Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

on Col. will Col. ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Abilene, Texas, Thursday Evening, December 6, 1956 as- ship in the in the the set in jury the at of at ned is must as my of Parade, Air Show Due at Dyess Rite Fifteen hundred men of Dyess, Air Force Base here will parade Saturday in the review scheduled during memorialization ceresi monies honoring the of Abilene's Strategic Air Command installation in the name of Lt. Col. William E.

Dyess of Albany, Events for Saturday include an open house, parade and review. static aircraft and maintenance equipment display, air show, and luncheon for honored guests. The main gate of the base will be open to the public from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, with the static display of aircraft on the line the display of maintenance personal equipment in and, the north hangar being available for inspection by visitors from the opening of the main gate to the closing time at 4 p.m.

Formal activities will begin with the parade and review which is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Included in the parade will be CITY (Continued from Pg, 1-A) the proposed area, long-time Abilene civie leader and business man and a leader in the incorporation move, was to have given a statement of his position on the matter for publication Thursday morning. However, he had to go to Snyder before the reporter called his office, but his son. Ed Stewart said he would be back in town by mid-afternoon Thursday.

City Manager Austin P. Hanco*ck said Wednesday night that he believed there was some agreement with WTUC but couldn't recall the details. He said his recollection is that at the time of the proposal other developers were being paid rebates on their water and sewer lines al the rate of 50 per cent of the revenue from the lines with a maximum ultimate pay-back of 90 per cent. of the cost of the installations. jeeps, trucks, fire engines, Coleman tractors, refueling units and other motorized equipment, as well the Air Police Sentry Dog Unit as stationed at the base.

Music for the parade will be provided by the Women's Air Force Band from Lackland AFB. Judge and Mrs. Richard Dyess of Albany, parents of Col. Dyess. be the reviewing will stand with other members of the Dyess family Others in the reviewing party will be Brig.

Gen. Charles B. West-1 lover, 819th Air Division Commander: Col. Louis A. Rochez IlL.

Dyess AFB commander; Frank P. Sturdivant, 341st Bomb Wing Commander: and Harry 0. Fischer of Fort Worth, district engineer for the U. S. Corps of Engineers.

Maj. Gen. Jacob E. Smart. sistant vice chief of staff.

USAF. will be the principal speaker at the ceremonies. He be intro-1 duced by Congressmen Omar Burleson of Anson and will discuss the significance of naming the base in honor of Col. Dyess. Invitations to attend the Saturday ceremonies have been sent congressional, state, military and civilian officials.

Among those who have accepted are State Rep. Trulitt Latimer. State Sen. David Ratliff of Stamford, Abilene Mayor C. E.

Gatlin, and Morgan Jones president of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce. Invitations also have been extended to close friends and relatives of the Dyess family, the Abilene Chamber of Commerce board of directors and committee heads, city commissioners, presidents of Abilene colleges, district judges. federal judges, National Defense Committee of Abilene and church representatives. Following parade, aerial activities will begin and continue on schedule through 2:45 p.m. The schedule includes: Formation by by 9 B-47s at ATO takeoff of one B-47 at 11:30: aerial refueling of 3 B-47s by 3 at KC-975 landing by 3 B-47s at 12:40: landings by 3 B-47s at land- IF ABILENE REFUSES New Water District Might Supply Lytle If the Lytle Shores area succeed in incorporating as a city and if Abilene were to refuse water service, the new town might be able to buy water from the West Central Texas Municipal Water District.

G. Bert Smith special attorney for the City of Abilene, said this would depend upon the decision of the district's board of directors. He gave a run-down on the po6sibility when asked by a reporter. Section 17 of the legislative act creating the water district gave it authority to enter into contracts with cities and others for supplying water to them, Smith said. It wouldn't be necessary to be.

come a member of the district in order to buy the water, but it would be up to the board whether it granted water to anybody outside its own members, Smith explained. The proposed new municipality might even join the water district, if the district directors and the State Board of Water Engineers decided such annexation to be in the best interest if the Lytle Shores area and of the water district, Smith related. A resolution was to be considered Thursday afternoon by the City Commission restricting the city from making any direct water or sewer connections to customers within any incorporated municipality outside the city limits of Abilene. It would also state that the city would serve any incorporated municipality outside Abilene only with such service as the commission specifically authorizes under contract with the said municipality and only under such terms and conditions as may appear to be for the best interest of Smith outlined the procedure for annexing territory to West Central Texas Municipal Water District, He referred to Section 5 of the legislative act which created the district. A petition would have to be filed by the people in the territory asking the district board of directors for annexation.

