOCATION As an evoker, you understand the wisdom of the adage. "Speak softly and carry a big wand." As a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you also know that the speaking softly part is entirely optional, contractually speaking. When your franchise needs firepower, you bring the damage and spread it in flashy. dramatic fashion. This works out great in the dungeon, and sometimes even at outdoor social events that don't feature a lot of flammable buildings nearby. fn the boardroom or the council chamber, your skills are likely in less demand, but just knowing you're there can help keep the noble or the business magnate across the table fully engaged. Because as long as you are there, they know they're safe from having you burning their holdings to the ground. ILLUSION Success in business, as in combat, can often hinge on split-second decisions. As an illusionist, you have mastered the art of confounding the senses, leaving enemies, rivals, and customers uncertain as to what's real and what isn't. Once you convince those around you that they can't trust what they see or hear, that's a perfect opportunity to give them your preferred version of what's going on. Whether it's obscuring contracts, CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS concealing incursions, or manifesting imaginary staff members to Lake the fall for your partners' misdeeds, your magic helps put the best possible illusory face on your franchise. NECROMANCY As a necromancer. you've always had an easy time making friends. Hah! That's hilarious because your friends are undead. But not everyone else in your franchise sees the lighter side of you r magical craft. Clearly, the labor-to-paid-benefits ratio of undead interns can't be beat, but you need to be cognizant of the potential public-relations nightmare of franchise-branded zombies running amok. Still, if things get bad, there's nothing like a general marketing campaign reminding local folk that necromancy means raise dead. Even if you can't cast it. TRANSMUTATION As a transmuter, you practice one of the most subtle forms of magic- the transfigu ration of one material substance into another. But let's be honest, your role in your franchise is going to be mostly about combat and ability buffs, and, "Hey, why haven't you learned how to turn lead into gold yet?" You take it in stride, though, because you understand that the long game is entirely about you. This franchise needs to be transformed from a chaotic mishmash of dysfunctional personalities and clashing goals into a well-tuned engine of commerce. And no one does transformation quite like you do. WAR M AGIC Success in business requires prudent caution and takecharge offense in equal measure. As a war mage, your focus on abjuration and evocation is thus a good fit for success. Many war mages feel it their duty to waste their lives (sometimes literally) on the battlefield. But you specialize in the more subtle conflicts of the marketplace, where you can take your skills to a whole new level. You cast spells under pressure, never blinking in the face of death or financial ruin. And when it's necessary, you can blow up an adversary like nobody's business.Just make sure your franchise's collateral damage insurance is all up to date. NEW RACE: VERDAN The verdan owe their existence to chaos. Descended and transformed from a large clan of goblins and hobgoblins, those who became the verdan were simply living their lives, doing goblinoid things. But then passing through the shadow of That-Which-Endures changed them forever. Now the newest race to call Faerfin home, the verdan do their best to find their way in an unfamiliar world. . t d by brief . . into chaos punctua e . Reality is a descent - e and so imagine f . d . whence we ai os Oashes o or e1, I h a distant outlier. it to be the norm rat 1e~ \dan ntropy back for a mere That-Which-Endures e e d I'm sorry, was that . .d the Verdan emerge . instant. an . ? 'b the question. -K'thriss Drow

CREATED BY CHAOS When the power of That-Which-Endures mutated the vcrdan, their skin was turned the color of jade and their blood began to flow black. Their ears grew pointed, and they gained a limited form of telepathy- but at the cost of forgetting their history. The underground homes of the goblins were places of terror to the new creatures those goblins became. and the verdan quickly fled to the surface and into the sunlight. When they arrived in the new lands of the surface, the verdan found that they were often mistaken for smaller, green-skinned half-elves. Attracting cu riosity but no real questions, they have thus been able to make their way reasonably freely in the world. ONGOING M UTATIONS Because the verdan have not dwellcd long in the world, they are still discovering new things about themselves. Chief among these discoveries is that their physical forms change as they age, signifying that the mutative power of That-Which-Endures is not done with them. The first verdan emerged from the Underdark as creatures of goblin stature. But they soon learned that their kind were fated to eventually undergo a dramatic, painful, and random growth spurt that sees them transformed to hobgoblin size over a period of days. At the same time, many verdan undergo changes in coloring as they age. Male verdan typically have little to no hair, while females sport shocks of wiry hair that they try to tame in a variety of styles. But the color of any verdan's hair, skin. and eyes can transform from their original jade tones to pale white, deep ebon, or any other shade in between. A verdan's ears also undergo numerous spontaneous alterations over their l ifetime, from the typical range of point and peak seen among the elves, to huge ears that sweep back from the head like wings. and which are often pierced behind the head with a single ring to keep them from flapping about. Changes in gender are also a known and accepted part of verdan life. These fluid aspects of form and identity are seen as blessings, allowing an individual to experience more of the world and grow in empathy and understanding. There is no pattern to any vcrdan's mutations, as verdan from the same family can shift in drastically different ways. The verdan assign no cultural or biological relevance to any particular coloration. physical features, or gender. CULTURAL CHAMELEONS The clan homes of the Underdark goblinoids who became the verdan covered an enormous area. As the verdan fled to the surface world, they THAT-WHICH- ENDURES That-Which-Endures is a nameless, faceless, mysterious entity, something between a multiverse-spanning primordial spirit and an over-god. It represents the amoral and all·encompassing power of entropy- the force that unknowingly and uncaringly changes order into chaos, and that breaks matter and time down into its component parts so that all can be rebuilt. Some who study this entity claim that it is clearly evil and destructive. Others call it simply a necessary part of the cycle of death and rebirth. In the end, though, That-Which-Endures shows precious little interest in what people say about it. emerged in culturally diverse locations. Some found themselves near dwarven strongholds. others near elven enclaves, and others near the widespread human settlements of FaerOn. VARIETIES OF ADULT V£ROllN c1111r·1 rR 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS 71

71 Without a cultural identity or memory of their own. the verdan quickly adopted the cultural practices of the areas into which they migrated. Still, a sense of not truly belonging is felt even by verdan who have been welcomed into other cultures. They are often stricken with wanderlust, keeping their possessions limited and easily portable. It is not unusual to see individual verdan or whole families trooping along the roads of the world with their tents and belongings strapped to their backs. Even when they are happily steeped in a culture, the verdan remain on the lookout for oppression and curtailment of freedoms. They understand the need for laws that protect, but they rail against laws that restrict and oppress-especially those designed to protect the power and wealth of the elite. When Jiving among enlightened folk, verdan are still the first to speak out against cultural restraints on individuals, particularly those based on physical characteristics such as gender, race, or appearance. WIDE- EYED AND CURIOUS Verdan are hungry to undertake new challenges and absorb new experiences. When they meet other verdan who have traveled to different parts of the world, they drop everything to spend as long as possible sharing stories and observations from their respective travels. However, their inexperience in the world and their racial amnesia sometimes lends the verdan a kind of innocence that works against them. Some a re credulous and easily fooled by hucksters, but most verdan have an intuition bred by empathy that helps them eventually sort out those who are sincere from those who are not. VERDAN NAMES The oldest verdan names spring from goblinoid traditions. but more recent names reflect the character of the different cultures these folk have encountered since coming out into the sunlight. When a group ofverdan live near dwarves, they might take on more dwarven-sounding names, only to change those names when they wander into a human area. A verdan is also not hesitant to change their name as their physical appearance changes-or, indeed, whenever the mood strikes them. Verdan make no differentiation between male, fema le, and family names, and often eschew family names altogether. Verdan Names: Bronn, Crahma, Dola r, Dreeda, Duglee, Gruvald, Hulm,Jeal, Kato, Klesh, Korm, Lathi, Ovlig, Paracii. Pits, Praet, Promul, Reezni, Rin, Shylk, Slyra, Soito, Stalsii, Stromvo, Stussa, Syrkart, Takat, Toit, Tubyna, Varr, Veriga, Wraq, Wu ral, Wurxee UNDERLYINC IMPROVEMENTS When a verdan character gains an ability score improvement at certain levels, that increase can be tied to a physical mutation at the player's determination. A boost to Strength might be accompanied by a growth spurt and the development of rippling muscle, while an increase in Intelligence might produce a stylishly la rge forehead. CHAPTER 3 I PLAYER OPTIONS VERDAN TRAITS Verdan characters have a number of traits in common with others of their kind. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2. Age. Verdan reach adulthood at around the age of 24, and it is thought that they might live to nearly 200 years old. However, because no verdan has died of old age since the race's initial creation, their upper age limits remain subject to speculation. Alignment. Verdan are generally good, although their absence of racial identity and shared history can sometimes see individual verdan become untethered from any moral or ethical framework. Size. Yerdan start out similar in size to the goblins they were created from, ranging from 3 to 4 feet in height. But at some point after reaching maturity, each verdan undergoes a sudden growth spurt of 2 feet or more. At 1st level, you are a Small creature. When you reach 5th level, you become a Medium creature. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Black Blood Healing. The black blood that is a sign of your people's connection to That-Which-Endures boosts your natural healing. When you roll a 1 or 2 on any Hit Die you spend at the end of a short rest, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Limited Telepathy. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathy, but it must be able to understand at least one language. This process of communication is slow and limited, allowing you to transmit and receive only simple ideas and straightforward concepts. Persuasive. Your people's Jack of history makes you trustworthy and humble. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill. Telepathic Insight. Your mind's connection to the world around you strengthens your will. You have advantage on all Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. Languages. You speak, read, and write Common, Goblin, and one additional language of your choice. This language typically has some connection to one of the areas or cultures that has been part of your life. NEW SPELLS Magic is power and power is profit- which makes spellcasting just another part of the expansive business model of Acquisitions Incorporated. Magical research and development is a big part of day-to-day operations at Head Office, whose spellcasting staff toil day in and day out to come up with the very latest in eldritch improvements. Many of their developments remain closely guarded secrets, known on ly ro the company's highest-ranking employees, and ready to be whipped out at a suitably dramatic moment. But every once in a whi le, a unique spell makes its way through the ranks of the company's I don't do magic. I am magic. . -Jim Darkmagtc

casters and into the world at large. Some of these spells are alterations of old classics, wh ile others bend the magical energy of the multiverse in new and exciting ways. DISTORT VALUE 1st-level illusion Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Components: V Duration: 8 hours Do you need to squeeze a few more gold pieces out of a merchant as you try to sell that weird octopus statue you liberated from the chaos temple? Do you need to downplay the worth of some magical assets when the tax collector stops by? Distort value has you covered. You cast this spell on an object no more than l foot on a side, doubling the object's perceived value by adding illusory nourishes or polish to it, or reducing its perceived value by half with the help of illusory scratches, dents, and other unsightly features. Anyone examining the object can ascertain its true value with a successful J ntelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the maximum size of the object increases by 1 foot for each slot level above 1st. ./1i 11 :1 m11.111(· m1°.J.J1"/e is an ancient and powerful p~ll. as well as being the name of my band in Wizard Academy. FAST FRIENDS 3rd-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V - Jim Darkmagic Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour When you need to make sure something gets done, you can't rely on vague promises, sworn oaths, or binding contracts of employment. When you cast this spell, choose one humanoid within range that can see and hear you, and that can understand you. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the creature is charmed in this way, it undertakes to perform any services or activities you ask of it in a friendly manner, to the best of its ability. You can set the creature new tasks when a previous task is completed. or if you decide to end its current task. If the service or activity might cause harm to the creature. or if it conflicts with the creature's normal activities and desires. the creature can make another Wisdom saving throw to try to end the effect. This save is made with advantage if you or your companions are fighting the creature. If the activity would result in certain death for the creature, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher. you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 3rd. SPELLS BY CLASS You're free to pitch the OM on allowing any class access to these new spells if they seem a good thematic fit for your character, as befits the wide-open, laissez-faire nature of an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign. For a more traditional approach, consider the following allocation. Bard Spells l st level: distort value 2nd level: gift of gab 3rd level: fast friends, motivational speech Cleric Spells 3rd level: fast friends, incite greed, motivational speech Sorcerer Spells l st level: distort value 3rd level: incite greed Wizard Spells l st level: distort value, Jim's magic missile 2nd level: gift of gab, Jim's glowing coin 3rd level: fast friends, incite greed Warlock Spells l st level: distort value 3rd level: incite greed C: ll1\PTER 3 I l'U\YER O PTIO NS 75

k · I ondered how he When I met Jim Dar magic, w . I d n thiner done in that outfit. I have since ear~e got a y o . I . I e standing and talking. that most ofh1s ta ents anvo v His outflt is perfect for that. GIFT OF GAB 2nd-level enchantment -Morgren Casting Time: I reaction, which you cake when you speak to another creature Range: Self Components: V, S, R (2 gp) Duration: Instantaneous Jim Darkmagic is said to have invented this spell, originally calling it I said what?! Have you ever been calking to the local monarch and accidentally mentioned how their son looks like your favorite hog from when you were growing up on the family fa rm? We've all been there! But rather than being beheaded for an honest slip of the tongue, you can pretend it never happened-by ensuring that no one knows it happened. When you cast this spell, you skillfully reshape the memories of listeners in your immediate area, so thac each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you forgets everything you said within the last 6 seconds. Those creatures then remember that you actually said the words you speak as the verbal component of the spell. INCITE GREED 3rd-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a gem worth at least 50 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to I minute When you cast this spell, you present the gem used as the material component and choose any number of creatures within range that can see you. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the spell ends, or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. While charmed in this way, a creature can do nothing but use its movement to approach you in a safe manner. While an affected creature is within 5 feel of you, it cannot move, but simply stares greedily at the gem you present. At the end of each of its turns, an affected target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target. JIM'S GLOWING COIN 2nd-level enchantment Casting Time: I action Range: 60 feet Components: S, M (a coin), R (2 gp) Duration: I minute Of the many tactics employed by master magician and renowned adventurer Jim Darkmagic, the old glowing coin trick is a time-honored classic. When you cast the spell, you hurl the coin that is the spell's material component to any spot within range. The coin lights up as if under the effect of a light spell. Each creature of your C HAPTER 3 I PL\YtR OPTIONS ROYALTY COMPONENT Jim Darkmagic's unique brand of spellcasting mixes arcane expertise with a particular kind of pecuniary fervor. New spells originally developed by Jim spawned a new type of spell component, which has since spread to other spells created by employees and franchisees of Acquisitions Incorporated: the royalty component. To cast a spell that employs a royalty component (including using a spell scroll or other magic item that stores such a spell), a caster must have sufficient funds on their person. The cost of the casting is set by the caster who creates the spell, but is typically l gp per spell slot level. When the spell is cast, the royalty is magically transported to a coffer or other object designated by the creating spellcaster. This payment is made whether the caster using the spell is aware of the royalty component or not. If the caster does not have sufficient funds, the spell is not lost but it cannot be cast. Though many casters have tried to circumvent the royalty component, none have ever fully succeeded. However, it is said that a character can attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check while casting a spell with a royalty component. With a successful check, the payment is taken from a random creature within 10 feet of the caster, without that creature's knowledge. choice that you can see within 30 feet of the coin must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be distracted for the duration. While distracted, a creature has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and iniciative rolls. JIM'S MAGIC MISSILE /st-level evocation Casting Time: I action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, R (I gp) Duration: Instantaneous Any apprentice wizard can cast a boring old magic missile. Sure, it always strikes its target. Yawn. Do away with the drudgery of your grandfather's magic with this improved version of the spell, as used by Jim Darkmagic! You create three twisting, whistling, hypoallergenic, gluten-free darts of magical force. Each dart targets a creature of your choice that you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack for each missile. On a hit. a missile deals 2d4 force damage to its target. lf the attack roll scores a critical hit, the target of that missile takes 5d4 force damage instead of you rolling damage twice for a critical hit. If the attack roll for any missile is a 1, all missiles miss their targets and blow up in your face. dealing I force damage per missile to you. At Hiiher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart, and the royalty component increases by 1 gp. for each slot level above I st. . eech by Jim and it w~s I rd a motivational sp 1·" \.Vhat does Omin I once iea d of my 11e. . sccon s the worst ninety 'l . s see in him. anyway. _Walnut Dankgras

MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH 3rd-level enchantment Casting Time: I minute Range: 60 feel Components: V Duration: l hour You address a llies. staff, or innocent bystanders to exhort and inspire them to greatness, whether they have anything to get excited about or not. Choose up to five creatures within range that can hear you. For the duration, each affected creature gains 5 temporary hit points and has advantage on Wisdom saving throws. If an affected creature is hit by an attack, it has advantage on the next attack roll it makes. Once an affected creature loses the temporary hit points granted by this spell, the spell ends for that creature. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the temporary hit points increase by 5 for each slot level above 3rd. FACTIONS AND RIVALS Other books detail the many power groups and factions that operate in FaerOn and the Sword Coast (including the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide). But a number of new factions and entrepreneurial enterprises are centra l to an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign- starting with the group that an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign is actually named after. ACQUISITIONS INCORPORATED Sometimes a group of heroes comes together in a way that changes the paradigm forever. A group so magnificent, so powerfu l, so larcenous, that adventuring has never been the same since. For years now, that group has been Acquisitions Incorporated. The brainchild of company founder Ominifis Hereward Dran, Acq Inc has consistently maintained a position at the bleeding edge of adventuring technology, processes, and marketing. The staff of Acquisitions Incorporated. including the company's highly varied roster of inexpensive interns. engage in all aspects of adventuring. Salvage, infiltration, legally sanctioned life shortening, property redistribution, protection, removing protection, me rchandising- Acq Inc does it all. As Acquisitions Incorporated has grown, so too have the opportunities provided by that organization to neophyte adventurers looking for an advantage in the rough-and-tumble world of professional dungeoneering. From its humble beginnings in the basem*nt of the Silver Unicorn Inn in Fallcrest, Acq Inc has become the only place to intern. boasting franchise opportunities that can propel struggling adventurers into the big leagues. . . . I t d you inquire-and we At Acqu1s1t1ons ncorpora e '. .. "' For more than a decade. other people have acqu11e . , had things you've really wanted, a1~~ we ve ~o~e over there to get those things eve~ ii they d1dn ~ want us to do that. i:vpically, t?ey do~ .. t. ~~t we do~ .t d work for them. we work for you . ~eve acqu11~ d it all, but we specialize in staffs. gems, and stone 1 . \u do applv a reasonable weapons of great ineage .. ve • surtax for rods. because rods. It's been a pro?lem. This is Acq lnc in a nutshell: [~elenses_11egot1able. JV\.erchandisc plentiful. Franchises available .. -Omin Oran DRAN ENTERPRI SES Dran Enterprises is the biggest rival of Acquisitions Incorporated- and has the strongest possible connection to that august organization. Founded by a false version of Auspicia Dran (Omin Dran's sister. claimed by the creatu re known as the Wandering Crypt), Dran Enterprises has a well-established goal of wanting to take over Acquisitions Incorporated at any cost. even as the organization profits from the endeavors of Acq Inc employees and associates. Dran Enterprises' strategy for accomplishing this goal is built around providing adventuring services even more ruthlessly and efficiently than Acq Inc. Hostile takeovers, brutal rounds of downsizing, corporate espionage, and highly unethical behavior are just the most obvious of the company's many tools. With the death of the false Auspicia, Dran Enterprises was taken over by Omin's other sister, Portentia. who had operated in the shadows of the organization for some time beforehand. Certain personal secrets no doubt drive Portcntia's single-minded focus for Dran Enterprises, but those have yet to be revealed. (To most people, at least. DMs can check out appendix A for more information.) In the meantime, the organization focuses on besting Acquisitions Incorporated at its own game while growing ever more powerful and eventually reaching the point where a corporate takeover of Acq lnc can no longer be thwarted. They_ say acquisition is a family business, and it's certainly true for those of my house I h d , m · A • · a n t seen y sister, uspicia Dran, for years. Decades . /' A d th r · · m act b n . en out o no.where, she returns with fresh . ran~mg and_d_c~p1cably evil backing, trying to acquire Acqu1s1t1ons Incorporated Be' . d I . · mg acquire ourse ves rs definitely not on br·'nd d I h d 6 . u ,an ave e n1tely ref used this offer. But I would like to know what the dental plans are like at Dr E . r, I l an nterpnscs or a comp etc .V separate and unrelated reason. • -Omin Oran 77

Members of the Noble Knife are said .. to b: abl~ to. carve their symbol into surfac~s ~nd pry reality in such a ... vay that they can hide in it or.escape ttrough it. Though that seems pretty sus~ect if you a~ me They often work in pairs, with an assassin.or. ob~erve~ paired with a "tame mimic." T~ose m:m1cs can take any object shape, as is normal fo.r the'.r abnormal kind, but are also able to transform mto strange dogs that say "woof." Not that they bark. They say "woof" like a person wo~ld. Unless you were a member of the faction, you d almo~t never ~ee . the same place at the same time-un ess two teams in . they had been given opposite tasks l~r some reason. l f ;hat's the case, get out of there quick, because whatever happens next isn't going to be plea~ant. -Om1n Oran T HE N OBLE K N IFE The Noble Knife is a somewhat mysterious organization known for its high level of engagement with the cultures and societies within which its members work. Having made such engagements, the loyalists of the Noble Knife are watchful for signs of leaders and power brokers making the first transition to tyranny- at which point, those newly minted tyrants are quickly assassinated for the greater good. The organization doesn't "take jobs" as such. Rather, its leadership assesses the moral and political landscape of the realm and selects targets thusly. The Noble Knife is named for its members' weapon of choice for their trademark deed. Similar to an arrow of slaying, a noble knife is a weapon whose magic is focused on killing a specific individual. The crafting of a noble knife is undertaken by a collective of artisans, and requires a range of exotic materials and components. Additionally, the act of creation takes twenty or more years off the lead artisan's life. It goes without saying that the Noble Knife is chock full of true believers. THE S I LVER SLIVER In a world driven by gold, magic, and power, organizations that fly in the face of all three of those things are hard to understand. Doing good and seeking justice is all well and fine. But if there's no money changing hands. how do you measure the value of the work? The Silver Sliver exemplifies what goes wrong when good people fail to grasp the complexities of the world. They go around wearing masks, acting all heroically willy-nilly, righting wrongs and defending the weak ... for no profit whatsoever! That brand of zealotry C ll APTER 3 I PLAYER OP1 IONS !hel~ix. are a ne\v player on the scene, which to me ~mp ies •n~~~erience. Do you want to entrust.your , ex~ acqu1s1t1on to an agile new team? Actual! don t ~~~wer that. They have some kind of beef :.Vi th Acqu1s1tions Incorporated I k h b h h . now t at ecause t ey' and out pamphlets with my face on them d theres one of those circles with the slash throu, ;~I. Seem,s ~ad. Also, there's something about their~o o I ~.on t !•ke ... ~ut I can't put my finger on it. Peo 1e a1 e saying ~hey re weird and gross, and who am ft ~~bw~ o -Omin Oran is dangerous, because you can't trust anyone who won't sometimes do a dishonest day's work for an honest day's wage. THE S IX Any successful adventuring party makes enemies along the way. Defeated foes. unhappy or jealous allies, disillusioned associates or hirelings- it's a long list. And a group as storied and reckless as Acquisitions Incorporated was always destined to break more than a few eggs while making their delicious brand of adventuring omelet. The Six is a group of just such enemies- characters who were left hurt, underappreciated. or even dead in the wake of Acq Inc's magnificent achievements. Whether the Six are really six, or fewer, or more, remains to be seen. The organization's primary public goal appears to be revenge in the form of the downfall of Om in Oran and Acquisitions Incorporated, but who or what is truly behind the group- and what other sinister vendettas they might cling to- remains a mystery. Still, there's a good chance it's got something to do with destroying the world by unleashing the power of the Far Realm. (Sorry; "Spoilers!") I feel like making your company's name a tongue . . bold move in this marketplace. I twister 1s a . 1 Id 't have done that. I've told the S1 ver wou n · ·1 bl Sliver on multiple occasions that Im ava1 a e for consulting on things like this. No response, thou h. The organization is said to be headed up bv s!neone named Glimmr Vio!ent~: a. woman d.evoted to not just the cause of 1ust1ce. in ~he abstract, but the literal application ?f Justice . . 't Her band oft rue believers do via a sc1m1 ar. , the whole shiny mask thing and don t c~arge For their services ... which is anorher thing 1 wouldn't do. -Omin Dran