If the board decides such a merger i is for the best interest of the proposed new territory and district, it requests the State Board of Water Engineers to make the annexation, Then the State Board of Water Engineers holds a hearing on the annexation proposal, and if con- Brother of Three Abilenians Dies Funeral for Mercer E. Cochran, 71, brother of three Abilenians. was held Wednesday in Tishomingo, Okla, Mr. Cochran died Monday morning in Tishomingo. Burial was in that city, A former resident of Stanton, Mr.

Cochran WAS 8 farmer in Oklahoma. He was the brother of T. C. Cochran, 1802 Swenson, Mrs. C.

J. Kitts, 1702 Orange and Mrs. Emma E. Stoneberg, 2910 Beech St Testimony In Parr Trial Concludes HOUSTON, Dec. 6 UP Testi- mony in the 29-day-old George Parr mail fraud trial was concluded Wednesday and Federal Judge Allen B.

Hannay ordered the jury to report back at 11 a.m. Thursday, Final arguments are expected to begin Thursday afternoon, Attorneys for Parr, eight of his Duval County associates and two old state banks at Alice and San Diego filed a motion asking that Hannay submit his charge in writ- Hannay took no action on the motion but scheduled a conterence with attorneys to discuss his Parr and the co-defendants were named in a 20-count federal indietment for mail fraud and mail fraud conspiracy. The government contends over $200.000 Bena- vides school district funds was diverted to personal use. Percy Foreman, chief counsel for the defendants, closed his case at 3.25 p.m. U.

S. Atty. Malcolm Wilkey offered no rebuttal witnesses but read into the record excerpts from the record of the grand jury which returned the March 6 indictment. ON TRIAL FOR BURGLARY Youth 'Casing Joint' When Caught, Shot by Owner "I couldn't do anything else' but shoot John Allen, 20, of 718 Chestnut "if I kept him" following a burglary at a salvage yard here, owner Joe Bradley testified Thursday Allen, who lost a leg as a result of the shooting, admitted entering the salvage yard to "case the joint" as a prelude to returning to the place with a companion, Leonlard Duff. Testimony was concluded in 104th District Court Thursday morning at Allen's trial on 1 charge of burglary.

Allen took the stand Thursday morning the only defense wit- He said he and his friend plan- the burglary while "riding around" the evening of Feb. 23. "We decided we would gO down to this junk yard," he said. was supposed to gO over (the fencer and see 1 could get in' if the building The door to the salvage. yard building was just "barely cracked.

pushed the door open and went in and looked around and went back out. Bradley had earlier testified that Allen walked about 15 feet and looked into a truck bed and was returning to the building a second time accosted. Mystery Shopper Awards Climb to $727; Clue Given rectly identifying the "Chamber Commerce Mystery Shopper" totaled $727.05 Thursday. Nine new firms began parti- Awards to go to the person cor- cipating in the program. with Chamber of Commerce urging that all its member firms join the con- New participants and the prizes they will give include: Ray Drug, Company, Christmas set valued $5: Nick Craing Drug at S.

7th and Leggett, stainless steel dinnerware valued at $15; Nick Crain Drug at 8th and Hickory, hot pot valued at $11, George Shahan Pharmacy, merchandise certificate valued $5. Leddy Boot Shop, hand stamped billfold valued at $8.25: Marcus, gift certificate valued at $5: W. T. Grant Company, cou- Allen said he had just stepped from the building. Allen said Bradley "told me to go back into the building and he got the shotgun.