CHAPTER 4: THE 0RRERY OF THE WANDERER HIS CHAPTER PRESENTS A COMPLETE Acquisitions lncorporated adventure divided into six episodes. Episode 1 is for players using shiny new 1st-level characters. They're ready to take on the world and hoping to become part-owners of a share in a valuable, prestigious Acquisitions Incorporated franchise- or at least gain a coveted internship with the organization. At the end of each episode, characters gain a level. Each episode is an appropriate challenge for a party of four characters of the indicated level, but that challenge can be modified to accommodate your group. At the end of the sixth and final episode. the characters attain 7th level. But even more importantly, they will be fully vested in an operational and maybe even profitable Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. After that, the players and characters can take their treasure-hunting activities in any direction that you and they desire. Between episodes, characters will use downtime to undertake a variety of activities to better themselves or their franchise. By later episodes, choices of downtime activities might alter the flow and challenge of the story. After all, there·s no rest for the wicked, so there shouldn't be rest for heroes either. (Logically then, wicked heroes would need to work twice as hard. Budget the time.) Familiarize yourself with the new activities presented in "Franchise Tasks and Downtime·· in chapter 2 of this book, and with the standard D&D downtime activities discussed in that section. The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most of the creatures found in this adventure. All the necessary stat blocks are included there or in appendix B. When a creature's name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue for you to look up the creature's stat block in the Monster Manual or the monster appendix in this book. Spells and equipment mentioned in the adventure are described in the Player's Handbook. Magic items are described in the Dungeon Master's Guide, except for the Orrery of the Wanderer and its components, described in appendix D. No PLAYERS ALLOWED This part of the book is for the OM only. If you're planning to run through the adventure as a player, stop reading now! Unless you want to keep going, that is. Because seriously, it's not like anyone's going to stop you. After all, information is power- in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, and in life. Maybe you having a bit of an inside track is just what this adventure needs to make it really pop, and to keep the OM from getting all, "Ooh, look at me! I'm the one with the secrets!" I mean, can you believe how smug they are? It's like they're just begging you to turn the page ... CHAPTH I I THE OR Rf RY or THE WANDFRER

80 RUNNING AN ACQUISITIONS INCORPORATED CAMPAIGN The grand buffet that is an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign features plenty of the exciting locations and high adventure common to all great fantasy campaigns. But an Acq Inc game adds a unique helping of humor and corporate intrigue to the mix, creating a rich narrative familiar to anyone who's watched an Acquisitions Incorporated livestream game. To take full advantage of the potential of an Acq Inc campaign, keep the following concepts in mind. FAMILIAR FACES This campaign provides many NPCs for you to do with as you please. They all have roles to play in the encounters and events of the adventure, but what happens to them after that is up to you. Every NPC could be a potential ally, enemy, or foil later in the campaign. If the players take a shine to one, bring that character backor better yet, make the NPC an integral part of the ongoing plot. All franchises need servants and hirelings to do mundane jobs, and NPCs the characters already know are a great fit for these roles. Employ these NPCs to make the world feel more familiar and real to the players and characters alike. RIGHT AND WRONG Even the most heroic heroes sometimes fall short. And in many cases, adventurers aren't even within longbow range of "virtuous" in their motivations. As such, what the characters fail to do, do poorly, or do wrongly can be just as important as what they accomplish. Don't let failure and setbacks derail an adventure or a campaign. Rather, look for ways that failure or partial success might lead to new ways to reach a campaign goal. You might be absolutely confident that the characters will save those townsfolk and earn their trust, letting you use the townsfolk to reveal an important quest goal. But if the town burns down despite the heroes' best intentions- or because they had better things to do- let them be mistaken for local authorities come to lend a hand in the aftermath. Or let them be unexpectedly arrested after being mistaken for the evil forces that ADJUSTING THE ADVENTURE Wow. Can you believe the advice your players are getting in that sidebar on the last page? And after all the time you're going to put in getting ready to run this adventure? Outrageous! Someone needs to teach these people a lesson. If you're running the adventure for la rger or smaller groups, you can adjust the encounters using the guidelines given in chapter 3, "Creating Adventures," in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Or maybe you'll adjust them anyway to keep things interesting. And never forget that you can change up any aspects of the adventure to make them a better fit fo r your campaign. Swap monsters around to keep the players guessing, or make use of the adventure's many suggestions for side treks and additional encounters. That'll keep these so-called heroes in line. CHAPTER 4' I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER burned the town down, and given the dangerous quest out of animosity. Humor plays a big part in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, so make use of unheroic irony whenever the players and characters provide it. LIFE GOES ON By its most basic nature, a roleplaying game campaign focuses on the actions of the characters. However, it's important to remember that the world goes on without them. The heroes can't be everywhere at once. If they establish a base in one town but spend a lot of time away, anything could happen to that base. Hirelings might grow disenchanted in the characters' service if abused, neglected, or left to their own devices for too long. Ramp up the drama and the humor of a campaign by occasionally focusing on what the characters neglected or left behind. L ET THE FRANCHISE SHI NE An Acquisitions Incorporated franchise is like a newborn baby that the characters aJI had a hand in conceiving, delivering, and raising. lt needs constant care and feeding as it grows to its full potential, but there'll be a lot of risks, drama, and dirty diapers along the way. (Okay, that might be taking the analogy too far. but you get the idea.) Running a franchise can be difficult, but the potential rewards for the characters are tremendous. And for the players, making the franchise the focal point of the campaign provides a joint goal and a shared vessel of creative input. STORY OVERVIEW This adventure touches on a number of classic tropes in its setup and execution. Artifact of incalculable power accidentally stumbled upon? Check. Evil faction with plans to end the world? Got it. But even against potentially world-shattering events and plots, an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign is always centered around humble characters making choices-including one unfortunate NPC whose choices have set the adventure in motion. A year ago, a group of adventurers led by a dwarf named Caerhan Coalsmith found a strange object buried in the remains of a ruined tower. The relic appeared to be a golden orrery housing, missing its geared clockwork components. It was obviously a magic item of some kind, but arcane lore wasn't the party's strong suit, so the orrery was set aside while Caerhan investigated its provenance and history. The dwarf heard a few tales about devices that matched the relic's description. Though he never learned the full scope of its powers, rumors told of how those powers would increase if a magic orrery's missing components were collected and placed within it. Unfortunately, Caerhan also never learned about the curse the orrery carried- and his party paid the price. As an artifact, the Orreryofthe Wanderer comes with a random major detrimental property (see the "Artifacts" section in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). The specifics of that property when the orrery housing was found are l.eft up to you, but whatever it was (compulsion to evil for someone in the party, hostile life

MAP I•: CAMPAIGN AREA force. imprisoned death slaad, yadda yadda), Caerhan returned from a research trip to Candlekeep to find his fellow party members all dead. Recognizing too late that the orrery housing chan· neled dark power, the grieving Caerhan decided that the relic must be destroyed. However, its artifact-level magic made it seemingly impervious to harm. More research was undertaken with the help of Caerhan's goblin sidekick, Gorkoh. In the end, Caerhan concluded that the best place to ensure the orrery's end was a secret shrine to destruction beneath Waterdeep, rumored to be able to destroy even powerful magic relics. So the pair packed up and headed for the City of Splendors. The veteran dwarf adventurer located the under· ground tunnels leading to the shrine easily enough. He and Gorkoh braved those dangerous passages, but were separated during an encounter with a carrion crawler. Caerhan pressed on. But when he activated the shrine, he caused a minor earthquake that opened a sinkhole in Waterdeep's Dock Ward. and which cracked walls and sidewalks across the city. In the end, the orrery housing was too strong even for the destructive power of the shrine, and Caerhan died during his heroic attempt to rid the world of the dangerous device. Now, the orrery waits for someone else to take possession of it. As the characters will learn in time, the orrery and its components were intentionally scattered long ago. But the pieces of the orrery maintain a connection, and have been steadily making their way toward each other for years. With one piece permanently held by the orrery's creator in the Greypeak Mountains, the other components and the orrery housing have ended up scattered across the Sword Coast, falling into the hands of differ· ent adventuring groups. One of those groups is the evi l faction known as the Six, whose members have become aware of the orrery's existence- and have a full under· standing of its potential for destructive power. That power is described in the orrery write-up in appendix 0. As the characters are drawn into contact with the orrery, they discover that two of the artifact's components have been claimed by Acquisitions Incorporated franchises that have come under recent attack by unknown foes. The rival faction of Dran Enterprises becomes a prime suspect. with its agents found on the scene for both attacks. And all the while, the shadowy members of the Six pull together a tangled plot to gain comrol of the orrery to destroy Acquisitions Incorporated- and bring ruin to FaerOn. As the adventure unfolds, the cha racters travel hither and yon across the Sword Coast and the North, check· ing in on some classic adventure locations and exploring a number of brand-new sites. Map I. I shows the sites and locations featured in "The Orrery of the Wanderer." EPISODE 1: RIGHT PLACE, WRONG HEROES In episode 1 of the adventure, a case of mistaken iden· tity gives the characters a rare opportunity to make a name for themselves in Acquisitions Incorporated. Their assigned task is lo investigate a sinkhole fissure that CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY Of THE WANDERllR 81

LIFE IN WATERDEEP Before diving headlong into the events of "The Orrery of the Wanderer" campaign, you might wish to spend some time having the characters experience and explore the city ofWaterdeep. The adventure Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and the "Volo's Waterdeep Enchiridion" section of that book (available at the DMs Guild as a separate provide a ton of information about the City of Splendors. Additionally, you can make use of the fol lowing rumors that characters might hear on the streets or in the taverns of that great metropolis. Some of these rumors tie to the adventure, while the truth of others depends on your wishes for the campaign. Either way, feel free to use these rumors as inspiration for new encounters or side treks. Omin Oran is one of the fabled Masked Lords ofWa· terdeep. His presence on the council is the impetus for beneficial changes sweeping across the city. • Om in Oran is definitely not one of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep. The addition to the council of such a power-hungry and ruthless individual would spell the end of the rule oflaw in the City of Splendors. • The earthquake that hit the city two days ago wasn't natural. Strong magic unleashed underground caused it-maybe even magic from Undermountain. • Acquisitions Incorporated is making a play for control in the city, and the other power groups ofWaterdeep are not going to let that happen without a fight. The recent hostilities between groups such as the Xanathar Guild and the Zhentarim have been made even worse by the increasing sway of the company. • A noble merchant in the South Ward survived an assassination attempt last night. A female half-elf was seen Aeeing the scene, bearing a deep cut on her shoulder from a bodyguard's blade. A 50 gp bounty has been offered for bringing her in alive for questioning. • A killer is stalking the streets of the North Ward, murdering people in broad daylight. The victims' feet are chopped off, as if by a powerful blow with a sharp blade. Then they're decapitated. The heads are left behind, but the feet are taken! • The famous Waterdavian actor Tystanya Creed has not been seen since leaving the theatre after her last performance several days ago. Her adoring fans fear she is dead. • Towering forms in black cloaks have been seen around the City of the Dead at night. A number of witnesses swear that those cloaks and their deep hoods concealed skeletal forms. • A green dragon was spotted flying over the Sea of Swords just west of the city. The Blackstaff and her team are on high alert in case it ventures closer or harasses ships in the area. One of the great walking statues ofWaterdeep has been reported to be crying over the last three days. No one is sure about the cause of this watery discharge from the eyes, but some say it means the destruction of the City of Splendors is imminent! Others are certain it's a sign of great fortune on the horizon. Still others say it's just the humidity. Members of the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters are going on strike, leaving the streets ofWaterdeep dark and dangerous around the next new moon. The thieves and assassins of the city are already getting prepared for a night of carnage. CHAPTER 4 I TH F. ORRERY Of TH£ WANDER.ER S ure, I get it. Your first t ime meeting O m in O ran can be int imidating. But just remember, u nder all that a rmor is a m er c iless psychopath infused w ith the p ower of a god . -Jim D a rkmag ic opened up in Wa te rdeep after a small earthqua ke struc k the city- the side effect of Caerhan Coalsmith's fa iled attempt to destroy the Orrery of the Wanderer. If the characters can conclude the investigation s uccessfully, Acquisitio ns Incorporated CEO Omin Dran presents them w ith a u niq ue chance to rise within the ranks of the organizatio n. A DISORIENTING ORIENTATION The adventure begins w ith the characters seeking franchise opportunities or interns hips at the Waterdeep offices of Acquisitio ns Incorporated. All the characters should know the popula r tales of that well-known o rganization a nd mig ht have ties to Acq Inc (especia lly cha racters with one of the backg ro unds from c hapte r 3). For a ne rvously lo ng le ngth of time, the c ha racters a re kept wa iting in a confere nce room at Head Office. Read or para phrase the following to begin: Your inquiries into internships and franchise opportunities at Acquisitions Incorporated have gone even better than you'd hoped. Ridiculous rumors talk about how prospective interns of Acq Inc aren't always treated with respect, dignity, or care. Even more ridiculous tales of interns dying at an alarming rate are told throughout the city. Thankfully, you don't believe a word of any of that. So far, everyone at Head Office has treated you with kindness, and even a bit of deference. You were shown into this elegant conference room, given fine food and drink, and asked to wait to speak with none other than Om in Oran-founder and CEO of this august organization. Tf the cha racters a lready know each other, they were ushered into the conference room as a group. If they came to Head Office sepa rately, they were each broug ht in a lone and asked to wa it with the others, and have a chance to introduce themselves before Omin appears. It isn't long before the door to the conference room opens, and an intense-looking half-elf in plate armor enters. He wears a holy symbol ofTymora, the goddess of fortune, around his neck. It's Omin Oran! With no introduction, the CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated speaks. W hen visiting Head O ffice, never approach O m in d irectly . Use the proper forms and filing pro~ed res . After a brief fou r-month w a iting time, you ."'"II b~ granted a very generou s six_ty-second meeting. It ll be the best mi nute of you r life. - Walnut Dan kgr ass

"Thank you for answering my call so quickly. When the earthquake struck the city two days ago, damage was limited, but a sinkhole opened up a fissure beneath an abandoned warehouse in Dock Ward. Two City Watch guards entered the fissure to investigate, but never came out. They're now feared dead, and the City Watch has asked me to take over the investigation. But my schedule is complicated at the moment, so I'm delegating that job to you. As an experienced adventuring group, I have no doubt that you can handle the task." Before you have any chance to respond, Omin drops a hefty bag of coins onto the table. "The pay is 500 gold dragons for the group. with a 20 percent commission going to Acquisitions Incorporated as the broker. Go to the warehouse next to Jolly's Lamp Emporium down by the docks. Tell the City Watch guards stationed there that I sent you. Explore the fissure, learn the fate of the guards who went missing, and then come back to me with the signed City Watch papers confirming your com· pleted work." Then without another word, Omin Oran turns and leaves the room. Through a crazy and never-to-be-explained misunderstanding, Omin believes tbat the characters are a group of experienced adventurers that he put out a call for just the day before. If the characters attempt to correct this misunderstanding. he ignores them. The CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated has important business to deal with, and can't be bothered with such trifles. JIM DARKMAClC SETS THINGS STRAIGHT With absolutely no idea what they're meant to do or how they got into this position. the characters migbt try to seek out assistance before they leave Head Office. Or they might just wander around lost for a bit. Either way, Jim Darkmagic approaches the group with some words of ... well, let's call it wisdom. When it's time for Jim to make his appearance. read or paraphrase the following: A puff' of smoke erupts out of nowhere. As the haze dis· perses, a handsome figure steps forward. It's Jim Darkmagic of the New Hampshire Dark magics! Except he's wearing a set of glasses that he apparently thinks is an effective disguise as he bows before you. "I'm no one you know," he says. ''But I couldn't help but notice that you seem a little flustered. I believe Omin just offered you work. And I also have a feeling you might not be the adventurers he thinks you are." Jim Dark magic is ... uh Ii d uh ... hmm. Let me get b ... I ow o I put this? He's, ac <to you. - Omin Oran Jim looks around to make sure no one else is listening in, then leans forward to deliver a conspiratorial whisper. "You want my advice? Do the job. If you can pull it off, Omin will be so impressed that you'll have a leg up on everybody else trying to gain footing with the company. You've heard the phrase "opportunity knocks?" Well, opportunity is heading right at your door with a battering ram. Stand in that doorway, friends. Let opportunity smash its way in." Jim's reasons for interceding with the characters arc left to your determination. He might have intercepted the ex· perienced adventurers Om in called for. then sent them off on a secret personal mission on his own behalf. Or he might have accidentally set them on fire wben they arrived at Acquisitions Incorporated Head Office. Whatever the case. he needs the players' group to attempt Omin's mission. and he's keen to get them on their way. If the characters have any questions about the assignment, Jim can be the vessel through which you answer. Those who appear enthusiastic, appreciative, and deferential to Jim might even be gifted a spell scroll ofjim's magic missile. However, before an arcane caster can use the spell scroll or copy it into a spell book. they need to understand the new royalty component for spells. See "New Spells" in chapter 3 for more information. C: llAP1 ER 4 I THE OR RF RY OF THE WANDER l R

If the characters attempt to sort the case of mistaken identi1y out, Jim tells them Om in is unavailable. and concedes that they don't have to take the job. He points out that the characters are welcome to leave Acq Inc and never come back. But Omin might want to have words with them later about the dastardly way they misrepresented themselves. After finishing up at Acquisitions Incorporated Head Office, the adventurers can set off to perform their appointed mission. DocKWARD Omin's assignment takes the characters to Dock Ward in Waterdeep. a maze of seedy tenements, rough streets. and even rougher alleyways. If the characters have spent time in the city, they might have heard that much of this ward is set up as safe houses, meeting places, and fronts for a variety of criminal organizations, including the Xanathar Guild and the Zhentarim. None of these groups are particularly happy right now. since the sinkhole caused by the earthquake opened up smack dab in the middle of their territory. The sinkhole also brought the Waterdeep City Watch to the ward, a move welcomed by no one-least of all the members of the Watch, who must now stand guard over the site until it can be investigated and closed. A character whose background entails knowledge of the ward knows the general layout of its streets and alleys, but findingjolly's Lamp Emporium and the abandoned warehouse requires asking for directions at some point. Use the following encounters as a general setup. but you can add additional encounters as the characters make their way through the ward as you see fit. MAPS AND POSHUNS As the adventurers make their way through the streets of Dock Ward, they come upon an unlikely commercial venture. A ramshackle stall set up along the street bears a sign that reads: "Maps and Poshuns." Working the stall is a filthy but cheerful gnome urchin. Several pieces of parchment are on display in the stall, with six small ceramic pots placed next to them. The rapscallion isjerronimous "Jerr" Burntberry (CN male gnome commoner) who is quite a bit older than he looks. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check tips the characters off that the adult gnome is disguised to look like a youngster. jerr hopes to join the Zhentarim one day, but he needs a little more experience. In the meantime, he makes a living by scribbling on pieces of parchment he scrounges from garbage heaps, selling them as maps to unwitting fools searching for places in Dock Ward. He also collects fetid rainwater in small. red clay pots, which leach out just enough color that he can pass the water off as potions of healing. The potions have a faintly fruity aroma. A detect magic spell shows that they are indeed magical, though that magic is of the transmutation school rather than conC llAPT lR .J. I Tll E O RR ERY O J· llH. Wi\NUERFR juration. Each day, a kindly druid who 1hinksjerr is an honest soul gives the gnome a goodberry for his health. Rather than eat the berry.jerr crushes it up and adds a drop of juice to each pot. Jerr sells maps for 1 gp and the potions for 10 gp. He also tries to sell other useless or counterfeit objects at your discretion. If the adventurers askjerr lo be a guide, he happily takes the job for 1 gp. He then leads the characters straight into an ambush by a gang working for the Zhenlarim (see the "Skeleton Crew" encounter below). A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check is needed to see through the skilled lies of the gnome. If you wish.jerr can become a recurring character in the campaign. He might keep tabs on the characters as they grow famous. showing up in cities where they travel. trying to sell more useless goods, or eventually spying on them for the Zhentarim. Or if paid and treated well, he could become a valuable source of information for the characters when they need someone to infiltrate tough a reas. SKELETON CREW As the characters make their way farther into Dock Ward, they encounter street thugs growing increasing resentful of the presence of the City Watch. These thugs need to earn some quick coin. then lay low until the Watch leaves the ward. And mugging the next group of distracted strangers to wander down the wrong street seems like just the ticket. The four bandit members of the crew are run-of-themill criminals looking to get ahead in the world through treachery. Their leader,jelayne, was similar ... until she was killed a year before. Jelayne wasn't one to let death keep her down, however, and she continues to lead the group as an unusual skeleton with these changes: • She has Intelligence and Charisma scores of 14 (+2). • She can speak Common. Jelayne isn't aware that she's undead. Even though the last of her flesh is constantly sloughing off her, she dismisses that effect as "allergies." The rest of the crew don't know what to do, since j elayne has kept her intellect, knowledge, and personality. They have always followed her and done fine for themselves, so why let death interfere with a good thing? When the encounter begins, read: A fi gure stands in the alleyway, its luminous eyes glowing beneath a dark hood. As the hood is pulled away to reveal a skeletal face, the figure unexpectedly speaks. "Your money or your life!" The other members of the crew hide in adjacent alleyways or on the rooftop of a nearby building. They enter the fray if the characters don't surrender their valuables immediately. If the adventurers defeat the crew and study Jelayne, a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check confirms that she was raised as undead by a unique ritual that allowed her to keep her intellect and ability to speak. This has no bearing on the encounter,

but sets up the existence of such riruals as foreshadowing for later events. See the .. A Horse is a Corpse, of Course" section and "The Magic of Convenience'' sidebar in episode 2 for more information. Treasure. In her belt pouch, j elayne carries a potion of healing, I 0 gp, and the bones of four of her toes that have fallen off. She used to be really attached to them. THE MYSTIC Continuing on through Dock Ward. the characters catch unexpected sight of a kidnapping. An old male human hobbles up the street, his long staff bearing most of his weight. His wrinkled face tells a tale of many hard years lived in poverty. As he passes an alleyway entrance, he looks up at you and grins, revealing his last few remaining teeth. But even as he opens his mouth as if to speak, a pair of meaty gray arms emerge from the alley entrance and yank him into the darkness. The characters are 20 feet from the alley entrance when the old man- a seer named Kai Ruudheart (NG male human commoner)- is grabbed. The perpetrators are Big Gustava (NE female duergar) and her friend who goes by the name Devil Dog (CE female tiefling acolyte). The two arc street thieves trying to work their way up to larger scores. Devil Dog uses the acolyte stat block with these racial traits: She knows the thaumaturgy cant rip. and Charisma is her spellcasting ability for this spell. She has resistance to fire damage. She has dark vision out to a range of 60 feet. She speaks Common and Infernal. Big Gustava is the muscle of the duo. Devil Dog stays out of harm's way, fleeing quickly if it looks like the situation might turn dire. She saves her spells to aid her escape rather than using them offensively. The thugs grabbed Kai because they heard the old fool can predict the future. They don't want to hurt him. but simply hope to persuade him to help them make as much coin as possible with little risk. Questioning Kai. If the characters save Kai, he looks at them with the same grin. He doesn't express gratitude. though, because his mind wanders through a different level of existence, as is the case for many mystics, celebrities, and financial planners. He laughs when asked a question. He answers questions that no one asked. He nods but says no, or vice versa, even when he has no reason to do so. However. when the second sight grips him. all that changes. Kai's eyes come into focus and he becomes as sober as a priest of II mater at sunup. "Their plans are afoot," he whispers. "Their staff are ready. Their balance sheets are totaled, and that total is grim. They mean to bring the end of all things! You must seek the magic! Only you can stop them! Only you! You ... are who again, sorry?" After this suitably dramatic and stylishly vague telegraphing of the adventure's archplot. Kai reverts to his normal abnormal state of mind for good. Treasure. Gustava wears a set of stylish silver earrings worth 40 gp. Devil Dog carries nothing of value, but in exchange for her life, she promises to take her captors back to her apartment. where she says she keeps her money. Instead of doing so, however, she leads the characters on a merry walk through the worst parts of Dock Ward , where she knows six bandits who will attack them and allow her to flee. WAREHOUSE ENVIRONS Eventually, the characters spot the sign for Jolly's Lamp Emporium. Read the following as they move toward their goal: Jolly's Lamp Emporium is an unassuming, ramshackle shop in the midst of other unassuming. ramshackle shops-including the collapsed warehouse next door. People in nearby shops and apartments peer warily through their shutters as you approach. Next to the warehouse, three members of the Waterdeep City Watch stand guard. No one else is on the street, except a seem· ingly inebriated halfling who stumbles toward you. G RAY H AN DS SPY The stumbling figure is Otis Adalgrim (NG male halfling spy). Otis works for the Gray Hands- members of the City Watch or the City Guard invited to join a special security force working directly for Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff ofWaterdeep. The Blackstaff fears that some evil faction might have been involved in the earthquake, and she has tasked Otis with watching the area in disguise to see who comes to investigate. Otis pretends to ignore the group, although he makes note of their presence as he staggers by. Any character who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check gets the feeling that the halfting is only acting the part of a drunken passerby. If confronted. Otis does his best to maintain the facade. He moves away from the adventurers as quickly as possible. but he circles back to watch them as they interact with the City Watch and enter the sinkhole fissure. Otis can be used as a wild card later in this episode of the adventure. For example, if the characters are faring poorly during the encounters under the warehouse. the halfling could follow and intervene on their behalf, healing unconscious party members or dragging them away from danger. Later in the campaign, Otis might act as a recurring NPC who crosses paths with the characters while they're in Waterdeep, making sure they have information they need and don't run afoul of the law. T HE CrTY WATCH The three members of the City Watch standing guard at the collapsed warehouse make sure no unauthorized APTER·~ I THf ORRfRY OJ 1 HE WANDER!!R