Then he marched me down to the (service) station" at S. 11th St. and Treadaway Blvd. Allen said after getting to the station "I ran out the door. If he South Junior Burglarized; Nothing Gone South Junior High School, 1741 S.

14th was burglarized Wednesday night, but nothing is believed to have been stolen, Police Detective J. R. Solomon said Thursday. An attempt was made to burglarize Kelly Automotive Repair 850 Walnut but it isn't known whether entry actually was gained, Solomon reported. The burglar got into the school through a window in the counselor's office, the detective said.

No sign was found of a forced entry, and the window was unlocked when police investigators got there. Two vending machines containing fountain pens and pencils were broken into at the school, but Solomon said school authorities believe nothing was taken out of them. Some desk drawers in the principal's office were prowled. There was no damage to the school building or furniture, Solomon said. Investigating that burglary were Solomon, Capt.

C. Z. Hallmark and Lt. Grover Chronister. Policement Bearden and Campbell discovered the attempted breakin at the Kelly Automotive Repair Service at 4 a.m.

Thursday when making their rounds. A lock had been twisted off the front door and was missing. There were visible signs of an attempt to force entry. M. W.

Kelly, owner, was called and checked the place over, reporting that nothing inside the building seemed to have been bothered. Solomon said. Capt. Warren Dodson investigated that incident. (Bradley) hollered I didn't hear him when he hollered.

Allen said he got about 15 or 20, feet before the first blast from the shotgun him. He kept running and was hit a second time, he said. Allen was taken to a hospital here and several days later lost his left leg by amputation as the result of gangrene caused by the shotgun pellets. While going to the station, Bradley said, the youth pleaded with him: "Don't turn me in. I just got out." Allen later said he had served about 20 mouths in the state prisca for burglary and had been released shortly before he was shot.

Bradley said he had been standling guard in the salvage yard for a week or 10 days prior to the shooting. It had been burglarized before, he said. Final arguments to the jury by attorneys was scheduled Thursday afternoon following a lunch recess. District Attorney Tom Todd directed the prosecution. James K.

Graham was attorney for Allen. Japan's Itsuku Island, sacred to Shintoism, has no wheeled vehicles. Suez Blockade Due To Raise Demand For Domestic Crude ings by B-478 at 1: landing try 2 B-47s at 1:10: landings by 3 KC- 975 at fly-by of B-47 at fly of 4 F-84s at fly-by of F-1008 at 1:50: fly-by of a B-32. giant bomber of and performance by the Colorado Air National Guard "Minute Men." a quartet of flyers doing maneuvers in F-80 Shooting Star jets at 2:30 p.m. Through the day.

the Officers' and NCO Wives Clubs will handle refreshment stands serving coffee, hot dogs, sandwiches and soft drinks the static aircraft display area. Included static aircraft display will be a C-142, a C-119. two B-475, 2 KC-97s. one F-86, and one F-84 And Fire Department Crash Station on the line will be open to visitors, along with the Base Op- at erations Building. A luncheon for honored guests will be served in the Officers' Club at noon.

12 During the luncheon. Judge and Mrs. Dyess will present a portrait of Col. Dyess to the base, with Gen. Westover accepttoling the gift.

The portrait will be unveiled by Joan Spieler of 2101 Jeanette St who created it for the occasion. Special brochures giving a brief biography of Col. Dyess have been prepared for presentation to all visitors at the base during the day. CLINTON (Continued from Pg. 1-A) and charged with contempt as he circulated anti-integration handbills while the hearing was in progress.

The handbill read: "When good Christian people are arrested like they were in Clinton yesterday, we have a Hungarian situation here at A bannerline at the top of the circular proclaimed: Coming Red Dictator- Diehl has been closely associated with segregationist John Kasper who was sentenced by Judge Taylor to a year in prison for! violating the same injunction last August. He post $10,000 bond and is appealing. There was a report that steps have been taken to see if the bond against Kasper can be revoked. U. S.

Dist. Atty. John C. Crawford, asked about this, said "No Six of those arrested were ar raigned last night. Included was W.