86 people enter the area. At the same time, they ensure that nothing terrible escapes from the fissure into the city. The leader of the trio is Captain Mergen Truff (NG female elf veteran), a laconic figure who would rather be doing "real work" than standing here warning off vagrants too foolish to avoid falling into a massive hole in the ground. Her companions are Orvis Torval (N male firbolg guard) and Rosko Bosh (N male haltling guard). Orvis and Rosko are new constables, not the sharpest swords in the armory, and as lazy as wizards who've used all their spell slots. Local thieves pay them to look the other way when ordered to do so, which becomes important later in the episode. When the characters approach, Captain Truff steps forward, tells them that the area is off-limits, and orders them to move a long. When the characters get across the purpose of their presence (most easily by stating that Omin Dran sent them). Truff is clearly relieved, though still not entirely fri endly. The captain sighs. "Took you long enough," she says. "So let's get this done so we can get on with our lives." She pulls a scroll from a leather pack and squints at its barely legible writing. "So which one of you is Ozgood the Ugly? I need you to sign before you go in. Nothing but paperwork and signatures since the newest Masked Lords got seated on the council, but what can you do?" MER GEN TR UF'F', ORVIS T ORVl\L, /\NO ROSKO BOSH CH APTER 4 1 THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER What Was Your Name Again? Captain Truff's scroll contains the names of the members of the adventuring party that Omin Oran thought he hired to do this job. The number of names conveniently matches the number of characters, and can include any of the following: Ozgood the Ugly Carlot "Squeaky" Wicke! "Great Maul" McTickleton • Lord Pompy Fuggelstruck • Squinty Pip • Mad Haddey Flagon Fippance Gibberjaw To gain access to the warehouse and the sinkhole fissure, the characters must pretend to be the named adventurers. Assume that the City Watch members know the names and reputations of some of the adventurers on the list, but have never met them in person. If a character pretends to be Lord Pompy Fuggelstruck and speaks to the guards, Captain Truff might think it odd that they aren't speaking with Fuggelstruck's wellknown lisp, or predilection for using rhyming couplets, or what have you. You can let roleplaying determine the outcome, or call for DC 10 Charisma (Deception) checks for the characters to pass off any outright lies. Captain Truff is eager to get someone- anyone- to investigate the fissure as soon as possible, allowing her to go back to her normal duties. Even if she becomes suspicious that the characters aren't the adventurers named on the scroll, as long as someone signs as Ozgood, she's content to allow them to investigate. Useful Information. Once the characters' identHies are "confirmed," they might have some questions for the guards. Use the following points to steer the conversation-and make sure to work in the first three points as a warning from the guards, even if the players fail to seek more information: • The fissure opened beneath the warehouse during the earthquake two days ago. The partially collapsed building has been deemed structurally sound, so it shouldn't fall into the fissure unless someone inside does something fool ish, such as knock down a support beam or bang against the remaining walls. • The fissure has exposed access to a number of mysterious tunnels beneath the warehouse. It's not known how long the tunnels have been there, who created them, or what might be lurking within. The contract the characters sign is fulfilled only if they investigate and clear every tunnel the fissure exposed. After they finish, a city surveyor will be assigned to map the area, and an engineer needs to assess the integrity of the tunnels to ensure that no further collapses are imminent. If either professional is injured or killed because of negligence on the part of the adventurers, the party and Acquisitions Incorporated can be held liable. Two members of the City Watch-Sergeant Ava Teeshe and Constable Yander Boot-descended into the fissure a day earlier to make sure it held nothing dangerous. From the bottom of the sinkhole, they followed an underground passage north. They haven't been seen or heard from since.

Sergeant Teeshe is a tall, strapping female human who has seen her share of scuffles and doesn't back down from a fight. If something took her out, it must be powerful. • By contrast, Constable Boot is a runty male human, and infamous for his cowardice. However. anything that caught him while he tried to flee must be fast. The three guards have been ordered to remain on site until the exploration of the fissure is complete. Captain Truff is clear in articulating her hopes that the adventurers can wrap up the investigation quickly. Every second she spends in this unruly section of Dock Ward grates on her nerves. jOLLY'S LAMP EMPORIUM If the characters enter this shop at any point during their time around the warehouse, they find the short, rotund proprietor standing behind a rough-hewn counter. Jolly (NE male half-ore thug) maintains this business as a front for the Xanathar Guild. The number of lamps in the so-called Lamp Emporium totals exactly six. From the looks of those wares, it's not clear that any of the lamps actually work. Stolen coins, valuables, and other black-market goods are stored in a secret room in the back until they are ready to be sold. Guild members use the shop's other back rooms to hide from the authorities or plan jobs. At the moment, the only person in the building other than Jolly is a Xanathar Guild agent who goes by the moniker Feather ( E female half-elf assassin). Feather is lying low after a failed assassination attempt in the South Ward the previous night (see the "Life in Waterdeep" sidebar earlier in this episode). and pretends to beJolly's assistant. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine or Perception) check allows a character to notice that Feather moves stiffly, as if her shoulder is badly injured. Jolly does his best to get the adventurers out of his shop as quickly as possible. If asked about the earth· quake or the fissure beneath the warehouse next door, he says only that he heard the ground shake and felt the warehouse cave in. If lhe adventurers threaten force and succeed on a DC 10 Charisma (I ntimidation) check, they can convince Jolly to give up the one useful piece of information he knows. The tunnels beneath the warehouse were used by thieves at one time, but they were abandoned because of unknown dangers that came up from the darkness below.Jolly has no idea what those dangers might be. THE F ISSU RE When the fissure opened up at the bottom of the sinkhole, it exposed a number of tunnels used for a variety of purposes and by a multitude of people over the years. The first of the tunnels beneath the warehouse were dug as smugglers' byways. Later. worshipers ofThat-WhichEndures (see the sidebar in the "New Race: Verdan" section in chapter 3) excavated chambers beneath the ground to hold clandestine meetings and worship at a secret shrine of destruction. Various thieves' guilds employed the tunnels to move from place to place secretly. Renegade wizards did terrible experiments there. At one point, part of the Waterdeep sewer system crossed into the tunnel network. ot long after. the subterranean spaces were abandoned. As a result of the earthquake, many of the tunnel system's side passages have been blocked by rubble. The limited zone that is sti ll traversable leads the characters from the fissure to the lost shrine of destruction- and through a number of dangerous areas in between. When the adventurers enter the warehouse, read: In the areas where the walls and ceiling didn't collapse, this warehouse contains no crates, no boxes, no barrels, and no wares of any other kind. Directly in front of the missing door, the walls, ceiling, and floor have fallen away to reveal a deep sinkhole fissure. Inside the ruin, a hempen rope anchored firmly in the rubble dangles down into the darkness. The tear in the earth descends at an angle, making it impossible to see how far down it goes or what waits at the bottom. Descending into the fissure is easily done by characters using che rope, but requires a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check by anyone climbing down the rough stone walls. On a failed check, a character tumbles down the sloping fissure and takes 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage. Maps 1.2 and 1.3 show the layout of the caverns and chambers beneath the fissure. CHAPTF.R 4 I Tile ORRERY OF T H E WANDERER

88 Area 1: Rats Area 3: Traps • MAP 1. 2. AREAS'· 2, 3, ANO 5 I. RATS When the first character reaches the bottom of the sinkhole, read: The sinkhole fissure ends at a level floor of worked stone. Dust, debris, rocks, and pieces of wood that once made up the walls and ceiling of the warehouse above are spread across the floor. An underground passage is blocked to the south, but it continues into darkness to the north. Two pairs of human-sized boot prints, easily spotted in the dust, head northward. Smaller fissures, holes, and cracks riddle the passage, though even a halfling would find the largest of them a tight fit. The floor of the corridor is difficult terrain for 20 feet around the point where the characters descend. Creatures. After the first character has been at the bottom of the fissure for 2 rounds, a group of six giant rats notices the potential feast. Any character at the bottom of the fissure who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear the approaching rats, and isn't surprised when three rats emerge from cracks in the walls and attack. Three more rats arrive and attack 1 round later. All the rats are dyed a bright green from trap C in area 3. Treasure. When the final rat dies, it coughs up a humanoid finger bearing a platinum ring worth 20 gp. CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER Etched inside the ring is the name "Burton Boot." The ring belonged to the father ofYander Boot, the deceased constable of the Watch, and was bitten off by the rat after Boot was ki lled (see area 5). 2. TRIALS The earthquake sealed many of the passages that once made up this underground maze. As the characters explore, they pass through worked tunnels, natural caverns. and functional sewers at different points. Most side passages are blocked by rubble, making the path of the two Waterdeep City Watch guards easy to follow. The next area of interest on the adventurers' journey is a chamber that the followers of That-Which-Endures once used as a testing ground for new recruits. This rectangular chamber shows no earthquake damage, possibly because of the buttresses and columns supporting the walls and ceiling. Four pools of liquid are set into the floor-one blue, another green, a third clear, and the last cloudy. Carvings on the walls seemingly depict the pools, and show robed figures submerging themselves within. At the far end of the chamber stands a double door with a large, ornately carved lock. The pools represent the trials the characters must undertake to pass the test of That-Which-Endures. Each pool is 10 feet deep and has sheer sides. To trigger the

effects of a pool, a creature must completely submerge itself in its liquid. The pools and the double door radiate transmutation to a detect magic spell or similar effect. Double Doors. The lock on the double doors opens with a key granted by passing the trials of the pools (see below). If the characters have that key, they can open the doors without consequences. Opening the lock without the key requires a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. Any unsuccessful attempt to pick the lock triggers a trap (see below). The door cannot be broken down or otherwise smashed, and attempting to do so triggers the trap. A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a character to spot faint runes etched among the ornate carvings on the lock. A subsequent DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check to study the runes reveals that they can emit a wave of transmutation magic throughout the room. Blue Pool. A character fully submerged in the blue pool must make a DC 10 Charisma saving throw as images of horror overwhelm their mind. On a failure, the character has visions of terrible calamities such as rotting flesh, crumbling edifices. and political speeches. This trauma imposes disadvantage on initiative rolls. On a successful save. these visions put the character on edge. granting advantage on initiative rolls. Either effect lasts until the end of the character's next long rest. Green Pool. A character fully submerged in this pool must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw as poison courses into their body. On a fai lure, the character takes 5(ld10) poison damage and gains vulnerability to poison damage. On a successful save, the character takes no damage and gains resistance lo poison damage. Either effect lasts until the end of the character's next long rest. Clear Pool. A character fully submerged in this pool must make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw as the infinite possibilities of the multiverse seep into their brain. On a failure. overwhelming theoretical possibilities impose one level of exhaustion on the character. On a successful save, the character gains a clarity of mind that grants advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks and saving throws. Either effect lasts until the end of the character's next long rest. Cloudy Pool. A character fully submerged in this pool must make a DC 10 Wisdom check to endure the intense itching caused by the acid that fills it. On a failure, the character takes 5 (ldlO) acid damage and gains vulnerability to acid damage. On a successful save. the character takes no damage and gains resistance to acid damage. Either effect lasts until the end of the character's next long rest. Entropy's Parting Gift. If the same character is submerged in all four pools, that character receives the blessing of That-Which-Endures. This blessing comes in handy later in area 7. Key. To make the key appear, one or more characters must enter all four pools. whether the outcome is good or bad. When a character is submerged in the last pool, a silver key studded with polished red garnets appears in midair in the center of the room. Door Trap. Any creature in the room when the trap on the double doors triggers must make a DC 10 RESTING No pressing matters force the characters to complete their investigation quickly. This episode is for 1st-level adven· turers, and the characters are at their most vulnerable at this level. As such, it's important to allow them to take rests. However, if the players become overly cautious and attempt to take a long rest after every encounter, have wandering monsters interrupt their attempts to sleep. Any low-challenge cavern-dwelling beasts are perfect for prod· ding the adventurers along. Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature is transformed into a poisonous snake for ld4 rounds. as if affected by the polymorph spell. The snakes are com· pelled to attack any other creatures in the room. Treasure. In addition to opening the door, the key is worth 25 gp. 3. TRAPS This part of the underground complex contains a number of traps installed by the previous occupants. The traps were set up to scare people away rather than kill them. Mostly. When the characters enter this area, read: As the passage runs east, it widens to thirty feet for the next ninety feet. At the far end of the area, the chamber narrows to ten feet again, with an ornate double door sealing it off Four different traps protect this room. with each of their areas of effect marked on the map. The magic of traps A and C can be dispelled. or can be suppressed for 1 minute with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Trap A. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check, a character notices that the floor in this area shows signs of charring that obscures faint runes. A wea k fire trap triggers if any creature enters the area, which radiates evocation to a detect magic spell or similar effect. Each creature in the area when the trap triggers takes 2 (ld4) fire damage. Trap B. This pit trap triggers when weight is put on it. Locating the trap requires a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check, but the check is made with disadvantage unless the creature making it is within 5 feet of the trap. When the pit opens, the triggering creature drops into a 10-footdeep pit and takes 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage. The lid remains open, and the pit begins filling with water flowing up from grates in the floor along with small, glowing blue fish. These are harmless glowing cave fish, but it takes a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check to recognize that. The fish immediately start to bite any exposed skin of a creature in the water. but the result is only healthful exfoliation. With a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. a character can climb the rough walls of the pit, or can stay floating while the pit fills and eventually clamber out. CHAPTER 4 I ll~ O RRFRY OF T H E WANDERER

Trap C. Nearly invisible runes cover the floor in this area. The runes radiate conjuration to a detect magic spell or similar effect, or can be detected with a successful DC 15 lntelligence {Investigation) check. When a creature steps into the area, the runes conjure up a swirling cloud of green dye that covers each creature in the area that fails a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. The magical dye is nontoxic, cruelty free, pet safe, and hypoallergenic. It vanishes if an affected creature is targeted by dispel magic. Otherwise, it takes ld4 months to fade, even with constant scrubbing. Additionally, any savvy thief operating in the civilized settlements of the Sword Coast recognizes that a character covered in this dye fell victim to a trap. Those thieves might target such characters as easy marks in future adventures. Trap D. The area of trap D appears as normal stone, and its trigger is contained in the double door. It takes a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize subtle details in the stonework revealing the trap's area. When any creature touches the double doors, includ· ing to pick the lock, each creature standing in area D must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be teleported to the mummy chamber (see below). Double Doors. The ornate double doors here are locked, and are the trigger for trap D. They radiate conjuration to a detect magic spell or similar effect. Opening the doors requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. The doors can also be smashed open with a successful DC 16 Strength (Ath· letics) check. or broken down with attacks {AC 10. 30 hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage). Mummy Chamber. When the characters can see the chamber beyond the double doors, read: Slabs set along the walls of this stone chamber hold human-sized bodies wrapped from head to toe in strips of off-white cloth. Even as the doors open, these wrapped bodies begin to rise. The cloth-wrapped bodies that first rise off the slabs and lurch toward the characters are four zombies. But any creatures teleportcd by the double doors are also in this chamber. having been magically wrapped in cloth and temporarily paralyzed. When the doors are opened, each paralyzed creature must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature can act freely. It takes an action for a creature to tear away the cloth wrappings on itself or another creature. On a failed save. the creature is no longer paralyzed but is compelled to rise along with the zombies and move toward the doors. Characters caught by this compulsion are indistinguishable from the zombies, though they aren't forced to attack. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the creature shambles around for I minute. Treasure. Each of the zombies wears a silver necklace worth 10 gp. Resting on one of the slabs is a potion of healing and a spell scroll of bless. C H APT FR 4 I T H F ORRERY OF T l! t:: WAN DERER 4. T'uNNELS An extensive tunnel system beyond the trap room does not appear on the map. This area is a complex maze of passages crisscrossing each other, collapsed tunnels forcing the characters to take side passages. weak areas exposed by the earthquake and threatening to collapse. and so on. To successfully navigate this area, the characters must tread carefully. look for signs of previous passage and structural weakness, dodge falling rocks, and use their wits. Picking Up the Trail. The characters· first task is to stay on the trail left by Sergeant Teeshe and Constable Boot. Doing so requires one character to succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a successful check, the characters remain safely on the trail. On a failed check, they veer off the trail at one point into an unsafe passage weakened by the earthquake. Each character must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (ld8) bludgeoning damage from falling rocks. Clearing a Path. The trail leads to an area where a cave-in occurred sometime after Teeshe and Boot passed through. To clear the cave-in, the characters work together to move the debris and secure the passage. This task involves a group ability check in which the characters can use different ability checks and skills to represent different tasks. Moving debris requires a DC 10 Strength {Athletics) check. Shoring up the passage requires a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check. The passage is cleared regardless of the result of the group check. but if more than half the characters fail the group check, each character suffers one level of exhaustion in the process. Blood Weeds. A circular passage is overgrown with vines emerging from the walls, floor. and ceiling. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check recognizes the vines as blood weeds- a carnivorous plant that feeds on creatures by draining blood with its thorns. To pass through the area, each character must succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), or Wisdom (Survival) check to avoid the vines. Too many vines choke the passage for the characters to attack them effectively with weapons. However, damaging the vines with fire or cold damage from a spell of 1st level or higher gives creatures moving up the tunnel advantage on their ability checks. Each creature that fails the check takes 3 (ld6) necrotic damage from the blood-draining thorns. Obligatory Acid Pit. The final passageway of the maze contains a pit trap filled with weak acid and floating bones. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 lntelligence {Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check notices the hinged floor. With a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools, a character can disable the trap by using shims to jam the top closed. If the check fails, the character thinks the trap was deactivated even though it wasn't. If the trap is triggered, the first character stepping onto it falls into the acid-filled pit. Any creature that enters the pit for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there takes 2 {ld4) acid damage. Climbing out of the rough-sided pit is a trivial task.

5. DEATH The next chamber contains the body of Constable Yander Boot. Caught in a web when fleeing from a giant spider, Boot succumbed to the spider's poison. His corpse now hangs suspended from the ceiling, wrapped in webs. When the characters enter the chamber. read: The passage expands into a natural cavern whose ceiling is obscured by thick, dusty webs. Five web cocoons hang down from the larger mass, their bottoms dangling ten feet above the cavern floor. Two cocoons-one larger and one smaller-have a suspiciously humanoid shape. Creature. The giant spider hides in a dust-filled depression in the floor. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check spots the arachnid before it springs from its hiding place to attack. Any characters who are focused on the webs above them have disadvantage on the check. Those who fail the check are surprised. The giant spider initially favors its web attack. hoping to restrain a couple of characters before it starts biting. If reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, the spider retreats into a nearby narrow fissure. However, it attacks again when the characters come back through this area. Treasure. If the characters cut down the web cocoons, they find the corpses of three giant rats. Constable Boot, and a kobold explorer. The kobold has a vial of acid, a Rask of alchemist's fire. and a vial of antitoxin. The deceased Boot has a Rask of holy water and a potion of healing. 6. GOBLIN When Caerhan Coalsmith ventured into these caverns, his goblin sidekick Gorkoh (N male goblin) came with him. Caerhan and the other members of his adventuring party had spared Gorkoh's life a few months back when they cleared out a temple to Maglubiyet. the chief of the goblin gods. Caerhan saw potential for the goblin to become a productive member of society, so he became a friend and mentor to Gorkoh, and encouraged him to learn about magic. Caerhan has also encouraged Gorkoh to expand his Common vocabulary, with inconsistent results. Since becoming separated from Caerhan during a carrion crawler attack, Gorkoh has hidden here waiting for his mentor to return. He is starting to fear (rightfully) that Caerhan is dead, however, and if the characters treat him kindly. he might be convinced to join them. Gorkoh carries standard goblin weapons, plus three potions of healing and a spell scroll of fog cloud that Caerhan gave him for safekeeping and study. When the characters enter this chamber, read: The passage widens into a natural cavern dotted with sta· lactites and stalagmites. It continues on to the northeast, but the uneven walls make it hard to see into that section-even as heap of bones and gear is plainly visible. Gorkoh hides behind one of the smaller stalagmites in the southeast section of the cavern. Any character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check spots him hiding there. A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that the goblin is watch· ing the group with trepidation. If the characters let Gorkoh know they see him. he quickly steps forth. The goblin emerges from behind a stalagmite and brandishes a gnarled piece of bleached wood. "I am a power· ful wizard. My wand annihilates all those who make me uptight. Go away. leave Gorkoh alone, and there's no annihilate. Gorkoh is merciful." He thrusts his wand several times in your direction. Gorkoh continues to bluff, pretending his gnarled stick of polished driftwood is a magic wand. A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that Gorkoh is bluffing. ff the check succeeds by 5 or more. the character can intuit that Gorkoh is terrified. If anyone makes even the slightest effort to reassure Gorkoh that they have no plans to hurt him, the goblin relaxes. C HA PTE R 4- I T l-IF ORJU: RY O F THE WANDERl'..R

If the characters engage Gorkoh in conversation, he tells of how he and Caerhan came to these caverns in search of a lost shrine, and how Caerhan's goal was to destroy some old magic relic. Regarding the relic, Gorkoh knows only that it's "some broken clock thing," and that it was responsible for killing the other members of Caerhan's party. He tells of how the two became separated during a carrion crawler attack in the cavern just beyond this one. Caerhan must have escaped deeper into the tunnels, but Gorkoh wasn't willing to risk facing the monster to follow. Tf on friendly terms with the characters (or if he needs to offer up information to save his skin), Gorkoh can offer advice on the best way to deal with the carrion crawler, pointing out a fragile and sharp stalactite cluster at a narrow point leading into the next cavern. If the characters lure the creature under the cluster, they might be able to think of some way to drop the sharp rocks on the crawler. If the characters try to hurt or intimidate Gorkoh, he attempts to send them into the carrion crawler's domain unprepared, hoping that the monster takes care of them. Creature. The carrion crawler waits in the next area, resting after taking a beating from Caerhan. The creature has only 20 hit points remaining, but it's hungry and angry. It attacks if any character enters the next cavern, and pursues characters who flee in any direction. Weak Ceiling. The sharp stalactites in the passage between the two chambers were weakened by the earthquake. A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) or Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check can spot the danger zone if Gorkoh didn't tell the group about it. As an action, a character can strike the ceiling with a weapon or an appropriate tool, or with a spell that deals force or thunder damage. Doing so brings down the ceiling in a 10-foot-by-10-foot a rea. Any creature caught in the shower of razor-sharp stones must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Treasure. The bones and gear to the northeast are the remains of a group of adventu rers who fell victim to the carrion crawler months ago. A backpack and a belt pouch hold 47 gp and a large polished red garnet worth 50 gp. Sticking out of the pile of bones is a +l longsword. The hilt of the sword is fashioned like a skeletal hand, and a skull-and-bones motif is prominent in the design of the weapon. Gorkoh's Future. Provided the characters treat Gorkoh well, he's willing to serve the group as a hireling. In return for food and lodging, he becomes a reliable and enterprising employee. On the other hand, if the characters mistreat him or regularly put him in danger, Gorkoh abandons them. If that happens, another goblin named Splugoth the Returned approaches Gorkoh with alternative employment. Gorkoh can show up later in the adventure as a servant of the Six, having gained new powers and seeking vengeance on those who mistreated him. See "Factions and Rivals" in chapter 3 for more information on the Six, and appendix B for more information on Splugoth. CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER 7. STOMP When the characters can see into this chamber, read: This enormous chamber is roughly circular with a high ceiling. A huge granite block is suspended near the ceiling in the center of the room, carved into the rough shape of what looks like a giant foot. Runes scribed into the north and south walls of the chamber create the outline image of a bare footprint. Scattered about the room are hundreds of rotting severed feet from countless types of humanoids. All the feet are bare. Despite the horrid wounds that severed the feet, you see no blood anywhere. Creatures. Ten of the feet in the room are stomping feet, the lesser known and smellier cousins to the crawling claw. A stomping foot uses the crawling claw stat block with these changes: Its speed is 30 feet and it has no climbing speed. Its claw attack becomes a stomp attack that deals bludgeoning damage. When any creature reaches the center of the room, the feet attack.