H. Till, chairman of the prosegregation White Citizens Council, All denied the charges. The Anderson County School Board. which had ordered school closed Tuesday "until further notice." decided after the 15 arrests last night to reopen the school next Monday if possible. A GENTLEMAN'S CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS vinced after the hearing that the move is a wise one for all concerned, it calls an election among the people in the area proposed for annexing.

IL a majority of the resident qualified voters in the area vote for the merger, the state board then orders it done. The Cities of Abilene, Albany, Anson and Breckenridge are the present members of West Central Texas Municipal Water District. Plans are being made to build a huge water reservoir on Hubbard Creek in Stephens County to supply water to all four member cities. Gifts he will relax in, use, and enjoy long after the last bit of tinsel has been put away. Chico- Moc, Lambswoollined, hand.

laced. In Harvest Tan. $6.95 Evans Feather-lyte, hard sole. Ginger, Tan, or Burgundy with plaid lining. $5.95 Esquire Footman: brushes, daubers, shine cloths, polishes.

$5.95 Come in, phone, or mail your order. If you can't decide, give a Gift Certificate so he can make his own choice. Clothiers 158 Pine River Ocks Downtown Suburban WASHINGTON -The Suez Canal blockade is expected to increase demand for domestic crude oil by 690,000 barrels a day during December, the Bureau of Mines said Wednesday, The bureau predicted that market demand for domestic crude oil this month would be 7,725,000 barrels daily, compared with 7.035,000 forecast for November. "The large increase indicated in the demand," the monthly forecast said, "is a preliminary estimate of what can be done by increased production and withdrawals from stocks to replace imports of Middle East oil and to provide United States oil for Western ing. charge.

ness. pon book valued at $10; West Texas Utilities Company, Casco steam iron valued at Direct Sales Company, deep fat fryer valued at $40. To date a total of 51 firms are participating in the contest. Thursday's clue to the identity of the "Mystery Shopper" is: Add the numbers five and 11, Take times four. then plus seven.

By all this, his height we remit, All on a frame that's physically fit Know who it is? All identificamade tions be by showing al sales slip dated for that day from any of the retail stores participating in the contest and by saying: "Here sales slip. Are you the 'Chamber Commerce Mystery Register Every Day This Week for the 9 Day Trip for 2 FREE To Paris, Be to Given France Away Saturday, Dec. 8th ALSO 3 Bicycles to be given every Saturday Nothing to buy Anyone can register. You don't have to be present to win. REGISTER EACH WEEK FOR WEEKLY PRIZES River Oaks Village Free Shopping Center Parking Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Weekdays 9-9 Thursdays. Dress Him You Can't Afford Not To ounge in style Sleep in comfort CO companion Robe Pajama sets TO CAN Styled expressly for Clothiers. by What could be a more perfect gift than hours of comfort and hours of handsome comfort at that. These pajama and robe sets are the ultimate in luxurious fabric and fine tailoring. The robes are roomy across the shoulders for plenty of comfort and have deep pockets.

The pajamas are styled with an elastic waistband that G-1-V-E-S as one breathes. in Handsome Silver Gift Box SIZES A-B-C-D GREY, BEIGE, BLUE, BROWN $1995 if he's hard to fit and hard to please then give him our attractive gift certificate each within a handsome cover which entitles him to select his own gift. Use Our CBA Nothing down 0 Clothiers 6 months to pay Gift certificate Canted bu you to god, ation al me a 58Q Clothiers Store Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 downtown 9:00 to 6:00 River Oaks 158 Pine River Oaks Open 'til 9:00 Thursday in River Oaks Downtown Suburban 5 Men Processed For Army Service Five men were processed Thurs. day through the U. S.

Army Recruiting Main Station here. They were to leave at 1:35 p.m. Thursday by train for Fort Bliss near El Paso. The men were Isaac Doss Trimble of Jasper, Bobby Wayne Perry and William Cathey 01 Fort Worth, Eddie Spradley Duane, of Evant and George Wayne Collins of Gatesville. test..

Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.