Area 7: Stomp Area 8: Tentacle-· Area 6: Goblin Foot Runes @= Stalagmire Area 10: Corporal Teeshe Altar Shrine of Destruction Area 9: Dragon Rubble 1 square = 5 feet MAP '-3! AREAS G - 10 The Big Foot. When the stomping feet attack, the suspended granite block activates, then acts on initiative count 0 each round. This magical hazard was created to crash down upon those who lack devotion to ThatWhich-Endures. As such, the Big Foot ignores any creature that gained the blessing of That-Which-Endures by submerging in all four pools in area 2. It targets one random creature each round, which must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage. The Big Foot ceases attacking if all the stomping feet are slain. The rune-graven footprints on the north and south walls power the magic of the Big Foot. A character can deactivate the magic of the runes by standing within 5 feet of a footprint and using an action to succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check. Alternatively. a character who places their own bare foot on the wall inside the rune-marked footprint automatically succeeds at deactivating those runes. Deactivating both footprints halts the Big Foot's attacks. Development. A murderer in Waterdeep has been killing people, taking their feet, and placing them on an altar hidden in the city as a sacrifice to That-Which-Endures. (A hint of the killings is noted in the "Life in Waterdeep" sidebar earlier in this episode.) Any feet placed on the altar teleport to this room. By placing clues on the feet that lead to the murderer, you can create a side trek mystery for the characters. You can also have two more feet suddenly appear in midair near the ceiling, then drop into the room as the adventurers fight. 8. TENTACLE When the characters investigate this chamber, read: The tunnel opens into a round room. Dirty brown water-sewage, judging by the smell-streams from pipes in the ceiling into a massive cesspool at the center of the room. A ten-foot-wide walkway skirts the pool, leading to a passageway on the other side. Cesspool. Untold numbers of sewer pipes from the city empty their waste here. The first 10 feet of the cesspool are only 3 feet deep, but the inner area is 10 feet deep. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recalls this bizarre cesspool as the experiment of an ambitious Masked Lord of Waterdeep from decades ago. After locating a gate to a demiplane of filth, the Masked Lord attempted to build a sewer system that could empty the city's waste into that plane. It worked well, and plans were made to expand the sewer system beyond the prototype. But then creatures native to the plane of filth came through the gate in the wrong direction. After hiring mercenaries to d rive the creatures back, the city rulers abandoned the plan, and the gate was sealed. Or at least that's what everyone thought. A character who succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana, Nature, or Religion) check can sense that planar magic still fi lls CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER 9'{

this area. The stones of the cesspool likewise radiate conjuration to a detect magic spell or similar effect. Creature. A massive creature on the demiplane of fi lth has reached a long tentacle through the weak planar barrier here. The creature's tremorsense allows it to detect the presence of creatures in this room. at which point it attacks. Each character must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice ripples on the cesspool before the tentacle emerges. If the characters know the room's story or sensed the magic here, they have advantage on the check. The tentacle surprises anyone who fails the check. The enormous tentacle uses the stat block of a giant constrictor snake with these changes: It can reach anywhere inside this room. • It has no bite attack. A creature grappled by the tentacle is pulled immediately into the 3-foot-deep section of the cesspool. On the next round, if the creature is still grappled, the tentacle pulls it into the 10-foot-deep section and under the sewage. There, the tentacle has three-quarters cover, and the creature can't breathe. A creature that falls unconscious while grappled beneath the sewage is pulled through the planar rupture into the filth plane, to be devoured and lost forever. Or. in grand Acquisitions Incorporated fashion. a character so destroyed might return later as a vile creature bent on revenge against its former party members. C llA l'l l:tR 4 I T H F. O RRFRY OF T llE WANDERFR 9. DRAGON A wyrmling brass dragon wound up in this cavern after a green dragon chased it away from its territory. (This is the green dragon mentioned in the ~Life in Waterdeep" sidebar.) The wyrmling, which calls itself Oabshabah, entered a sea cave near Waterdeep that contained a passage leading to this complex of tunnels and caverns. She was hiding when the earthquake struck. and was trapped beneath fallen rubble. When the characters enter the chamber from the south. Dabshabah is fending off a pair of darkmantles, so they can hear the fight before they see it. A small, brass-colored dragon thrashes madly at the far end of the cavern, trapped beneath two large boulders that block a northern tunnel. Two dark creatures resembling flying squids dart just out of the little dragon's reach, harassing it. Another northern tunnel is also blocked with rubble. Only a tunnel to the east stands clear of debris. Creatures. The two darkmantles understand that the dragon is doomed to eventually die of its wounds, and that they can have an easy meal in a few hours if they bide their time. They are thus staying out of the dragon's reach. Dabshabah can't use her breath weapon against the darkmantles because the weight of the boulders makes it hard for her to breathe. When the characters engage the darkmantles, the monsters ignore the dragon to focus on the new threat. Both creatures fight to the death. Aftermath. If the characters defeat the dark mantles, Dabshabah (a brass dragon wyrmling) is thankful. If they use magic to heal the wounds she suffered during the ear thquake, she is even more grateful. However, she expresses that gratitude with an in Hated sense of her importance in the world. Remember that dragons aren·t like people. Even the good ones can be haughty. proud, entitled, demanding. self-involved, and prone to violence. (Okay, maybe they are like people.) Dabshabah is less than a year old, and she shares the story of how a green dragon attacked her and her siblings, driving her away from her mother's territory and down the Sword Coast. She can also contirm that she saw an armed and armored female human- Sergeant Ava Teeshe-pass through this chamber and head east some hours ago. Dabshabah kept silent, fearing the human would slay her. Ahghairon's Dragonward. Waterdeep is protected by a magical ward that keeps dragons from entering the city. The ward doesn't reach this far below ground, so Dabshabah is safe here. However, if the characters attempt to bring her out of the fissure, she can't follow them. The dragon whines and sobs when it becomes r-::ge capital assets suchd ~: ~::::;~:.'.·~: r~~:~d investment. But you e~ th original cost minus them on your balances eel al . e nt or . . d e to the minor d1smernberme deprec1at 1on u . . ff . I mption ol sta · occas1ona consu -Iv\org<l'!n

A POWERFUL PET It might be fun to run Dabshabah as an NPC member of the party for a bit. However, any dragon-even a chaotic good wyrmling--<:an be tough to manage. Townsfolk are likely to be terrified at the prospect of a dragon coming into their shops and taverns. Moreover, caring for Dabshabah to her own high standards, including meeting her needs for sustenance and treasure, is equivalent to maintaining a character in a wealthy lifestyle. That said, having Dabshabah stay with the party for a short time, then take off on her own to learn the business of being a dragon, could provide a bit of poignant narrative in your campaign. Much later on, if the characters are ever facing long odds in an important battle, Dabshabah might swoop down from the sky to return the favor the heroes once did for her. clear that the characters must leave her behind. Arranging to meet somewhere outside the city quiets her, but Dabshabah demands assurances that the party won't abandon her. 10. SHRINE OF DESTRUCTION In this final area of the caverns, the characters discover the missing City Watch guard, the dead dwarf who caused all this mess- and a magical mystery that kicks off the rest of the adventure. When the characters enter this area. read: This crumbling chamber is dominated by an altar against the far wall, above which hangs some kind of construct gearwork mechanism ending in a massive maul. The wall to the left of the altar has fallen in to spread rubble across the floor. On the floor near the altar is a golden device resembling an orrery housing. The device is battered and falling apart, revealing exposed gears and spokes, and with its exterior pieces and plating scattered across the floor. Splayed on the ground next to the device is the corpse of a dwarf. In the southwest corner of the room stands a muscular female human dressed in the livery of the Waterdeep City Watch. Her eyes are closed, and she breathes deeply as though resting. The dead dwarf is Caerhan Coalsmith. Sergeant Teeshe stands in the corner. The magical housing of the Orrery of the Wanderer sits before the altar. Creatures. Teeshe touched the altar when she first entered this area, and a spirit loyal to That-Which-Endures possessed her (see below). If the adventurers touch or disturb anything in this chamber (including the altar, the gearwork maul, or Teeshe herself), the spirit controlling Sergeant Teeshe forces her to attack. Use the thug stat block for her in this state. Entropy Guardian. The gearwork device above the altar is called an entropy guardian, and it animates 1 round after Teeshe attacks. The entropy guardian's expanding clockwork arms allow it to attack anywhere in the room, but it cannot attack beyond it. On initiative count 10, it makes two attacks per round: +4 to hit, 7 (ld8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The damaged entropy guardian is a Huge object with AC 18. 32 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. It focuses its attacks on intruders within 5 feet of the altar, anyone fighting with Sergeant Teeshe, and anyone holding the orrery housing (which its magic recognizes as an ongoing threat). Altar. The altar is made of granite and covered in runes. It accepts offerings by destroying them with the attacks of the entropy guardian, representing the entropic power of That-Which-Endures. However, the ancient altar malfunctioned when Caerhan set the orrery housing on it- or perhaps the orrery channeled its own powerful magic to destroy the altar in self-defense. Either way, that pulse of power caused the earthquake, and saw the entropy guardian slay the unfortunate Caerhan when it took him as a threat to the shrine. A character who touches the altar willingly must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by a spirit loyal to That-Which-Endures. While charmed in this way, the character must use its action each turn to attack any creature defiling the shrine. This effect lasts for as long as the affected creature remains in this area. but the compulsion also prevents the creature from leaving the shrine. Sergeant Teeshe. The City Watch officer is under the sway of a possessing spirit from the altar, as noted above. She attacks any creatures that appear to be a threat to the shrine, but a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check allows a character to see the unfocused look in her eyes, as if she's not in control of her actions. If she can be removed from this area, the altar's power over her ends, and Teeshe comes back to her right mind. If the characters save her, the sergeant offers a potion of healing in thanks. She doesn't remember what happened to her after entering the tunnels with Constable Boot, and is keen to accompany the characters back out. Development. 1f a character tries to identify the runes on the altar, a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check determines only that they are connected to no known deity, but that their symbology associates them with the power of destruction and ruin. The magic of the altar and the gearwork maul is faltering, but would once have been capable of destroying even powerful magic items. Any character who succeeds on the above check or on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to study the destruction here determines that a powerful pulse of magical power centered in this area is likely what caused the earthquake. The character also intuits that with the shrine's destructive magic curtailed by the earthquake, it is no longer a threat. The Orrery. The Orrery of the Wanderer is a powerfu I magic artifact, detailed in appendix D. In its present state, the orrery has been battered by the entropy guardian, though its six-sided form remains intact. Its side plating is mostly missing, but can be collected from the floor nearby. If characters replace any of the shattered side plating. it magically reattaches itself. More oddly, if CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER

the characters don't replace the plating, it begins to regrow, even as the orrery housing magically straightens itself out. Within a few days, the orrery housing is a pristine. golden six-sided device with a circular hole in each face. The setup of gears and attachments within the orrery makes it clear that six round components are meant to be placed into the device. Characters will not recall seeing any such devices in the shrine of destruction. EXITI NG THE FISSURE With Sergeant Teeshe saved (or with her body in tow and a convenient cover story), the characters can make their way back to the sinkhole. If they left any dangers behind them on their initial pass, those dangers reemerge on the trip back-and will prevent them from fulfilling their contract if not eliminated. When the characters climb out of the sinkhole, Captain Truff is waiting for them alone, and is pleased to see them. She's even more pleased if the characters rescued Sergeant Teeshe. Truff asks the characters to sign an affidavit confirming that they've completely investigated and cleared the passages beyond the fissure. If the characters lie about the success of their mission, they risk a fine, imprisonment, or both. The characters must also agree to have all the goods they found beneath the city inventoried. lf anyone later claims to be the rightful owner of any of the loot, a magistrate might rule that the goods belong to the original owner instead of the characters. Who knew adventuring required so much paperwork? DOCK WARD AMBUSH While the NPCs and characters are going over their bookkeeping, a group of villains working for the Xanathar Guild tries to take any treasure the party pulled out of the tunnels. The group consists of a thug called Stork leading three bandits. Stork believes she has the advantage over the party members, who are probably coming out of the tunnels bruised and bloodied. Plus, she's already bribed the two City Watch guards, Orvis Torval and Rosko Bos h, to "take a walk," so neither is on hand during the attack. Captain Truff fights alongside the characters, as do Gorkoh and Sergeant Teeshe if the characters rescued them. Otis Adalgrim might show up too. either during or after the fight. CONCLUSION With this first episode completed, the characters attain 2nd level! But even as they get to bask in the warm glow of that achievement, they must return to Acquisitions Incorporated co report. Omin Oran is there to meet with them when they do. If the characters were successful and dealt with Captain Truff in good faith, Omin gives them the promised reward of 400 gp for the group (500 gp minus the Acquisitions Incorporated fee). If the characters were only partly successful, adjust Omin's reaction and what follows as necessary. Having since learned about the initial mistaken identity when he met the characters, Omin is even more CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRt:RY Of THE WANDERER impressed by their success. Or he might be in the mood to demand favors from them if things didn't go entirely as planned (because that kind of mess makes the whole company look bad). Either way, read: "I've been told about the misunderstanding regarding your identities. I can't say much for your relative inexperience and lack of skill. But it looks as though you've got enough moxie to cover for that. And a willingness to do what it takes to get ahead. Those are traits we hold in high regard here at Acquisitions Incorporated.'' Omin pulls a map from a satchel and places it on the conference room's oak table. "You know the town of Phandalin? Just off the Tri boar Trail? A few months back, we awarded a group a franchise there. We received word that they were taking control of some ruined estate for their headquarters, and everything seemed to be going well. Only they missed this month's franchise payment, and their secretarian isn't answering any calls." Omin snaps his fingers, and a paper, a pen, and an ink pot leap from his satchel. "This note gives you the right to travel to Phandalin and investigate the franchise there on my behalf. If you find the franchise in poor standing or otherwise in distress, I want a full report. And depending on how badly the last group botched things, I might look to you to take over. A failed franchise makes the whole company look bad. I'm sure you understand." Omin then levels a hard stare. "I want you to appreciate what an incredible opportunity this is for you. You're skipping countless steps in the normal franchise process. No internships. No tests. It's unheard of. But I believe in you." As before. Omin Oran is a busy CEO. and doesn't have time for a lot of questions. If the characters discuss finding the mysterious orrery housing, he tells them to make researching the relic part of their mission. With the characters all newly minted. official Acquisitions Incorporated employees, Omin trusts that they'll know what to do. FRANCHISE DOWNTIME Once the characters formally establish their franchise at the end of episode 2. downtime activities and franchise tasks will play a bigger role in the adventure. For now, though, encouraging the players to engage in downtime activities before heading off for Phandalin can help them get comfortable with the idea of dedicating nonadventuring time to personal and business development. A few possible downtime activities are suggested below, but the party's downtime escapades can include anything that you and the players come up with. T HE 0RRERY Learning more about the mysterious orrery could be undertaken as basic research, which might lead later to

a more thorough investigation with the scrutineering activity (see "Franchise Tasks and Downtime" in chapter 2). Whatever approach the characters take. remember that learning the full scope of the orrery's history. the secrets of its creator, and the range of its powers is the goal of the whole campaign. Whatever small bits of information can be revealed at the outset should hint at even more that remains to be discovered. DRAGONSJTTINC If the players helped Dabshabah, they might want to check up on the wyrmling. Helping her fully heal up and regain the use of her fire breath and sleep breath might require research or a customized use of the recuperating downtime activity (both from the Player's Handbook.) If the characters want to arrange for someone else to watch over the young dragon. finding a suitable guardian might require research. Or the characters might decide to sow positive rumors in the area where the dragon wants to settle (using the sowing rumors activity from the Dungeon Master's Guide), hoping to get the locals used to the idea. ALTARED STATES Characters interested in the strange altar under Waterdeep can undertake research to study its mysterious runes, which can lead to information regarding ThatWhich-Endures (see the sidebar in the "New Race: Verdan" section in chapter 3.) Gorkoh the goblin might assist with this task if the characters keep him around, as a kind of warm-up for the rules for letting NPCs run franchise tasks (which the characters will gain access to at the end of episode 2). lo the long term, Gorkoh could take the lead in the scrutineering activity to research the shrine, or set up a shady business practice to restore part of the altar's power and arrange clandestine tours into the caverns by those who want other dangerous relics destroyed. See "Franchise Tasks and Downtime" in chapter 2 for more information on those new activities. CONTINUI NG THE A DVENTU RE With contracts in hand and downtime done, the characters can make the trek from Waterdeep to Phandalin. Episode 2 of this adventure details that trip and the new mysteries the characters encounter as they arrive in town, attempt to sort out what happened to the previous franchise- and start to build their own franchise as the newest members of Acquisitions Incorporated! EPISODE 2: FUN I N PHAN DALIN In episode 2, Om in Dran sends the adventurers (now 2nd level) to Phandalin to lea rn the fate of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise that opened there a few months earlier but has recently gone dark. After overcoming hazards on the road, the characters enter the town. There, they learn that the franchise had signed an agreement to purchase the oft-ruined Tresendar Manor, a small estate on the outskirts of town. However, something catastrophic occurred at the manor recently, and no one in town has seen any of the occupants since. While in Phandalin. the adventurers have the opportunity to interact with the townsfolk, possibly becoming involved in smal l-town dramas-including a mayoral election. Those events could have a significant impact on the franchise the characters will establish at the end of this episode. At the ruins ofTresendar Manor, the characters find clues about what caused the destruction. They locate one of the two surviving members of the previous franchise, the half-ore majordomo Gildha Duhn. Gildha provides details about the attack and the apparent goal of those who struck the manor- retrieving a mysterious magic clockwork device that the characters recognize as part of the magic orrery found under Waterdeep. Investigating where the attackers slipped into the manor's basem*nt and dungeon, the characters discover signs of recent rituals tapping into the power of the Far Realmand take on the monsters the attackers left behind. After dealing with the threats in the dungeon. the characters run into operatives from Oran Enterprises who have been sent to take control of the site. With the imminent dangers in and around Phandalin neutralized, the characters are rewarded by Head Office with the license to take over the failed Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. From there, they are set to investigate who was behind the attack on Acq Inc, and what connection the mysterious orrery might have to this new threat. LAYERS OF VILLAINY Although the characters have no way to discover this fact at present, the attack on Tresendar Manor was carried out by operatives working for the Six. That dark cabal of dark individuals wants to bring dark forces into the world- and its members have a specific motive of wanting to destroy Acquisitions Incorporated in the process. However, most of the agents involved in the attack had no idea they were working for the Six. All were hired individually and clandestinely by one of its members- the goblin Splugoth the Returned, who made no mention of his identity or allegiance. The appearance of Oran Enterprises at the end of this episode is meant very much to imply that the organization was involved in the attack-and to distract the characters and the players alike from speculating on what other nefarious operators might be involved. The plots of the Six are revealed over the course of the adventure. More information on the Six, Splugoth, and Oran Enterprises can be found in "Factions and Rivals" in chapter 3. and in appendix 8. TRAVELING TO PHANDALIN The trek from Waterdeep to Phandalin requires the adventurers to travel north on the High Road, then head east along the Triboar Trail before taking the track south into town. Walking at a normal pace. it takes about 6 days to travel from Waterdeep to the head of the Triboar Trail, I day to hike along the Triboar Trail to the track to Phandalin. then another 4 hours to reach the town. C HAPTER 4 I THI:: O RRERY OF T HE WANDE RER

OVERLAND ADVENTURING This first part of the episode features three encounters covering the journey from Waterdeep to Phandalin, all of wh ich offer connections lo the rest of the adventure. If you want your campaign to move at a quick pace, run only these encounters. In doing so, you don't have to worry about random encounters and setting up details of the journey such as who keeps watch when the characters camp. If you prefer to emphasize the dangerous nature of the adventuring life for lower-level characters, random encounters can be used to create additional tension along the road. As characters gain levels and access to diverse powers, random wilderness encounters become less of a threat, so this is a great point in the campaign to use random encounters to challenge the party. When using the Random Encounter table on the facing page, rolJ once for travel during the day and once while the characters arc resting at night. Or if you see an encounter that tickles your fancy, just run it. FREE-MARKET LIZAROFOLK As the party skirts the Mere of Dead Men on the High Road, they come across a lizardfolk being intimidated and harassed by an unscrupulous Zhentarim merchant and his bodyguards. CHAPTER .. I THE ORRERY OF THE \\'A'.'IDERJ.::R T1<E RUINS OF TRESOIDAR MANOR This part of the High Road runs parallel to the Mere of Dead Men, a swamp full of dangers, pestilence, and death. Alongside the road, a lizardfolk is pleading with a male human dressed in black leather. Behind the dark figure, two bugbears stand with their morningstars drawn, staring at the lizardfolk with menace in their eyes. The human shouts loudly enough for you to hear. "Not acceptable! Friends, show this walking fish my displeasure." The lizardfolk starts to argue, saying, "I am not a fish. I am-" But the bugbears interrupt with the hafts of their weapons, knocking the wind out of the lizard folk and driving it to its knees. The poor creature catches sight of your party, looking at all of you with a pleading expression. Rasqel, a Zhentarim-backed merchant (NE male human bandit). entered into a business agreement with this female lizardfolk named Thetsis. who is a leader of her tribe. The two bugbears,Jutt and Meff, act as Rasqel's muscle. De velopment. If the characters attempt to involve themselves in the altercation, Rasqel rudely orders them to go do things that are possible only during one of the

less-restrained services in a temple of Loviatar. lf the characters fail to leave after this warning, Rasqel gives them an ultimatum: they can walk away or face the wrath of the Zhentarim. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that Rasqel seems unsure about the bite behind his threat. His little operation is off the books, with no sanction from his superiors in the Black Network. The bugbear bodyguards know this fact too, and because of it, they are less than enthusiastic about working for Rasqel. Tactics. If the characters refuse to back down after the second warning, Rasqel orders the bugbears to attack while he hangs back. T hey obey reluctantly, but if it becomes clear that their lives are in danger at any point. or if the characters offer 10 gp or more to each of them. they walk away and leave their boss to his fate. Rasqel, who is indebted to bad people, fights to the death. If the situation looks grim for the adventurers, Thetsis enters the fray. Treasure. The bugbears carry nothing of value. as Rasqel has not paid them in several days. The bandit carries 25 gp in his belt pouch. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS dlO + dlO Encounter 2 Four bullywugs are looking for easy prey, and are quick to mistake the party for such. 3 A unicorn approaches the characters. searching for its fri ends (two satyrs) who became intoxicated and wandered off looking for trouble. 4 Four elf scouts search for an ogre that has been pillaging the area. The elves have lost the trail, but they warn the characters about the giant. 5 Four adult myconids hide among a patch of giant mushrooms. They are looking for two myco· nid sprouts that wandered too close to the trail. 6 Two satyrs (see above) stalk the party while intoxicated, looking to play pranks on travelers. 7 A swarm of ravens harasses the party. If offered food, the ravens never let the characters alone. 8 Six goblins demand a 10 gp toll. If Gorkoh is present, the adventurers might be able to talk the goblins out of a fight. 9-11 No encounter 12 Twenty-year-old young lovers Bertice (half-elf commoner) and Grovel (human commoner) are traveling from Phandalin to Waterdeep to start a life together. See Edermath Orchard in "Loca13 14 tions in Phandalin" later in this episode. Two giant wasps dart from the woods, looking fo r a little fresh meat. Four boars cross the path. The largest one has a gold necklace worth 50 gp wedged in its mouth, dangling from one tusk. 15 Two dire wolves chase eight pilgrims (commoners). If the adventurers drive the wolves off, the pilgrims offer 10 gp as thanks. Franchise Opportunity. If the characters aid her, Thetsis shares the story of her business arrangement with Rasqel. The bandit originally worked a fair deal with Thetsis and her lizardfolk tribe. whose members grow and harvest a nutrient-rich algae that is also a key ingredient for creating potions of water breathing. After earning the tribe's trust, Rasqel altered the terms of the deal in stages, starting by offering less money in a "slow market," then taking the algae with a promise to pay later. saying his cash flow was poor. When the lizard folk began to balk at this arrangement, Rasqel threatened to send mercenaries to their home deep in the Mere of Dead Men, promising to destroy the tribe unless the lizardfolk worked for free. That threat was the cause of the altercation the characters witnessed. The characters might easily recognize that this situation is a prime business opportunity. If not. suggest that realization to a character with a merchant-related background, or one who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check. Thetsis carries algae that she's willing to sell for 50 gp, but which is worth 100 gp in Waterdeep. More importantly, any character with herbalist or alchemist experience realizes dlO + dlO 16 17 18 19 20 Encounter A locked box sits on the side of the road, having fallen off a wagon. A successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves' tools unlocks the box, inside which are five vials of holy water and five vials of antitoxin. Smashing the box open works automatically but breaks ldlO vials. Two draft horses run free along the road. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check can claim them. A swarm of poisonous snakes has formed in the road. A successful DC 15 group Dexterity (Stealth) check allows the party to avoid the swarm. Otherwise, the swarm attacks. An archmage named Guthildi gathers spell components in the forest off the road. If the adventurers treat the eccentric spellcaster well, she shares food and drink with them. If they treat her poorly, she teaches them a nonlethal lesson. Kofutacti, a young green dragon, is touring the Sword Coast looking for trouble (see the "Life in Waterdeep" sidebar in episode 1). Thankfully for the characters, the dragon is a cowardly sort that prefers intimidation to combat, and which backs away from most fights. Kofutacti is the dragon who hunted Dabshabah in episode 1, which could be interesting if the brass wyrmling is with the party, or if the green dragon catches her scent on one of the characters if they've been in recent contact with her. CHAPTER 4 I THE ORRERY OF THE WANDERER

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